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  Jun 2014 Kitbag of Words
Nat Lipstadt
since I wept poems freely,
from rise to set,
every breeze, every minute, each bladed grass,
a creation-emotion overtaking

the residue is
every pen dry,
every pencil nubbed,
every free and white
piece of paper,
even all the napkins,
Picasso scribbled

but this one compelled to
rise and set,
before you placed
with a gratitude that
needs no explaining,
a poem,
first and knighted as


a tired, benighted idea,
oft expressed,
that cannot be contained,
swelling up, chest burn bursting
and it's not yet 600am

but the sun demands
payment for admission to this
morning's performance,
which will never be rebroadcast

so in humility, I
offer up this scrap,
in hopes it earns me
one more show tomorrow
pleasing him,
by pleasing you

we write with many motives,
but this ticket is
for my friends here,
genuine camaraderie that is holy,
sourced from holy water,
"straight from the water"*
within our physical selfs

your arm unasked slung
over my shoulder,
your words my inspiration,
your demands, none,
other than give a listen

which is no demand,
but sweet sugar daily,
crazy stupid flooded
through words care crafted,
I have found so many
gentle kind
that without hesitation,
I find myself blessing us all
by repeatedly uttering
This is the poetry of this site
Kitbag of Words Jun 2014
we read the paper together in bed
side by side,
nary a smudge of newsprint
on our fingers or sheets,
nothing to stain that wet spot
we created with the
realized physicality
of our embrace
Melted Words, Salted to Disappear*

salted to disappear,
not to taste,
aged love poems writ
before my eyes
drip drop from
bed to floor,
lightly screaming
no más no more

there is a raging quietude
in bed, in head,
without you
to write for,
without you,
write no more

for without
my audience
before my Queen,
I am uncommissioned,
words not just blurred,
lightly melting,

the colors of our conversation,
were the stuff of me,
magnetos of pinks
purple hues,
from which
spilled, flowed,
torrents des cris du cœur,
not color-blinded, blindsided,
words black on white, even worse
white on black look at this writ miserable and all stand


this is a lost man
who has lost his salt of the earth
  Jun 2014 Kitbag of Words
Nat Lipstadt
how many generations can
lay with you in your bed?

Matriarch Mama,
honorific due you,
title earned, not learned,
and now a teaching PhDs  of
Matriachal Science

let us have tea,
a tea party in you garden,
and the granddaughters
dressed in their church finest,
running noisy but that's ok,
mass is over, and the party
is now a backyard affair

me, a recorder,
standing in the corner,
invisible observing,
leaning on that old banyan tree,
smile playing on
my eyes,
cousins daughters sisters,
and best of the best,
grand babies wilding in their Sunday finery,
even seeing
invisible fathers standing beside me,
but espy only one

Matriarch Mama,
sallying forth,
gunslinger of poetry,
nobody messes with Sally,
she is the brood defender,
poetess not
of the day

she is a
generational inscriber,
an author of a
gene pool of life's best,
her existence,
from heaven, sent a manna,
to feed-across-time
just one family,
an ordinary,
if such there was,

**Matriarch Mama
Look what I found in my files...
Kitbag of Words Jun 2014
Oh those kids and
the cute things they will
when they'll learn
to talk like
when luckily,
they'll be
just like me

inventiving words
just like me,
phrases like the one above
I just wrote

when I was informed
by the house chef,
what was yet to come

my eagerly anticipated
promised land
Sunday dinner of
meatballs and spaghetti,
with my special sauce,
Heinz Ketchup


I sure hope they grow up faster
so we can be
rolling on the floor
inventiving words
Sweetballs and Maaghetti
The photograph frames a proud father,
Holding a dark haired, wide eyed boy of two,
A handsome, smiling child, appearing                    
Normal and happy.
Back in the still good old days.

The little boy in the photo never grew up,                  
Stayed locked up in a grown man’s body.
A Misshapen, painful body racked with
Years of recurring illnesses and frequent
Urgent trips to the Hospital.
The doctors said he would not live into his teens.

The little man within never complained,
His attentive loving family never gave up.
It was love and hope that sustained them.
The Child/Man suffered a hard fought, 40 year life.
And yet he endured. While all that time being
Imprisoned in his diminished child’s mind and his
Tortured adult man’s twisted ever failing body.
Causing some to say; “How much suffering is enough?”

On his last day on Earth, in his limited fashion,
He enjoyed the sunshine,
Smiled a little and even spoke a few rare words,
To his Care Givers.  
Perhaps he was actually celebrating,
It is reported that he even laughed a little.

No doubt painfully exhausted from being
Imprisoned within himself.
Recently back from yet another difficult Hospitalization.
Last night, deep in his own heaven of peaceful slumber
His soul took wings.

At last that little boy that was there, but not there,
Trapped within himself for a life time,
Is finely released and free to soar.

Fly on Child of God, soar now, fly free Little Big Man!
For his family
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