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6.7k · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Like a male monkey you rises up
And thumps hard your chest-it is you and you only!
O Man! You forgets, who you are and what you are is Nature’s
She generously gives and she avariciously takes-
Just a few chances she is giving you to repent before she ruthlessly returns  
She is a sharp, doubled edged sword-merciful and merciless!
Man, Humanity is not hostility: Humanity is humility!

Like Sheol that is never satisfied you want to swallow the whole world
Like death you want to take everything, big-small-you want to stomach all
Everything you want to keep to yourself, to be to your entitlements
You take and leave nothing at all for the harmless hopeless-the voiceless  
Yet you easily forgets, when the angel of death calls it’s only you and your soul in burials
Your ill amassed pride, wealth and health is not with you anywhere in this your brutal trials
Man, Humanity is not gullibility: Humanity is generosity!

O man! O man! You fills the whole world with mortality
You have killed the sole essence of the soul’s endless immortality
With your undignified dishonesty, your free-will to filthy immorality  
War you begins wealthy to get-war is a supernormal profiting business
Man, Humanity souls has never been subjects to severity but sanctity!

Innocent-as little as little children-you murders-they were inevitable!
Common civilians’ deaths are collateral damages-inescapable!
You forgets who you are-you are a little loaned, little you returns for judgment
Here no allies to look after your backs, no cracks to corruption kickbacks-
It is the fairest of all hearings, a ***** for a ***** it is not for a big spoon!  
Man, Humanity is not ignobility: Humanity is dignity!

What you are given to govern you governs not
What you are given to take care of you pilfers all
For you and your lineages eternal legacies-the richest ever to have graced the earth!
Yet you forgets, Master a little while returns to put you to a rigorous account
And whoever much is given-that much is also expected, what will be your report?  
Man, Humanity is not royalty: Humanity is loyalty!

Humanity is a community, not a sorority of individuality!
Humanity is not infidelity: Humanity is honesty
Humanity is not how wealthy: Humanity is how a loyal legacy
Humanity is not how large is your multinationals entity:
Humanity is how huge is your small heart-its hospitality
Humanity is a humble history, a saintly story!  

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
1.4k · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
African woman
She is the strongest woman
The cradle of all human

She tends softly her man
As well as all her children
She aint seeking for equity
She is seeking for prosperity
Growth, of all her generations
She knows well her traditions
Not to be in combatant competitions

Not to fight the physical equal wars
But to strengthen the spiritual-mental walls
And they call her in tough titles-submissive and foolish
All she does is, a sit-home mum, bear and then perish
But she knows well all she wants-her family to flourish
In the hearts of the matters there you will find her
Strong and willed to build and leave her legacy
Moral men and wise women-humans of substance
She is a pillar to her home

African woman
She is the strongest woman
The cradle of all human

She sits on her sack, in her arms
A giant club to clobber her farms-
Her fields fat yields of yams
And she beats their pulps till powders
They are all ground refined white dusts

Pu! Pu! Pu! Goes her game's rhythms
Pu! Pu! Pu! Shakes her shoulders
Pu! Pu! Pu! Her biceps fats dances with each fast beatings
Pu! Pu! Pu! Strong, on, urges her throbbing breast chest
Pu! Pu! Pu! Comes back the hard works echoes
Like her man in mines and farms and fields she, too, salty sweats

African woman
She is the strongest woman
The cradle of all human

On her back is a bundle of woods
On her head balanced, is a load of loads
On her back is a can of waters
On her back is a baggage of belongings
On her back is her children
On her bent back she is a farmer weeding her fields
All in a day’s daily work without complains
African woman, who stronger woman, than you?

She is the backbone of her family
She is the umbilical cord of her folks
She is their heart and soul and spirit
She doesn’t retire until she expires
Early she is up-late she is asleep, O Mama-African woman!  
Even with all gone, she still as a mother chicken them all broods
She still them all remembers as my dear little children
Mama, African woman! Mama, who there be like you?

African woman
You are the strongest woman
The cradle of all human

When they all walk naked-liberal
She has a wrapper for her *****
A cloak to guard her gold-her fertile groins
She knows, good honey is deeply hidden in hives
And inside these hidden hives are strong stings
Bad eyes are a sight for witches-evil ruins

Her petals plains she must by all means protect
Until right comes the most suitable honeybee
Until right comes the sweetest singing hummingbird
Until moral comes the most beautiful butterfly
Until then, her nectar is not for every eye-tongue
Gathered she covers her fine curves
For she is the most beautiful of the divines-African Woman!
The strongest woman-the cradle of all human!  

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
1.2k · May 2017
Kìùra Kabiri May 2017
"Remembering the Soviet’s silent sufferings!"

Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea…… Kiev!
There they marauded cruelly combing all  
And souls they severely sought to take like hogs
Souls they fatally fought-these Dmitri dogs
In death jails-a hell more than purgatory’s punishment
They put souls to pleasurably slaughter them all
And a soul at its time they picked and hacked in elated excitement
Severely they severed them these trigger happy Zarkozsky fools

Hunger and starvation their invasion caused!
It is a saying: To suppress small states-hunger and violence cause!
And out of these societies’ desperations, demeaned humans
Will subjugate freely as miserable subjects-slaves to any rule
The soviet sacrificed us to their animosity and brutality
Our children, our parents, our experts-we all fatally fell
Of their gallous guns or cruel squads or unnatural hungers
Humans, hardworking humans became bones-NOTHING!

We did the donkeys’ hard works-indefatigably  
And they ungrateful, kingly collected our all
All our tills tires they unjustly carried away
And all was left in sustainable villages were huge hungers-
Everywhere were war casualties: tension, desperation, mass starvations-
And when angered we couldn’t bottle anymore we staged rebellions
And they cursed us with all sorts of chemicals contaminations

They combated and convicted us with any known brutal cruelties
Innocent infants they injured with their injustices-fatalities  
Little angels they hewed with brutality-others they made all sorts of slaves
They collected us, us resilient and begun murdering our mettle vitalities
Men, all able men they collected, killed and covered in mass graves
Them they carried in transport trains, some they threw away in trenches, in rivers…
Their remains they concealed to deny us a claim of their atrocities and animosities

Babies remained, crying for their dying mummies and daddies
Long after finally they have given up fighting-living
Poor innocent babies, unaware it is death……
It is not death the devil but Dmitri dogs the devils
That has fat fed on their last of defenses-able parents
Times ahead of them were tough if not toughest

The Petrovs’, the Pavlovichs’, the Mirovics,
The Lenin’s, the Stalin’s, the Sarkozsky’s.....
They are animals raised from hells horrible
There not to pamper and foster but to decimate  
Ruthless and cruel they killed without a soul-a heart  
Death is their rite, blood is their eucharist
Mass mortuaries of mutilated bodies are their sophists
Killing is their glorious celebrations-theirs sacred sacrifices

In jail, doors opened and rude were ruthless soldiers’ orders
Chains crinkled on ground as sacrifices lead to little altars
Prisoners were time to time collected and lead in cruel commanders’ commands
And from distances came echoes of targeted bingo bull’s-eye shots
A LOW ROW of shots followed by the silences of squeal of sailed souls and their guilt
If a day or a night-if any able to tell from chained scary dark chambers  
Passed and found you fit-alive, you counted yourself very, very lucky!

It was dark when we escaped from the jaws of our starving starring deaths
Out, the moon shone silvery sweet and bright on these sad ******-white snows
Its silver speckle lights letting lurid luminous sparkling glows
The snow rained with such sadness and bitterness
On our ears it whizzed with fury and ferocity
On our bare skins it bit with brutality and cruelty
On our near naked feet it froze and frosted
We endured, we had to!

Had we managed to rob death of its celebration and elation
A taste of our starved wounded bones-surviving skeletons
We had to struggle to live and hope give, we strived, we had no choice
If we were to be counted heroes of our hopeless humans
Saviours of our suppressed peoples
We had to reach a safe distance and our rural homes
To stage the war from the roots, the stems, the base!

A death in nature by nature is better than one in Dmitri dogs hands
Their deaths were inhumane, their deaths were merciless
They were mocking and shocking-laughing and loathing while killing
A mocking moustache peeking from their elongated mouths smiles
A cigar smoking from their mouth and emitting from their nostrils
A red star labeled soviet beret on their ***** irking hairy heads
They killed you slowly loving and laughing of any strength you gave to live
Until at last you are lost-in the abyss arenas of death, your are done
Such a point you give up, you can’t fight, resist anymore

They chased after us–they pursued us
They were too determined to not let any of us live
But miraculously we lived-we somehow survived
Here in this snowy arena it is a fair ground for everyone-
There is no grandmaster, it is improvisation
Survival only for the willed-fittest
Not how well you were equipped or trained
Though too skills and determination also counted

We trapped them in their own constructed coliseum
A lot of them free-froze and fell in these forgotten fields
Their bones never to reach their of-kin commemorating cemeteries
Nature is JUST! As us, theirs too had to bitterly mourn their nature lost
The never to see graves, reminders of their never returned fighting loved ones
With God’s grace on us, we cheated their beginning to tire authorities
We reached home; we reached the earth’s of our ancestors

And here we gathered to charge back-to seek backups
To restore the lost glory of our nastily punished perishing people
Some we sneaked to safety in case we all perish we have remnants
Backups to tell of us-our sorrowful story-our liberty struggles
To Kiev and its heroes; to Kiev and its strong heroines
To Kiev and its resistant living; To Kiev and its resilient
We gathered to kick back, to tell the world of the evils of the Soviet Satans
To mourn with grace our gone and done in this dehumanizing disgrace!  
O Kiev, her heartless Holodomor; O Crimea, O Georgia…..
The Satanic Soviet infiltration brought you eternal sufferings!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016

Conscripts, Innocent children robbed for war
From Congo, Chad, Central Africa Republic, Mali….
From Uganda to Sudan and South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Senegal…..
They are the forefronts young fatal fighters
From Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Lord Resistance Army…..
They are these merciless Militias mouths-youths
From Biafra-Nigeria, Bujumbura, Asmara to Abidjan Civil Wars
They are their battalions’ fertile feeding grounds
They are Kony, Riek Machar and Ruthless Rebels’ mercenaries
They are Ouattara, Nkurunziza, Salva Kiir…..youthful foot soldiers  
They are Resistance Armies and Liberation army’s guerillas  

They raided a village
They foraged the villages
For innocent, forced conscripts
At dawn-at dusk, daytime-nighttime  
At noontime-at eventide-every time

And she begged
These satans that came
At the mask of dark nights
Slithering silent as serpents
For her last left and living!

