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211 · Apr 2016
Statute of Limitations
Kopter Zero Apr 2016
I submitted my case,
"as you can plainly see",
I understated,
"I'm not quite happy",
And was promptly
Laughed out.
Oh, hah hah, they said,
It's way past the time
For that;
What've you been doing
All this time?
Well, alright, I said,
But don't blame me
For the shape of things to come.
211 · Dec 2013
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Hear me now.

I say

I want to live.
210 · Jun 2014
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
Do you want to live?
Why, why do you want to live?
Why drag around this piece of meat,
Spending all your energy to keep it
On the brink of death, to keep it
From falling over?
210 · May 2014
Kopter Zero May 2014
Out there above the stone wall,
High above the sea,
Sat the cold woman, all alone,
Dressed in her finery.

I drew closer, wary, scared,
I shivered from head to toe.
The air, it was electric,
All those years ago.

I made my way by her glow,
A glow of dull white light.
The stars were out,
As they always were,
But the moon stayed in that night.

I heard her humming,
As I drew close,
A sad and distant song.
"Waiting for you, my darling,
A wait sweet and long."

Then she was gone, and I alone,
In the darkness, wild and free.
As long I live, I shall never forget,
The cold woman, by the sea.
207 · Jul 2014
Kopter Zero Jul 2014
I hate making choices.
I tell myself
I'm going to die
Anyway, so
What's the point ?
But then I also
Forget to live.
207 · Dec 2013
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Lower your voice
Shut your eyes
Slow down time
And then see it
206 · Apr 2015
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
You feel when you should think,
And think when you should feel;
No wonder you're depressed.
204 · Apr 2016
Kopter Zero Apr 2016
I haven't written for many days now
I've been gone, somewhere, somehow
I've failed, in a way, to keep on writing
I got lost again, in the day-to-day fighting
And wore myself out,
But it wasn't a waste
Coz once again I can taste
The bitterness
Whose only purpose is to light a fire
That obliterates my procrastination and desire
And makes me want to come here
And throw out all the garbage, and all I hold dear,
Till I'm left with nothing, but that's no loss;
Writing every day is the secret sauce
Of life and love and happiness, so
Peace out, everyone!
204 · Jun 2016
Haiku #24
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Wait, I said, what's this?
Haven't I given enough?
No, she said, not yet.
204 · Apr 2014
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Hungry I am
Hungry for you
Hungry for me
My hunger is yours
Feed it
Feed me
Feed yourself
204 · Sep 2014
A complaint - 3
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
I overflow with it.
I am filled with doubt.
Filled with dread and
Which is me and which is other.
I knew only that I had to do
The Right Thing.
I cannot now say
What it was.
Either I must persevere, or
And I cannot choose between them.
203 · Jul 2016
Haiku #38
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
I'm so distracted.
I dart here, there, everywhere ...
Wait, what did I say?
203 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
I wanna stop being so
Self-absorbed, but
I keep getting
Stuck, thinking it's
Too late to
Start now. The
Trick is to realize
There's a whole
World out there.
203 · Jun 2016
Haiku #13
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Lightning twists through me,
And I stand transfixed.
202 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
The minds need feeding too, with
Food for thought.
Avoid stale thoughts, fast thoughts, sugary thoughts,
Take in only what you'd like to
Become part of you.
199 · Sep 2016
Haiku #57
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
So much unwritten,
So much left inside my mind;
Shall it die with me?
199 · Feb 2015
Write or Wrong
Kopter Zero Feb 2015
You lazy, you ignorant, you ****** fool, write!
See the storm that rages!
Turn your eyes downwards, below the surface,
Look to the depths,
See the forces that give rise to forms above!
Then look within — you are not!
198 · Nov 2014
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
All change is
Miraculous, both
Birth, and
197 · Aug 2016
Haiku #52
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Come away with me:
The night still holds its kingdom,
We're safe till morning.
196 · Sep 2016
Haiku #56
Kopter Zero Sep 2016
Somewhere over there
Lives someone not unlike me,
And I in their head.
196 · Jun 2016
Haiku #19
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Storm's coming closer,
Gonna have to leave you now
To ride the lightning
194 · Jun 2016
Haiku #26
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
It drives itself through,
Penetrating flesh and bone;
The pain now owns me.
193 · Sep 2014
Kopter Zero Sep 2014
I feel like going
On a grand adventure.
To discover new worlds
And new horizons.
I am too full of knowing;
It is time now
To experience.
193 · Dec 2013
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Many black suns
Fly through my fingers,
As I close one eye
