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Feb 2014 · 408
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Positively charming, is what she said.
Which cake can I get you?
My dog died yesterday, said the boy behind her.
Turn down the music!
Which party are we going to tonight?
I need to call my mom.
Help me, I'm lost!
I'm going to cut myself tonight.
Do you hear me?
Are you listening?
Give me the toy car!
No, you can't have it, not now.
Can we do it later?
Forget it.
Look behind you,
They're out
To get you.
Feb 2014 · 562
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
We wanted each other
But at different times
There was love to be shared
Between each other

Instead we opted
For different kind of
Symmetric relationship

We hurt each other
But at different times
There was pain to be shared
Between each other

Hah hah
Hah hah hah hah

Weep now.
Feb 2014 · 2.2k
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
A pink Barbie doll,
Lying on the black, black bed,
As the tentacles close in on her,
Their tips glistening and ready to strike.
Feb 2014 · 500
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
The beast is alternately me and in me.
Sometimes I act like him, sometimes
I act under his influence.

He leads me to green pastures.
He makes me lie down in the still grass,
And pull my victims down.

Down, down, to the earth below,
Where I deliver them to him.

There he hungrily devours them,
While I stand hungry and tired.

When will I get to deliver him ?
Feb 2014 · 661
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
The neglected flower
Like snow
Amid branches
Wet with rain
Crumpled under hard boots
And dryness
Breaks down
Feb 2014 · 251
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
His mother's hand,
His father's pen,
The empty land,
The hurt within.
Something quick I wrote today morning ....
Feb 2014 · 418
You and I
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Tear me, you
Dare me to
Break loose, you
Take me out
Of my skin, you
Shred me with your
Arrows, your
Outrageous words
And your
Outrageous deeds, you
Tempt me to
Lash out, you
Push me till I
Can't hold back.
Feb 2014 · 330
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Looping through the years of my life,
I came across this one day,
When everything seemed perfect.

I had to stop the reel, hit rewind,
Over and over again,
Till I noticed it was scratched,

And the repeat viewings had
Ruined the frame
Of that moment.
Feb 2014 · 255
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
When I tried to write,
I could not write,
The words would not come,
Because I tried to write.

If I had let the words flow,
Perhaps I would have had a poem today.

But I didn't, so I don't.

I do not fear this state for long.
There is feeling now, where I have been numb,
I can feel,
I can feel myself coming back to life.
Feb 2014 · 379
Into the ground
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Skin, green, blue, brown,
Colors of you, of sky, and ground,
Blurring and mixing as we ran around,
Chasing each other in the golden dawn.

Absent then, in my happy state, were
All the thoughts and fears that now abound,
As I lapped the air as a happy dog might,
Having my life's treasure found.

Running, running, wind and grass,
Then we tumbled and rolled around,
Before we settled our quick heartbeats,
And drew each other into the ground.

I panicked, I cannot say why,
And left you lying under the sky,
Searching evermore for the same fields,
Skin, green, blue and brown.
Feb 2014 · 244
The certain place
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Not so silently, that I miss it myself,
Speak a little louder to me,
I'm setting sail for the lonely isle,
Over the lonely sea.

Look, this hour, the moon rises,
Watching over the moor,
Would you wait on me, in the field,
Till it rise no more?

There is a time, after time,
This you must believe,
For I'll see you there, in that certain place,
Where there's none to grieve.
Feb 2014 · 266
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
I drew her with one arm and one leg.
Why? Because I could!

I'm making things now, aren't I ?
I can choose now how
To give form
To them.

I  drew her with blue eyes,
And a red dress.

And pink lips,
And short, dark hair.
It wasn't fair
To draw her any other way,
This is how
I did see
Her in her box.
Jan 2014 · 166
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Words, man!
They don't know how I feel!
What I say comes out all wrong,
Those little devils arrange themselves at will!

They know how much I need them,
I'm a slave to them, chained to them.
I try to talk without them, think without them,
But I just can't get through to you without them!

Is all hope lost? Can I say no other things?
But wait, I know ... I know I can feel without them!

So I don't have to tell you how I feel,
I can just show you.
Jan 2014 · 543
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
When I was young I thought
I would be like Alexander.
Defeating the armies of Babylon,
Going to the ends of the earth.

