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4.6k · May 2013
Eyes stare...
Into nothingness,
The jigsaw of to be’s,
Arranges and rearranges;
Into an appeal of mirage...
Swelling the oasis of life!

And when the glare pierces,
Eyes blink;
The jigsaw settles,
Synchronized with reality;
Strengthening my mind...
To derive the quirky balance -
Between the could be’s ;
And the one that is!
... as I stare into the blank oblivion.. I am challenged as I balance my thoughts, desires, fantasies, actualities, challenges and pack them into the real picture... The real picture is certainly way different than these volatile thoughts...
3.7k · Jan 2013
We set out from our homes
With aspirations bright
A bag pack of skills
And a sceptre of perfection
A potion of blessings
To keep company
We are complete.

Through the low nights
And during the blazing noons,
Through the hard needles of showers,
Until we reach the land of flowers,
We unravel
Secrets of the deep and the dark
We gain and yet sometimes loose
We fathom
Through the layers wise
And make our axioms

On a quiet night however,
When we plunge in retrospection
A star shines bright
Connecting and completing the picture
We are but one glowing dot from the many
And the canvass completes
With the treasure of family lineage
All encompassing and strengthening
A synecdoche of life.
2.4k · Jan 2013
....the fence
a mere edge
between souls
sealed with words to connect

...the fence
where boundaries cease
and hearts melt
an ore to precious to be molded

...the fence
not a side to be chosen
over the face we sit and stare
into the twilight and through the dark
until the golden morn
letting it cleanse
the crass of our thoughts!

...the fence
a giver of a perspective
granting the onlooker
a perched dimension
and yet calm enough
not just for your tears
be strong even through the ringing laughter
its neutral stance
never just defined the end!
2.1k · May 2013
Find yourself
Even in the clutter of chores
In the whistle of pressure cooker
In the clash of dishes and utensils

Search yourself
In the aroma of spices
In the color of vegetables
In the routines along the kitchen platform
In the rich gravies and the brew of juices!

Look out for yourself
In the clean mirrors
Along that fine line of kohl
In the strokes of the mascara
Over the gloss of lip shades
In that dot of bindi

Hold on to yourself
In the newness
With time, space and people
Evolve...not change!
Molt...not skin off!
Wear a new color over the not!

Even in the dark
Can you not see thy radiant self
Glowing appraised from within!
You be your master
Look for traces of yourself
In your eye's mirror! wedding, there can be so much flux in your living, that it feels a gaint wheel of events.. But all of it is indeed beautiful and in the minute details of daily life, you often have a chance of getting connected to yourself. The sooner you can command on this, the better control you can have of your living!
Of late, I am into such a transforming mode....
Enjoying the newness of life and also the path of finding my own different self!!
2.0k · Jan 2013
An adieu is
A trace of new beginning

An adieu lays foundations
For creating new memories
To cherish and share

An adieu is
A reason to fondly recall

An adieu is
Just one step away
From a soon coming hi

So dear confrere
Do not rue an adieu
Time shall soon fly by
As the bye becomes
A fresh hi!
2.0k · Jun 2013
Fly high...
Fly high,
Know your dreams have wings,
Be an albatross...
Clearing above the blue seas,
Until the curve of the horizon,
Can be bent and seen!

Fly high,
You know you can steer,
Tame the winds...
And break the waves;
Even storms can clear,
Giving way to brighter days;
A new season blooms,
Fear not, nay!

Fly high,
And break off from the hibernation,
See yourself with a redefinition;
Even a single prism,
Gives birth to a spectrum!
1.8k · Feb 2013
I know you
Beyond the screens
Even in the silence
That surrounds me...
I hear you chuckle and laugh

Conversations we have
Only words unheard
Unuttered go by...
But they mean much more
Than the sound of spoken word
That resonates over my tympanum

Across the different metros
Sits you and I
Yet we connect and continue
In our journeys
To our own goals
Parallel paths drawn...
Yet some common thread
Linking us all

And I feel you
At one hand's distance..
That is the connection
I have..
Strange are the ways of communication
It dissolves strangeness
Into an unexplained acquaintance!
In a poetic conversation with Vijayalakshmi Harish and Aditya Bhaskara... :)
1.8k · May 2013
My mind flutters,
A dainty butterfly...
Disquiet even over a nectarine pie,
Oft times the color allures;
A serrated edge attracts,
The stamen invite;
A pollinic conversation...
Little resting respite!