And open the other,
Pulsing in beat to my dreams.
193 · Mar 2014
Stare, Pt. 2
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
There were lines forming in it;
Fractures, small and large.
One in particular loomed large
And broke off, sliding down.
Only then did I see what lay behind it, but
Would you believe me if I told you ?
193 · Aug 2016
Haiku #48
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
I must in secret
Enjoy the compliments to
My doppelgänger.
192 · Aug 2016
Haiku #47
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
I'm in a rush here;
Can't you see where I'm going?
The road, it has me.
191 · Jun 2016
Haiku #27
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Burn the fire stronger;
I have been drenched by your love,
I need to dry off
191 · Jun 2016
Haiku #18
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
I cry now, without
recognizable feelings.
Okay, back to work.
191 · Nov 2014
The un-muse
Kopter Zero Nov 2014
Something there is, that doesn't
Like me writing, that
Pushes back at me, that
Drives me to other distractions, and
When all else fails,
Beats me down with fear.
Seriously, what gives?
190 · Aug 2016
Haiku #44
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
The walls of my mind,
Resilient to vain hope,
Keep me tied in chains.
189 · Jul 2016
Haiku #37
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Drawing in the tide,
Plastic ships bouncing, sinking;
My white whale beckons.
189 · Jul 2016
Haiku #42
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Trampling them under,
Its metallic grinding wheels
Rumble on forwards.
189 · Jul 2016
Haiku #40
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Somewhere it is dark.
I do not want to be there.
I fall into it.
188 · Jul 2016
Haiku #35
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
Okay, where are we?
I'm disoriented now.
(Can I stop swimming?)
188 · Aug 2016
Haiku #55
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Below the surface,
A rage, a restless yearning;
For now, the dam holds.
188 · Aug 2016
Haiku #46
Kopter Zero Aug 2016
Hey, are we there yet?
The signal is getting weak,
Do you think we're lost?
188 · Mar 2014
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
An unease, the vibrating,
Restless shifting,
I do not know what I want.
I thought the questions to be
Asked, were "Who am I?" and
"Where do I come from?", but
Too much time has passed, and
Too many false starts, and
Too many dead ends; I am
Filled with doubt, trying
Everything and giving up on it,
All I want is to know once and for all,
"What do I really want?"
188 · Jun 2016
Haiku #10
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
At what price comes change?
I slip out of my cocoon,
But I cannot fly.
188 · Jul 2016
Haiku #36
Kopter Zero Jul 2016
My little finger
Twitched; this only ever happens
When they change something.
187 · Apr 2015
Me, my self
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
I betrayed myself
I hurt myself
I cast myself down into the well;
After all it was I ...
... I deceived my self.
187 · Jun 2016
Haiku #23
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
Counting on fingers,
As the tide recedes away,
Making my escape.
186 · Apr 2015
Kopter Zero Apr 2015
No more time to stand and stare,
A growing awareness of the wear and tear
Inflicted on my mind and body with each passing day,
I move within the confines of my life,
Sandwiched between the roses and the stone.
185 · Oct 2014
Happy (2)
Kopter Zero Oct 2014
Unhappy people
Are always the ones
In deep trouble.
One day they might experience
True Happiness, perhaps
For a fleeting moment.
Then, they have to decide between
Letting it pass away, or
Turning their lives upside down.
It's safer being unhappy.
184 · Apr 2014
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Say he went to the mountain
To settle a score.
Say he went under the waves,
Right down to the sea floor.
Say he ran away, and don't
Call no place home.
Can't get what he wants,
So he keeps wanting more.
184 · Jun 2016
Haiku #20
Kopter Zero Jun 2016
The past me, a fool
Present me, wanders about
Future me, save us!
184 · Jun 2014
Kopter Zero Jun 2014
I would make you my muse,
If I could only
See you better,
And more reliably.

It is glimpses alone, now,
And visions imagined,
That keep me crawling.
184 · Apr 2014
Some sun
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you're happy and you don't know it,
Get some exercise, get some sun.
If you're unhappy and you know it,
Do the same.
If you're unhappy and you don't know it, please do nothing.
183 · May 2014
Home going king
Kopter Zero May 2014
Out of my way! To the right, to the left,
To the ... oh wait, who are you ?
Let's all snap our fingers, and
Yeah you know you feel it too!
It's this crazy loving feeling,
I just gotta run around,
I just gotta tell everyone,
The devil's coming to town.
181 · Apr 2014
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Pale white strips
Floating on the water.
A face
Under the moon
That dissolves into stars.
Wandering agents of a
Cosmic gasp
That burst out
When all things were made.
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