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kattrinsart Nov 2018
The challenges of writing
That are coming to mind
Scale across all subjects
I think that you will find

How to write in sentences
That make sense to me
That make sense to others
With grammar and structurally

I sometime worry about content
If I don’t know the topic well
Because the most important thing
Is not to fail

But then I struggle with time
The little that I know
I make myself so busy
Rushing to and fro

Then I get tired
I run out of steam
I feel like I'm trying
To row up stream

If you write a lot
I know you understand
Whether creative or academic
I'm here to lend a hand

A good method to follow
Is free writing from the mind
Give yourself a few minutes
And see what you find

Write down a few notes
In a method that works for you
You will then see what you know
Its really easy to do

Document your thoughts
That are relevant in their way
Each bit of information
Could be useful in future days

If a structure is what you need
And how you prefer to think
In academic writing remember
Point, evidence, explain and link

In both academic and creative
Being aware is key
Don’t repeat what you have written
Plan carefully

Repetition isn’t good
Unless you link it in
Although creativity allows some leeway
With poetry and creative writing

The best way of
Avoiding all this trouble
Is making sure you plan well
And check it double
kattrinsart Oct 2017
I am not always me
as I have to pretend, to feel free.
I try to stand tall and strong
but nightmares haunt me all night long.
In the day I hold up my chin
but when no ones around I claw at my skin.
I like to embrace the strange and quirky
but in my head I feel you all judging me.
I guess I kinda live a lie
as I always seem happy but want to cry.
I can't tell anyone
cause they don't understand and that leaves me alone.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
I wish, I wish
Upon a star
To bring my dreams
From afar

It glinting
Up in the sky
Oh how I wish
I would never cry

I can’t lose her
I must gain him
Without them
I am without a limb

Please, please
Let my wishes come true
I will repay you with
Anything I can do
kattrinsart Oct 2017
I may be different
but I am me
and that's the way
it should be
and it should be
the same for you
there's nothing you
should be confined to.
Ignore those trying
to tear you down,
who turn your smiles
into frowns.
Do whatever makes
you feel happy
this is how
you remain free.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Bodmin moor, Bodmin moor,
Where strangers come knocking on your door.
This is where he does sleep,
Where birdies fly and foxes leap.
But when I think of Blackoden farm,
There is no such thing as a good luck charm.
For it screams danger to all that’s there,
Especially his children in his lair.
They are called Ryan and Kimberley.
The beast is up there saving these.
They await there in the mist .
Ever afraid of his right hand fist.
Looking for their mother to be their saviour,
Is the main reason that they do stay there.
And worst of all the beast was their father
But it’s okay, the children have there happily ever after.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Hissing Silurian
Slimy Slitheen
Run just run
To where aliens are seen
Sonic zaps
Things behind doors
Deadly traps
And Jadoo laws
Welcome fans
To lots of fun
In a land
Where Whovians run
Where fezzes are cool
And so are bow ties
Welome all
To where The Doctor lies
kattrinsart May 2015
Hush, my friend
Please don't cry
Listen now and
Tell me why
What's made you sad
What's on your mind
I am here, I could help
If I wasn't so blind
If you need someone close
I am always here
There is nothing left
For you to fear
Keasha and I can
Destroy your demons
As no spirit
Can pass the deamons
There is no need to cry
No need to be alone
No need to feel ashamed
As in my heart you have a home
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Hello dear how are you?
Do you want me to stay?
Hello dear is it true,
That you would rather I float away?

I know you find it tough
That I am always dreaming
But there is no need to be so rough
With my feelings

Sometimes I do wish
That life were a fairy-tale
So that I could catch a fish
without any fail

You are the truest friend
And so much more
But sometimes you pretend
That it is I who you adore

Is there  such thing as love
Or am I just deluded
Escaping on the tail of a dove
and coming home empty handed
kattrinsart Feb 2015
The colours swirled and eddied
From the back of my gown
As here I patiently wait
For my silver crown

My feet are gently placed
In heeled slippers of red
but unlike Dorothy
these will not take me to my bed

I stand tall and proud
All strapped up with lace
To get home from the ball
There will be no race

