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Elipsis Mar 2014
You're a coward, you're a fake

And you give me far less than you take

You give me discomfort and you take up my time

So I'll take up a wee bit of yours with this rhyme

You drain all I have then promptly cut ties

You say it's my fault, I say you're all lies

I ask for an answer you give me a blank

This excuse is nothing I can cash at the bank

I ring and I ring, but my voice remains alone

Because you're too pathetic to answer your phone

Friends for three years, and all you can give

Is nothing at all, you've no reason to live

I comforted you in your time of need

Though mine was greater, I gave not into greed

I asked for your help, but never did I drain

All of your energy and leave you in pain

I gave you my best, and then you took all the rest

I continued to listen though my patience you'd test

Still you ignore all my texts and silence your ringer

This rejection carries poison like a scorpion's stinger

One time my well of patience ran dry

And I gave up on you while you continued to cry

But two wrongs don't make right, I thought you better than that

You're a very bad, very mean, vindictive little cat

You say I'm a drama queen, honey look in the mirror

And I know that you won't. Because of fear or

The fact that you know that you would see something gross

A little tip, buy some reality, then take a strong dose.

You say I've done nothing; I've done more than you,

Though I will admit you've done a little for me too

But if I were to put what we've done on a scale

It'd be like measuring an anvil against a nail

You always were a hypocrite, now you're a liar to boot

Someday you'll see your mistake and yell shoot

But by then it'll be far too late

Because you never see beyond today's date

I'm sick of your lies, so to settle the score

This rhyme, not much, good enough for who it's for

Liar Liar pants on fire

I hope you hang from a telephone wire.
2009, age 16
Elipsis Mar 2014
Elegance fades into a dull, lifeless shape
Blunt, Coldness, no route to take to escape
Bars around my soul, a tiny prism, and tiny prison
Cage around my heart, locked, and I'm mocked
By the dirt and the wind and the stars and the sky
Destined to die Why?
Slowly decaying, decrepit, not intrepid
I am only a mortal, destined for dust, so I must
Make use of the sand in the glass, before I pass
Before the pulse goes fade, stop, and I drop
And this fragile shell, descends into hell, unwell
From intricacy, to intimacy, to my tomb by the sounding sea
The time in our lives is incredibly short to sort our priorities, it's insanity
That the spark that ignites is so quickly snuffed, it's simply unjust, and I've had enough
Yet there's nothing to do, nothing to be had
To keep us from the reaper's grasp
Don't gasp As if you didn't know that we are all soon to die
Simply ask why?
Someone has planned to give us this life, this planet to grand
Then demand
Loyalty and servitude until our dying day
Doesn't he see? That for us it's only seconds away?
When he gave me this sand, if he wanted me to chase what he planned
He should have given me a few more grains
Not just the promise of fire rains, eternal pains
I may be jaded, but this is how I see
If he gave it to me, that makes it mine
My sand to drain, to use for my own plans
Maybe that way, I can be satisfied, when it's simply my time
For the elegance to fade into a dull, lifeless shape
As long as it's mine, I don't need an escape From the reaper's grasp
2011, Age 17
Elipsis Mar 2014
Just another Tuesday morning

Doing work for a grade

Not knowing that later that day

Fifteen people would sleep in their graves

The peace was shattered

Blood was spattered

On Library shelves

Then they killed themselves

And the smoke filled the air

As they killed without a care

They murdered without mercy

Their souls, cold, black, and bare

The shots rang out in the halls

Despite those desperate cell phone calls

The spawn of Satan killed for him

And you can't help but feel just a bit sorry for them

Eric was so very smart

And it appeared he had a tender heart

And Dylan was a dedicated friend

And he showed this up to the very end

And it's so very sad

That something this mad

Happened in such a special time

And It's so very sad that something this bad

Had written about it this one little rhyme

Nobody expected it to happen at Columbine

Cause it was just another Tuesday Morning.
2008, age 15
Elipsis Mar 2014
The dark is so comforting to a lonely heart

Envelop and enfold, your embrace keeps me together When I'd rather just fall apart

When sadness tries to overtake my heart, you are a slight relief From the stabbing pains the light inflicts upon my eyes

