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 Jun 2015 Knight86
It's summer
whenever I close my eyes
and you and I
are together
drinking tea
looking at
each other

Because we're together
it's hard to believe we can actually...
and even kiss each other
after all this time

We're quiet
smiling and crying
because we're trying to comprehend
this miracle
of you and me
face to face
 Jun 2015 Knight86
 Jun 2015 Knight86
you're just lying there
a dead limb
not moving
not even sure you're still alive

where ever I go
I carry you with me
it's such a struggle
you're hard to move

You're just lying there
buried under a blanket
But I know you're just hoping
for a day without pain
 Jun 2015 Knight86
Share with me
he said from his computerscreen far away
share with me
anything and everything
you could possible share

you see, I like you
we just met minutes ago
but somehow I convinced myself you're special
so share with me
everything you can
 Jun 2015 Knight86
A college education
diploma's in 3 different fields
But born in a country
filled with poverty

She took a change
for a better life
but without papers
so without rights

She's positive
says her life is better here
And then she gets up, and continues
cleaning my mothers living room
 Jun 2015 Knight86
I'm hoping someone dies today
maybe a carcrash or a shooting
someone to simply stop his breath

I'm hoping someone dies today
Friends to open their mouths in disbelieve
by this unexpected news

I'm hoping someone dies today
Family members crying
as they carry him to his grave

I'm hoping someone dies today
I'd never wish that on anyone
but my heart is failing.... and I want to live myself
 Jun 2015 Knight86
Everybody dies
That risk is part of living
We all walk around knowing our next breath
may be our last
But we're all hoping to be 85 someday
and die of old age
when living got boring anyway

You probably won't get there
your heart, is a timebomb
every heartbeat another tick
tick tick tick
running towards it's last tick
it's last beat, before your veins close around it
your body attacks it, because it isn't really yours

And the numbers ain't good
they talk years, maybe one or two decades
but it will be soon, when your timebomb runs out of time

If my own heart
connects with yours
if I make it beat faster
and give my extra ticks to you
do I buy you more time?

Is there a magical prayer
a bribeable doctor
another heart you can gain from a carcrash?

Can I blow my own life into yours
increase your lifespan with poetry
keep your heart going, for many decades to come?

I just met you
you're still the new guy in my life
I have no right to claim you
but timebomb inside you
please never explode.
 Jun 2015 Knight86
Down the hill
near the sea
Is a place
you'd have to see

was ours each summer
me and my sister
and our sweet mother

The best times
were always there
but now memories are spoiled
it doesn't seem fair

When I close my eyes
I rewitness a terrible thing
it was a normal day
I was sitting on a swing

But then the war came
the bombings, destruction and defeat
There was so much chaos
I just remember dead bodies and heat

My sister was lying
to safe her own life
And then she had to leave me
become some soldiers wife

It was me left in rubble
Traumatised and lonely
Seen most terrible things
needed someone to hug me

And then a hand
suddenly grabbed mine
It was my dear mother
but she didn't look fine

A part of her skull
was blown away
She was dying in seconds
but had something to say

She was trying
but no words came to surface
She shed her last tear
we were both worthless

I was alone now
and didn't know what to do
no house and no mother
nothing to stick to

I left the little
house down the hill
And now thinking of my dreamhouse
makes me feel cold and ill
 Jun 2015 Knight86
the walls
 Jun 2015 Knight86
I'm not leaving you outside my heart
well I am,
but I'm not
not-telling you anything I know

there's walls inside my own mind I'm not allowed to cross
they don't have doors, I'd have to climb
and then jump
so I'd be falling
for a long time

and nobody knows how broken I'd be if I'd survive the fall

so unless
you know how to buy a parachute
and help me climb the walls
you just have to
there're things about me you'll
never know
 May 2015 Knight86
'I'll never see my brother again'
says the stranger I met online somewhere
And he proceeds to tell me
about the rocket exploding
while his brother tried to rescue
but died himself

I can't help but cry
and the stranger gets worried about me
since I'm crying
So I dry my eyes
but I'm wondering
how did he turn so much pain
into kindness?
 May 2015 Knight86
let me pull you
to me

I'll make you a space
in my single-person bed
my chest could be your pillow

come here
come closer
let me just...
hold you

or until
we sleep
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