My mind flutters,
A distracted butterfly...
Does she not know;
She shall starve...
Concentration deprived,
Unable to trace the scent of the elixir;
That shall hold her high!?
Of late I am finding it very difficult to concentrate / focus on any task that I am entitled to do. I am trying very hard to press my mind to focus, but have not been successful as yet.
Lack of concentration is frustrating and threatening at the same time.
1.7k · Jan 2013
Sonnet #1
1.7k · Feb 2013
Deep in the alcove
Of my being
I find an image
Within an image
Rediscovering myself
A facsimile
Adding only strength

And still sure
That is my endeavor

I look within
For amity and strength
For conversations
With only me
As an audience
I find myself and

I am the Matryoshka
Wooden beauty in the outside
Subtlety and charm
Moisten my core
On the inside.
1.7k · Jan 2013
Into the virtual world
I get ******
Staring into the pseudo-reality
Liking stuff,
Commenting words
Whether it makes sense to others?
I often wonder

Into the virtual world
I get drawn
The bunds of rationality
Do not seem to hold on
Staring at happy faces
Thinking on updates
Do I seem to remember?
What around me is at stake?
Calling for immediate attention?

Into the virtual world
I often loose
Some vital perspective
Floating into thoughtful nothingness
Until I stumble
On the platform of hard earth
And when I rub my eyes
I see the dire need to resolve
What is real and unreal!
1.6k · Jan 2013
The slice of moon shimmers
Through the mist of clouds
Over the silent seas
Caressing the asleep waves
Soothing the darkness away
Whispering strength
A halo in the dark edge
Peace Reassuring!
1.4k · Feb 2013
The last lap
...and the last lap
Indeed shall be steep
Often rugged and slippery
With your tired eyes
You shall see the shining galore!

...and the last lap
Indeed shall test and try
But nay your spirit
You are the winner
Pull the strings of your effort together

...and the last lap
Shall be painful and tiresome
Every stitch in thy muscle
Every inch of your perseverance
Shall call for attention

...and the last lap
Can be a defying mirage
Do not quit
Just push beyond
And leap!

...and the last lap
Is where it all starts!
The truth of your beloved dream
Shall arise!
A golden charm!
Forever for you to behold!!

...and the last lap
Is where your story shall start!
Taking you way back in memory
To how it all started
As a midnight's dream
Deep in your pupil’s dark!
1.3k · Mar 2013
Fear is the grey
That clogs over
Your eyes…
Blurred vision
And hazed outlook
Shall be served cold
Over your tray
Fermenting effort
Keeping away
Any sign of achievement!
And when you will
Want to jump over
A precipice
Your heel shall be locked
Anchoring your ankle
Making a statuette
Of your able stature

Fear is the grey
That magnifies the cloud
You shall not see
The bright line
For such shall be
The film covering your eyes
Flimsy and yet so blind!
And then you will
Stumble into a loop
Of never ending failure
The ring of ripple
Just getting larger!

Fear is the grey
Dampening the bright blue sky
For it shall decay
The season’s morale!
Signing the loser’s epitaph

Unbind your fears
For there lies the beginning
With every step
The mountain seems plainer
Underneath your shoes
You shall certainly find
Unbridled success!
1.2k · Apr 2013
O’ woman….
Such an enchantress be you;
In your smiles,
You live warm!
You live charmed…
You enliven the aura of the Heaven!

O’ woman…
In your hands,
You hold the scepter; you rule!
You make and feed
You care your fawn,
You tend pain
And you pleasure thy lord!

O’ woman…
Your eyes, as mischief sparkles;
So does many dreams; Glitter!
Wake up…
Make them all true!
Go reach out the stars…
Give them some of your twinkle!

O’ woman…
In your being,
You paint a galaxy
Alive as if it were Lord’s scheme alone!

O’ woman
Heed yourself
Shed not those tears…
They be a waste
Don’t stain your pretty face…
Walk, trudge and explore
That pace of life..
In your mere presence;
You make
Everyone’s living possible!

O’ woman,
You be the gem…
Shining bright and true!
Preach your worth;
Priceless in measure!
This is dedicated to my office colleague... who is battling difficulties in her personal life.. May she find her peace soon! :)
1.2k · Jan 2013
Reach Out
Reach out
Extend your palm
There is so much love
Soak it in your fine lines

Reach out
Shine the twinkle in your eyes
There is so much detail
Awaiting your appreciating gaze

Reach out
There is such a vibe
Let there be a field
Enthusing positivity

Reach out
Hug your brethren
Let the goodness
Through your embrace flow

Reach out
To life
Feel its fullness
Bask in its grandeur
Even the dark canvass
Enlivens in a purple patch
Happiness lives in small enclave
Just peep down
And find its sparkle
Touch it then
To make an astounding miracle!
1.1k · Feb 2013
And how did I slip,
Into the ecstasy of your arms;
Enveloping security,
All around me…