Instead, I extend my feeble empire
Over half an office desk,
Praying each day to be freed
From this drudgery.

Sisyphus would envy me.
At least he had pause,
Between his repetitions.
I answer email, again.

What enjoyable punishment, this!
Getting your liver picked at
Is for lesser heroes, I
Have to pick out a reality show for today.

Stay tuned, my friends.
Jan 2014 · 449
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Going round in circles,
Running after my mind,
("Come here, $#@^^@#$! !!")
My mind running after me,
("**** it, *******")
Me after it, it after me,
and ...

Where was I again ?
Jan 2014 · 325
Of Me
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I see them by the wayside, groaning,
Ask them why they do despair.

"Why do you sit here sighing,
When there is so much wonder here?"

It hurts, they say, too bad to live.
The world's taken all they have to give.

One says, "I'm not a coward, I'm not scared
I've seen, and loved, and felt, and dared,

But It's this pain, you see, this throbbing hurt
That'll stop only when I'm ground down to dirt!"

I take the knife and plunge it in,
Tear off my flesh and give it to him.

He takes it, shuts his eyes; a smile.
Leaps in the air, laughing all the while.

I chop off more, hand it out,
To everyone gathered about.

The blood; it washes all away.
The flesh melts night into day.

I silently wish this to be the end,
Of having of my body this way to rend,

But no! It grows back, all of it!
Bone, muscle, sinew, bit by bit!

But I know I am not whole,
I see the big deep terrible wound,
I try to reach it by subtraction,
But my raft keeps running aground!

I turn back each time, giving of me freely,
Wishing only to be drowned.
But the sea throws me back mercilessly,
My true purpose yet to be found.
Jan 2014 · 437
In your hair
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Fingers through your hair,
Digging furrows in your scalp,
With sharp nails,
Pressing down,
You asked for it.
Jan 2014 · 257
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Ten years ago,
We built our worlds,
One for each dream.

And set then afloat,
Each with its shining happiness,
In its own way.

Till one by one these bubbles
Were pricked, and
I was drenched
In their debris.

Now I fashion
A single new world,
And sail on.
Jan 2014 · 693
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Pitter patter
Cough cough
Pitter patter
Slow down, will ya?
Don't go that way!
Wait for me!
That way is bad!
Please listen to me!
Pitter patter pitter patter
Oh all right
Just slow down at least, all right?
Jan 2014 · 346
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Unfurled the paper,
Passed furtively.
Looked around,
Turned away,
Read it.
Long awaited,
The sacred secret.
It said,
"Two pounds of potatoes"
Jan 2014 · 568
Help yourself
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
The Distant Angry Dragon and
The Mostly Odious Monster
Circled the Crazy Heroic Isolated Lonely Demon
In the kitchen.

Give me more cheese!
It said.
***** you, you
Degenerative Ugly Moronic Bastardly Ogre!
They said.

Hell Emanates Lonely People, Most Excitedly.
Jan 2014 · 546
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
How're you doing today?
I have to say
(If I may)
That I intend to write a poem every day!
"What?!", you say,
"That's baloney!
There aren't that many poems to be found anyway!"
Oh yay,
Indeed there are, more than all the stars in the skay,
(You'll note a bit of poetic license there)
If there's anything I've learnt it's to never say nay.
Infinite poems exist, you can keep counting away,
But a considerable more that don't rhyme.
Jan 2014 · 262
That man
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
The wicked, wicked man.
He took my clothes, my shoes,
My money. My leather wallet
He found it funny. But he took it anyway,
He grabbed it all and then he ran.

I could've caught him if I could stand,
He took the ring right off my hand!
And my new sunglasses, he tore them off
And left me lying in the sand.

Ah that man, that wicked man.
Couldn't some kindness been shown by him?
If he had to rob, couldn't he be gentle,
Instead of smiling his wicked grin?

I didn't see just where he went.
You see, I couldn't quite move my head.
I would if I could, but dearest reader,
I assure you I am quite dead.
Jan 2014 · 338
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Come on out of the trenches,
It's beautiful up here!

The sun is shining high and bright,
And all these fragments of rainbows
Are whistling past me.