She mourned and bemoaned
Helpless and hopeless
Her, grief-stricken hapless
But under those ****** shot eyes
Those coals-hot red coloured irises
That pity or its empathy knows not
It was all in vain-to no avail!

Determined, resolute, uncaring, ruthlessly  
Him tucked on her compassionate chest
Him still tagged on her hopeless breast
Its cheeks struggling to suckle any fluid
From these sagged sacks of balloons
Him they riotously robbed

And those that can’t they ripped
To those that can’t they opened
Those that can’t they roped
To those that can’t odd happened
Those that can’t they *****
To those that can’t they dampened

Those able fingerings wrapped
On frontiers as fighters they lined
With no war experience
With no ammunitions intelligence
No boots-barefoot, no shirts-bare chests
As shields shivering, roughly ripped
By advanced military and militias

Never to know home again
Never to know its warmth again
Never to know fears again
Never to know pains again
Never to know happiness ever again
Never to know the sweet tastes again
Of what Mama’s milk-nourishing colostrums contain

Somewhere in tough terrains
Somewhere in jagged plains
Somewhere in rugged mountains
Somewhere in thicketed montanes
Somewhere in brutal bushes
Somewhere in shriveling shrubs
Shallow graves of their immature bones
Their carrions lay leaked white by scavengers or time

Lucky him that deaths avoids
Lucky him that deaths mercy observes
Lucky him that deaths shyly eludes
Fortunate him it sympathetically spares
Lives in agony of pain and guilt
Lives in fears of loyalty and liberty
Lonely eyes, hollow sorrow, mourning souls,
Empty heart, mad tampered mind, tempered looks….
Him, innocent Conscripts, Children of War!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016
"As you prepare to hop into New Year and celebrate its Newness, ponder and think of Aleppo-Syria, S.Sudan, Congo and many warring Nations. Pray that 2017 may be a year of peace and consolation."


For Humble Humanities of Aleppo-Syria, S. Sudan, Congo and all Warring Nations, Peace be upon you!

Aleppo, beautiful Aleppo
There only as a desolate sad memory!
Aleppo, a sadly stolen ivory
Aleppo, cry-tears without a drain-dry

Aleppo, last of light
She has fallen, fatally
Beautiful bride of Arabia
O sweet heart of Syria
A rubble of rust dust
She lays lost and desperate
Scraps-a mass of maimed mess

Aleppo, a tale of was
Aleppo, a lonely woman in deep grief  
Aleppo, a loner lost in her wilderness of laments
Aleppo, Aleppo, fallen yet not mourned
Aleppo, suffering yet not aided
Aleppo, dilapidated yet of sweet taste
Aleppo, fallen, fallen to unrecyclable waste
Aleppo, pathetic crumbled rubbles of past pretty paste

Aleppo, women mourning
Aleppo, men groaning
Aleppo, children moaning
Aleppo, wasted, as world silent watches
Aleppo, true, war profits some, war is a profiting business!
War funds Big Uncle Sam and his Allies’ economies
For Aleppo falls in silences of his bullish bragging democracies
Like Libya, like Syria, like Afghanistan, like Iraq……
All falls to their allied mercenaries
Women suffers, men labours, children’s-offers of overs

Aleppo, a wreck of debris, a forgotten woman
Aleppo, a ***** and left woman
Aleppo, a defiled and done man
Aleppo, a molested and mutilated child
Aleppo, a shell of hanging skeletons
Aleppo, bones and fleshes long gone
Aleppo, fallen, fallen into an eternal sleep!
Aleppo, fare-thee-well: Aleppo, rest-in-eternal-peace!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
For Humanities of Aleppo and other warring Nations Peace be upon you!
826 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
The sun scours her
Snow scrapes her
Frosts feasts her
Mist munches her
Fog freezes on her
Dew develops and dries on her
But she is resilient

Like gigantic ancient hills
She is caring Mama still
Rearing her kids will
Like cedars that straight stands
In Lebanon’s forested lands
She is a shady giant old oak
She does not wither
But stronger she withstands
The hurricanes, the sad storms
With cools and calms
She has no qualms
But a strong will-determinations

Mama, my strong woman!
All alone she shoulders
She does not complain or blame
In silence she just sings
Her strong woman’s songs
Blessings to her sons and man:
To her daughters and children
That time may pass by well
With a hand of sacred spell
And their future good foretell
Curses and causes erase complete
Diseases and damnations delete

Mama, a strong woman!
Nine months she carries with passionate cares
With no scares, sorrows or grumbling sorry
She cares for her bulge with a compassionate worry
Daily she gently it rears
Minute by minute
She fondly feels it
Her foetus forming
Stroking, it calming
Her other duties still perfectly performing
Mama, my passionate woman!
In pains she benevolently bears
Me she benignly beholds
Young as old-still her child
Till either, sadly and sorrowfully is no more
Mama, my strongest woman!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
629 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Jump into my arms and there find sweet rests
Climb into my soul and there get calm comforts
Come, come into my heart and find everlasting peace

Come take a walk into my being
And there enjoy truer compassions
Plenty of sincere and pure passions

My heart will be with you
My soul will be for you
My breath will be under you
My body will abide with you

My thoughts and wants; feelings and emotions
My desires and aspires; urges and yearns  
Will be at home with you, in your true jails

Just come, come experience my ambience
Just come, come be my soul’s solo audience
My heart awaits for your sanctimonious salience

My thoughts will be for you
My dreams will be for you
You will be the revere of my reflections:
The respect of my contemplations

My brain will follow your will
Your will, will be my daily fill
In every of me I will you truly feel
For with you I am in total capitulation

My veins are open to carry you back to your humble hut-my heart
My arteries are widening to sail you through your dignity-my divinity
My Vena amoris is all yours, a private jet to airlift you to your sacristy-my soul
You only need to come home, if only you come home!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
565 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
“To love is to tenderly dig into someone’s mind:
His or her heart and soul to forever find!
Care and carry compassionately in storms and in winds
To love is to find an eternal peace in the one that you lovingly abides
Love is to find a familiar ground that two forever binds!
Love is the joy shared by two that in this journey, true rides!
In love are routes rough, in love are ways tough, in love are rails-grids that grinds
Though, in love are determined souls that never part but remains set in strong stands”

A kiss is a stamp of love
To feel your breath warmth in mine
An emboss, an assurance of love
Our staring gaze, the stupors for each other’s sight
Is a language stronger than words-written or verbal  
Understood only by two fools honestly hungry for each other
The beauty and peace of your voice
Candidly meaning your saying that you love me alone forever
Is an indelible engrave of our love
Music, a sweet sacred hymn to my soul
Like a piper’s pious pipe, it is a song to my ears
A solemn instrumental, sentimental to my heart

To hear the heart beat of your heart
In the strong embraces of your arms
It’s a stigmata to our love, there to be binding forever!
An umbilical cord strapping us together end-ever
To listen to the whispers of your soul in our feelings and flows
To feel the silences of your heart in our emotions and elations
Is to be entangled in eternal love, to be chained in forever love

You are mine, there is no way I will let you go!
I will fight for you, I will care for you!
I will love you forever and ever for our love is forever  
I will love you beyond any Heaven's heights or Earth's extents
Now in its extant and ever even when we are lost extinct
We will watch the earth form and deform together
Nature, magnificently make and despondently delete together forever
Together we will quietly listen to the melodic music of the universe forever

When the sun sad burns, I will be your shade
When storms rage havoc, I will be your shelter
And when the rains pound, I will still be your umbrella
When lightening rudely strikes and thunders raucously scares
I will still be there besides to care, your scares to cure
When snows severely fall, I will be your oven, kiln warmth
When summer and springs sweet sings, I will be your mild melody
And when autumns dull comes, I will be the joy to raise your moistened moods
To who do you owe your heart to? To you I owe my heart
In my heart is my all-my soul, it that outlives me-dust!
Keep compassionate care of my spirit, until I returns-compost!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
564 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
Did you read the novel of our uptimes: Confessions of an AIDS Victim!
Did you watch the films of our time: about Philly Lutaaya and Wangeci!
First filmed movies of victims living with Aids in Africa
And did you see humans like living skeletons: thin as threads  
Body emaciated-denied of any fond flesh and tissues: zombies with souls only  
Ribs lean like loose groups of marionettes glued sticks-countable
Skin stretched slender and dry like rotting drought carcasses
Like harvest’s bounty, daily on reed-mats taken outcasts to dry in the suns
Waiting, waiting, waiting for its delaying-about-death!

