We create piles of books between us in bed
I want you back in my head
I travel seas
I find you again
To be in solitude is to be strong
To be in companionship is to be part of a whole
I get visions from moments that don't exist
I get poetry from deep corners of my pockets
We wake at 2:10 only to drink coffee at 6
I run backward to find where I went wrong
I ask the cards what my favorite color is then try again
I am holy with my visions and rough on the edges
I've stripped my femininity
only to find someone more forgiving beneath
Inspiration, muse, and black coffee all fit into the same category
we all need more sleep
we all try too hard
one day it will be easier to write your name on a city
but for now we fight for passion
and work for love
it is easy to play the wrong game