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Kopter Zero Apr 2014
I am a ship, he said, of the desert.

I go to the oasis, to get all the love I can,
To soak it up and store it,
For the long, hard journey ahead.

The mirages, they trick me.
Cruel they are, to show me
What does not exist.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I was weak, and
Then I was split,
Into Two.

One in a cage and one,

But I was lured by fear,
The caged one.

I sought shelter, from
An image, and
He let me in.

Then he locked us
Both in,
Trapped us.

The key was gone, he
Took his life, and
Left me.

Worse off than
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I thought she would not come
When the spider webs began to grow
And the shimmering strands
Closed out my vision.

When all became segmented
And web-trapped,
And I had to watch
As shrinking islands of meaning
Were all that stayed.

As the patches became dots,
Thinning and sharpening,
She pushed them apart,
Reached in, and pulled me out.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
On a cloud,
Floating close by,
I first saw this little girl.
I was a little boy.
There was mist between, and
All around was forming and dissolving.
The currents of the wind bore our clouds
Nearer and farther, and gave shape to all I saw.
The last I remember is just a shape in the distance,
A patchwork of color, of skin and clothes and hair,
Before a crack and a boom,
Of what I now call lightning,
That turns all to white for an instant,
Leaving everything charged up,
Scarred and cauterized,
Sending me tumbling,
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
The man in gray fled down the street
And I followed, flying low
Until I broken even, then
Gripping him in my talons,
Bore him off towards the pit.
Nearing it, I was ready
To drop him, when
I woke up.
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
I drew her with one arm and one leg.
Why? Because I could!

I'm making things now, aren't I ?
I can choose now how
To give form
To them.

I  drew her with blue eyes,
And a red dress.

And pink lips,
And short, dark hair.
It wasn't fair
To draw her any other way,
This is how
I did see
Her in her box.
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
You can squeeze yourself
Into a small body
And move around like a particle,
Or be a huge body
And let waves accomplish
The same within you;
Both are valid
Forms of life.
Kopter Zero Mar 2015
This animal will be the death of me,
It leads me by the point to
The cavernous places, the lulls.
The greatest cowardice is in not caring.
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Argh! Stop telling me
What to do.
Wait, you're not anymore,
You say ?
You just used to ?
Why am I still doing this then ?
Am I a prisoner to the past ?
Or do I just like it now ?
Kopter Zero Jul 2015
Wow, I've been
Out of Action
For a while; I fell
Into the same old trap again.
The mind traps, the clever subterfuge,
The adversary always lurking.
When I let the poetry stop flowing,
It's pace and rhythm
Was replaced by a colder circuit.
Here's hoping I can
Claw my way back again.
Kopter Zero Dec 2015
The tide of life
Ebbs and flows
It washed me up
And drew me back out again
I cannot say
Whether this time
I've landed on the same shore.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
Trip, and if you
Keep doing it often enough, you'll
Tip over and run the last time, just
Rip through the road and the people,
The things and events and
The trials and the tragedies,
Till you find
Your momentum, and you
Go off on a tangent, and you
Fly through the air, and
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I tumbled into her.
Climbed her,
But found instead of a summit,
A crater.
I fell through, and the molten
Fluids consumed me,
Dissolved me.
I moved beneath the shifting crust,
In unknowing, in agony,
Till she spit me out, spent,
On some distant shore.
Kopter Zero May 2015
Fat and lazy I gave become,
With fat and lazy thoughts; what
Lies beneath this guarded self-deception?
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
If you fear something,
It never truly goes away,
But festers and grows.

It multiplies out of sight,
And returns,
Stronger, bolder,

A many headed hydra,
Which must be dealt with
All at once
Or not at all.

These are the productions of evil
In your life,
In your mind.

These are the monsters,
You must slay,
Or else be
Enslaved by them,
And become as they are,
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
When I tried to write,
I could not write,
The words would not come,
Because I tried to write.

If I had let the words flow,
Perhaps I would have had a poem today.

But I didn't, so I don't.

