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Feb 2017 · 416
Koh Pei Yi Feb 2017
The way your eyes glazed
It's like you could see the galaxy
Staring into dark infinity
Into oblivion
They think you see nothing
But I know
You see everything

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Feb 2017 · 446
Koh Pei Yi Feb 2017
We are oceans deep
Of different continents
My depth is bottomless
And yours meets the beach
You washed my life ashore
Now I'm swept empty
But my waves will rise
To be strong and powerful -p

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Feb 2017 · 362
Koh Pei Yi Feb 2017
Like a cross junction
Our paths crossed
We collided
Never meant to be
The damages we've done
Dented us deeply
The course we took
Our fate intertwined
But we were never meant to be

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Feb 2017 · 434
Koh Pei Yi Feb 2017
So my best friend and I started out a instagram page.

Please support us.**

You look in the mirror.
You think you're beautiful.
Chances are, you are.

You look in the mirror.
You think you're ugly.
Chances are, you are.

But oh don't worry.
Because someone out there
thinks you are
the definition of beauty. - M
Jan 2017 · 493
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
Tears of anguish on the front,
Fears and sadness in the heart
Scars of regrets now I left,
Love and despair I repent.
Jan 2017 · 280
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
Girls are weak and incapable,
But all She want was recognition,
Her hard work and determination,
To be like him in accomplishment.
Jan 2017 · 276
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
Even until hell freezes over,
I am still without you,
Like the fire that engulfs me,
My lungs burn like it’s in hell.
Jan 2017 · 279
#12 TO BE
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
A group a fist and a stick,
Those are memories of the weak,
Alone afraid but with the stick,
She could masked the weakness in deceit.
Jan 2017 · 217
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
The need to feed,
On the acceptance of each;
I urge to feed,
The trusting voice they preach.
Jan 2017 · 358
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
What people forgotten to teach about love,
Was that love can heal but love can hurt,
When love is here but love has strain,
Who to hurt the pain they bear?
What the world forgot to teach,
Was the escape they can seek,
When love is here but love has strain,
Who to turn to but the stick?
Jan 2017 · 479
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
A huff of anger,
I puff the smoke,
We wont be together,
Those words you spoke,
Puff the smoke,
While my heart broke,
Trying to cope.
These barren hopes.
Jan 2017 · 340
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
We shared everything,
Your clothes my bed,
Your heart my love,
You said I am everything;
Her clothes your bed,
Your lips to hers,
You lied to me,
I share a kiss,
With a stick,
Whiff of your lips,
Lingers with me.
Jan 2017 · 491
Koh Pei Yi Jan 2017
All the times you were my happiness,
Those warm fingers that were linked between mine,
But now a long stick of emptiness,
Your lips no longer to mine,
Wishing for a breath of forgetfulness,
My lips drew a thin line
Jul 2016 · 1.0k
The Mourn
Koh Pei Yi Jul 2016
I mourn the loss. I bury you underneath the soil beneath the earth- the past the present and the future.

You are like the flower I adore, budding and blossoming, pollinating and withering, but there is only one you. As your petals fall your body wilting, you lay still as colors fades into dullness, I mourn the loss.

I mourn the loss. The brain the body and the soul. Your eyes they blink, your mouth they smile now replaced by once upon a time- you were once alive.

I bury you in the abyss of my mind with the trace of your life you left in my heart. When the rain pours as the wind howl, my tears will mimics the raindrops on my face and I will wail along together with the death of my drowning sane. I mourn the loss.

I mourn the loss of what could have been the forevermore but with death comes life.

I bury you underneath the soil beneath the earth- the past the present and the future. A life will emerge from remains of the loss. But before that I will mourn, the loss of all there was to it.

I will mourn.
Koh Pei Yi Oct 2015
We met,
We kissed,
We laugh,
We talked,
It was evening when your best friend called;
You dated,
She flew over,
You kissed her,
She had ***;
You walked away,
I was alone,
You came back,
I smiled.
We make out,
We talked,
I teared,
You kissed me again.
I bared my body,
I let down my guard,
I bared my heart.

Love me,
I'm naked,
I'm vulnerable.
Oct 2015 · 786
It was *You*
Koh Pei Yi Oct 2015
As her back arches up as he goes deep into her,
All she remember was the face of him
Not him who penetrated her at 2 in  the dormitory in the campus,
But him whom she still love and never forgotten, who was in the same institution.
Sep 2015 · 374
Koh Pei Yi Sep 2015
As she lay in bed
With someone she just met
Her finger follows
The trails of his silhouette
As the rays of the sun glitters
On the pair of glistening body
She slips on her dress
As she exit
She left a part of her behind
She repeat
As she traces over the bodies
She wasn't disrespecting herself
She was just seeking
She thought one day
It would be different
He would love her
But she was just
Inadequate of what it seem to be
True love.
Aug 2015 · 318
Koh Pei Yi Aug 2015
He love her
She loved him

What was seemed to be love
Now replaced by his tears
Her laughter now sourced from other him

He couldn't let it go
She couldn't break away

She loved him
He love her
Aug 2015 · 394
Koh Pei Yi Aug 2015
She is like a rose,
Her beauty wanted by most,
She is like a rose,
Her thorns make you bleed.

Like a rose,
She is unsullied,
Like a rose,
Her beauty is in her thorns.
Aug 2015 · 420
Koh Pei Yi Aug 2015
I am a prisoner of your thoughts;
Your views your statement of me,
I changed I adapt I explained,
I am doing this for who?
One day when i stopped doing these,
Then surely I'll say,
'I am free'.
Aug 2015 · 432
Koh Pei Yi Aug 2015
Constant assurance is an addiction,

Crave to be needed,
To be worthwhile.

I crave to be reminded that
I am not my monster,
But your angel.
Aug 2015 · 333
Koh Pei Yi Aug 2015
I've always hope that someone would accept and love me for the way i am

The someone was so close, yet so far.

I yearned for acceptance, i craved for love and yet i didn't realize

That the person i want and need the most love from,

Someone is myself.

— The End —