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Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Look at what I've got;
I've got bling, and money too.
Why then the despair?
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Like tears in the rain,
Embers in a roaring fire,
My thoughts among theirs.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Cutting into skin
It moves with rapidity
Leaving me open
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
I'm in a rush now
I'll regret it very soon
Abysses unfold
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Periwinkle bloom,
Overlaying what remains
Of an unlived life.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Okay, where are we?
I'm disoriented now.
(Can I stop swimming?)
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
My little finger
Twitched; this only ever happens
When they change something.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Drawing in the tide,
Plastic ships bouncing, sinking;
My white whale beckons.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
I'm so distracted.
I dart here, there, everywhere ...
Wait, what did I say?
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
A vessel shaped
In a form I cannot see
Tries to fit me in.
Kopter Zero May 2016
Turn yourself to me
I am not without mercy
Am I alone judged?
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Somewhere it is dark.
I do not want to be there.
I fall into it.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
No turns, no bending.
Relentlessly piercing in,
The arrow of time.
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Trampling them under,
Its metallic grinding wheels
Rumble on forwards.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Rift opening up,
Stretching apart hands and feet,
About to fall in.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
The walls of my mind,
Resilient to vain hope,
Keep me tied in chains.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Are you like I was?
Is this who we're meant to be?
Were you like I am?
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Hey, are we there yet?
The signal is getting weak,
Do you think we're lost?
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
I'm in a rush here;
Can't you see where I'm going?
The road, it has me.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
I must in secret
Enjoy the compliments to
My doppelgänger.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Rest your mind for me;
Is it scarred and bruised like mine?
Together we escape.
Kopter Zero May 2016
Have you seen my arm?
I lost it on the highway;
Someone borrowed it.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
It's a minor thing,
Something I have forgotten,
I can't remember.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Wickedness is here;
A ball rolls up and down hill,
A door opens wide.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Come away with me:
The night still holds its kingdom,
We're safe till morning.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
I sleep by the fire,
Waiting for it to burn out.
Wake me when it ends.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Crawling through my skin,
The worm nibbles at my flesh;
"You sold out", it says.
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Below the surface,
A rage, a restless yearning;
For now, the dam holds.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Somewhere over there
Lives someone not unlike me,
And I in their head.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
So much unwritten,
So much left inside my mind;
Shall it die with me?
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
It is very hard;
I want to be as I am.
The fear, it stops me.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Sit and tap away;
Messages fly by like rain.
What am I seeking?
Kopter Zero May 2016
Pummeling bare wood
Just to get even with me
Doing what was done
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Exploding inside;
Pain, sorrow, and a longing.
What will come of this?
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Spiky wavy lines
From the center of the sun;
I must be so high.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Peel back the layers;
It's horrible to behold.
What is it saying?
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
I don't want to hear;
I don't want to look upon;
I don't want to feel.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Drive a stake through it;
Cold blood freezes in its veins,
Smile through the mirror.
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Coming into being;
Is it already too late?
I'll be waiting here.
Kopter Zero Oct 2016
Sad embers die out;
My muse is on holiday.
Robot writes instead.
Kopter Zero Oct 2016
I'm tired of being dragged,
My flesh is worn to the bone;
But my hand is stuck.
Kopter Zero Oct 2016
Let go the pliers
Which squeeze and bind your body.
Look! You are free now.
Kopter Zero May 2016
Bored, listless, waiting
I drag myself through the day
A miracle comes
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
What is this I see?
A name is necessary ...
Without it I'm lost.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Come on over here,
Stay with me a bit longer,
Wait for the world's end
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
My hands were missing when I needed
To pay for my coffee
I took a sip
And walked away
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,
There ain't no other aim in the world
That you should aim for.

Anything worth doing is
Worth doing 'cos it makes you happy.

Duty! Well duty is good if being dutiful makes you happy
Love! What's the point of loving if you ain't happy doin it?
Sacrifice yourself for others! See 'duty', above.

Don't listen to the fools who'll tell you
That you don't deserve to be happy,
Or that there are better things to do.

Half of them are envious, and
The other half ignorant, of the difference
Betwixt mere pleasure ... and happiness!

You can do all the drugs in the world,
But they won't keep you happy for long.
You can earn all the money in the work,
And that won't keep you happy for long.

See, happiness is simple, but it ain't easy.

Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

And I'm telling you, I'm happy today!
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Unhappy people
Are always the ones
In deep trouble.
One day they might experience
True Happiness, perhaps
For a fleeting moment.
Then, they have to decide between
Letting it pass away, or
Turning their lives upside down.
It's safer being unhappy.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
**** it, don’t let it live.
Tie a wire to it and electrocute it.

Send it crashing down a cliff,
Shoot it, dissolve it, decapitate it.

I looked in the mirror and saw my heart,
If you come across it on the street just ****** it.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
The Distant Angry Dragon and
The Mostly Odious Monster
Circled the Crazy Heroic Isolated Lonely Demon
In the kitchen.

Give me more cheese!
It said.
***** you, you
Degenerative Ugly Moronic Bastardly Ogre!
They said.

Hell Emanates Lonely People, Most Excitedly.
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