There will be no party,
Biscuits, tea or cake
No Bandersnatch or Jabberwark
Are lying in my wake

No one will resque me
No armoured knight
To follow my chosen path
There will be no dragons to fight

I am not even a witch
locked up in a tower
Just a young lady
growing older every hour

No longer a little child
Chasing a fairy tale
Just a normal teenager
Trying to follow her dreams without fail
kattrinsart Feb 2017
When I close my eyes
your all that I see
Wearing a smile
thats meant just for me
your face like the sun
always brightens my day
you voice like a song
leading the way

you lead me through thunder
you lead me through rain
you lead me to the bright-side
where I forget all my pain
I don't have to worry
with you by my side
I'm perfectly safe
with you as my guide

I know no ones perfect
but who really cares
we both have our issues
that we can't compare
Our lives have been tough
but we will stand tall
if we stand together
we shall seldom fall

you are more important
than you'll ever know
you saved me from a fate
where I was likely to go
I was a mess
and you straightened me out
you helped me to see the world
and what life is all about

you are an angel
fallen from the sky
sent with extra wings
to help me fly
but no one guessed
that I'd fall for you
and that my heart not brain
for you grew
kattrinsart Apr 2016
Fear is not just an emotion
but something that controls you.
It penetrates your mind.
It drives you insane.
You do whatever you can to stay away.

Some say it paralyses you
but this isn't true.
It winds you up,
it drives you wild.
You can feel the blood pumping,
the adreneline making your body shake
from head to toe.

Others say that its a superpower,
if only this were true.
You don't feel strong but weak
like every muscle is focused upon one thing
to run away.

Fight or flight they say
but the fight is washed out.
Giving up seems the best option
but that isn't one.

No one will prepare you,
no matter how you are trained
when you feel that first wave
its like a splintered sword.
The splinters stay deep inside
and causes pain and burns
when you move,
when you fight,
when you fight,
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Ruffle your feathers
And spread your wings
You don’t have to feel anything
Floating up there in the sky
Spiralling up ever so high

It makes me feel so flat
When you act like that
I wish I could be like you
Spiralling in the sky to

Ruffle my feathers
And spread my wings
I’ve learnt to feel everything
Floating up in the sky
Spiralling up ever so high
kattrinsart Nov 2016
I’m wishing upon a star
To make my dreams travel from afar
Its true
There is nothing new
I look out to the sea
And think of what I could be
If I
Never met you

But it’s time that I stand up strong
Time I take my place
Time to right my wrongs
And put on a brave face
It’s time that I stood out
From the crowd
Time to share my opinions
Out loud

I’ve always been someone who would rather hide
Never sharing the feelings deep inside
They’d tear me up, they’d put me down
They’d make me lose my faith
They’d throw me to the ground
They’d make me feel unsafe

And all of this came from a man it is true
And that horrible man was you
You were meant to be kind
And love me for me
Instead you were blind
You just couldn’t see

You were a **** and I was your daughter
expected to go to you like an otter to water
expected to ask you
if I needed help
but instead I wanted to run form you
instead I wanted to yelp

but at last you have gone
so now I can be strong
now i can find out
who I am meant to be
and there is no doubt
that I am free to be me
whoever me may be
kattrinsart Apr 2017
She sits alone in the wood
Her claws deep in the ground
Only here she is understood
The whispers in the trees
The smell of the earth
Near to the place
Of her birth
She had been abandoned
Left to rot and die
But the wolves rescued her
When the heard her cry
They taught her to hunt
And become one of the pack
But she didn't quite fit in
And so was left at the back
The pack alpha wanted her gone
She was too much of a pain
She couldn't keep up with the rest
And struggled with their games
But when sent back to the people
She was treated like a clown
People laughed at the way she acted
And turned her smile into a frown
Always treated as an outcast
And never had a home
Was the tale of a girl
Who was all alone
There was only one place she could go
Where she was understood
And that was all alone
Deep into the woods
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Hello is all I wanted to say
And save goodbye for another day.
I know you have struggled in the dark
But I wanted to help you find your lark,
To let you fly free in the sky.
I wish you never said goodbye.