Did you watch the agony in the victims of the viral virus?
The emotional struggle with rejection and dejection
The sorrows in regrets and the sadness in the imminent eventuality  
Did you watch the scare in those inwardly suckled sockets of eyes?
The hollow horror-stigma, severe in their scrawny faces clearly drawn and written
The dryness of their fears and fates, daily as they awaits for the-no-coming-damnations  
The torturous anguish of hoping, hoping, hoping the waiting will soon be over-rested!

Did you watch them with sorrows?
How mùkingo, kang’eeri, kìng’ùki………….....
Had ruined and damaged their promising lives
Had you watched them with fears?
How deserted and dejected they were
Did you watch their burials, a polythene bag for a coffin as outcasts of the suffering society-Emotional families alone in the final procession somewhere faraway from ancestral burial grounds?
Rest of the society watching from a safe distance as hastily they are sent deep into their underworlds

Did you watch how havoc ***-AIDS had done to families?
Grannies alone grappling with swelling families of needs
To eventually warm loneliness of surrounding graves: a total devastating calamity
Terrible tombs of sons, daughters and grandchildren: forever wiped-out generations
Did you watch the wiping out fatality of UKIMWI in rural villages?
Where the most sick finally retreated to, to reconnect with their angered ancestors
Gray-Aged counting on the crosses and daily, freshly dug moulds of soils
Carrying-containing their loved-ones larvae-ravaged remains

O God! Why did you create this thing between our thighs?
And burnt in it a desire to rise-jump, romp, **** and pump
O Lord! Why did you put in place this dry well between our *****?
And installed in it an urge to die to be drawn, drenched and danced
O’ Almighty Father! Why did you generate in us a desire?
A desire only to be quenched by this sinful sickening act-***!

Oh! Lord! Must we all die atop the trap of death-the ball inside the socket?
With all the sick beauties and wealthy behind bellied fat fed ARVs bodies-
Humanity, must we pitifully perish this way-slowly but disgraceful!?
Clearly know your partner; holily respect your partner!
Chain your dog, lock your kernel, secure your cheque-
Abstain-protect your love: protect yourself!  

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
558 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
In my heart lies a beautiful land
A so wonderful Eden wealthy with fortunes
A Disney of desired treasures and pleasures
Yet inviolate, undiscovered and unexplored  

In my soul sleeps in wait a cozy of comforts
A bed of flowery roses and fluffy linens
An exquisite suite of cottons, chiffons and satins  
A ****** bed, uninhabited and unoccupied

My face and space is an endless world of amorous fondness
My eyes are a teary glassy pane, a gate pass to a waiting soul
A waiting soul to sincerely donate and devote:
A waiting heart to loyally obligate and dedicate  

My arms and palms stretches with plenty of passion and compassion
My embraces are cradles of craves for a soul to cuddle in obsession
My chest is a laid lavish cushion, a destiny of love and affection
Waiting for an immaculate one to implore and explore this fortune

Deep in groves of my thoughts  
In the labyrinths of my minds
Hidden is a grail rich of feelings and love
An overflow of emotions waiting for one to touch and attach
A flood of ardour for one to truly adore and worship

O my love, where thou art?
Are you in the skirts of winds and airs to catch my breaths
Are you in the suns and summers to feel my worming warmths?
Are you in the stars and moons to glimpse on my lonely stance?
Are you in the hills and deserts to watch my naked noon’s dunes dance?
Are you in the silences and quietness to listen to the dirge of my sorrowing calms?
O my love……………………where art thou?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
557 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
Come my love
Come, let me sing you a poem of love
Come my dove
Come, let me forever you have
Come my love as a whole
Come, let me hold you in the breaths of my soul

Listen, O! My dove, my Songs of Solomon
Come quell my desiring demon
For your kinds are millions of million
But only you daughter of Zion
Only you is my Lord’s own choice  
Hearken for, to my compassionately calling, courting voice  

Come……come………come my love!
Flowers give scents: my heart gives you earnest love
Jewels give glamour: my soul gives you sincere love
Ores gives resources: my spirit gives you a grace of eternal love
Riches give status: my divinity gives you a wealth of true love
Honey gives you sweet tastes: my thoughts are always with incenses of your love
My heart beats with pounds of you in every of its seventy-two rounds a minute!

Come my love, come my humble dove
Come, love of my love, breath of my life
And I will love you truly till forever
Come like dawn after darkness
Like sunlight after winter
And awake my slept soul
Come burn my soul whole
With sparkles of love and laughter of delights

You are the soul of my soul
You are the flesh of my flesh
You are a bone of my bone
You are a product of my blessed breaths
A rib extracted from my divine sleeps
You are the wealth of my heart
Only you in millions of millions shone brightest

Come honey, drip in me like pure milk
Flow in me like frankincense’s fragrances
Like myrrh, mark my aromas with your scents
O! Jasmine, perfume me with your petals
Like Lilies of the valleys, like purple lavenders of the plains
Surround my soul with a perpetual beauty of your amorous love
Mi Amor, I am yours-yours truly, will you be mine-mine eternally?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
554 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
BewaredirtydarkpoetryKeepawayifweakorsaint! :-)

****** me with your sensual words
Till sharp they be as centurions swords-
****** into cores of my melting minds
That always with you she revolves and rewinds
Feed me with your romances, love
Let me be drunk with you to have
Imbue me till I am imbibed with you
By a craziness for you, for you…..

Pursue my heart
To a place defeated she only opt surrenders-
Till with you she hurts and arts
Woo my solo soul
To a point she is only in wows and bewilders-
Till with you her desires sores

Hum to me like a hummingbird to flowers
Like bees strums to nectarines and nectars
Till I fall assured, my soul is for you-single songbird
That when I fall and I lie and I part, soft and hard
As butterflies butts wings as she sings to petals and sepals
I know, I am certain to be your part, your love’s neat lapels

When I give up my guarded thighs worth
I am convinced it is only for your ****’s wealth
And my ****** cheque secure I resign
To your only holy pen to safely sign
It is for you my man who truly has my love
Who I want your print and its after imprint to curve

****** me I want to lilt in your love lyrics
Like accordion I want to sweet sing ‘glory-holy-halleluiah!’
In your passions and pleasures, innocent and silent
String to beats, beats to string, band to jazz
An opera, a classical of extravaganza!

Pretty and precious play me, rhythm to rhyme
Till like the music the lyrics are long and live lilting
In my haunted head every time……
‘Yeah the drums they swing low
And the trumpets they go…..oooh-ooh!
And Boy, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, Boy, you got me
There's nothin' I, no, I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do
Just to get up next to you…………….

Peruse me, like a professor’s to his dear dissertations
Page by page of my soul and spirit
Word by word of my urges and desires
Hypothesis by hypothesis of my feelings and emotions
Till a chi-square of my statistical inferences
Your test sample, simple sample and right prove, I am your dote

Swing me in your strong arms like a baby girl in daddy arms
Let me forget myself in your safety and comforts
Let me only feel the world peaceful and blissful-flowing and floating away
The trees and their slapping breezes sing sweet lullabies to naps and sleeps
The earth revolve and reverse, traverse and advance, soar and sail…….slow and swift!

Cajole me, conjure the searching silence in me
The shy wish craving for you and me
The seduction induction sleeping waiting, wanting
To hold and hold you forever and ever and over
To love to art with you stumps and roots
The landmarks of our ‘we were!’ long after we are not’s
****** me, induce me, reduce the fires in my desires

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
520 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
The spire rises on high
To humbly hug heavens holy white sky
And from the sacred gothic cathedral
Bells ring with symphonic sanctimony-
The sweet angelic instrumental harmony  
And you feel the presence of descent God from your homes
You smell the inviolate incenses of the Saints from your louvers  
The frankincense fragrances of the Blessed from your windows beckon
And you aspire your children to serve in the church as your neighbours
Good examples they will always be to the civilized society

Time to time alone you send her and him to them
To selflessly serve Mother Church to earn endless blessings
And obediently ****** leaves as per commandments
“Obey your Parents for your days on earth to be multiplied;
Serve the Lord your God unreservedly-with all your all!”
In church the child spends her entire free time
In church ****** serves innocently-restlessly
In church the child does his-her all to avoid any blame or blemish
In church ****** endears all to avoid any bad reputation  
After all what ill can befall you if in the House of the Lord-the Psalm says:
‘Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!’

Dear innocent child, with a heart harmlessly clean
Does it know the monster is the wolf in sheep’s skin?
The perpetrator, is the priest-the sheep’s sheer shepherd
It is he who feeds on the fattened flocks of his Master’s fields
Unsuspecting, unknowingly he gets closer with him,
The priest, the sacred of peoples modest mediator
It is an old age adage in faithful ways of thinking:
‘Whoever gets closer to a pastor earns firsthand priority
To touch and share in his consecrated ointments!’

