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Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Her skin was like the result of a volcano.
It flowed on, and ebbed to the touch.
At any moment I felt it could
Erupt, and destroy me.
I was conscious of vast oceans
Of molten lava beneath,
As if she masked
Shifting tectonic plates below.
Amidst her peaks and valleys,
Glaciers, Wind and Fire,
Pounded material into submission.
To lie next to this
Reservoir of energy, this
Hot and heavy
Heavenly body,
Rotating and Revolving
To its own rhythm,
Was to dance
With life.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Hey you!
In there, in the mirror,
Looking doped and looking sleepy,
I loathe you!

Hey you!
Beginning another dreary day,
With no plan for your escape,
How I loathe you!

Hey you! No feeling, no
Feeling at all ...

Sitting here in my head,
Staring into the wall.
to the tune of ... well, you know.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
He muddles his way
Through all the
She stutters, mutters, and
After a moment,
He spies, shies away, and
She sighs, hides away, and
Kopter Zero May 2014
Out of my way! To the right, to the left,
To the ... oh wait, who are you ?
Let's all snap our fingers, and
Yeah you know you feel it too!
It's this crazy loving feeling,
I just gotta run around,
I just gotta tell everyone,
The devil's coming to town.
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
I shuffled through the long corridor,
Dragging my broken foot behind me,
Illuminated by the flickering lights above.
The scratching and screaming to my right and left,
The moaning down below.
I could not outrun it, this I knew,
But still made some distance
Before the
Was upon me.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Creep upto me,
And give me a hug.

Then disappear again,
If you like,
I promise I won't tell.
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Hungry I am
Hungry for you
Hungry for me
My hunger is yours
Feed it
Feed me
Feed yourself
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
I believe that
You'd believe anything that
I told you,
Except the things that
You don't want to hear.
You like being lied to.
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Skin, green, blue, brown,
Colors of you, of sky, and ground,
Blurring and mixing as we ran around,
Chasing each other in the golden dawn.

Absent then, in my happy state, were
All the thoughts and fears that now abound,
As I lapped the air as a happy dog might,
Having my life's treasure found.

Running, running, wind and grass,
Then we tumbled and rolled around,
Before we settled our quick heartbeats,
And drew each other into the ground.

I panicked, I cannot say why,
And left you lying under the sky,
Searching evermore for the same fields,
Skin, green, blue and brown.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Fingers through your hair,
Digging furrows in your scalp,
With sharp nails,
Pressing down,
You asked for it.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Pouring through a prism,
Into a fresh soul.

Bubbling up,
A moving mist.

The first sights, and
The first sounds.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
She said my sky,
My sky is full of stars.
But look, she said,
I'm looking at them
Through these bars.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Cold waves
Dark clouds
The plants crawling up to me
An island kingdom
Moving rock
Boats setting out to sea
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
I awoke; I had dreamt
That I had lost it.
I looked for it but did not find it.
It was not where I had last placed it.
I diminish every day without it.
If you find it, you may keep it.
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
If you stare hard enough at it
For long enough,
It will give up to you
Its secrets.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
A grand journey it was!
Sledding and running,
Flying and crashing,
Tumbling into and careening off,
Stepping aside and barging in,
Jumping over and crawling through,
Bruised and scarred and cut and scraped,
But loving every moment of it;
Every terrifying and wonderful moment!
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
White light
Shining off the lake
From the moon above.

She stretches out her arms
And raises her gaze skyward.

Stepping one foot into the water,
A low soft long moan.

You tiptoe gingerly forward.

Play of sound, waves.
Play of light, clouds.

You crunch the gravel beneath, echoing.

She stops and turns around.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
After the fireworks faded away,
And the lights in people's houses went out,
The streetlamp gazed on.

In your raggedy clothes or your fine hall,
Beware! The streetlamp sees all.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
That laugh drives me crazy
Revives murderous instincts

One moment I'm happy and placid
The next a crazed killer

Just you wait, honey.
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Great pain can be liberating.
It can lead to the place where
There is no mind,
Where your sense of limits and boundaries
Is dissolved,
And there is a temporary sense of
Freedom from the world.