And how did it hypnotize me,
Into the pools of your eyes;
Piercing beyond the limits,
Of my black pupil…

And how did I learn,
A new pink shade of lips;
Feeling over mine,
Could be softer than feather…

And how did I feel,
The texture of your stubble;
Burning over my bare skin,
Could be a talisman,
Of my fantasy’s frontiers…

And how could my fingers,
Do all the talking;
Unleashing the strength,
That mesmerized me,
In an awe;
Resounded by gasping,

And how did I loose,
All my way,
In the loops of sweet talk;
Until eyes took refuge,
Of sweet dreams;
I pray they shall awake true,
And be alive,
Until eternity at last!
1.1k · Jun 2013
Pain stays permanent,
Permeating through time;
The pinch of loss,
Can never be sufficed.

Pain surges periodically,
Often high in tide,
Crashing on shores of sympathy;
Bund that gap,
With all your might,
These sensations erode,
Cutting in the shape of your soul;
Gorging away your sane.

Pain pangs often,
Reminding of the times gone,
But in that memory,
Find inspiration to go on!

Pain pacifies loss,
Whence you derive,
Your reasons to smile,
In memories so close...
Dormant relationships bloom,
An evergreen garden!
Loosing the person you love, the one who matters you the most or a family member is painful. The road to recovery from such a tragedy needs tremendous courage. As we trudge along this trying phase, often we are subjected to sympathy that wanes our courage to face the facts of life.
But to remember our dear one, smile at the golden memories, recall all the sweet bygones and promises made then can serve as an inspiration towards a better and less painful tomorrow.
May be we should try this approach of healing rather than crying...after all pain and the absence of the person we love is permanent...
1.1k · Jan 2013
The pen romances
The blanks of paper
Inking a love-bite
To be read
And deciphered
By generations
To come
A tale of love
Is writing
As one heart pours
And another reads
To derive
An ode.
1.0k · Jan 2013
They dare;
Enough to investigate,
Where the moon hides,
On the dark nights?
Who rules the tides?
And who sways,
The wind’s might?

They push;
Beyond the holding ledge,
Into the dark,
As dreams possess,
A glow evident;
Iridescent firefly,
Cutting stark,
Across the dark!

Often invincible,
An invisible might,
Ruling the strengths,
Of a doing mind!
They bloom,
A trophy of truth,
Shining over the mantle,
Radium of life!
997 · Jan 2013
In the aria of music
As the notes reel
High and low
Thy pulse shall dance
With a rhythm
Such an unmatched fervor!

In the aria of music
While the symphony matures
A new game of romance
Rules the mood
Defying every holding loop

In the aria of music
The moment enriches
The thrill of the heart blooms
Into a new season
Unbridled joy shall stay
Caressing every heart beat!

In the aria of music
As the lyrics hum
In your own self
You shall be complete!
967 · Jan 2013
Sonnet #2
... Sullen!
Most problems of our lives which bloat to become 'Issues' can be solved by discussing and sorting them out... Being silent and inexpressive will only make times and life difficult... and the general state of living will be sullen and unhappy!
Let us avoid this in our lifes...
963 · May 2013
My soul sees and seers,
What I seldom do not want to hear;
She feels more than I ever do,
Of all those moments,
Which I wish were untrue!

And even then she stands strong,
Without a tear,
For she knows;
Wet eyes and weak sighs,
Only makes paths -
Slippery and treacherous!

My soul strengthens the physical me;
In every prayer she weaves,
A new thread of belief,
A wrap for a lifetime;
Soon shall be stitched...
Keeping us and our faith warm,
Even beyond eternity!
961 · Jan 2013
Pigeon (17W)
Scattered thoughts
As though they were fed
To the pigeon of my mind
on a free flight!
957 · Feb 2013
That's a poet
Who sees the verve
Even in the pained nerve
Who sews with words
Re-igniting the sparks of love
Who can embalm pain
Without the motives of gain

That's a poet
Who can love the storm
For he can see
The sunshine beyond
He loves the drought too
That makes him want
Some showers of respite
He loves the bees and bugs
For they imprint the floral canvass
Of his imaginations!

