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2.8k · Sep 2013
The Trees by Rush
kt Sep 2013
Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson

The Trees
There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.
The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced the're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade?
There is trouble in the Forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the Maples scream 'Oppression!'
And the Oaks, just shake their heads
So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
'These oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light.'
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet,
And saw.
by Rush
2.3k · Aug 2014
kt Aug 2014
Twinkle twinkle
Star above
Your star shined so brightly
beyond and above

Twinkle twinkle
Star above
I've never seen such glitter
with such a tither.

With such great beauty
above this beauty

One day your here
The next your there.

Twinkle twinkle
You sneeky star
I seen you move!
I seen you move!
With such great speed!
l seen you move!

Awe you where just a satalite?
Or maybe
just a delight!

Thanks for your twinkles!
Thanks for your lights!
Twinkles where great!
Twinkles where nice!
1.6k · Nov 2013
Joni Michell
kt Nov 2013
We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Joni Mitchell
November 7, 1943: Happy 70th birthday, Joni Mitchell! The Canadian singer songwriter had polio as a child—the illness weakened her left hand, which made many traditional guitar fingerings difficult to execute. It led Mitchell to develop her own signature tunings.
1.3k · Sep 2013
The Queen by Pablo Neruda
kt Sep 2013
I have named you queen.
There are taller ones than you, taller.
There are purer ones than you, purer.
There are lovelier than you, lovelier.

But you are the queen.

When you go through the streets
no one recognizes you.
No one sees your crystal crown, no one looks
as the carpet of red gold
that you tread as you pass,
the nonexistent carpet.

And when you appear
all the rivers sound
in my body, bells
shake the sky,
and a hymn fills the world.

Only you and I,
only you and I, my love,
listen to it.
by Pablo Neruda (a man of with an art *******)
1.2k · Dec 2014
kt Dec 2014
I'm the riddler whithout a fiddler
what a joker with out a poker.
1.0k · Nov 2013
By Longfellow
kt Nov 2013
Silently one by one,
in the infinite meadows of
blossomed the lovely stars,
the forget-me-nots
of the angels
943 · Sep 2013
Unconditional Love
kt Sep 2013
I am dying, withering away.
From the time I was thought of.
To the dust of this earth I go.
I see it clearer and clearer,
By each hour of each day.

If my life could change,
For what I crave most.
A gentle caring hand,
To guide me,
To hold me,
To love me.

A kind loving heart,
Full of our passions,
Knowingness of our oneness.

The knowingness.

As I feel his arms holding me,  
The sense of safety,
Surrounds me,
From the awful storms.

Unconditional love,
For me,
As I for him.

But this is just a dream,
As I awake once more,
Reality has,
once again,
set in.
888 · Aug 2013
kt Aug 2013
I am moved by your music
of your heart,
the precious beats shiver me like no other.

It's your lyrics, your love
that haunts me,
and are so unforgettable to my soul.

if by fate we meet,
and you doubt,
that is fine.

For you have brought beauty,
passion, and unforgettable love to my heart.

Your words have been brought to me on angel wings.
And this I thank you.
831 · Jan 2015
Sir Tigger Tiger Tommy
kt Jan 2015
Your missed my pet,
I love'd you the most.
Not a complaint
from the man with the most!

You were such a dear
I have no portrait to sit near.
l miss you my dear.

I am so sorry
this place was not for you
nor for me.

I hope your well
With some gal!
Handsome and slilkly shining and well
like you used to do, just for me,
when l'd come home
and there you'd be.

You little man
great joy you brought.
Now there's no movement
within your spot.

Oh Boy l miss you so
Please forgive me
and be well pleased
where you are..
sitting with your next queen bee.
750 · Aug 2013
kt Aug 2013
It is said,
Love is thy greatest gift?

I have found a love...
In this life to love...

Life is too short,
Too short to be alone...

I want to give my love,
To the one I love.

Isn't it said
Love is thy greatest gift?
665 · Aug 2013
Unforgiving World
kt Aug 2013
People have regrets,
Yet no one forgets.

Some learn,
Some don't.
Some yearn,
Some won't.

Trails are life,
That is life.

Stronge are some,
Some are weak.

I changed my ways,
Not noticed anyway.

So Judge me not,
But believe in me first.

I have seen, been,
And become clean.

Please do not wonder,
Why things happen,
To all us people,
All forgotten.

607 · Mar 2015
spirit broken
kt Mar 2015
As l look out upon this treached drench ****** land in it's mist of concedences and irony. It's made me turn hard. I have now turned into such a god dam ***** in which makes me the wicked witch!

l was gentle, kind,  and sweet as sweet ....never swore but then l had to become a *****. Just to get by you see. Didn't do it much, but l had the touch.
l was so soft, my hair a flowing, little tittties  were just right!

Now, from all the worries of the pushy thoughts of jesus and the devil. This all has put too much stress upon me. I feel sick to my stomach and this is just not me?
This has broke My spirit. I have now become aesthetically ugly, even for me.

I laugh hard sometimes at these two so called spirtual men? lol! Fighting over me?? "Over little old me?" I laugh quite strongly and hard at times.
Please with much tirenery..l'm not impressed... you've put me under a lot distress. Too much. I say! So get away!
These men of old days..

My spirit is best,
I just need to rest.
l've been through a ruff time
You having helped.

