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181 · Apr 2015
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
I awoke; I had dreamt
That I had lost it.
I looked for it but did not find it.
It was not where I had last placed it.
I diminish every day without it.
If you find it, you may keep it.
181 · Apr 2014
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Pale white strips
Floating on the water.
A face
Under the moon
That dissolves into stars.
Wandering agents of a
Cosmic gasp
That burst out
When all things were made.
179 · May 2016
Haiku #6
Kopter Zero May 2016
Pummeling bare wood
Just to get even with me
Doing what was done
179 · Aug 2014
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
He was as if in a trance,
His thoughts far away,
Both in time and in space.
His body twitched
Of its own accord,
His eyes fixed and unmoving.
"Breathe!", I asked him, but he
Just pushed me away,
Shut the door behind him and
Steadily marched on outside to
Join the rest of the
Dead men walking.
179 · Sep 2016
Haiku #60
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Exploding inside;
Pain, sorrow, and a longing.
What will come of this?
178 · Aug 2016
Haiku #54
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Crawling through my skin,
The worm nibbles at my flesh;
"You sold out", it says.
177 · Dec 2015
Em Back (again?)
Kopter Zero Dec 2015
The tide of life
Ebbs and flows
It washed me up
And drew me back out again
I cannot say
Whether this time
I've landed on the same shore.
177 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
The universe is not without purpose;
There is meaning in every moment.
Reflect on this, and derive from it
Not joy or sadness, but
Right Understanding.
176 · Jun 2016
Haiku #15
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The shimmering sands
Show me what I want to see,
Stumbling, falling down.
175 · Jan 2015
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
A time for hope,
A time for despair,
And now, fortunately,
Bed time.
175 · May 2014
Kopter Zero May 2014
This is my life,
This is my log,
Of everything I do.
It's not quite prose,
So I can't call it a blog ...
But I still throw everything in here;
I should call it my "Plog" !
173 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
That's just
(Or worse,
We don't really
(These days)
Do "love" any more.
172 · Aug 2014
The world
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
My eyes are drooping,
I should be sleeping,
All that's keeping
Me awake is reading
about how **ed up
The  World Is.
172 · Jun 2016
Haiku #29
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I see what you see,
My dream encompasses yours;
We float together.
171 · Jun 2016
Haiku #22
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I am pushed around
Waves and rocks and tentacles
I float, I tumble
170 · Aug 2016
Haiku #49
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Rest your mind for me;
Is it scarred and bruised like mine?
Together we escape.
169 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
The only thing worse
Than life *******
Is other people
Finding out
Just how much
It *****.
168 · Jun 2014
You, or more precisely, me.
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
If you knew that you were the problem,
What would you do?
If you had to get rid of your self
To fix your self,
Could you ?
168 · Jun 2016
Haiku #28
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Pour one out for me,
I'm dry and parched and empty.
Nowhere else to go.
168 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Open up!
It's for your own good!
Don't you see, you've locked
Yourself up within your own
168 · Jul 2016
Haiku #41
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
No turns, no bending.
Relentlessly piercing in,
The arrow of time.
167 · May 2016
Haiku #2
Kopter Zero May 2016
I feel I can burst
The next push is the last straw
Ending my struggle
167 · Jan 2015
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
Take these grains, and
Fling them everywhere.
Ye shall know the world,
And it shall be
165 · Aug 2014
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Stop distracting me,
Stop tearing me apart,
Stop holding me down,
Stop ... dissolving me!
You stick to me! Help!
I chop off whatever I can see,
Leaving a few bits here and there,
But it corrodes me still.
165 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
I can get over the things
That other people did to me,
But how do I move past
What I did to myself?
164 · Aug 2014
If it lies, kill it
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
I believe that
You'd believe anything that
I told you,
Except the things that
You don't want to hear.
You like being lied to.
164 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Lost in the midst of the daily grind,
One of these days, I'm quite sure
That as I write what's on my mind,
I'll write a poem I've written before
163 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Judge if you must, but then
Let this much be understood:
All that is good may yet be bad,
And all that is bad, good.
163 · Jun 2016
Haiku #21
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Not simple, not this.
Inexplicably puzzling,
The ways of the heart
162 · Aug 2014
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
I'm sitting
Here, sipping
My coffee, and
What you're up to.
161 · Jan 2015
Kopter Zero Jan 2015
What if the gentle change,
Long promised,
Never arrives?
The state of things
Shall then prompt
A less gentle one.
160 · Aug 2016
Haiku #50
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
It's a minor thing,
Something I have forgotten,
I can't remember.
160 · Jun 2014
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Take my clothes,
Bring me my robes,
It is now time
To go out into the world
Again, to take measure
Of the changes I need to make.
158 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I'm so tired
Of sabotaging myself;
Everything I seem like
Getting a break,
I'm there to ***** it up for me.
157 · Jan 2014
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Words, man!
They don't know how I feel!
What I say comes out all wrong,
Those little devils arrange themselves at will!

They know how much I need them,
I'm a slave to them, chained to them.
I try to talk without them, think without them,
But I just can't get through to you without them!

Is all hope lost? Can I say no other things?
But wait, I know ... I know I can feel without them!

So I don't have to tell you how I feel,
I can just show you.
156 · Oct 2014
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
The long stretches
When I thought I acted most freely,
Is when I most lacked passion;
For the instant of liberation
Cannot be repeated.
155 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Life against death,
Love against life,
The mind against love,
My self against all.
155 · May 2016
Haiku #1
Kopter Zero May 2016
Slow motion breaking glass
Descending  along with me
To streets far below
I was told I should try writing haikus ...
155 · Jun 2014
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Don't you see ?
I don't want to sleep,
Because I don't
Want to wake up.
154 · May 2016
Haiku #4
Kopter Zero May 2016
Turn yourself to me
I am not without mercy
Am I alone judged?
151 · Apr 2014
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Down over the horizon he went,
And her eyes followed.
To want lost people to return,
To want lost things to be found,
Is to wish to be the centre of the universe,
A point to which each falls back,
Its energy spent.
151 · Jul 2016
Haiku #32
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Cutting into skin
It moves with rapidity
Leaving me open
149 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
Before I woke up,
I was trembling,
149 · Jun 2016
Haiku #12
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
A thorn that moved in
Has sprouted many branches
Now twists inside me
148 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
Some days are sunshine
Some days are stone
Some days it hurts more,
Right down to the bone.
148 · Jun 2014
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
I'm tired
I give up
I just wanna
Take that dip now
147 · Apr 2015
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
If I didn't talk in my sleep,
You'd never have found out.
146 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
If you stare hard enough at it
For long enough,
It will give up to you
Its secrets.
146 · Jun 2016
Haiku #14
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Stop dragging along
I despair of carrying you
Stand and walk instead
146 · Mar 2014
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Oh, look, the sun came up again; but
You already knew that, didn't you ? Waiting
All through the night, by
Moon light.

And yet you say you would like
To bet on it not doing so tomorrow ?

I must leave you then, I have to
Get on with my work.

I feel you are more in love with
The idea of darkness than the
Darkness itself, since you have
Never seen it.
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