That's a poet
Who embarks the journey
Of truth...of real and yet unreal
He weaves a carpet
Between the real and virtual
He strengthens the genesis
For his words render a vision!
Immortal deeds
On the altar of timeless worship
By the mortal beings!
904 · Feb 2013
Even in the scabbard
The sword does not blunt
She sends a warn
When drawn out

Curve still sharp
Promises to hurt
An unruly beholder
She shall bleed you
Should you doubt her skills at all

Her forte does not wean
Even if your memory
Fails to recognize it
Even her silence is fierce
Do not encourage her to ring
She may just prove
All your fears!
Sometimes we tend to underestimate a strong person...just because he / she is dormant! and that is the mistake we do when we arouse them and expect that they shall be weak! We are in for an opposite experience then...
Never underestimate any one...
888 · Dec 2012
For now I know I must -
Tame the timidity,
Of my mind.

Channelize the kinetics;
Into a beam of energy,
Directional and definite!

Cutting the crap,
Of unnecessary detail;
Delivering a crisper form!

For now I know I must -
Sharpen the vision,
Of my mind.

Seeing beyond the clutter,
And the shown;
Into a picture,
I know and want to admire!

For now I know I must -
Delve into the depths,
Of my mind.

Revealing the chaos of the form,
Organizing it in symmetry;
Pleasant to trace and redraw,
A canvass of memory;
That shall adorn,
The museum of my life!
884 · Jan 2013
A fragile emotion
In the womb of my mind
Safe in the amnions
Of thin creativity
On the nib of my LAMY
It shall descend
For a verbose delivery
LAMY - is a German made ink pen, my priced possession... something I love to write with.
875 · Jan 2013
Even they did sow
A seed of love
They waited and deliberated
But the seed would not germinate
They wept
They prayed
They consulted and tested
But the shoot from the seed
In refusal, stayed within

It seared through her heart
To see other farms lush
Pain and pang both
While her being barren
Scared her
She withered!
A woman without a child
Can she not crumble?
sometimes self pity
Sometimes anger
An unspoken question
Forever would poke at her

Her feminity bore all
Concerns, questions, pain and ridicule
Still without loosing her will
She decided she would fight brave
Wage a war against luck!

Today she holds a babe
In her arms
Her smiles are young
Laden with warm promises
His eyes twinkle and dream at distance
Their wait is blessed
And so is the soul
Now with parents, protection
Love and care

A family framed
A new legacy waiting to be made!
My co-sister and brother-in-law, have tried for having their child for the last 12 - 15 years.. But they were not the chosen ones there. However they decided to adopt a baby girl.. and today they have met their little angel...

As a woman, I sometimes wonder will I ever be able to imagine the pain and trauma they have experienced... But now that a golden chapter in their life begins, I am glad and all prayers!! May the best be theirs...

This poem is dedicated to the new parents and their little angel...our little angel! :)
873 · Jan 2013
Through the chequered opening
A colorful kaleidoscope presents
An array of lush green
A wisp of fresh breeze
A smiling sunbeam
An expanse of immaculate welkin

Through the chequered opening
I see,
A streak of rushing speed
A slice of broad wing
A naïve game of child
A glimpse of active time

Through the chequered opening
I stitch…
My work, my soul, my time
..My office is in close proximity to the international airport and railway even while at work, I see and hear many trains zooming past and flights take off...There definitely is a good green buffer zone that I can see from my window too...Further more the office space is also within the reach of a residential neighborhood...So there are many kids playing...
While at work, I can thus experience a lot of dynamic activity around me.
839 · Feb 2013
I wish I and my words
Could espouse
Together we can
Spell, spin and sing
Through more than
Just seven lifes

I wish I and my words
Could make love
Taking the understanding
Of pleasures
Beyond the chasms
Of two bodies and souls

I wish I and my words
Could procreate
Many more smiles
Many more verses
Many more talks
That shall grow old
And yet continue
To flower and fragrance

I wish I and my words
Could travel lands
Unravel the mysteries
That maketh the man

I wish I and my words
Entomb in peace
So that when we are gone
We weave together
Memories for others
To sing
Recall and resound
Until the eternity!
There was a time when my father was worried about my matrimony and the quest for a 'perfect guy' began!! (A typical Indian way!) After seeing a few proposals...I wished that finding the right guy was a 'Mission Impossible!' So these were my thoughts then... (However today I am happily married to my best friend :) )
801 · Jan 2013
Crossroads (Haiku#2)
Crossroads are meant for meeting
Why contest?
Their diametrical being!
749 · Jan 2013
That thin smile
Of the growing moon
Highlights the night sky
Even more
Than the full moon!
736 · Jan 2013
Perception #1 (19w)
Still waters are sea,
Disturbed be the tsunami;
It is in our perception,
For allowing our thoughts to be!
Often times, we realize that we take the privilege of understanding the person in our own way...sometimes it is good and sometimes it can lead to misunderstandings... and in the worst case spoiling sweet relationships. To build upon a strong relationship, it is important that we let go our daily baggage.. that way feeling a different order of peace...
713 · Dec 2012
For now I know I must -
Tame the timidity,
Of my mind.