O my child, to darker places he is-she is sent
To collect vestments, ointments and sacraments
And quickly without resistance or hesitance
****** splints, timely and servitude is an altar’s teaching
Behind, swift too, the sinister minister-monster fast follows
And in darkness shush! He touches him-he touches her holy places
In return he/she is hushed with gifts of craved church’s wines and wafers

Confused-is this pastor N… really, or am I dreaming
Before long the child goes into silent phobia and depression
To who does he tell of the dark tales behind altars, vestry and sacristy
The man behind the Eucharist, the revered man of the church!
The blessed bass behind the mic, deeply unleashing
The Holy Ghost: “Bwana asifiwe, pokea Roho!”
To the convinced convicts-faithful brethrens is a satan, a monster
Is he who really touched and touches her in the wrong places?
It is he who forced into his baby’s brittle red bottoms
It is him who stole, vilely robbed his-her virginity and virtues

Who will listen to his/her sad story?
And it is the mothers-parents blame-consumerism connive
They are liars to tarnish the church’s good name
And when he says and cries and refuses to attend the Sundays services
The mother scolds him with felines’ violence
‘I am not raising pagans in my house,
It is either you go or go to serve the church!
Am I clearly heard and understood?’
O poor child, silent suffers this sacred soul!

With rigid society ready to absolve the ****** priest
With the parish ready to excommunicate the fighting family
With the church-Christ’s body-willing to go any extra mile
To save its priest and salvage its worldly rotting name
The state eager to close one eye and let the church rule
After all it is they that say-‘the church will outlast everything!’
The church is always innocent it can never wrong its attendants and congregants

Quickly the ******* priest is shuffled and reshuffled in all earth’s parishes
And the innocence stolen child is left alone to find its answers-
To sad solve and resolve its mysteries-objections, rejections and excommunications:
‘Who is God-who really is He and who are His consecrated men
And where was He while we were being ***** and molested
By the saints we thought sacredly serves in his vast fields!?”  
O *****! O sodomized! Sacred sufferings!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.****-15-year-old-girl-kerala-india-mathew-vadakka­cheril-consumerism-temptations-***-a7613406.html?cmpid=facebook-p­ost
491 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
Shepherds in haste are hurrying to Bethlehem
Their sandals on, their staffs in hand, their flocks alone  
Shepherds what have you heard from the plains?
In the distant meadow fields-you haste to Jerusalem  

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

We have seen a bright star heading east
We are hurrying to where we saw the bright star
From mountains and moorlands far
We have heard whole heaven sing all this silent night:  

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

Shepherds what have you found in the east?
Now that you return to your fields jubilant
We have seen and adored the Holy Child
Now we return jubilant to our wild

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

Magi, Wise men what have you seen?
You hurry east carrying gifts
Gold-Frankincense-Myrrh-Kingly have been
What a choice of symbolic gifts!

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

We have heard the King of the Universe is born
One foretold longtime ago by your Prophets
We hurry to Bethlehem with our gifts
To worship and adore him, this Holy Newborn

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

Herod, what have you heard you look vicious?
Herod, what have you heard you look jealous?
The Magi are seen hurrying east carrying kingly gift
The Shepherd have passed here in haste to praise Christ
They say He is the said to come-King of the Universe

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

Joseph what have you heard in a dream?
What has the angel said while in slumber you stream?
‘Rise, take the Holy Child and the ****** Mother
And to the Land of Egypt, there take refuge
Until such a time dies, he who seek him to damage

Glo-ri-a, in Excelsis Deo! Glory be to God on High!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
486 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
Long I remember
When alone I’d run
To the sea side shores
For sandy mud-pun walks
On where waves lengths strength
Stretched and end reached
And never passed
And on cliffs patched
Where nests all sea birds
Was a shamble of noises
And a squabble of fights

Some were stealing from others
Others were killing others
Many were murdering in angers
Little were busy battling hungers
Rest were roosting and resting  
Grooving and grooming

Sporadically, a Tern would call
Kwi! Kwi! Kwi-kwiii!
He would gather his feathers
And fully beautifully display
Their clean preened length
Before her maternal mate
To strengthen their eternal fate
And she would appreciate
With gestures affectionate
Her lover’s majestic exhibit

A pair of Puffins pretty would come-Penguins and Magpies black-white coats
Rainbow beaks, puffed cheeks and orange webbed-feet beautiful creatures
Innocent as ever, active as always with mouthfuls of sea foods-fishes
Irregular, her wobbling gait weighed down by her food and hasty walks home-
Worried hurry to luckily escape being bullied and robbed his foetuses’ foods
Along the long ways home full of lethal ruthless poachers and predators:
Feral opportunists and scavengers lurking near paths to their nests
Pitiful I’d feel at how unfair nature is to these hardworking birds
And helpless how they would surrender their hard-earned meals

With Hornbills’-heavy headed huge beak, Ducks’-webbed feet
Fowls’-heavy flying body and an imbalanced Penguins’ wobbling walks
She can’t match the Petrels and Ravens merciless ruthlessness
The Gulls’, and Kittiwakes’-scissor sharp beaks
The Hawks and Ospreys lethal hooked beaks
The Gannets’ and Kites cheetahs’-top speeds
Or the sitting Sea-Steller swift lift of their wings strength  
Piteously he surrenders his hard worked worth meals
And risks another long journey back to survive

A Gull would run, chasing the receding waves
Fast pick a pebble-like coloured sea shell crustaceans
Then poke his long hooked-edge beak
To peep and see if there was anything worth to peak
Of the wavy tides hustles and the sea-side buzzing bustles
The patience of waiting, of watching and of walking
Before the stealth Stilts, their competitor strides
And another giant wave of waves roars and come calling
And they wiggle as they walk and run to escape his sad slaps on sands

The Walrus and the Otters
The Sea-Lions and the Cormorants
Would all nest to rest invest and reinvests
On their furs and feathers fond interests
The Seals and their pretty Pups all would leisure
In colonies on wet large rocks far and away
From washing-waves and terrible-tides and sea-sands
And their Bellow and low and moo like loud grumbles
The irregular moo-mee! Dins of the fish markets rumbles
Would fill and drown the sea-side sounds
Mother besides kids-compassionate
Protecting its investigative innocence
From the cruel colony crushing crashes

Then there would come the tranquility of twilight
The much awaited time for all sea-lovers and watchers
The last of coastal day’s romantic rushes-lovers large leaving to burn their passions
A time when lovers would leave their cottages comforts hand-in-hand: arm-in-arm
To cuddle and cradle and canoodle-to freely display their amorous love
In the sands and mud’s pads, last before the sun bids them another goodbye
The mother of all coastal auburn burn magnificence-the setting sun
The colours of the coastlines as the sun burns touched the ocean’s horizons
It so an enthralling, captivating sight of the sun and the sea and the scenic serenity

The nights quiet with billions lights of signaling stars
and the midnight’s silent with the gleaning moons
These are the nights of the most patient, passionate, romantic passengers-the night watchers
Beautiful! Munificent! Glamorous! Awesome! Splendid! Spectacular!
I’d use all the adjectives there is to describe the alluring scenery of the moments  
So precious-so peaceful to the mind, to the soul and to the heart-a holistic healing
The captured memories of the stars studded nights and the magnificent moonlit midnights
Alone in the nights with just the silences of the soothing breezes on the palms fronds-restful!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
470 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
Dens, devils dark alleys
Apart from the quiet disco beats
The house-techno-electronics melodic
Or timbres of the naughty riddims rhythmic
And the dim coloured alternating disco-lights
Else, Dens are blurry dark
With all addicts-of ***, narcos or gins

In there no one sees no one
Just the silent talks of sins around
The usual businesses brought them there
In the mixture of multicoloured lights
So no one will talk of anyone once lights returns
Yet they shared something in common
A gal maybe, a cocoa puff or a shisha vapour!
A cigar smoke or a ***** tot and danced it ***** to dawn

In there are naked nudes-
Dames as well as few muscled-dudes
Teasing silent seated decent dressed
Stripping, selling their worth or wealth
To these willingly seriously immerged
In the occults of the immoral ****

Some are seductively rolling with the podium poles
Their greased groins incised on it metallic luster
Grating-grinding-dancing dirtily down
Its silvery smoothness in timed tempting
Slow spicy synchronic, slutty slides  
Watching the salivating seated
Erotically elated shift in their chairs

Some, skimpily skinned are snaking their boneless bodies up-down
In caressing zigzags of mastered dancers ***** arts
Immorally exposing their mostly expensive parts in bits
To tempt and trap these blind corrupted moths in their Lucifer’s lights
Forcing them to dig deeper their posh pockets to pay to be bemused  

Business here is crooked, dark!
Like ***** and her Gomorrah
Or Tyre and her Sidon
It begins with the fall of the night:
The extinguishing of the day's light
And ends with moments to dawn’s bright

In there all night are all dealers of immoralities
Of dark arts, of *** or of drugs  
Goons as well as criminals of government deals
And the corrupt business billionaires sandwiched
Richly enjoying the **** of the sinfulness-
Sharing, wasting, the rapacious richness
Of their easily gained supernormal profits
On these salacious naked nudes, free to feel

In there in the masquerade of these rainbow lights
No one sees no one, no one will say of anyone
Just cash exchanges hands
You got it, you get what you need
All the services you want-its all at your watch
With just a snap of the finger, all easily you acquire
You are the master, everyone else your servant slave-
At your disposal to your utmost attendance

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
451 · Apr 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Apr 2017
You said you will let us grow old
You said you will never let any
Be to grieves, sorrowfully sold
We will always be jolly as days sunny

You said you will let us hold dear our children
You said you will let us play with our grandchildren
What happened you returned earlier?
What happened you have broken the promise-the vow?

