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Kopter Zero Jul 2014
Well, I can't just
**** myself;
What would
My parents think?!
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Tall trees like antennae
Rattling with lightning
The air thick, viscous, resisting
Walking in these parts
Is never fun
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Trying very hard
Not to over-think
While the lack of action
Brings me to the brink.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
All change is
Miraculous, both
Birth, and
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
Last night, I had a terrible vision.
(Maybe it was something I ate,
something I read, something I felt)
But I saw
Broken bodies lined up in bridges, over
Chasms of fire and molten rock.
I sweltered in the suffocating smoke,
Choked on the overpowering stench, the
Constant groaning and moaning, the
Laments that rend the air, and my heart.
This was not some other world, some
Fictional world, some
Past world.
No, this was the present world,
Collapsed, somehow folded up,
Distilled, only making visible that
Which was hidden.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
A meandering course,
Accumulating, weathering, eroding,
Depositing, overflowing, separating,
Whose end and journey are
Composed of miracles.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Rage, and Fight, and
Bare your feelings, and
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
A time for hope,
A time for despair,
And now, fortunately,
Bed time.
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
If I didn't talk in my sleep,
You'd never have found out.
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
If it's never too late,
Is it sometimes
A little late?

How do you tell
The difference?
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
Take these grains, and
Fling them everywhere.
Ye shall know the world,
And it shall be
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Don't you see ?
I don't want to sleep,
Because I don't
Want to wake up.
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Take my clothes,
Bring me my robes,
It is now time
To go out into the world
Again, to take measure
Of the changes I need to make.
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
How do you live
In a broken world
And not talk about
How broken it is?
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
No more time to stand and stare,
A growing awareness of the wear and tear
Inflicted on my mind and body with each passing day,
I move within the confines of my life,
Sandwiched between the roses and the stone.
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
That's just
(Or worse,
We don't really
(These days)
Do "love" any more.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Judging big and small
Is hard to do.
Would you judge by
Fame or fortune? Or by
Their words and deeds?
And what do you really know
Of the latter?
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
The only thing worse
Than life *******
Is other people
Finding out
Just how much
It *****.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
"Who goes there?"
No one;
It is a dark street,
But feels like green fields.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I'm so tired
Of sabotaging myself;
Everything I seem like
Getting a break,
I'm there to ***** it up for me.
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
What if the gentle change,
Long promised,
Never arrives?
The state of things
Shall then prompt
A less gentle one.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Stop distracting me,
Stop tearing me apart,
Stop holding me down,
Stop ... dissolving me!
You stick to me! Help!
I chop off whatever I can see,
Leaving a few bits here and there,
But it corrodes me still.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
The universe is not without purpose;
There is meaning in every moment.
Reflect on this, and derive from it
Not joy or sadness, but
Right Understanding.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
The mind cannot live for me, that is the mistake I made.
It cannot be easy, because it is not supposed to be.
It cannot be complicated, because it is not supposed to be.
It is supposed to be simple and hard.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
I'm sitting
Here, sipping
My coffee, and
What you're up to.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
The long stretches
When I thought I acted most freely,
Is when I most lacked passion;
For the instant of liberation
Cannot be repeated.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Are we supposed to be happy
Or to do the right thing?
Surely we can do both ...
Which means
Surely I can do better.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Lost in the midst of the daily grind,
One of these days, I'm quite sure
That as I write what's on my mind,
I'll write a poem I've written before
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
Let me climb
The tree, beyond
Where it pierced
Through the clouds.
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
The poem in my dream
Was much better,
But this will
Have to do.
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Two roads diverged in my psychosis.
I took the one well-travelled,
And it has made all the difference.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
in those days
I could not tell
the One
from the
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
What did you find there,
High up on the mountain,
Was it golden treasure?
Or merely corpses?
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Every breath
Is a new opportunity
It's never too late
To save yourself.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Life against death,
Love against life,
The mind against love,
My self against all.
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
Some days are sunshine
Some days are stone
Some days it hurts more,
Right down to the bone.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
Before I woke up,
I was trembling,
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
On the back of the beast,
Being tossed around,
Finding the right moment to strike,
To still it,
To save
My world.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
The cure
Is to remind yourself
That other people exist,
That it is your
View of the
World which is
Warped, and not
Reality itself.
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
I'm tired
I give up
I just wanna
Take that dip now
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I thought I was
Writing a story
About a lost kid,
But really I'm just
Writing along to
Find out
What he does next.
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
Summer days
Summer haze
Eyes ablaze
With a flickering desire.
Kopter Zero Mar 2015
I feel for those who envy;
I envy those who feel.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Open up!
It's for your own good!
Don't you see, you've locked
Yourself up within your own
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
People think they're talking to me
And getting through
And making sense.
How funny!
Even I can't always talk to me ...
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
A great wind, like a sandstorm,
Blows through my life,
And I try my best
To align with it.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I wanna stop being so
Self-absorbed, but
I keep getting
Stuck, thinking it's
Too late to
Start now. The
Trick is to realize
There's a whole
World out there.
Kopter Zero May 2014
Your words, your thoughts, give them to me,
Lend me some fuel for my bonfire,
I'm looking for the waste of human life;
Show me the vanities you admire.
Kopter Zero May 2014
The veins of a leaf,
The veins of my hand,
Pumping fluid,
Pumping blood,
One moves,
So does the other.
In different ways,
Both are alive.
Kopter Zero May 2014
Out there above the stone wall,
High above the sea,
Sat the cold woman, all alone,
Dressed in her finery.

I drew closer, wary, scared,
I shivered from head to toe.
The air, it was electric,
All those years ago.

I made my way by her glow,
A glow of dull white light.
The stars were out,
As they always were,
But the moon stayed in that night.

I heard her humming,
As I drew close,
A sad and distant song.
"Waiting for you, my darling,
A wait sweet and long."

Then she was gone, and I alone,
In the darkness, wild and free.
As long I live, I shall never forget,
The cold woman, by the sea.
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