I do not fear this state for long.
There is feeling now, where I have been numb,
I can feel,
I can feel myself coming back to life.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I use a word to describe a feeling.
When I have a new feeling,
Do I need a new word?
Can I use an old word?

If I thought I loved,
Could I have been wrong?
Does it mean I lied,
If I said I did,
When I thought I did,
But didn't,
and didn't know that I didn't?

If I feel something new,
Can I call it love ?

Do I still need
To call the old feeling love
Too ?
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I'm sick today
I had a strong fever, a high fever
But a fever is a strange thing
A time of great change
Things can go either way
I can remake myself
Bit by bit, word by word
And when the fever ends
I will be new
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I saw a firefly,
By the flickering firelight,
Swaying through the air,
Buffeted by the flames,
And I reached out for it,
And I felt a burning,
And I opened my hand,
And found an ember instead.
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Falling or floating;
If you didn't feel the air rushing,
If you could breathe all the time,
Would you know the difference ?
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
The neglected flower
Like snow
Amid branches
Wet with rain
Crumpled under hard boots
And dryness
Breaks down
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Been in bed all day, coz
I've got the flu,
It's no picnic,
Let me tell you.

The only upside
Is to let your thoughts float
With the fever a river,
Your mind a boat.
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
And I'm just sitting here,
Biding my time.
Useless, you say?
Useless it may
Well be.
Am I lazy?
Am I revolting?
Am I just
Standing by,
Waiting for you,
To get behind you,
To make my move?
Kopter Zero Feb 2015
I cannot say
What I want or
What I like;
Fake things intrude
And obscure;
As far back as I can remember
I have always faked my feelings.
I am a fake person.
At some point the fake self
And the real one did fight,
And the former won,
And not content with victory,
Did seek to root out the other.
Yea, I have done ******,
And live on with the terrible
Knowledge of that horrible act;
I am a fake person.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Shards of glass,
Like lightning.
I reach out for the spark,
And cut myself.
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
It's not too deep
I can almost touch the tips of
The weeds growing underwater
If I stretch.

If I try to stand,
I slip.
So I try to float instead.

I try to get across
Quickly, since it smells.
It smells like something died.
Like many things died.

But as my head gets stuck
In a half submerged branch,
I see him standing on the shore.

The green man.
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
The hardest part about
Is fighting
This sense of time
Running out,
Of wishing
I can do better than I did,
What happens if I don't,
What happens if I can't
Kopter Zero May 2016
Slow motion breaking glass
Descending  along with me
To streets far below
I was told I should try writing haikus ...
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
At what price comes change?
I slip out of my cocoon,
But I cannot fly.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The world, reflected,
Looks back: a mirror, a well;
Different, but same.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
A thorn that moved in
Has sprouted many branches
Now twists inside me
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Lightning twists through me,
And I stand transfixed.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Stop dragging along
I despair of carrying you
Stand and walk instead
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The shimmering sands
Show me what I want to see,
Stumbling, falling down.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Come down by the sea
And see what remains of it
She didn't leave much
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Slithering through leaves
Something looks at me and blinks
And whispers, "come hither"
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I cry now, without
recognizable feelings.
Okay, back to work.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Storm's coming closer,
Gonna have to leave you now
To ride the lightning
Kopter Zero May 2016
I feel I can burst
The next push is the last straw
Ending my struggle
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The past me, a fool
Present me, wanders about
Future me, save us!
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Not simple, not this.
Inexplicably puzzling,
The ways of the heart
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I am pushed around
Waves and rocks and tentacles
I float, I tumble
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Counting on fingers,
As the tide recedes away,
Making my escape.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Wait, I said, what's this?
Haven't I given enough?
No, she said, not yet.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Not enough to die;
I must create a new life
From my former self
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
It drives itself through,
Penetrating flesh and bone;
The pain now owns me.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Burn the fire stronger;
I have been drenched by your love,
I need to dry off
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Pour one out for me,
I'm dry and parched and empty.
Nowhere else to go.
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I see what you see,
My dream encompasses yours;
We float together.
Kopter Zero May 2016
I quake with feelings
That I thought were long suppressed
Why do you taunt me?
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