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Oct 2021 · 200
kina Oct 2021
Are sometimes like
Bleak tattoos
With faded outlines
Like an indelible scar
And sometimes like
Empty coffee cups
Without a single trace
Just a faint moment--
Something you once
Held on to
Sep 2020 · 69
kina Sep 2020
Wishing for the rain to stop
Is like wishing for you to come back

The odds are pretty high
The odds are pretty low

Sometimes a drizzle
That aches its way throughout

But sometimes a storm
That eats me whole and alive

But it never stops
Like an endless turmoil

And so I always long for the sun-
Its blissful rays and glistening light

I hope the warmth finds me again
Like how we found each other back then

Wishing for the rain to stop
Is like wishing for you to come back
Sep 2020 · 87
kina Sep 2020
The sun-
The blissful sun
Can have livid circles
Under its eyes
Because of woe
And endless cries
It can show somber
In one of its rays
When it's melancholic
And having its bad days
It can be despondent
If no one's in sight
It can be the dark
When too tired to be the light
But fear not
For it is bold
It can always put
The sadness and fear on hold
It can shower joy
In every flesh and bone
While fighting
The storms on its own
So whenever you look at the sun
in its glistening state
Please know that
Troubles are included in its fate
Sep 2020 · 79
kina Sep 2020
I've always yearned for the stars;
How it glistens in the dark
How it beams through the sky
And how its fragile light holds me captive--
I've always yearned for the stars.
And maybe I should stop
Knowing that I can never reach it nor keep it in my pockets
But I can't
Because it became my savior from the numbing solitude
Sep 2020 · 75
kina Sep 2020
When the winter creeps in
And the frostbites crawl in your back and the cold leaves your fingertips numb,
I'll be the spring that comes
That let's the flowers bloom and let the fresh crisp air seep in your lungs.

I'll be the warmth that your hands and heart long for.

— The End —