Nobody sees tears when you cover me so

Please Darkness, my love, never let me go

You numb the agony that eats me away

Some say you'll **** me I say you're the reason I still draw breath

Sitting alone, you and I Your silence is the kiss that brings warmth to my blood

But then I drift off to unawareness, a realm where you are not my only lover

Be not aflame with envy my dear

For in the world in which I dwell You are my one and only

You alone have my hand, my lips, my body, mind, and soul

You bring a spark of insanity

To melt the snow and ice that has slowly accumulated on my withering, dying heart

It's always cold here, subzero

And I'm forever trying to fight the frostbite

That comes simply from living in this harsh, unforgiving world

So don't feel insecure, just blanket my being, encase me in blissful blindness

You are all I will ever have

It may be fleeting, but the solace and contentment your presence brings allows my heart to beat another day

I will sit with you forever and let my body decay.

I no longer care. They may call what we have perverse if they wish.

They will never understand how you make me feel.

They don't need to understand my life.

So I say, never let me go.

I will always be true to you, I will always return

Darkness, my one true love.
Elipsis Mar 2014
The following morn I was awoken

To find our bond forever broken

6:14 your heart stopped cold

Made weeping children of even the bold

Picture by picture, frame by frame

I cried in agony but death held claim

Over your life, and I screamed in dismay

"It just can't be your final day"

But realization dawned, slowly at first

Crying was pointless, but denial was worse

I could act as a child and pretend you weren't gone

But at 6:14, you died on that lawn

Then I saw the picture, the smashed twisted tomb

And a sickening silence fell over my room

I almost fell ill, I could not speak

I had just laughed with you the very same week

Yet there it was, clear on the screen

6:14, she died at the scene

Now emptiness haunts me yet I'm never alone

I feel you around me, all the way to the bone

And though I'm cold, your love makes me warm

I know you'll take me through the eye of the storm

Though I know your voice will haunt me at night

I can count on your memory to hold me tight

My guardian angel now flies high above

Showering me with her praise and love

And I miss her more than she could know

But I trust that never again will she go.

Death isn't easy, but I'll come to grips

When she puts her finger to my lips

So my gaze will be calm at the clock on the screen

Even when it reads 6:14.
2011, age 17
Elipsis Mar 2014
The break of a new day

But the sky's still black

I don't know if you're ever coming back

It eats me away, but I don a smile

Hoping you'll only be gone for a while

But every day the wait goes on

And I think of you

Withering petals

A flower not bloomed

The sunshine can't reach you

Through these clouds between us

It's sapping my strength away

To say that we've lost

But the distance between us is a chasm at best

Your heartbeat is cold now within my chest

***** glass, break the glass, please find your way out

And come back to me

All I can do is shout

When those black clouds evaporate

I'll find you again
Light one last cigarette, I'll breathe you in

Your breath still smells of bleach

Razor kisses adorn your arms

Like a thousand roads that navigated you through life's harms

But they don't seem to stretch on beyond those bars

So you sit and decay silently, listening to passing cars

And I sit here, so numb in the comfort of the loneliness

Feeling helpless to help now, I've got only this

All I have is this keyboard to type from my heart

But it can't freeze the flame that's been there from the start.
2010, age 17
Elipsis Mar 2014
You hide your heart behind a mask, its really quite a shame

Your past is draped in tragedy; the reaper grim's to blame

Your heart may crack or even shatter, but know this well my dear

I'll always put you together again, and then smile from ear to ear

At the single most beautiful of all god's creations, perfectly constructed with love

And I see them all surrounding you, protecting you, his doves

Can I be a little dove? Shield you with my wings?

I want to keep you safe from all your demons, external, internal, all the wicked things

I'd let them bruise and batter me, slit my throat even in your place

To keep your blood within your veins, I'd gnaw the nose off my face

I'd also take a tire iron and bash the reaper's head

Don his cloak, and take his scythe, become the new lord of dead

I'd take the life of every demon, every single foe

Then grab ahold of your angel's wings and smile as they carry us home

We'll go to a place where nothing can touch us, where you will forever be free

From all the torment and then I'll ask you to spend eternity with me.
2010, age 17

— The End —