I know life only brought you pain
But I wanted to free you from your chains,
I wanted to show you the light
And free you from that awful fight.
Now that the end is neigh.
I wish you never said goodbye.

You know my second name
But never laughed and called me lame.
You could see behind silver lace,
Past the smile on my face.
You saw behind all the lies.
I wish you never said goodbye.
kattrinsart Oct 2015
Have you gone?
Please don't leave.
My fingers are outstretched
for yours to hold.
You placed your hand
upon my heart
and gripped it tight,
you claws digging in.
It hurt as you tore me
but I didn't mind until,
You let go.
I wanted to drown myself
into your enchanting eyes.
Your lips called to me
with a slight hiss,
parted and ready
for a warming kiss.
I hunger for your smile
that lets me see your teeth
gleaming bright and dangerous.
You left me.
You left me alone,
with nothing but a flick of your wrist
and a simple
kattrinsart Feb 2015
The wind howls through the trees
But this does not affect me.
I sit in the tree, up high
Feeling like I can fly.

I hear a Bang and a Crash
And then I know this cannot last.
I follow the sound, follow the noise
I see him there, ready and poised.

His hand raised above his head
I jump in front, so he hits me instead.
The dog scatters, the fist comes down
And I fall in a lump on the ground.

I run away, back to my tree
Where nothing can affect me.
I sit at the top, I cannot lie,
I feel safer in the sky.
kattrinsart Nov 2016
One day I’ll look into the past and see what I’ve learnt
I will Start following my dreams
The past is what shapes us to be who are
Each step is more than what it seems

I have to listen my heart
Remember what i forgot
No more hiding who I could be
I am me
Move the clouds out of my way
Need to brighten up my day
So, that I can see
That I am me

I used to cover up my eyes and hide my face
Ashamed of who id become
Scared that I would be just like him
Scared that I’d be all alone


I used to find comfort with my animals
Because they could understand
The pain that I always felt
When I was under his command


I used to look after everybody else
To help them Find their own place
When it was really me all along
That needed her own space

I am me
So, that I could see
That I am me
kattrinsart Mar 2018
Nothing is right when I’m alone
Nothing is the same without a home
Nothing is safe when you’re not there
It’s important that you care
Nothing is right in life
I feel safer by your side
Everyone knows life isn’t fair
But it seems fairer when you are there

I get you
Don’t you see
Nothing is the same
when it’s just me
I get you
You get me
It’s like we
Were meant to be

I don’t know what you do
That stops me feeling blue
There is something about your smile
That makes everything seem worthwhile
And the wisdom in your eyes
That sees through my disguise
They show that you have suffered too
But everything is fine when I’m with you

I get you
Don’t you see
Nothing is the same
when it’s just me
I get you
You get me
It’s like we
Were meant to be

We both hold darkness deep inside
Our lives have been a rollercoaster ride
But when I hear your laugh
All the darkness splits in half
Light sparkles in your eyes
And all the pain dies
I let go of all the woe
And you allow me to glow

I get you
Don’t you see
Nothing is the same
when it’s just me
I get you
You get me
It’s like we
Were meant to be

If I believed in God
I would give him a graceful nod
Because he let us meet
And gave me days i wish to repeat
I wish I could spend all my time
Listening to your voices chime
Allowing you to rid my day
Of all the awful grey
kattrinsart Nov 2016
Labels lock people up
Chain them in cages
Expects people to act in a certain way
Put people on different pages

So, what if there were no boxes
To hold us all in place
And no one cared about
The colour of your face

What does it matter
If you are black, white or brown?
So, what if we are different,
And from a different town

Why should anything define
who we are meant to be
Why can’t we just be happy,
Non-judgemental and free

We are told never to judge
a book by its cover
So why do we need categories
Why do we need a colour?

everyone is themselves  
no one is the same
everyone is different
there is no need to name

we are all the same when we’re born
not programmed for a race
we are all the humans in the end
no matter the colour of our face
kattrinsart Mar 2015
I just sit and cry
I can't take anymore lies
You're becoming more like him
With every second you become more grim
I love you little brother

I wish you would stay little
So that I could protect you from certain people
But you grow and make mistakes
You trust him and it leaves me in flakes
I love you little brother

I stepped out from the other side
An extra skip in my stride
But for you it is just the beginning
And it's not likely you will continue singing
I love you
I love you
I love you my little brother
kattrinsart Feb 2015
What is love?
Can anybody describe it?
What is passion?
Does anybody know?