I have heard that great joy does the same thing,
But I wouldn't know.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
I'm tripping over thoughts and feeling,
Dripping with anxiety and fear,

I'm caught in the mesh of my own mind,
Dropping from a tangle to a trap,

Gotta pull through, cut through,
Break through this accursed wall.

Been a long while since I felt alive;
Feel like I'm living someone else’s life.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Twinking city lights
Moving by faster and faster.
Red white blue yellow.
Streaking by now,
Almost a blur.
Blending into one,
As I crash
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Hear me now.

I say

I want to live.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I walked into a cave,
And I felt as though my fears
Were like living parasites,
Strange biological grafts,
Growing, pulsing, slimy things,
With Gross and hideous shapes.

Yet affixed to my back,
Dug into my very spine,
Like murderous lichen,
Or grotesque gothic primordial ooze.

Rising, Creeping, Slithering,
Wrapping mouths, eyes and tentacles
Around me,
Weighing me down.

These things,
Grafted on to me,
Hissing, belching and moaning,
Daring me to look at them.
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
You sit in the corner,
Holding the lamp,
As we circle around the furniture solemnly
Ingesting our medicated alcohol,
Living our life in the intervals,
Stepping out at the end of the party,
One by one,
Out of our minds,
Into the fire.
Kopter Zero Feb 2015
Somewhere it was
Where I misplaced you.
Now I retrace my steps,
Looking within the
Pools of streetlights,
Hoping I don't need
To look in the dark places.
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Hey what what what are you doing?
Put that effing knife down!
This isn't how it's supposed to end,
This isn't why I came to town!

You wanted to see me, I'm here now,
Instead you just screaming at me, asking how
I'm gonna find all the money to pay you back,
This is out of whack!

My system's compromised, yo!
I'm running on empty,
I got no money for gas,
But I got plenty
Of blood in my veins
And you're gonna see,
I'mma make it rain,
Until I bleed.

And then you'll be stuck,
Look at me while I smile,
Throw your hands up and say, f*%$,
Where were you all this while?
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Stone columns,
Half illuminated,
Half in shadow,
Hiding behind them
The numbers,
The ciphers,
The unknown,
The shadowy figures,
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
They're busy trying
To fill your life
With greater comfort
And greater security;
But they don't know
That comfort's not what
You want at all.
Do they even suspect,
That you would give up
For the slightest chance
Of bringing into your life
The slightest meaning?
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
I betrayed myself
I hurt myself
I cast myself down into the well;
After all it was I ...
... I deceived my self.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
My mind is a cruel, cruel man.
He drags me in chains, and I bleed,
He leaves me to burn under the sun.
Where are these chain? I cannot see them, yet
He insists they are real.
My mind is a cruel, cruel man
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I crawl from
The flaming wreck,
Over the burning sand.
I reach out for water, but
Gather only rocks.
The water has moved away,
Just a little bit further.
Always a little hit further.
I crawl until my hands and face bleed.
When I give up,
Lie on my back,
Stare into the sun,
A pitcher of the sweetest water!
All this while I had not asked.
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
As we drift away, pulled
Apart by the centrifuge,
I wonder why the rope that was meant
To hold is together,
No longer does.
But I know why.
It stretched and twisted
And then, lacking care and
Attention, slowly
Frayed, until the rope was but
A few tenuous threads.
Seeing this we knew not to
Reverse what had happened.
We could have built a new rope,
There was still time;
But we chose to watch mutely
As each thread snapped in turn
And withered away.
Kopter Zero Jun 2015
The fervent quest I felt I had been on
Reached a desolate dead end.
I cannot see where to go from here.
I fear I must know retrace my steps,
A long way back,
And join the rest
On their well-trodden paths.
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
You feel when you should think,
And think when you should feel;
No wonder you're depressed.
Kopter Zero May 2014
I had a dream, in which I asked
Why I was so unhappy,
Why my life turned out the way it did,
When I clearly wanted something else.

