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145 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
The mind cannot live for me, that is the mistake I made.
It cannot be easy, because it is not supposed to be.
It cannot be complicated, because it is not supposed to be.
It is supposed to be simple and hard.
143 · Mar 2015
Kopter Zero Mar 2015
I feel for those who envy;
I envy those who feel.
143 · Jun 2016
Haiku #17
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Slithering through leaves
Something looks at me and blinks
And whispers, "come hither"
142 · Oct 2014
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
The cure
Is to remind yourself
That other people exist,
That it is your
View of the
World which is
Warped, and not
Reality itself.
141 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
On the back of the beast,
Being tossed around,
Finding the right moment to strike,
To still it,
To save
My world.
140 · Dec 2014
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
I hate the world,
I protest it,
But I cannot bring myself
To stop living in it.
140 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
How do you live
In a broken world
And not talk about
How broken it is?
140 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I thought I was
Writing a story
About a lost kid,
But really I'm just
Writing along to
Find out
What he does next.
139 · Oct 2014
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Every breath
Is a new opportunity
It's never too late
To save yourself.
139 · Dec 2014
Kopter Zero Dec 2014
People think they're talking to me
And getting through
And making sense.
How funny!
Even I can't always talk to me ...
139 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
What did you find there,
High up on the mountain,
Was it golden treasure?
Or merely corpses?
136 · Apr 2014
Write (2)
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Write on,
Right into the night, whether
Right or left, whether
Right or wrong, it's your
Right to do it, and you're
Right to do it, so never fear, just
Write on.
136 · Jun 2016
Haiku #11
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The world, reflected,
Looks back: a mirror, a well;
Different, but same.
135 · Aug 2014
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
Are we supposed to be happy
Or to do the right thing?
Surely we can do both ...
Which means
Surely I can do better.
131 · Oct 2014
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Before you can free yourself,
You must first see your prison,
Learn its shape and size.
The way out is easy, a
Hole in the wall; but
You won't make it through
If you don't open your eyes.
130 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
I keep willing the end
Before I start;
Is it any wonder then
That I accomplish nothing?
130 · May 2016
Haiku #5
Kopter Zero May 2016
Have you seen my arm?
I lost it on the highway;
Someone borrowed it.
130 · Oct 2014
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Rage, and Fight, and
Bare your feelings, and
129 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
If it's never too late,
Is it sometimes
A little late?

How do you tell
The difference?
127 · May 2016
Haiku #7
Kopter Zero May 2016
Bored, listless, waiting
I drag myself through the day
A miracle comes
120 · Jun 2016
Haiku #9
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Come on over here,
Stay with me a bit longer,
Wait for the world's end
114 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
Well, I can't just
**** myself;
What would
My parents think?!
112 · Aug 2014
Kopter Zero Aug 2014
in those days
I could not tell
the One
from the

— The End —