I feel happiness,
I feel fear
He is near

I want him  
To call to me
But I am afraid
He will run from me

He makes my heart beat
Double quick time
My knees to weaken
My mouth to dry
kattrinsart Jul 2017
Hush my dear
And do not cry
Rest your head
And close your eyes
Its time to go
And I've got the key
Hold my hand
And fly with me
Its time to go
To the land of dreams
Where is nothing is quite
What it seems
I will be here
To hold you tight
Through the depths
Of the night
There's no need to worry
You will see
When your imagination
Is free
As you can be anything
That you can think
Such as a bunny
Soft and pink
You could be a racing car
That races around town
Or a princess
In a golden crown
Or a monkey
Swinging from a tree
You could be anything
Don’t you agree
Now hush my dear
And close your eyes
And let your dreams
Soar into the skies
I wrote this for my littlest sister who is only four.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
I look out my window
Only to see
A Mr Magpie
Staring at me

'Good morning' I do say
'and where is your wife'
'She has left me
and no longer has a life'

'You know that we are only lucky
If you see two or more
But I am trapped
alone in this war'

'And now I will remain
A singular one
My luck has run out
My hell has begun'
kattrinsart Feb 2018
My prison is like no other,
not rectangular or square.
It is a perfect circle
and mine alone to bare.
No footholds to cling to.
No rough edges to feel.
A perfect smooth cylinder,
shiny and solid like steal.
My screams would ricochet
in my endless tunnel of hell,
swirling forever and ever
in my lonely cell.
The ceiling would be glass,
so that people could look down,
at me in my prison,
wearing disapproving frowns.
There would be no clothes
laid upon my back.
Displaying all my scars
from my own attacks.
In the centre i would lay
in a curled up frame.
Tears streaming down my face
in waves of shame.
My body would shake
in ripples of fear.
As my memories haunt me
the images too clear.
(A sharp pain slashing
at my skin
As his fists beat me
his face wearing a grin.)
The one wall would be clear
allowing me to see
my own broken reflection
shining back at me.
I would look at my face
and wonder who was there.
As I would be unfamiliar with
my face washed out and bare.
kattrinsart Jul 2017
Nobody knows what’s in my heart
As I’m made up of so many parts
People ask if I’m all right
But I can’t tell them what keeps me up at night
People try to guess what’s making me cry
But I can’t control the tears that fall from my eyes
Sometimes I’m sad sometimes its rage
Sometime emotions escape from their cage
kattrinsart Feb 2017
No one knows,
no one can see
what lies ahead
in front of me.
I dream a dream
of time gone by
when I can leap
into the sky.
A time where I
can follow you
across the ocean
of deepest blue.
Where no one can touch us.
Where we are free.
There's no one there
but you  and me.
I look at you
watching me
and in your eyes
I see the sea.
The vastness of it
the depths below
the pain and anger
causing us to go.
No one wants to share
what lies within
the seething darkness
neath our skin.
Most people have
an untold tale
they keep it there
locked up in a jail.
This is their weak point
that others cant know
for if they do
it would hurt us so.
We are all oceans,
with an unknown floor
and when someone reaches it
we send them out the door.
It's not what we want.
It's not who we are
but we protect ourselves
to prevent the scars.
But sometimes its different,
the scars run deep,
and even though unpleasant
they are scars we want to keep.
They are like poison
humming through our veins,
pumping from out hearts,
straight to our brains.
We don't like it
that someone was there
but in our hearts
we are glad they care.
I didn't like it
when you saw my core
but the problem is
it made me like you more.
Ok at first I was angry
you cut me deep,
it broke from inside me
and made me weep.
I can see that was daft now.
I know you I can trust.
I can see I was stupid
I just had to adjust.
I've got to stop testing
and giving you a shove
in the wrong direction
when I've fallen in love.
There I said it
what was on my mind.
You drive me crazy
and turned me blind.
I can't bare it
when your not here.
When your not next to me
your warm breath near.
I didn't realise
that I'd miss you this greatly.
I underestimated
what I thought you meant to me.
I miss everything
even your smell.
And I no longer care that you
entered my hell.
kattrinsart May 2016
Once he was there,
anywhere I'd be.
I tried to escape
his evil lair
but I had a brother
that needed me there.
I looked after him
even when he was scared.
I cradled and nurtured him,
I let him know I cared.
He used to wake up
in the depths of the night
and sit up, shout
and scream in fright.
He would call for his mum
sit and cry.
I wanted her to
but I had to lie.
I had to protect him
from the truth.
He was too innocent
in his youth.
His father didn't care,
he was a snake.
Slippery, slimy,
cunning and fake.
He'd wind his chains
around us.
Playing his mind games
to control us.
We listened afraid
that we had no other choice.
Hung on his every word,
let him to steal our voice.
We had no opinion
not anything but his
sharp tooth and scratching claw.
And now several years
have gone by,
I'm still afraid to
hear my brothers cry.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Why are we still friends?
I know opposites attract
But I think that there's a limit
A limit even to that