I look at this moment, melancholic
I remember my dear, I miss her much
It is sad and hard to believe these are our last moments
Soon the earths will open and her forever swallow
O! What happened to our oaths-together till forever?
Now I am standing here a haunted man, alone in trembling tears  

What happened you have visited us?
What didn’t we do well you have returned to us?
What happened that in my arms my lover will never feel?
In my laps my lover will never make her passionate pun
And in our cozy bed she will never let her warm morning yawn

Instead I see a casket as her carrier and a bier as her resting stool
The sight of this soggy and sordid soil-mould as her forever dark cold bed
It embitters me and I tremendously tears
O! What really went wrong with our consensus?  
And it said: you shall never return until it is tomorrow
When we are much older yesterday to tell apart from today

O! What really went wrong, death?
And we had a gentlemen agreement  
You will never revisit our love world
You said you will never let any alone go
If, together we will always go

Now I watch, hard to believe, I’m letting her go
How am I to let her go?
And we held each other so strong to let us part
With each day our bond getting even much stronger

My love I will never let you go
If, there will always be a haunting ghost of you
Hunting and hurting me for letting you alone go
It was just to be you and me
How then can I say goodbye and let you alone go?

I don’t say goodbye even in silences of my slaying sorrows
Even at this last time in my unending gravesides grieves
The priest and the peoples in piety performing their pastoral perpetual ritual
The last respect rite to human’s body on earth:
Body to dust, bones to ashes, soul to its Maker……!
Even though the song will be playing in my silent head’s mind
Live as on a stereo radio-the James Blunt sad sorrowful sweet song:

“Goodbye my lover; Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one; you have been the one for me......
You touched my heart, you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals………
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell, I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover; Goodbye my friend……!”
And then follows his percussion humming trademarks hmm-hmm!

I won’t budge to the pressures of sad times
No, I won’t let you go; you have been the one for me!
You have been my lover, my partner-all these years,
How could I let you go, how could I let you go even though I want?
My love, why didn’t you wait a little bit longer for me?

I am your dreamer; I don’t want to wake to find naught you
I am haunted to leave or live, so let me just be
Just let me be, asleep with your eternal love
I won’t say goodbye, I won’t sing-goodbye my lover!
I will remain sandwiched to the oath: you’re mine-by eternal right

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
426 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
On a cotton-pyrethrum-rubber-sisal-canes plantations
In a coal, copper, iron, ores mines excavations
*** on hand, basket on back, metal bowl on head
Sun burning high as hell’s brutal blazes  
Snow falling furiously as Vikings vitriol violence
Coal furnaces fuming as sulfurous fiery flames
Bent backs, bare butts, naked feet  
White snow-***** quick picks
‘Niglets’ tagged besides or behind their parents spent backs

Bruised fingers, blistered hands, bleeding arms-palms
Boulder rocks rolls, bronze bowls lifts
Each sad with each, low grumbles
For master behind a beast is in watch
His scourging whip eager to swoosh
At any slight rubber swing switch
And leave a dear wound pain sorrowful only to oneself

Brothers sorrowful, tears rolls down
Their torn cheeks and chins
As thorns thrusts severe ****** his fingers
Swift he leaks sweet the crimson squirt before on fur-fluffs spills-
The white ***** is to be as pure as its breeds brands *****
And on he urges the pounding pains on
Brother damaged shoulders wracks
Tired feet him lags the long rugged wound up the mines holes  

Sisters sad sobs, grimaces her faces
As thistles prickles her pretty arms-palms
Teary she withholds her agonies
The master is not supposed to see tears or tires
And on she begs her aches
For in the evening the mercy
Will be at the scales tilt
Not much the ****** and pains endured

Child on a pillory is crucified
And mum he watches with bitterness his helpless father
And big brothers molested-mistreated-mutilated hopelessly
Tied on trialing poles pain pulling his mangled muscles
Silent in pain she grieves irately her haplessly mother
And small sisters routinely ***** helplessly
Master is a monster who freely picks and haves who he wants

But as necessity knows no law!
Sufferings enough begins to bottle
Slowly struggles begins to battle
In ****** farms revolutions starts to swell
******* in noose and nooks dare their scares
Till liberty little returns ending
Barbaric brutality of spread slavery
And Negroes became a bit legal.....

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
401 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
We will play the piano together
With you sexily seated on my laps
If I be in good moods I will sing-
You the very beautiful sweet song-
The most awesome live performance
Karaoke, you have ever heard
A sweet song from my heart and soul-
My feelings as well as my thoughts
I will let out all unreserved

My fingers flowing with its off-beat tone
And your head and heart node
Obsessively following its lone tone
For to my heart and soul you’ll there belong
And to your mind and thoughts I’ll be strong
The voice matters not as the sincerely let-out words

I will delight in your attentive silence
To my off-beat frogs’ croaks romance
Piercing deep your heart as thoughts and emotions
Rather, the talks than the symphony
Of my sonorous sound’s melody
I will watch you with deep admirations-my perpetual possessions
And I will hold you and your now trickling tears
My doting darling from falling and getting any hurt
I will catch your soul as its moved heart cheers

For I swore-in my arms’ sinews you’ll always swing
In my embraces you’ll always find a home to cling
And in your heart’s soul I will always spring
Within us there will be an ever telepathy, a ring
A buried umbilical cord, our worlds to string

We will bake the beautiful breads together
Dusting playfully and suggestively each other
With its fine flour, white dirt
We will cook the delicious meals together  
My arms around your wealthy waist
Your head’s stem rested on my chest
As your gently hands wifely stirs the steaming ***
My soul humbly humming: blessed he who gets such a material mum

Then we will sit on that set table steaming with delis
To fondly feed each other with the spoils before us
Till full and foolish we will richly rest carelessly
On these soft sofas exhausted and excited
Your body flat over mine stretched protective, carefree

I will feel proud and honoured
When I look at your finger
And on it I be merrily met
By that five-carats diamond glint
I will remember the song of your heart
On that our maiden wedding day
‘Yes, I do my love; I agree to be your forever wife
For better or bitter, for good or rude, for merry or moody
Now and until only, sadly, death does us apart!”

And I’ll shed a tear of joy and glory
On the far we have held unblemished the pure promises
The far the Good Lord us has carried and cared, a blessing!  
And I know you will care to know why your man is shedding a tear
In moments such memorable as this, for you are my woman and I am your man…….

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
391 · May 2017
Kìùra Kabiri May 2017
Like dandelions
Unwanted weeds
That sweet still loyal remains
Comforting and consoling-condoling!
Hanging and hugging-overtaking
Our left and forgotten solo soul mounds

Like algae and fungi
Graying mulch molds
That dear and royal remains
Clinging and overhanging
Pretty painting lovely and lively-beautiful
Our crumbled and fallen ashy-grey epitaphs-crosses, mausoleums

Like silences and scares
That masks and covers
The secrets of the cemeteries
The truth of the gone obituaries
The dead true eulogies
Silent, alive and alone she harbours our lost memories

She still clings to my gone soul
With the same love-same hope-same whole
Same zeal-unshaken and unchanged  
Same as in our younger and youthful days
She still holds the history of out times together
The memory of our moments: courting-copulating-loving-leaving…….

She was Laura, lover of my youthful *****
She was my first and forever
My immortal and eternal
Dandelion, sweetheart of my heart and art-life!  
One that still royal and loyal-lively remains
Attached to my just decaying remains

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
387 · Apr 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Apr 2017
Eve, bride of my pride
Eve, beauty of my dreams
Look at you, how you're-gorgeous
Listen-feel-see, how you’re-glorious

Magnificent, good-looking and golden
As the unconquered summer moons
Up high in nights with cloudless sky
Burning the tiring night into a new day

See how hearts sweet you make melt in your graceful glow
See how you beautiful build, fascinating as a fountain flow
Like smooth symphony of walking waves
Rising and lessening in their peaceful runs to the wharves

Your hair falls and floats in the bare breezes
Sweet, tempting and teasing in their wheezes
Lovely and lively like young river poplars sprigs in springs
So soft long as satins wools strings

Their stable stallion's tail straight strand ends
Dancing with the winds wheezes and whispers
Reflecting and glistening as in sun beams at vespers
What a blend of sacred strand brands!

Eve, instrument of my adores
Eve, O my saint, mi amours!
How beautiful is your trace
So graceful, everything in its space
All occupants in their rightful place

Look at your face, like an infant angel’s
So tender and soft, brilliant and bright
So sacred and smooth just as purity light
Overflowing with holiness and goodness

Your slender neck tender, elegant as ascension’s splendours
Your feels and fascinates, glances and reverences  
Your contemplations and obsessions, images and illusions
Your desires and admires, your embraces and caresses
So holy and venerable, like seraphs touching sacred salutations

Your fragile soul, delicate in my arms
Your feathery feels, light in my palms
Your tender body, abandoned in my built
So pious and precious, pleasured and treasured
Eve, cherub of my pleads and praises  

Eve, goddess designed for me
Dream, resurrected from mine
Alloy, made from mine meats mettle
Pretty and pricy, so gentle and brittle
Flower, eternal instrument of my delights
You burn my Hittite’s heart with softness and tenderness
And all I dreams of, is your touches and catches-imminences

Eve, apple of my youthful eye
Rose of my maiden garden
Pomegranate of my pleasures
Eve, woman of my resting ribs
A make of my make, glory of my cheery!
How lovely you are!