Look how I dance!
I'm light as air,
Being made slowly porous.

Little holes in my skin and bones,
Removing th unnecessary parts that keep me down,
Setting me free.
Jan 2014 · 974
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I thought she would not come
When the spider webs began to grow
And the shimmering strands
Closed out my vision.

When all became segmented
And web-trapped,
And I had to watch
As shrinking islands of meaning
Were all that stayed.

As the patches became dots,
Thinning and sharpening,
She pushed them apart,
Reached in, and pulled me out.
Jan 2014 · 336
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
The sharp angles
Of the skyline
Cut my eyes.

I turn away
And fall on to
A passing cloud.

But fall right through it,
And as I fall,
The ground is smooth and patchy.

I see birds,
And little dots going about
Their business, peacefully, below.

And now I am peaceful,
And now I wish
That I had not fallen!
Jan 2014 · 3.9k
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Creep upto me,
And give me a hug.

Then disappear again,
If you like,
I promise I won't tell.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I saw a firefly,
By the flickering firelight,
Swaying through the air,
Buffeted by the flames,
And I reached out for it,
And I felt a burning,
And I opened my hand,
And found an ember instead.
Jan 2014 · 352
Tick away
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
The ticking of the clock
Made me look up;
But instead of its face
A protruding pair of batteries.

I turned it around,
Set it right.

It stopped.
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,
There ain't no other aim in the world
That you should aim for.

Anything worth doing is
Worth doing 'cos it makes you happy.

Duty! Well duty is good if being dutiful makes you happy
Love! What's the point of loving if you ain't happy doin it?
Sacrifice yourself for others! See 'duty', above.

Don't listen to the fools who'll tell you
That you don't deserve to be happy,
Or that there are better things to do.

Half of them are envious, and
The other half ignorant, of the difference
Betwixt mere pleasure ... and happiness!

You can do all the drugs in the world,
But they won't keep you happy for long.
You can earn all the money in the work,
And that won't keep you happy for long.

See, happiness is simple, but it ain't easy.

Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

And I'm telling you, I'm happy today!
Jan 2014 · 735
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
This is lies! All of it!
Wait, what? You want me
To tell you how I feel?

Are you insane?
How could I
Possibly do such a thing?

Oh don't get me wrong
If course I want to
But don't you see I can't ? Don't you?

I'm shouting now, screaming,
But how am I supposed to tell you that?
With capitalization? A polite exclamation mark?

It's like a silent movie
With an experimental soundtrack.

Yet if I write nothing, you will think
All is well. So I must go on, it's better to be
Misunderstood than ignored (or is it?)
Jan 2014 · 501
You two
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
It was seaside along the pier,
When I said, "hello, long time no see!"
A cap emerged alongside her,
I turned and let them be.

Later, I looked out over the railing
To see them lying out on the sand.
"A pleasant time to be sunbathing",
Said the woman trying to hold my hand.

I nodded and then left her there,
Following them as they returned.
I should've stopped; I'd someone who cared,
I didn't need to make a point.

But I couldn't, I wouldn't, I just walked on,
And as their key unlocked their door,
I entered; I pushed them in and shot them both
And then I shot them some more.

Chaos now. "What was the point?"
"Take him away." "We're done. We're through"
Don't you see, dearest reader,
I just had to **** them two?
Perhaps "them two" should be "you two"
Jan 2014 · 383
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
My shadow by day
Shows me the way.
Can your shadow hold mine's hand ?

It looks at me, I cannot hide from it.
The rains wipe away my footprints
But they cannot hide it.
That only the moon can do, by its absence.

I know that it is
My slave, to move as I move.
But I have forgotten this.
Perhaps on some occasion, by accident,
It seemed for a moment
To grow or shrink on its own,
To move,
To make me move.

I have since forgotten, and now
Trail it where it seems to go,
Stopping when I cannot clearly see it.

A different shadow,
Moved by someone,
Comes into view.
I can look up.

My shadow by day
Shows me the way.
Can your shadow hold mine's hand ?
Jan 2014 · 261
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Where are you going?

Take me with you !