Channelize the kinetics;
Into a beam of energy,
Directional and definite!

Cutting the crap,
Of unnecessary detail;
Delivering a crisper form!

For now I know I must -
Sharpen the vision,
Of my mind.

Seeing beyond the clutter,
And the shown;
Into a picture,
I know and want to admire!

For now I know I must -
Delve into the depths,
Of my mind.

Revealing the chaos of the form,
Organizing it in symmetry;
Pleasant to trace and redraw,
A canvass of memory;
That shall adorn,
The museum of my life!
711 · Jan 2013
Charm (Haiku#3)
Connections and commonness
Adds charm
Even to an acquaintance
I shall meet a common acquaintance of me and my father tomorrow. It has been nearly two weeks (since I live with my husband in a different suburb, post wedding) that I have not met my father...but the prospects of meeting this acquaintance tomorrow makes me feel strangely happy... as though I would be meeting some part of my father!
705 · Jan 2013
Let your step free
From the shackles of time
The alarms are dead
Skeletal in the rounds
Of the past
Let to rest

Breathe the fresh air
Tickling your face
It is full of youthful aroma
That shall touch and

For indeed tomorrow
Is precious
Sow it today
In the soil of present
Nurture it
Nourish it
With ample dreams
Rich and fertile

But let not the omen of past
Ever shadow it

We have come along
From yesterday until today
But the seasons of the morrow
Await –
That’s the canvass
Outlines of past
Can definitely be re-brushed

Unchain the spirit
Undo the time
If we move today
Tomorrow evening
We can pause
Look back
And smile!
Radiating content
With energies more divine!
700 · Jan 2013
There comes a time,
When a task prevails.
Challenging our skills,
Urging us to push,
From deep within;
To explore...
Through the dark spell,
Until we find light!

And then begins a journey...
Sometimes high and sometimes low,
Often worries crease a brow,
And then again
Laughter springs alive! horizons people lifestyle
Expands the spectrum of life!
The chalice of achievement,
Glows with success
Through the days and nights,
Even while at work,
We make friends...
A parameter of home
Just redefined!

There comes a time,
When we have to bid,
Pain reeks deep within,
But memories -
So fond...
So golden...
Forever shall gladden thy heart!
Spreading a smile
Keeping us connected
All through the distance!
654 · Jan 2013
And in the folds
Of every heart
Is a nave
That ends in an apse
Of reminiscence
Sacred and august

An apse to be trudged
Only by the beholder
To perform
Not very often though
A little prayer

For this corner
Is an ether
Volatile even by a thin lustre
As it lights bright through
The shades of retina
The altar of the sacred corner
Is ablaze; all aglow

A trickle of single tear
And sanctified smile
Often unnoticed yet appear
So close just
Yet away from the world

The altar of memories
Is cherished year after year
Seldom to be mass opened
And yet for a pure prayer
640 · Jan 2013
Even after decades
When music touches my soul
I feel her alive
In the rhythm that resonates
I hear her sing
In the silence that surrounds
The melody croons
But in the dark audience
I feel
My mother wraps her arms
Around me
In a warm embrace
As though I was still
Safe in her womb!

In that moment of symphony
I cherish her
Deep within my heart
I enliven her
In the pools of my eyes
I see her smile
In the thin air
Only if I could touch her back
In the way she caresses my thoughts
Last night after attending a concert on Indian Cultural Music... I could feel my eyes fill with tears in the memory of my  Ma (mother).... My Ma loved Indian Cultural Music and was an ardent learner... today after nearly two decades of her demise, whenever I attend such concerts, my heart melts and I feel she is there by my side.... Ma I miss you...more than my words could ever try to explain...
640 · Jan 2013
Haiku 1
Yellow sun
Royal blue sky
Nothing more to spy
...this was written when I was having a gala time with my father...the hero of my life! :)
612 · Jan 2013
Plunge into the pool,
Knowing that the waters,
Will be cool.
That the tides may betray,
That the current may stray,
That the floor may slip,
And in deep waters;
You may have more to do,
Than just wade.

Plunge into the pool,
Even through the dark,
Have faith on your strength;
You shall reach the island!
Bask on the sun kissed sands,
Wear the blankets of stars,
You shall find -
Prince charming with open eyes,
But to be in his arms,
You shall have to win,
The currents of time and
Beat the monster of doubts;
However strong!
529 · Jan 2013
Shadow (14 w)
Low sun,
Long shadows,
A different perspective,
New stories of -
The umbra and penumbra.

— The End —