How excellent you are
Covet of my cravings
How wonderful you are
Woman of my desires
How piously holy you are
Benediction of my adorations

O my object of obsessions
Dream of my awakes
Slumber, sleep of my smooth soothes
Massage of my mild caresses
Soft, tenderness of my feels
How do I wish to always wake
In your peaceful palpable palms

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
378 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
From this moment on I set my eyes on you
My optics locked into your twinkling stars:
Eyes innocent and compassionate;
A face soft and ******:

A cherub’s-seraph’s pedigree
My heart leapt with enthusiasm
My soul raced with altruism
My spirit splinted with your mysticism
My body yearned for your divine deism
My divinity wanted only you-there and then!

The sun stopped journeying and yearning and warming
I wished for it no more to light my days and ways-terraces and spaces
The moon stood still denied of its gracious gleaming and glimmering  
I wished for her no more to light my naked nights and surly sights
I only wished for you my love, you-my places and spaces to shimmer

The stars looked livid and tired in their splashing sprinkle twinkle
I wished no more for them to shine and twine-radiate and illuminate
I only wished for you, to be lost in those your lovely innocent eyes look
To last glow and go blind in the lovely looks of your immaculate love book

When you whispered and hummed to my ears and fears
In that Gabriel’s Incarnate Annunciation salutation:
“Hail my love, full of grace, do you truly love, to deserve my love….!”  
O Lord! To this venerable voice my simple soul I sincerely bequeath:
My heavy-heart’s, covetous-laden burden, I humbly abandon

And when you massaged and relaxed my spirit
With that inviolate and immaculate heavens’ smile
O Heaven! Why are you so far hidden?  
When you touched and cached my heart
In those soft and slender, tender and fonder fingers
O coveting! Why are you so forbidden?  

When you caressed and soothed my soul
In those polite palms and arms, smooth as baby’s gentle bums
I ceased to live in this earth and took off to your heaven
I existed no more in this hell of a lot ridden  
I set off on a journey to your Eden Garden

You soothed my specter with your peaceful charms
You quelled my elf with your soft, sweet dreams
You opened in me an unquenchable chasm
That could not get enough of your enzymes  
An insatiable gorge always seeking for your calm warm

From that moment on-
To this moment here
My love, my lady!
You have always been
My soul’s only queen

I have always loved you the same:
With the same zeal and feel-
Loyal and altruistic!
And I will always love you so
True, to the day I die!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Your scent is so strong
Like a magnet it draws me along
To it alone I want to belong
Even if it all be-for reasons wrong
A Moment without you makes me long  
You are like an addiction infection
All I want always is your attraction
Your con-amore and affection

Your body is like hell fire
It emits hazes-blazes hotter like summer sun
Every time you move on mine, mine burn
Without you, I am dying for your desire

An urge, a yearn for you to heart silences is felt  
It makes me thaw and melt
It undress me to my very ******-moans and weeps  
And here laying die waiting for your deeps
To cool, to quench, to drench my thirsts

Your voice is like a tear gas
Hot like an Indian pepper it is freely felt
Its sonorous depth is soft as a baby’s lullaby
To my alert ears, my attentive minds, my eager emotions  
It makes me daydream sleeping
My head rested on your broad shoulders
Our bodies side-by-side softly touching each others

Other times carried, fainted in your velvety arms-
Carefree in the wings of my angel
Others, cuddled on your luscious laps peacefully
My God, my love! He is a haven all I want!
Sporadically, spontaneously
His croons, his soft lyrics of love causes a stir in me
They bamboozles my wonders  

Dumb he makes me go
My soul he brings to sobs and cries
My heart he brings to hurts and aches
My spirit to angers and hungers
My eyes and irises down to tears and wears
Wanting, wishing for it to soft touch me
For his fingers smooth to move over my fantasizing face
Pass and pause on my lips for my teased tongue fondly them to lick
As my sprinkling eyes springs they dry-dry
A rivulet at a time romantically, seductively  

Your love is like an addiction
Like a hunger for food
It causes me to die in want
In wants of being next to you always
You are the most comical comedian
Your clone jokes make me giggle and laugh foolishly
My lungs and ribs you threatens to burst and break
You are all I want every day, every rising and setting of the sun forever!

O My love! On the floor in dire wait and want lies my all
On an empty bed sleeps my barren wishing for your all  
Dripping with succulence and sweetness and hotness
Waiting for a badger to leak dry my hungry honeycombs
Feet first, navel next, neck-nape on, my naked *******
The nuance of my ripe sweet *******, lips and lips last
Till apart they part, slow they open; they part and part and part…..

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
376 · Apr 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Apr 2017
Adam, beauty of my splendours’ wake
Adam, gorgeous of my woman's make
Like blended incense of a skilled perfumer-longer lasting
Precious is your every moment’s memory-forever fascinating

Sweet like honey dripping with tastes
Exulting like melodic music to banquet
Exalting as glory of saints sequences
Fragrant like blossoms-blooms to bouquet
You are awesome, Adam, my handsome!

Betwixt your endearing arms embrace
There is no other kingly palace-
In the world, better than being in this place
You are mine ever, fortified fortress!

Your arms enclosures are posh and precious-what a delightful pleasure!
Than all the Royal Palaces in the world- the Palace of Pena,
The Buckingham, the Bellevue, the Palace of Versailles…..
You are my refuge, my strength, within you I am at peace!

Your hugs and kisses are the safest and secure citadel, château!
More than the newly built castle-Castle In Love with the Wind, Conwy Castle
The Château de Chambord or the worldly Windsor Castle, the Edinburgh Castle
Better than the Neuschwanstein or the Alcazar or the Culzean Castle  

On your pleasured chest
What more luxury lusciously nest?
Than this peacefully plumed softs on to rest
On yours is a cozy quilt pillow-purest!  

Adam, I adore you, you are the one for me and I am the one for you!
Like you are never any and if any there are not many but only of you a few
Adam, my strong man, your body is like the vigour of a youthful river flow
Shaped and chiseled finely like Archangel Michael’s-without any a flaw  
Your stamina is of a stallion, raised for the royal loyal knights, princes and kings

You eyes, they burns with allure like summer suns, with calmness and warmth
Your looks alone, burns my cold skin with a warm tenderness and a happy healing health
With you, again, my under skins shivers, vibrates with a new chill feel of elated lively wealth
You build stars for me even when my sky is a sorrowful sea of melancholy and misery

Adam, look at how you build-fascinating, amongst the pride of your elites
Like a cherub injected with alchemies of never getting old but growing younger
Straight and tall you stand-dominant before me conquered, deeply rooted as Lebanon’s cedars
And when me you touch gently o-ooh! It is with soft so tender as river lilies sacred splendours
Adam, you are killing me, skinning me while still I am living, let me first die for you!  

Let me feel your loving lips digging deep into mines meager burning complete even my heart  
Let me first touch those sinews and serrations all over your graceful figurine  
Let me first prostrate, adore you-my king and knight, my warrior and worship!  
Let me fancy you muscle man, a delighting idol of your deity’s outline
Let me a little look in those starry eyes of yours and see my fragility safe in their security

Let me feathery feel weighed in those toddler’s sways and swings of your swift palms lifts
You arms strength drawing all my energies faint, as it goes round my wasp’s waist  
Then you can slay and slice me-**** me subjugated into a humble defeat before you
In whatever way you want and feel best, I am capitulated-your captured and conquered queen!

Adam, before you, you are the coveted master and I am your surrendered slave
Besides you let me leafy feel, little and small dancing on your burly biceps
And my brittle petite bottoms sit safe on top of your large ****’s laps
For you alone are my glorious king-Adam, you send me deep into my craving grave
Stretch and save me from the abyss of my trepidations and temptations-I want you, for good!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
373 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Whoever brought war to this world
Must have been an evil devil
See, fertile fields idle
Greenness they cradle
But inside them life crumbles
Lives many lives inside their bellies
They cruelly cuddles

What a human’s riddle
When masses in concentrated camps retires
As slowly they falls and expires
A heap of thin eaten bones
Humans as zombies-hell rotten clones
Just stashed skinny skeletons
Returns to humanitarians huts heartbroken
To wait to be just shrines
Of the fatal or battle famines

Fields sleeps still untilled
Occupied only by healthy bushes and shrubs
Humanity die unfilled
Fast of unsanitary outbreaks and scab-scrubs
Land lay undisturbed
Weeds wishing for someone them to pick
Humans perish perturbed
Of traumas, stigmas-too weak and so sick

Of hunger and starvation
Of thirst and malnutrition
Of deaths and devastations
Of infections and infestations
Of war-executions and explosions
Humans die of war-poverty and slavery-suppressions

Whoever brought war
To this well world’s wall
Must have been a devil for all
Can you look at them?
Once or if twice grace you've
Do you see little children?
If still they merit-forbidden!
Withered, shriveled like leaves in dry droughts
Just leanly stretched skins of skeletons  
It tries to cry, a hiss like a yawn comes out  

A malnourished mass-flame of fragile bones-
A stillborn foetus silently hibernating-mercifully striving living
Patched head becoming deserted and barren
Shrunken skull, inwardly bony discoloured eyes
Bony mandibles, jutting chops-sharp clavicles  
Increasingly round tummy above thinly matchsticks of legs

A child hanging on a shrunken shred
Of its slim dermis and her was tissues of coveted *******
And we say she is breastfeeding
Fingers bony like satan's claws, feeble and brittle
On her thin slowly leaving heaving chest
Enjoying mother's nourishing milk
An image, an illusion of her and it sufficiently suckling
Who brought war, war to this side of the world-Africa, Africa!?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Remembering South Sudan, 22.02.17
371 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Love, where should there be no love?

