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Apr 2014 · 213
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Hungry I am
Hungry for you
Hungry for me
My hunger is yours
Feed it
Feed me
Feed yourself
Apr 2014 · 254
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Tall trees like antennae
Rattling with lightning
The air thick, viscous, resisting
Walking in these parts
Is never fun
Apr 2014 · 523
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
The shaking, stirring, vibrating snowflakes
Hurt my ears but please my eyes,
Melting, falling, coalescing, a
Snow angel in sweet disguise
Waits silently behind the snow storm;
Raising slowly its feathered wings,
It gathers its stolen, silky due.
Apr 2014 · 355
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
A grid, a blank canvas, a blank man.
There, out on the grey moor, under a darkening sky,
Welcoming the fog, and the
Growing disquiet that howls in the distance,
Apr 2014 · 218
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
It's funny when people think
I make up the stuff I write,
As if I sit around choosing
What happens next.
Or maybe it's scary,
Or maybe it's embarrassing,
Because really all I do
Is writ down what I see
When I close my eyes.
Apr 2014 · 466
Long Party
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
You sit in the corner,
Holding the lamp,
As we circle around the furniture solemnly
Ingesting our medicated alcohol,
Living our life in the intervals,
Stepping out at the end of the party,
One by one,
Out of our minds,
Into the fire.
Apr 2014 · 193
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Say he went to the mountain
To settle a score.
Say he went under the waves,
Right down to the sea floor.
Say he ran away, and don't
Call no place home.
Can't get what he wants,
So he keeps wanting more.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Falling or floating;
If you didn't feel the air rushing,
If you could breathe all the time,
Would you know the difference ?
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Show me your elements, your mixtures, your
Adorable complex surface, Let me
Dive within and soak in your enzymes,
With my only effort being to reach, to
Stretch, to get that most unattainable inner flame
Within, to grasp it and burn myself.
Apr 2014 · 193
Some sun
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you're happy and you don't know it,
Get some exercise, get some sun.
If you're unhappy and you know it,
Do the same.
If you're unhappy and you don't know it, please do nothing.
Apr 2014 · 353
Oh my
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
I don't know where all this came from.
One moment I was a hungry, eager kid
With his life before him,
And the next I was a stuffy old loser.
Cramped in by his things,
Cornered by his possessions,
Shuffling along in his manacles,
Seeing the world in slow motion
Through his blinkers.
Apr 2014 · 304
Rewind, Pt 4
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
I concede that I
Need not be happy;
I concede that I
Might just be lonely;
That might just be
How things are.
That might just be
How things will be.
But my words still stand;
I want what's due to me.
Apr 2014 · 409
Rewind, Pt 3
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
Oh quit
Your whining, you whiner, you
Poser, you think you suffer alone ?
Why, look around you, don't you
See there is suffering in the world, you
Suffering fool!
Don't you think if you wanted
To be happy, that you'd
Do it already,
Why should you get anything more
Than anyone else? Isn't
Everyone the same? Aren't all unhappy ?
You wouldn't be happily unequal so
You're unhappily equal to all,
This is what you wished for
Most clearly. If now you find
Your aims at cross-
Purposes, am I to blame? I who
Merely make all your wishes
In their glorious entirety
Come true?
Apr 2014 · 349
Rewind, Pt. 2
Kopter Zero Apr 2014
It's ok, don't fret it, I ain't greedy,
I'm lonely and I gotta be that way and I know it,
But all I'm asking for, really, is a single moment,
A single moment of complete happy-ness, that I
Can stretch like jelly to wrap everything inside.
But my warning still stands, and you better heed it,
I know what's due to me and I know that you know it
Too, so don't ***** me over because I'm not gonna
Go out with a whimper if you try to *****
Me out of the bargain that we made a long time ago,
And you know and I know you do,
That a lot has happened and I've held up my half,
So you better hold up yours too ...
Mar 2014 · 367
Rewind: Part 1
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Hey you! Yes, you! It's me and I want
My life back. Look it's been
Ten years and I made a mistake then and
I see it now.

I don't want this life I have, please
Please can't you take this life
From me and sell me another one?

You gotta do right by me, you can't
Just cheat me like this, you think
I'm gonna put up with this ?

I can't go on with this one, look I'm
Making the best of it and all but c'mon !
You must agree this can't go on!

I want out, mister, and you better listen to me.
I've been good to you and followed your ways
And now I expect you to
Return the favor. Is this too much to ask ?
Can't I get a second chance ?