We are the opposites of one another
Like the day and night
You prefer the dark
Where as I prefer the light

I prefer the truth
You prefer lies
We don’t even have
Two friendship ties

I like natural
But your more interested in the way you look
You don’t seem to care
About even the things you took

Why are we still friends ?
I know opposites attract
But I think there’s a  limit
A limit even to that
kattrinsart May 2015
Alpha, Beta and Omega
The three ranks in a pack
Alpha at the front
Omega at the back

Alpha is a tiger
Who stands with pure pride
You can see his stripes ripple
With every forward stride

His name is Keasha
He stands above the rest
He is the king of the jungle
The one who is blessed

Next would be Beta
But there is none in this pack
As there are two seconds
With no-one at the back

Omega one is wolf
A sweet glossy brown
Libetherem is happy
He doesn't need a crown

Omega two is Dragon
The queen of the sky
Erynthell is strong
Defender of the skys
kattrinsart Feb 2016
I love you, like a Rose of blue
No other would smell as sweet.
I love you, like a Rose of blue
because you are perfectly unique

Blue is the colour of the sky
and the ocean dark and deep
which I see float in your eyes
every time I take a peek

It's also the colour of sadness
which I feel when I am not with you.
The shivering cold of darkness
I need my one true you
kattrinsart Feb 2015
You’re humming with the scent of roses
The sweetest scent to our noses
You are my sun in the sky
My hero I could not lie
You’re singing in the wings of the roses
Singing so sweet and true

You are my raft in the ocean
Stronger than any love potion
You are my rain in the desert
Or when I am starving a sweet dessert
You’re singing in the winds of the roses
Singing so sweet and true
And all of this is just to say
How much I love you
kattrinsart May 2015
Smile just smile
I like your face
When it's alight
Smile just smile
We will be fine
We will be alright

It's going to be okay
You will rule
Your perfect
It's going to be okay
Please don't
Be panicked

Stress don't stress
It will eat you
From the inside
Stress don't stress
I will stay
By your side

Breathe just breathe
Slowly in and
Slowly out
Breathe just breathe
You'll do good
I have no doubt
kattrinsart Sep 2017
Slit my throat
make me cry
stab my heart
and watch me die.
I'll bite my tongue
and hold my breath
lean towards you
as I welcome death.
Tie stands still
as you come for me.
I do not run
but just wait and see
for you to take my hand
and spread your wings,
an end to my pain
you will bring.
The kiss of death
I welcome thee
dark angel fly up
to rescue me.
You can drag me
to the pits of hell.
I don't belong in heaven
you know that too well.
You can remove
all this pain
and take me to a place
where I can no longer maim.
To those I ave hurt
I'm sorry for what I've done,
that's why I've decided to leave
to a place where I'll be alone.
This was a poem that I wrote awhile ago whilst I was going through a low point and only now do I feel able to share it. I am not trying to glorify death or anything of the sort it was just my feelings at the time. Hope that you like it.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
When summer goes
the seasons flow
Everything gets cold
Ice starts to form
Leaves start to crunch
The trees start to look old