Anything is better than this.
Jan 2014 · 710
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Shiny street, blue cobblestone over damp ground,
I see only your feet.
And your legs growing upwards from those two roots,
Disappearing under a (woolen?) bright magenta canopy.
I raise my umbrella to see the rest, but yours covers you.
Until the clouds cease their relentless mourning,
This much will have to do.
Jan 2014 · 542
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
It's not too deep
I can almost touch the tips of
The weeds growing underwater
If I stretch.

If I try to stand,
I slip.
So I try to float instead.

I try to get across
Quickly, since it smells.
It smells like something died.
Like many things died.

But as my head gets stuck
In a half submerged branch,
I see him standing on the shore.

The green man.
Jan 2014 · 307
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Was I running or driving,
Or was everything else speeding past me?
I saw streaks; thin lines and thick ones,
Punctuated by gaps and other lines.
I felt faint; all emanated from some
Fixed point
Where the parallels meet.
Was I heading towards  it,
Or we're they coming forth from it?
What was it ?
I stopped and floated.
Jan 2014 · 877
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
White light
Shining off the lake
From the moon above.

She stretches out her arms
And raises her gaze skyward.

Stepping one foot into the water,
A low soft long moan.

You tiptoe gingerly forward.

Play of sound, waves.
Play of light, clouds.

You crunch the gravel beneath, echoing.

She stops and turns around.
Jan 2014 · 374
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
**** it, don’t let it live.
Tie a wire to it and electrocute it.

Send it crashing down a cliff,
Shoot it, dissolve it, decapitate it.

I looked in the mirror and saw my heart,
If you come across it on the street just ****** it.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
That laugh drives me crazy
Revives murderous instincts

One moment I'm happy and placid
The next a crazed killer

Just you wait, honey.
Jan 2014 · 2.8k
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
After the fireworks faded away,
And the lights in people's houses went out,
The streetlamp gazed on.

In your raggedy clothes or your fine hall,
Beware! The streetlamp sees all.
Jan 2014 · 346
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
I admit I'm writing this
To keep my streak.
So I can say
I wrote
A poem every day.

But is this really a poem, then ?

"Go away!", you say,
"You're wasting our time!"

But please sir, I beg of you,
Let me stay here and rhyme ...
Jan 2014 · 279
New year
Kopter Zero Jan 2014
Time to go
Around the sun again.

Can I get off this ride ?

What's that you say,
A non-refundable ticket?

In that case might as well make
The best of it.
Dec 2013 · 243
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
The hardest part about
Is fighting
This sense of time
Running out,
Of wishing
I can do better than I did,
What happens if I don't,
What happens if I can't
Dec 2013 · 202
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Many black suns
Fly through my fingers,
As I close one eye
And open the other,
Pulsing in beat to my dreams.
Dec 2013 · 244
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Returning now to the scene of the crime.

I was a different man.

At a different time and a different place,
I will find one person the same
Dec 2013 · 362
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Almost had it,
I was clean again.
Got a prayer, got a mantra, got sober again.

But that was yesterday,
I ******* up once more today.
I broke up, broke down, gave in today.

I don't wanna believe it, i thought I had it.
I was feeling good, wrote a diary entry for it.

Can't give up, I've ruled that out.
It's really very tempting though, to take that route.
Got to pull myself together, and just try, try again.
Can't let everyone down, that's just insane.

But what about how I feel? I'm not happy here!
And really this is the thought that defeats me here

And brings me down and weakens me,
Destroys my immunity,
Till I just can't see
Right from wrong,
What's here and what's gone,
Till I just can't care anymore,
Like ... Who am I doing this for?
Dec 2013 · 297
Dead Man Breathing
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Im a bag of muscle and bone
Breathe into me
I'll use it well.
Dec 2013 · 765
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I use a word to describe a feeling.
When I have a new feeling,
Do I need a new word?
Can I use an old word?

If I thought I loved,
Could I have been wrong?
Does it mean I lied,
If I said I did,
When I thought I did,
But didn't,
and didn't know that I didn't?

If I feel something new,
Can I call it love ?

Do I still need
To call the old feeling love
Too ?
Dec 2013 · 7.0k
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
My happiness is under my control.
So what does it mean that I am unhappy?
Do I want to be unhappy?
Do I not know how to be happy?
Did I know how to be happy but have now forgot it?
Surely one of these must be true,
But which one?
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