You can't hide from me behind your holiness,
You can't turn away from me now!
You better listen to me, 'cause if you don't make this right
I'm tearing this whole place down right now!
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Poking around the weeds, my back bent,
I see a shadow pass overhead. A giant stork
Moves closer, it's beady eyes regarding me
With some contempt. I pull out a bundle of grass
And hand it over; it picks it up and is off.
If only all my troubles would
Fly away like this.
Mar 2014 · 319
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
The slow falling rain of water
Drops below the enduring
Reign of words.
One pelts, drenches, slushes out all,
The other penetrates and hold captive
Long after the remnants of clouds
Have withered away.
Impaled thus on words you seek water
In the growing cracks of the parched desert.
Mar 2014 · 277
Bitter Tweet
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I think it's bitter,
But better say it's sweet.
I could make this longer,
Then it wouldn't be a tweet.
Mar 2014 · 271
Well Sprung
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Pull it out, ******!
The well is nearly empty,
We want to get all the water we can.
We must be quick, we do not want
To share it, little that we have. Don't complain,
Or else I'll do you in too. I don't care
About you or the others, I want
My own water.
Mar 2014 · 596
Whole Wool Moat Mat
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Dazed and bleeding, I'm all
Crazed; I'm not leaving, you're
Calling me, I ain't listening, I'm
Out and beyond now, I'm
Out of reach and you all are just
Out of your minds if you think that I've
Said what I needed to, it doesn't mean that
Just coz I peed my pants when I saw my face,
That I'm gonna stop and leave this place,
You're mental, It's not me; It's you, you all, you
Told me when it was over that my
Time's up and hauled me over
The edge, it's too late, can't just go
To the ledge, must wait for that
And smoke the fear right out of
My eyes, till you look into me and I, I
Look into yours, you and me, we
Have the life (we have life) and the flesh and the blood, and just
One thing more, and that's
Why we're here.
Mar 2014 · 200
Stare, Pt. 2
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
There were lines forming in it;
Fractures, small and large.
One in particular loomed large
And broke off, sliding down.
Only then did I see what lay behind it, but
Would you believe me if I told you ?
Mar 2014 · 363
Stare, Pt. 1
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Tell me what you see, said the old man,
But it was white, all white, and
What could I possible make out in the storm ?
Yet he insisted, standing behind the rock to my side,
Glowering at me with his steady eyes.
And I in turn glowered, at the
Vast white nothingness,
Which seemed a single mass;
Something there was that seemed to flow
Within it, under it.
Yes, the nothingness did move, and so
On I stared.
Mar 2014 · 781
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
A grand journey it was!
Sledding and running,
Flying and crashing,
Tumbling into and careening off,
Stepping aside and barging in,
Jumping over and crawling through,
Bruised and scarred and cut and scraped,
But loving every moment of it;
Every terrifying and wonderful moment!
Mar 2014 · 160
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Oh, look, the sun came up again; but
You already knew that, didn't you ? Waiting
All through the night, by
Moon light.

And yet you say you would like
To bet on it not doing so tomorrow ?

I must leave you then, I have to
Get on with my work.

I feel you are more in love with
The idea of darkness than the
Darkness itself, since you have
Never seen it.
Mar 2014 · 316
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
You say you feel alive.
What's that like?
Mar 2014 · 220
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I was weak, and
Then I was split,
Into Two.

One in a cage and one,

But I was lured by fear,
The caged one.

I sought shelter, from
An image, and
He let me in.

Then he locked us
Both in,
Trapped us.

The key was gone, he
Took his life, and
Left me.

Worse off than
Mar 2014 · 291
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Within a floating
Bubble amidst the glowing
Chaos of an exploded star
I spin
In ever shrinking
I spiral
Towards a black destiny
Mar 2014 · 195
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
An unease, the vibrating,
Restless shifting,
I do not know what I want.
I thought the questions to be
Asked, were "Who am I?" and
"Where do I come from?", but
Too much time has passed, and
Too many false starts, and
Too many dead ends; I am
Filled with doubt, trying
Everything and giving up on it,
All I want is to know once and for all,
"What do I really want?"
Mar 2014 · 396
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Don't pull me back to
Sleep, I have no wish to
Revisit the same place, too
Scary it is for me now, too
Hard it is to see now, to
Feel again, to
Know again,
What it was like.

I frantically work myself
Into wakefulness.
Mar 2014 · 234
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
You tell me this way, I go that.
You ask for this, I give you that.
You say sit, and I then jump.
You say slow, I speed over the bump.
You look down when I look up.
You climb up when I walk down.
You push and shove, I slip right by.
You fly and I crouch near the ground.
You stand at guard, always watching,
Don't bother with it, you won't see me coming.
Mar 2014 · 666
Living Fear
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I walked into a cave,
And I felt as though my fears
Were like living parasites,
Strange biological grafts,
Growing, pulsing, slimy things,
With Gross and hideous shapes.

Yet affixed to my back,
Dug into my very spine,
Like murderous lichen,
Or grotesque gothic primordial ooze.

Rising, Creeping, Slithering,
Wrapping mouths, eyes and tentacles
Around me,
Weighing me down.

These things,
Grafted on to me,
Hissing, belching and moaning,
Daring me to look at them.
Mar 2014 · 413
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Ah! What brilliant light! What color! My dear,
You must give me one of those bright
Rocks, it will do well for cutting; It
Chops so well when hit repeatedly, I
Don't miss my knife anymore.
Mar 2014 · 257
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Poles apart, they circle the same star,
Whirling and turning furiously,
Yet predictably.
One good, the other bad,
One dark, the other light,
As day and night.
I broke the balance; I tried
To get rid of the bad, but this
Was unwise, and I lie
Con-fused and fragmented,
Waiting for two bodies to
Coalesce again, and resume
Their perpetual dance.
Mar 2014 · 536
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Make like a comet;
She your clothes and your fears
And streak across the sky.