Their gnarled wood
looks twisted
Bare without leaves
Children play
Around his feet
While he silently grieves

He reaches out to them
His heart empty
For the joy of summer
Fades quickly
kattrinsart Feb 2015
I can feel you in my heart
Like a feeling I once forgot.
I can’t stop thinking about you
As though I have nothing else to do
Do you feel the same way?
Like the world before was grey
But now it is in colour
A colour like no other
Because you are my rainbow
A teenagers dream
kattrinsart May 2017
The Angel of death
is free at night.
Her large feathered wings
straightened out in flight.
Black as coal,
she blends into the sky
picking out
who's next to die.
Like a whisper
she passes by,
sending a shiver
down your spine.
You can't see her
until it's your time,
when you have reached
the end of your line.

She will appear
next to you,
patiently waiting
for her cue.
She'll lean in close,
you can feel her breath.
Her lips pressed to yours,
the kiss of death.
The last thing you'll see
is her vapid eyes
as the last light in you
takes to the skies.
She'll escort your soul
to heaven or hell,
leaving your body
as an empty shell.
kattrinsart Sep 2015
He will stand there
and will not move
the mouse squeaks
from a hidden grove
the crow caws
and the sheep bleat
hoping that he
won't pick them to eat
the sky shivers
and rain comes down
and starts to hide
in the ground
though in some places
concrete is there
the rain cannot hide
help or care
the tree cannot be nurtured
the animals cannot feed
the man will soon be hungry
and food he will need
but there is none left
none to be found
he destroyed it all
when he covered the ground
kattrinsart Mar 2018
The knife bites
at my skin
as I let the sharp edge
dig in

droplets of blood
fall to the ground
the impact causing
an echoing sound

I sigh as
I achieve my goal
now I am
in full control

I have the power
in this game
I can control
my own pain

the trickle becomes
a stream
but at this pain
I only beam

of course, I was
deluded all along
two wrongs always
make a wrong

I’ve never had
control of my pain
I can’t win
at this game

but I continue
even so
cause I have power
when the blood does flow

and as small as
that power may be
at least my pain
hasn’t got all of me
kattrinsart Dec 2015
The lightning has struk
the same place every night.
reaveling loves
true bite.

I love him
and i cannot help myself
i am his trophy
on his shelf

I cooked, i cleaned
I made his bed
I scrubed the house
until i bled
kattrinsart Aug 2018
This is Buddy
the dog from next door
and as you can see
he is missing a paw

He has always
been missing one
ever since
his life had begun

Once he was big
enough to play
the other pups
would push him away

'Go away Freak'
they would shout
and poor little buddy
was always left out

He didn't understand
why they were so mean
or why they said
he shouldn't be seen

Soon he was alone
at the pet shop
no one wanted a pup
that could only hop

And then one day
a man walked by
and as he past
he caught Buddy's' eye

He smiled a wide
toothy grin
before picking up Buddy
and scratching his chin

Buddy reached up
to lick his face
Thanking the man
who gave him a place

Once in the new house
Buddy was place on the ground
He was surrounded by
new smells and sounds

Then he heard a noise
that was getting near
he let out a little
whimper in fear

The clanging continued
to move towards him
but to his supprise
he saw a little forelimb

Another puppy walked
over to him
she was also
missing a limb

She was missing
the left paw
but instead she
had a metal claw

That was the story
of the dogs next door
which between them
have only two front paws
A Children's story that I have written in rhyme, I want to write more and have it become a series. I hope you like it. :)
kattrinsart Sep 2016
She stands there
hands on hips
a scratch with her claw
a bite on her lips
her skin was pale
as white as chalk
she stepped forward
with her gliding walk
her red eyes glisten
in the night
she could never
lose this fight
she never ad
she never would
as the humans
were her food

but this one was different
this one was weird
it didn't look like
it was her he feared
her kind were known
for their poisonous bite
and for their
inhuman gift of flight
they were incredibly strong
incredibly fast
deadly creatures
from the past
but he just
didn't seem to care
that she was leading him
straight to her lair