Jesus, called out of love little children come to him
For whoever heart is like little children’s
Is so dear to His Loving Father who art in Heaven
That the kingdom of Heaven is his/hers

Where should there be no love?

For God so loved the world
That He sent his only Begotten Son
For whoever believes in him be saved!
And Christ died for the love of the world-Humanity!

Where should there be no love?

Samson, he so loved Delilah that he freely gave-
His solely guarded secret-the source of his supernatural strength!
Jacob, he was enslaved for love to Laban for fourteen years:
Seven for ugly Leah and seven more for pretty Rachael!  

Adam, he trusted Eve so much that he bowed to her evil advances-
That broke his covenant with His Maker-never to eat from the tree of knowledge!
That birthed the eternity of pains and suffering while on this earth of love

Where should love then there not be?

Love lore!
Valentine died of love, Jack of Titanic too
Romeo kissed the earth goodbye for the love of Juliet
Hercules and Achilles, the Greek heroes died for love too

Orpheus run into Hades to seek for a return to life for his beautiful nymph, Eurydice!  
The one and only person to have ever persuaded the hearts of Hades and Persephone
To return to life what they have forever taken to earth’s underworld lockers

Out of true love he sadly and sorrowfully sung mournful songs to his lost love-Eurydice  
That he moved all the nymphs and gods to weeps and they advised him
To travel to the underworld to fetch for his love-Eurydice

And where is there in the world with no love!?

Skeletons of love-Lovers of Valdaro at Neolithic tombs
Two interred interfacing each other skeletons, arms around each other
Lovers lost in life still in reminiscent of a "lovers' ever in embrace"

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
366 · Dec 2016
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016
O God! You stretches your hand
And fills the earth with beauty and bounty
O God! You douses the earth with blows of your living breath
And it is made alive again with birth and breath
O God! You watches over the earth
And it brought forth with growth and breadth
O God! You shapes the earth
According to your might and delight

O God! You withdraws your watch for a second
And the earth is dull with death and dearth
O God! You curses the earth with a single word
And it is a waste land without love or life
O God! A droplet of your angers overflows into the earth
And it is a despairing land-so desolate and desperate
O God! With a single sweep of your toddler finger
You can make the earth no more forevermore

O God! Keep watch the earth
And bring forth its success and surplus
O God! Keep forth the earth
And fill it with prosperity and posterity
O God! Lead right the earth
And it be with its purity and austerity
O God! Keep guard the earth
That it may astonish in its obedience and abundance

O God! The earth is your make and stake
Ignite her with your pity and piety
Let the earth overflow with your pretty and plenty
Let her appropriately flourish and never perish
O God! Stretch your might and wit
And keep the earth always round and bound
With your love and live: sacred and blessed!
Let her be a fruitful fruit of your labour and love

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
351 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
Rose, leaf of love
You sprouts
Gentle and wild
Beautiful in thistles
Charming amongst thorns
And the world is filled again
With affection and obsession
The world is gay again
With laughter's and devotions

Rose, flora of love!
You opens up
Beautiful and pretty
Colourful and mighty
Awesome in prickles
And blesses the earth
With perfumes of your petals
With fragrances of your fallopian
And the earth is in cheers and dears

O rose, stalk of romance
In fingers you dances humble
Watching and wiping tears of love
Of dejection and rejection
Igniting and lighting fires of desires
Infernos of adoration and admiration
Bringing unity to lost and hope to found
You rose a simple selfless stem
Hungry hearts you satisfies with forever

O rose, charity of love
Beauty in bloom
Bud in blossom
Leaf in split
Sheet in spread
Where comes love-
Out of no hope
Where comes life-
Out of no dope
O rose, shower of love.

@Kîûra Kabiri. All Rights Reserved.
350 · Dec 2016
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016
Brother, why does it you bother
The way my Compassionate Creator
Felt it fit to mould me
Brother, can you truly not love?
Without colour, Creed or Class!
Influencing your brain’s background

Can’t there be One People-Different Colours
Can’t there be One People-Different Creeds
Can’t there be One People-Different Classes

Do you ever look behind your skin?
And see same pink flecks of fleshes
That is bound by tissues and tendons
Same platelets plasma pigments  
That ruby red squirts with a squeeze
Same numbers of haemoglobins
The Crimson colour after an incision

Why do you see a race in my make?
Colour in my freely given complexion
Religion in my divine devotion

Why do you call me Black?
And I call you White!
Why do you call me a Jew?
And I call you a Christian!
Why do you call me Kefir?
And I call you a Heretic!

Can’t we all be children of one God?
People of one righteous race-human
Creation of one class-compassion

Why do you speak hate of my make?
Can’t there be love beyond my bake  
Why do you see a slave in my coverage?
In my struggles and me fierce savage
Why do you feel phobia of my turban?
And seclude me in your modern urban
Why do you hate my Exodus Race?
And say we are all over the space

Can’t you see Jehovah in all of our conviction faces?
And in harmony dwell in all of these His sacred places
Can’t there be true love, for all to equally have?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
339 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Write me in your arteries
That any time your heart pumps
With Oxygenated blood to your body
I will always be widely spread and read

Engrave me in your veins
That every time your veins returns
With Deoxygenated blood to your heart
It will always return with me to your chambers
To be nourished and there eternally entombed

Pollute with me your airs that anytime you draws in
Your lungs are smelly with frankincense of me
Your diaphragm is deflated with fragrances of me
You pharynx is perfumed with scents of me
Your larynx is lavished with incenses of me
Your bronchus is covered with colognes of me

Hold me in your eyesight; reflect with me in your retinas
Carry me in your optical nerves; memorize me in your medulla
Beautiful as a final song that never ever ends, as a moment unforgettable
Emboss me in your emotions; share me in your thoughts and dreams
Have me always in your feelings like a fantasy, an ecstasy memorable  
Let your vivid visions always be with a copy of my mirage, image of me

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
324 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Come, dance with me my love
To a tango of endless love
A trance of our eternity

Come, come dance with me
Our hearts in forever entangles
Our souls in eternal entwines

O my love, come my dove
Come, prance with me to perpetuity
To a nuance of our everyday

Soul to soul-heart to heart-thought to thought
Body to body-breath to breath-cheek to chest
Neck to nape-all blend together as one!

Our spirits in one
Our feelings in unity
We are in a forever of felicity

Tango my love, I entangle my dove
Together we unbuckle, together we unshackle  
Together we embark on a trajectory to our moon
The journey-a circle of our endless love  

You swing as I sing
You jump as I cramp
You hover as I cover
I am your ever lover
You are my ever forever

In love we are lovers
In life we are leavers
Dancing our ways to our eternity
A path with pleasures and perpetuity  
A road with romances without end-infinity

O Come love, hear the thaw of my heart
Hear how he thumps with an art of love
O Come love, hear how my soul ploughs
Hear how she tills, she tills for love
O come love; let’s dance our ways to love

Let these bones break and become boneless
Let this shape form and dissolve formless
Let these tissues shift till they take shapeless
Let these feet’s ligaments lift to loft and us fly
Let’s dance to the songs of our final dance

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
314 · Mar 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
Can you truly forgive?
She who parted for another:
He who inserted in another
Is it easy to let go the pain-grieve?

Can I look into your eyes?
And still see shining the same hopes
I have clang onto for years
The same zeal that has driven us this far

Can I bear the tears?
Can I overcome the fears?
Again you will not be tempted
And our loyalty betray  

Can I still stand and hold you assured?
Of that same calm warmth
That same soft, sure breath
I have longed and loved all my love and life

I can forgive my love
But could the heart look
Into your soul again
With the same sincerity

Could the mind calm?
Advances of thoughts overcome
These incessant reminders
Your love is promiscuous

Can I hold the tears in my heart?
The sorrows severs in my soul  
The severe heavy load on my chest
That you betrayed all that was all!

Will I see the sheen of the tears on your cheeks sincere?
Will I feel the throbs of the sobs on your throats sorrowful?
Will I touch the heaviness of your struggles sadness as remorseful?
Will I feel you again, as my love and lover, as my friend and partner?
Will I feel you again, as my dear and confidant, my romances and pleasures?  

After a deep search of self my love
I chose to forgive you, sweetheart
Again to look into your eyes and see
The woman my dearest dear, my forever!  
Though through a heavy heart

I pray that time heal the hard wounds
And forever seal the sad scars
None a mark ever visible leave
To remind us of the deep cuts
The trenches and valleys and faults that us almost lost  

My love, if Our Father in Heaven time and again insists:
‘If a wicked man truly turns against his sins He has committed
Will surely live and not die; none of his iniquity will be remembered
Who am I-a mere mortal not to forget your shortcomings?
I choose to only remember the years we have shared and cherished lovingly

I choose you, your soul as its heart, your mind as its thoughts
I choose to still stand next to you and truly listen to your struggling soul
I choose to still hold you in my arms and listen to the grieving songs of your heart:
‘In the arms of my love, I string and swing; in the wings of my angel, I cling and fling!’
To still stand with you even in this sea of miseries; to hold your hand and feel your breath!  