Range far and wide,
Returning periodically
To offer the gazers
A generous glimpse,
But spend less time near them
And more further away,
In the colder, rarified, darker recesses.

Repeat, until
You can't maintain
Your eccentricity;
At which point,
Feel free to
Enter the dense hot air
Of your earthbound brethren,
And go out in a blaze
Of fiery falling fragments.
Mar 2014 · 315
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
I try to keep them out,
I really do.
But they swarm over me
And into me.
Creeping, crawling
And squeezing in.
Soon it's like I have
A second skin.
That moves
And coats me
And out.
The whole is indistinguishable
From the millions of them.
I hate bugs.
Mar 2014 · 2.8k
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
A sunset.
A drowning.
Whom do I save,
The sun or you?
Mar 2014 · 232
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Cold waves
Dark clouds
The plants crawling up to me
An island kingdom
Moving rock
Boats setting out to sea
Mar 2014 · 323
A new leaf
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
What's under this leaf ?
It looks like
A little man.
Come on,
Let's crush him
In turn.
Mar 2014 · 223
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Argh! Stop telling me
What to do.
Wait, you're not anymore,
You say ?
You just used to ?
Why am I still doing this then ?
Am I a prisoner to the past ?
Or do I just like it now ?
Mar 2014 · 278
Kopter Zero Mar 2014
Pounding legs
Hammering knees
Numbed toes
Fading strength
Blurred eyes
Dripping hair
I ran
Feb 2014 · 889
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
I stood alone
In the tall hall
And felt a chill near my left hand.

Later I learnt
It was where
She had died.
Feb 2014 · 223
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
This throbbing pain,
In my shoulder,
Is driving me insane!
I'm beginning to feel
It's where the bad one lives,
Where he makes his home,
From where he strikes out,
To turn my world to ****.
I have to control this,
I have to eliminate this pain,
Before it spreads throughout,
And I become him.
If I can't,
Will I need to cut it off ?
Feb 2014 · 249
The Box
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Passing through the fields,
He stopped by the lonely tree,
And tied his horse nearby.

A little further was the hill,
Overlooking the sea,
Green in time gone by.

Dug a hole ten paces west,
Got down on his knee,
Put his hands inside.

Pulled out the box,
Opened it up,
Then sat back and cried.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
(Her) Geology
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Her skin was like the result of a volcano.
It flowed on, and ebbed to the touch.
At any moment I felt it could
Erupt, and destroy me.
I was conscious of vast oceans
Of molten lava beneath,
As if she masked
Shifting tectonic plates below.
Amidst her peaks and valleys,
Glaciers, Wind and Fire,
Pounded material into submission.
To lie next to this
Reservoir of energy, this
Hot and heavy
Heavenly body,
Rotating and Revolving
To its own rhythm,
Was to dance
With life.
Feb 2014 · 246
Am I
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
I'm not so bad,
Am I ?
You don't need to be
Scared of me.
Come closer,
I won't bite.
Forget what I
Said earlier,
I'm not really
Out to get you.
Feb 2014 · 341
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Don't hold me in!
The sun is coming out!
Let me see it one last time!

There is another way!
I know it!
There has to be!

A way without pain,
Without  hurt,
With boundless happiness.

But I know it, don't I,
This way.

It has always been the simple way,
But not the easy one.

Is it too late for me now?
I have been down all other roads,
But sit locked up now.

Can you free me one more time?
Can I have one more chance?
Can the right way be my way?
Feb 2014 · 329
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Through the white noise
Of the old tv screen,
I see your face,
Forming, dissolving, and

Different moods, different feelings,
Each time.
I gaze into the glowing phosphor,
Full of wishful thinking,
Till my eyes burn out.
Feb 2014 · 281
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
After enough time passes,
All things become normal.

You get used to he great things in your life,
And you get used to all the troubles.

Very soon the need to change seems absurd,
In your mind.
But you don't stop feeling it,
In your heart.
Feb 2014 · 441
Sub Man
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Plod, plod, plod,
He came home and hung up his cloak,
The days of crime-fighting are over.

Tick, tick, tick,
Which corner should he climb into now?
His day of reckoning draws nearer.

Bam! bam! bam!
The kryptonite is doing its work,
He knows it's now all over.
Feb 2014 · 271
Make it rain, or In a rush
Kopter Zero Feb 2014
Hey what what what are you doing?
Put that effing knife down!
This isn't how it's supposed to end,
This isn't why I came to town!

You wanted to see me, I'm here now,
Instead you just screaming at me, asking how
I'm gonna find all the money to pay you back,
This is out of whack!

My system's compromised, yo!
I'm running on empty,
I got no money for gas,
But I got plenty
Of blood in my veins
And you're gonna see,
I'mma make it rain,
Until I bleed.

And then you'll be stuck,
Look at me while I smile,
Throw your hands up and say, f*%$,
Where were you all this while?
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