her cape fluttered
as she danced
he followed blinded
by her beckoning prance
she wanted to keep him
that much was true
but what for
we never knew
we suspected that
he'd make her pet
but that was just
some silly bet
she originally
wanted to eat
his sweet blood
and tender meat

but once his lips parted
this was no so
as his voice
was calm and slow
he put his arm
to her face
and his skin
her fangs did trace
but haw jaw
did not close
no danger
did she seem to pose
he became
her first love
a vampire and a human
was unheard of

the tales travelled
around the world
around the earths axis
it curled
she loved him
with all her heart
she was sure
they'd never part
but the day came
when he go old
the only way to save him
was to make him cold
she bit into
the flesh of his neck
biting down hard
more than a peck
his blood dripped
from his arm
the poison flowing
like a charm
locked together
in this form
away from people
and the norm
I wrote his after a night out so excuse the weirdness.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
I see him there next to me
His slender tail swinging from the tree.
He raises his eleghant head
I reach out my hand and in his fur it embeds.
As my fingers stretch
His metalic claws flex.
He twistes his head to one side
Gives out a roar opening wide.
His long canines gleaming white
Reminding me that he's a carnivore of the night.
His stripes, my hands do trace
But he lets out a growl, it is not my place.
His stripes are the colours of black and brown
He wears them like a thorned crown.
I look into his firey eyes
Knowing this is all a disguise
As on both our heads we do share
A specific scar under our hair.
With our births it had begun
Him and I, we are one
kattrinsart Apr 2018
A smile placed
upon your lips
A tenderness you hold
in your fingertips
in your presence
my heart takes flight
beating fast as if
its been given a fright
with you I don’t
have to be afraid
as all my worry
starts to fade
my anxiety
is no more
as soft waves
dance on the shore
I start to see beauty
In the things you love
A different element
Seems to fit like a glove
My fire has been calmed
By your sea
The waves of love
Washing over me
Putting out my fire
Putting out my hate
Washing away the fear
And all its weight

And now fear hits
In a different way
I’m afraid that
I’m making you stay
I never want
To hurt you
Or make you
Feel blue
but I am not
exactly worth it
I caused issues
You must admit
I should have kept
My thoughts inside
Feelings cause pain
And so should hide
If I kept quiet
We’d still be friends
You wouldn’t have
To make amends

I do love you
And I’m glad your mine
But I caused upset
Like a swine
And if my mouth was shut
And my heart empty
We’d still be friends
And you’d be happy
I love you but
This is on my mind
And I’m sorry
I’m so so sorry
Dedicated to someone special ;)
kattrinsart Mar 2018
To who I miss
A rainbow away
Where the light sparkles
In a different way
Where the sun sets
At a different time
And a different church
Provides a different chime

The moonbeams that have
Danced near me
Take an hour
For you to see
The sparkles that
rest in your hair
Never reach me
As I’m not there

Well in a sense
I am always near
As in my heart there’s
a piece of you here
And in the same way
I am there
you have part of my heart
full of love and care

see it doesn’t matter
how far you are
you still look up
at the same glittering stars
you still are only
a call away
and can call me whenever
night or day

ill be glad
just to hear your voice
though id prefer you here
if I had a choice
though as long as
I know you’re alright
I don’t mind where
You take flight

As long as you
Are safe and sound
I don’t mind if
You travel around
I will always wait
For you whilst you roam
With a great big smile
To welcome you home
Dedicated to my one and only **
kattrinsart Jan 2020
In the dark hallway
Is where she stood
covered up by a
white cape and hood
So many directions
which to choose
it doesn't matter
she will always loose

at the start
she would run
testing out every
single one
but one day
she lost heart
as they all lead her
back to the start

so she slumped
into the dust
knowing that she'll
never be good enough
she will never
find the right way
running through tunnels
day after day

but in her heart
she also knew
it was no good
feeling blue
kattrinsart Mar 2016
Though the woods I race
Barely able to control my pace
I have to get there
I have to go
whats there?
only few know

I gallop around
the trees
get to the rock
and fall on my front knees
and dip my nose
in a low bow
then I tipped it in the air
ready for the midnight howl

He is already there
in place
His vibrant gold eyes
rested on my striped face
He lifted his nose
into the sky
waiting for the last of our trio
to fly

She soared towards us
spiraling through the sky
I love to watch her
as she darts by.
No-one knows her
she's hidden in mid flight
she starts the howl
at midnight
kattrinsart Feb 2015
How do you know
Who you’re true friends are?
Well how far would you go
To help them?