I was shown a mistake I made,
A long time ago,
A terrible mistake, I now perceived.

When I saw this,
The sources of my problems
We're clear to me; the path
Of my life since then
Was clear to me.

“But”, I cried out,
“How can I change this now?!
How can I fix this?"

No answer was then received,
And I realized,
That I was far unhappier
That I knew.

For better or worse,
When I awoke,
I remembered the pattern of this dream,
But not the mistake.
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
A great mist may lift,
And clear out entirely,
If you could only fix your gaze
On the tiniest dot of light
That has found its way through;
Then you might find it expands
On its own, until
The mist is no more.
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
I am cursed;
My wound is larger.
But therein lies also
My blessing, for I cannot
limp along like everyone else.
I must heal myself or die,
There are no half-measures for me.
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Looping through the years of my life,
I came across this one day,
When everything seemed perfect.

I had to stop the reel, hit rewind,
Over and over again,
Till I noticed it was scratched,

And the repeat viewings had
Ruined the frame
Of that moment.
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
A grid, a blank canvas, a blank man.
There, out on the grey moor, under a darkening sky,
Welcoming the fog, and the
Growing disquiet that howls in the distance,
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Say he went to the mountain
To settle a score.
Say he went under the waves,
Right down to the sea floor.
Say he ran away, and don't
Call no place home.
Can't get what he wants,
So he keeps wanting more.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
I can get over the things
That other people did to me,
But how do I move past
What I did to myself?
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
A smile, a thoughtful glance,
A meeting of eyes,
The slow emergence
Of a self.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Time to go
Around the sun again.

Can I get off this ride ?

What's that you say,
A non-refundable ticket?

In that case might as well make
The best of it.
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
What are you talking about?!
Of course I like to live in the past!
Sure, it's painful at times,
But oh so familiar!
There are signposts everywhere;
You don't get lost in the past.
And it's comfortable too,
And so well-furnished; it has
My favorite books and music,
Though I could lose some of the people.
I keep an eye out constantly for
Wear and tear; I fix up and mend the past.
You would like what I've done with the place,
Come visit me sometime.
No, you're right, I didn't always live there;
Before I moved in, I used to
Live in the future.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Oh, look, the sun came up again; but
You already knew that, didn't you ? Waiting
All through the night, by
Moon light.

And yet you say you would like
To bet on it not doing so tomorrow ?

I must leave you then, I have to
Get on with my work.

I feel you are more in love with
The idea of darkness than the
Darkness itself, since you have
Never seen it.
Kopter Zero May 2014
Chug along,
Don't make too much of a noise.
You want to make an impact,
But you don't really want them to find you,
Do you ?
Do you want to be seen,
Or heard,
Or felt ?
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
I've figured out, perhaps,
The problem of my
Procrastination, which is
Nothing more than a
Denial of
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Within a floating
Bubble amidst the glowing
Chaos of an exploded star
I spin
In ever shrinking
I spiral
Towards a black destiny
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I see them by the wayside, groaning,
Ask them why they do despair.

"Why do you sit here sighing,
When there is so much wonder here?"

It hurts, they say, too bad to live.
The world's taken all they have to give.

One says, "I'm not a coward, I'm not scared
I've seen, and loved, and felt, and dared,

But It's this pain, you see, this throbbing hurt
That'll stop only when I'm ground down to dirt!"

I take the knife and plunge it in,
Tear off my flesh and give it to him.

He takes it, shuts his eyes; a smile.
Leaps in the air, laughing all the while.

I chop off more, hand it out,
To everyone gathered about.

The blood; it washes all away.
The flesh melts night into day.

I silently wish this to be the end,
Of having of my body this way to rend,

But no! It grows back, all of it!
Bone, muscle, sinew, bit by bit!

But I know I am not whole,
I see the big deep terrible wound,
I try to reach it by subtraction,
But my raft keeps running aground!

I turn back each time, giving of me freely,
Wishing only to be drowned.
But the sea throws me back mercilessly,
My true purpose yet to be found.
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