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Dec 2013 · 914
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
The plant that walked,
I have seen it.
They say it was uprooted, but it wasn't.
As the shadow of the tower grew,
It followed the sun to a better place.
Though whether its roots moved and carried it,
Or it pushed the earth through its roots,
I could not say.
Dec 2013 · 268
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
It is hard to write and hard not to write.
I hover over the next word or sentence, hesitating.
Perhaps I am searching what to write for,
Because I have no words to write.
But perhaps the words are pushing out,
Trying to be born,
To come out through me into the world.
It hurts.
Dec 2013 · 510
Falling in Lava
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I tumbled into her.
Climbed her,
But found instead of a summit,
A crater.
I fell through, and the molten
Fluids consumed me,
Dissolved me.
I moved beneath the shifting crust,
In unknowing, in agony,
Till she spit me out, spent,
On some distant shore.
Dec 2013 · 573
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Twinking city lights
Moving by faster and faster.
Red white blue yellow.
Streaking by now,
Almost a blur.
Blending into one,
As I crash
Dec 2013 · 360
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I crawl from
The flaming wreck,
Over the burning sand.
I reach out for water, but
Gather only rocks.
The water has moved away,
Just a little bit further.
Always a little hit further.
I crawl until my hands and face bleed.
When I give up,
Lie on my back,
Stare into the sun,
A pitcher of the sweetest water!
All this while I had not asked.
Dec 2013 · 514
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
White stone canyon
Gleaming in the sun
Empty of men and women
Empty of grass and trees
Filled only with forgotten monuments
Small ones, and big ones towering above
But above them all a single spire
Judges all around it
Watches them fill up
With sand and mud and dirt and dust
Till it alone remains, a pillar of white stone
As tall as me
Dec 2013 · 269
To Bee
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Pull out
Of the flower
The dead bee.
It gets in the way.
Dec 2013 · 236
The tree
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
In my dream, there was a tall tree.

It reached into the clouds,
Taller and wider than I could see.
I climbed it branch by branch,
Till I could see nothing around me but branches and leaves.
I leapt, and bounced, and dangled, and swung.

I lived in the tree.
Dec 2013 · 304
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Ghost of christmas future,
Ghost of christmas past
Come let me show you now
The ghost of christmas Lost.
Dec 2013 · 311
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
On a cloud,
Floating close by,
I first saw this little girl.
I was a little boy.
There was mist between, and
All around was forming and dissolving.
The currents of the wind bore our clouds
Nearer and farther, and gave shape to all I saw.
The last I remember is just a shape in the distance,
A patchwork of color, of skin and clothes and hair,
Before a crack and a boom,
Of what I now call lightning,
That turns all to white for an instant,
Leaving everything charged up,
Scarred and cauterized,
Sending me tumbling,
Dec 2013 · 341
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I found myself in the house at the beginning
Of the street and suddenly
You were there
I said what what what
Are you doing here?
You said relax
It's only a dream
Oh ok I said, in that
Case, how've you been ?
This rock on the table was still here
Earlier, do you recognize it?
I've been able to grow up many years
Now, do you see it?
C'mon not again, you're getting all hazy
Oh alright, it's fine, I'll leave now
Dec 2013 · 334
The white wall
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
It rushes away from me, I to it
Around me grey mush, dark space
But there, a smooth plane stretching out both ways,
The White Wall

In the dimness I see others around
Me, going about their ways, but
Do they not see or do they
Not care at all?

I move vigorously, but stay in place
As does everyone else, but
Is this enough? Am I not
Supposed to fall?

To fall towards it (or away from it),
I make painful progress. I cannot judge
By parallax whether I draw nearer or
Not, to the Wall.

But I must. I know I must,
Make it here sooner or later,
For when I am silent I do most
Clearly hear its call.
Dec 2013 · 508
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I'm sick today
I had a strong fever, a high fever
But a fever is a strange thing
A time of great change
Things can go either way
I can remake myself
Bit by bit, word by word
And when the fever ends
I will be new
Dec 2013 · 347
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I am scared of my heart
Beating so hard
That the blood bursts
Through my veins
What would happen then
How embarassing
For everyone to see me
Covered in blood
It would never do
Dec 2013 · 359
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
A teeny tiny scratching sound
Comes closer
A whirring descends
I can cover my ears
Or my eyes
Dec 2013 · 207
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Lower your voice
Shut your eyes
Slow down time
And then see it
Dec 2013 · 304
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
My mind is a cruel, cruel man.
He drags me in chains, and I bleed,
He leaves me to burn under the sun.
Where are these chain? I cannot see them, yet
He insists they are real.
My mind is a cruel, cruel man
Dec 2013 · 220
Pick one
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Pick a number,
pick a moment,
pick a memory,
pick a thought.

These are all the same.
There are just as many of each of them.

They are just as close to each other
and just as far apart
Dec 2013 · 211
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Hear me now.

I say

I want to live.
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
I saw my shadow fall
on a small pile of pebbles.
They were wet.
Then I walked on, and they
shone in the sun.
Dec 2013 · 229
This time
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Mired in the rhyme you are
Are you gonna be right this time ?
Dec 2013 · 252
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
My hands were missing when I needed
To pay for my coffee
I took a sip
And walked away
Dec 2013 · 427
Kopter Zero Dec 2013
Shards of glass,
Like lightning.
I reach out for the spark,
And cut myself.

— The End —