Would you swap  
your life for theirs
Or would you leave them

Are they always
on your mind
In the background

I know who
My true friends are
And I couldn’t live without them
dedicated to N.K. and I.C.
kattrinsart Sep 2017
It's true,
why couldn't I see?
I'm exactly what
He said I'd be.
I cannot cope,
I am weak
and like he said
I'm a freak.
I failed life,
I lost it all,
if I continue
I'm sure to fall.
I can't give up,
I must go on:
I couldn't if i tried
as I'm weak not strong.
Either way
I shall be dead,
a walking zombie
or encased in lead.
I am sinking
and cannot be found
and will be buried
within the ground.
Maybe then
I'll be of some use,
once I am cut
from the noose.
I bet He'd show
once I'm gone,
when at last
He can sing His song.
He will raise His hands
and shout with glee
that  is in a place
that no longer included me.
Again this is a poem from a little while ago that I've only just had the courage to share. All suicidal thoughts are now clear from my mind.
kattrinsart Nov 2016
When did, everything turn grey?
When did the colours, all fade?
When did, the earth start to frown?
And why did the world degrade?

The petals would fall off of the flower
And bury themselves into the ground
Losing their glistening colour
As they no longer can be found.

Then people would come and trample
Crashing with their heavy feet
Hiding what’s left of the petals
to become almost obsolete

The colours are now lost
They’ve all been put down
Lying on the floor
A sort of mushy brown

This is what happens to people
Who are different and stand out
Other humans destroy them
And knock them all about

These humans think that they know best
that being different is wrong
But what they never know
Is that most just want to belong

I know this from experience
I wasn’t the perfect child
And so, I got beaten round about
Because I was too wild

I didn’t always listen and sit up
And share my opinions out loud
But there is one thing I always did
I made my mother proud

My father was much harder
And if I was wrong I got a slap
I would work my **** off
For that one rewarding clap

So, I wasn’t the intelligent girl he wanted
But I was all that I could be
Because all along, I just knew
That I wanted to be free

Free from all these stereotypes
And judging people looking down
So, what if I was a bit topsy-turvy
So, what if I was upside-down

I did all the important things
And set a lot of goals
That one day I will achieve
After I finished with my dolls

But I wanted to take my time
I wanted to do well
I wanted to do my best
No one had to yell

No one had to shout
Or put me down
No one had to tell me off
Or make me frown

Scowling would do nothing
Laughing didn’t help
Using me as a punching bag
Would only make me yelp

Like I said, I’m different
I’m nothing like the rest
You shouldn’t expect anything more
I am not your jest

Look at me for who I am
I am no mistake
Look at me and you can see
That I am wide awake

I am learning each and every day
Learning to be free
So, what if you don’t like who I am
Why should I not be me

Why should I follow patterns?
Why should I follow a crowd?
Why can’t I just be me
And be proud?

In truth, everyone’s different
In truth, no one is the same
If everybody was
It would just be lame

different things make people smile
different things make them sad
but this means we can help one another
shouldn’t we be glad

every bully is a fake
pretending that they’re the same
every bully is stupid
playing their little game

you know that girl you hurt
as a little jest
well she has real problems
wracking in her chest

you think it’s funny to scar others
to make them shiver in fear
but you don’t know what’s going on
what’s whispering in their ear

one day they could be amazing
they could save your life
but why would they want to save you
the one that dug in the knife

it may be just words you say
but words hurt to
you may laugh at this
and say it wasn’t true

think about how you talk to people
what if something is going on?
inside their mind
and they are barely being strong

you don’t know them
you don’t know their story
stop being mean to them
and leaving full of glory

instead, put yourself in their shoes
and read their face
be nice to each other
we are all part of the human race

we are all different
and we are all the same
we all walk the earth
and we all have a name
we are not part of some sick game.
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