So please leave me alone!
All of you old men spirits good and bad!
I will decide things for me.
Your not jus talking to any Venus Goddess.
My power is all l need.
564 · Aug 2013
No Place on Earth
kt Aug 2013
While in the tub, I began to rub.
Little by little,
Bit by bit,
I  drift to a place..
not just any place.
No place on earth, not with this hearth
Serenity is there, that is where
There is a pond.. not just any pond
The water so fine, it's just so divine.
Colors so green, what a dream...
Everywhere a flower, which gives me such power.
Fairy’s are there , with such big ears.
With their wings in a flutter, but not in a tutter.
They sparkle and dance , like in a trace.
A place for me
Not just any queen bee!  
542 · Aug 2014
kt Aug 2014
Wings so black
That shine like
The moon at midnight

Your wings once white
And now so black
Old souls you are
Great wisdom within

Oh ravens so strong
You heard my cry
You taught me
Eloquence and wise

Such a great gifts
All you birds!
538 · Sep 2013
True Love
kt Sep 2013
Where is my true love,
My love that whispers in my ear
The sweet nothings
Which send sparkles within every part of my being...

My true love.
A love larger than the oceans,
Brighter than the stars,
And yet it goes much father beyond...

Our love.
Between two souls,
As of once before.
Our souls, our hearts,
Our every beings,
Together, together
Once again.

In your arms so strong
So close to one another.
I can hear each beat of your heart,
As we find our tranquillity
From times of past.

Each day that passes
My heart aches,
As l lose a piece of myself.
And farther and farther
Into the darkness I go.
As I lay awake waiting.
536 · Nov 2013
A quote:
kt Nov 2013
Reputation is what other people know about you....
Honour is what you know about yourself.
Lois McMaster Bujold
477 · Jun 2015
Haiku poem
kt Jun 2015
The sparrow
Eyes Deep
  A radiantly sparkle
Softly chirps sweet
Feathers softly sweep
one feather by one open.
472 · Sep 2014
My love?
kt Sep 2014
Yor lips
As soft
Like a drop
Of dew
Off a leaf
During the morning haze.

So soft
Yet so chemicaled?

Your hair
The color of a wheat field
Shines so brightly
Yet so dim.

Your voice so soft and sensual
Brings me to newer heights with each day that passes

But when you come home and your voice is dry and raspy
Could this be
You building hallways are so filthy
The dust particles come from with in you?

Your skin..mmm
Your skin my dear,
So fresh and scented as the ***** water
Which flows from the ***** pipes of your building?

Your hair teases me from the scent
Of the ***** city air
And the dust particles
From the enviromental planetary

It entangles the sences of my nose!
Oh how sweet your purfume!

Your hands so soft
With dense lines on your nails..

Why is this so?

Could it be?
Could it be dear love?
You work too much
With your delicate dainty hands?


Is it the cheap chemicals
That must be!

Or just malnutrition?

Maybe its just me.
465 · Dec 2014
The Day...
kt Dec 2014
I had a dream
just between me.
Me on my own
and but not alone.

I found my pace
As I drempt of this place
A fine replace
That had such a grace.

Beside a tree
there was me.
Where it was free
just to be me.

With my cloak at hand
by the old oak on land
l had a joke
for all the folks

With a tear in my eye
not much of a sti
l looked at the sky
to say goodbye

I seen a cloud
It looked like a foul
he was pretty loud
just sitting all proud

His feathers jesting
but not a pesting
Got you guessing
he was just a resting

I then looked over
over my shoulder
to see what was over
just over the boulder.

Over the boulder there was a shoulder
some big man
with quite a big tan

He said, "come here!"
from his beard
With a big tear
He said...

"What are you doing here my dear?"

I said to him...

"sitting with you!
you big galout!
your just my size!
and not too wise!"

I found my friend
behind the bend
What a day
and what a friend.
437 · Aug 2013
My Lover
kt Aug 2013
You have brought me to a place like no other.
My feet are above the earth,
And I rest upon a cloud.

Being near you,
Touching you,
Loving you,
Is ecstasy to me.

I feel your soul whether near or far.
The warmth, the comfort, the love.
Your being.

You fill my senses beyond belief.
I crave you,
I want you,
I need you.
I thought this would never be.

Please do not run and hide,
You would only break my heart.

But stay,
As long as you like.

But one day if you must leave,
Make it quick, and don’t look back.

It’s just easier this way...
425 · Jun 2015
kt Jun 2015
I hate photos
Wether good or bad

Weird things happen I guess
When something's want your soul!

Maybe.. (If)I decide to live
If God forgives
Then I'll have
Quit the book
To write, someday
Of course!
University! It's on the way?!
kt Nov 2013
I may have slept through
the ravashing waters of life.
And I could not stand
steady within them.

But now,
I am alive
and have hope in myself
and can and will
stand steady
within them!
365 · Nov 2014
kt Nov 2014
Oh how things can come back around,
Kinda makes you want to drown.
Keeping jesus within
Gets me to  a grin.
Makes things better
With every letter

Found a friend but not with him
******* up my life
And not just twice
lol what a joke
joke on me
now l'm so broke

Will continue...
363 · Jun 2016
kt Jun 2016
How does religion ruin ones life.  
well I could give a few instances....

Number one rule. Never ever start washing your feet.

— The End —