Come-on! Lift your face and hold bold my gaze into your breaths and sorrows,
I still will love you the same! Let’s get drunk into liquors of our requited love
Come-on! Come into my embraces and feel the warm snuggles in your cold tears
I will not look into the past mistakes! Let’s look into the future bright and beautiful

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
302 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
I hope when hope is gone
The WORLD will anew shine
With goodness and divineness    
With calmness and kindness
With grace and new hope

I hope in her humanity
That it will close its eyes
And dream, sweet dreams of hope
As it floats in fond fingers of peace
Buoy free in humble hands of true love
Sail carefree in lucky legs of sincerity and divinity

I hope in you new generations
You her newest creations
That down in your sleeps
You will sweet dream
The sweet dreams of love
The sweet dreams of serenity
The sweet dreams of peace
The sweet dreams of newness

I hope in raising you a better world
A world of equity and fairness
A world full of passion and compassion
A world of association and integration
A world so true and sincere
A world all to endear and adhere
A world of charity and generosity
A world of growth and prosperity
A world for one and for all!

And even when gone we may be
Let us stand counted pure pioneers
Of a new world, a new world of inclusion
A world of single race and religion
Humanity, Humility, Hospitality!

A world we will look and all fall in love with
A world we will meet and together worship
A world we will sit and together dine
A world we will be without sinister and gamester  
A world for you and for me and for the entire generations

I hope, I hope in this world, in this newness
Even in my abyss of sorrows and torments
I hope for a world for you and for me and for the entire universe
A planet for your race and my race and the whole human race
A place for the poor and for the rich and for all the societal social class
A gentle space for all our revered interactions, interrelations and integrations
A world we all are free of thoughts, plots and sorts

I hope………..I hope for you………….I hope for you-This World!
When the universe will be one and whole!
When we will reach out for each other with hope and love
We will care for each other with sheer genuineness!
We will watch over each other with esteemed carefulness
We will treat each other with friendly fairness
We will sincerely watch out for any of her mistreatments  
We will hold and embrace true, without reservations and conditions-out of true love!

When we will touch and true feel
We will kiss and in deed feel down to the spine the chill  
We will taste and same spell smell
We will embrace and ever emotionally attach
We will hold and eternal bonds mould
We will share and big build a brotherly chord
A world as no other world, a world all and long intended!

Hope, a world of hope for all of us!
A world we will be beautiful flowers of the earth
And sweet scents of the universe!
A world we will be salt of the earth and light of the world!
A world we are the taste and the goodness of the earth!
A world we are the art and heart of the earth!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
298 · Dec 2016
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016
My love, beauty of the blue ocean;
Tender sparkle of a tranquil sea,
A spectacular outcome of my drowsy dream.

My love, splendour smile of the rising sun;
Gentle twinkle of the soft eventide twilight,  
A pretty result of my smooth silent sleeps.

My love, grandeur of the glimmering moon;
Glinting grace of a soft midnight shimmers,
A magnificent model of my robbed rib.

My love, munificence of a billions galaxy;
Glamour of a colourful constellation night,
A perfect art-a part of my parts.  

My love, joy of a serene sky;
Harmony of a peaceful heaven,
A flesh of my fleshes, a bone of my bones!

My love, darling, quietude quantum of time,  
A noblest gift of my Maker: my Maker’s only eternal match!
Salvation of my revelations: Possession of my obsessions!

My love, my Maker’s eternal match, with you always,
In thins and thick: in wells and worse, to the very end of time!

With you till perpetuity blinks its last, still beside you I will be!
Listening to your soul’s sorrows, consoling your spirit’s whole soul!

My love, elegance of all moments, beauty of all minutes!
Splendour of all seasons, treasure of all eras, charm of all times!  
Grace of my glances, glamour of my gazes, astound of my stance!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
288 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
When flowers meet and kiss
I remember you and miss
The tastes of your body

When bees fly and ****
I always curse the luck
The lack of you, now with another somebody

When stars peep and hide
I always reminiscence time us behind
When on dewy nights we watched them body to body

When moons steal shines
I am sorrowfully in whines
Why is love not for everybody!

When eyes close into deep sleeps
I wonder why always you, sweeps
Into my minds and thoughts, to disturb my resting body

When in silences I am lost
My conscience your nostalgia truly host
Urging me to react before you be with anybody

When darkness is quiet
Do you miss our duet?
Same as I do here, every day!

When seasons comes and goes
When we were friends before foes
Do you still muse those our yester days?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
284 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
When the air is gloom and grey
I will still weave words for your soul
When time is gone and forgotten
I will still sing serenades for your heart
When space is silent with sorrow and hollow
I will compassionately still be cuddling your spirit
When love is aged and lost
I will still woo and coo your romance

Even when I can’t sweep you from the floor
I will still struggle to cradle your emotions
When your heart don’t smile as before to my silly jokes
I will still find a way to tickle its laughter
Even when all is livid and acrid
I will still colour your life young and beautiful
You will still look the same-colourful

Even when your nerves won’t more recognize me
When your ears won’t hinder to my courtship calls
You still are the woman I’d court
Again and again and again forever
Even when you are creased and gray  
My eyes irises will still find you attractive
My thoughts will still want more of your love
I will still be amorously dreaming of you
To be forever young with you

You will still be the last light before our sunset
Still as you were, the first ray in our sunrise!
Darling, our love never grows bored and old with age
But forever younger with each sailing stage
Forever with you, same as energetic teenage!
In my sleeps you still will be my guardian angel!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
282 · Dec 2016
Kìùra Kabiri Dec 2016
On a night without electricity in these places
There is pitch blackness and dreary darkness
Roaches leave their cracks in the mask to free roam the cruel range
Bedbugs quietly crawl out of their crevices to ravage and revenge
Their long day’s hungers on these innocent preys lost in hopelessness
Of black blankness and hope of not near returning lights sadness

A thin stick-like candle flickers fast as quick she burns out
Water lingers long to bubble on a slow snorting stove
And the chief chef, the cook, watches his dismay spelt out
Summoning salvation now, only from merciful above
May be the lights returns or the candle please lives:
May be the water bubbles or the stove woi survives!

A night in these places is of mercy
A night in these places is of clemency
When lights frequent flickers out
Little quiet Carnivores comes out
To feast on preys angry
To feed on victims hungry!

It is a night of annoyance
A naked night in these places
It is a night a nuisance
An after light in these spaces
Rolling regularly to itching lumps
Rising to biting body bumps

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
275 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
My heart is for anyone
But not for everyone
Someday, there will come someone
Who will eagerly want
To occupy and entirely own it
And I will have no control over it
For it will never be mine again
But ours forever-in pain or gain!

If I give you my heart
O! Don’t hurt my heart
Don’t break it
Please I beg for it
Don’t play games with my soul
For it is for anyone
But not for everyone
Just for you-someone!

Remember, far beneath time
There is someone who ached for a crime
To totally own it as a single whole
Far beyond time there was a soul
Who deeply longed for my heart and its spirit
But here in this moments time
It chose to be with you as its prime
May be till to the end of time!
Maintain it with dignity and serenity!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
269 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
Eternity is a road without end:
A circle without bend!

When dusts rises and returns to its composers-
Bodies fall done and defeated;  
When breathes draws last and takes to its wonders-
Lungs decreases deserted and deflated;
When souls satisfied, sails and goes to be with their maker-
Essence escapes without its splendour to serve its eternity;
When spirits surrendered, prostrates before their creator-
Divinity summoned to defends its dignity;  
The universe will be such a sullen space-
Such a devoid and dour sphere
Until again the earth is with a renewed face-
Pierced again with a lively spear
Of Perpetuity and Felicity!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
267 · Feb 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
She held my hand and wished
She could stop time from its eternal ticking
She held my feet and cried
Only if she could change some decisions
She looked into my will and wept
Only if she could alter certain moments
She beheld my heart and bemoaned
She could influence some set situations
She held me, my spirit-my willpower
Hoping she could change and charge my soul
But time was gone and wills were made……

I looked into her heart
And I mourned time
I looked into her eyes, tears
And I inwardly tore of situations
I beheld her pitiful gaze
And understood her pains
I dug deeper into her soul, her spirits
And I solely saw her determinations
And I lamented love, I wailed wishes
For nothing at all me mere mortal could alter of instances
For time was far gone and wills were made……

We hugged and held hopelessly-
We both hated feelings
We kissed and cuddled clueless-
We both loathed love
We canoodled and cradled carelessly-
We both reviled desires
We caught and clutched to hope, defenseless-
We both wished of time, there is anything we could change
There are in it some moments we could solely crush
For nothing we could do, could alter time!
For time was never ours and will never be, ours!

I went, she remained
Sorrows surrounding her soul
She wept, I watched
Pity haloing my heart’s spirit
She lived while I died
Pains and havoc wracking our love
I extinguished and she cried
Anger and anguish ruining our lives!

But we still held to hope-
Of again meeting and marching:
Of again loving and living;
Of again merging and matching!
For love outlives time and
Time marches to hope!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
245 · Jan 2017
Kìùra Kabiri Jan 2017
The journey of life is the Same-FUTURE; the end of bodies is One-DEATH and the destiny of all souls is similar-ETERNITY. Eternity to happiness or sufferings!
Kìùra Kabiri.

— The End —