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kattrinsart Feb 2015
I look at my reflection
Wondering who I am
Looking at my pale complexion
A blank canvass

Who am I?
Can anybody see?
Who is that girl
Staring right back at me?

I look into her eyes
Of a deep
And warm brown
Always on the brink of tears

Who am I?
Can anybody see?
Who is that girl
Staring right back at me
kattrinsart Feb 2018
Who am I?
What does it mean,
To be so far from hope,
Yet closer than it seems?

Looking up and looking down,
Thinking we are small.
But then we are made of energy,
It runs through us all.

We are all part of life
And death may be the end,
But then it circles round
And restarts over again.

Maybe not for us,
Maybe there's no restart,
But our energy lives on
And is cherished in new hearts.

They inherit our love,
They suffer our pain,
But see that's the best part,
We are all connected in this chain.

The pain may be bad,
But is translated through hope,
For a new chance.
This helps us to cope.

We can learn from each other,
Become stronger as one,
Working all together,
So that we are never alone.

The link that binds us,
Is very strong.
It allows us to have belief
And gives us a place to belong.

As a community speaks for us,
Speaks to our souls.
Humans can help each other,
Help achieve our goals.

Who am I?
What does it mean,
To be so far from hope,
Yet closer than it seems?
Wrote this after going to a 'Real' talk from what the speaker was saying.
kattrinsart Dec 2016
Winter is here, sending all its love
That snowflake on your nose, is a kiss from above
Winter is loyal, and here to stay
To celebrate your love, on Christmas day
Oh, yes, it’s that time of year
Time to spread love, happiness and cheer

A time for remembering, to watch the snow
The winter chill, giving you that rosy glow
Children throwing snowballs all around
Unaware of that whispering sound
Our loved one’s voices travel through the air
Ruffling their relative’s frosty hair
they’re closer than ever at this time of year
watching all those that they hold dear

winter is the easiest time to be known
they fly through the trees making them groan
that tickle you feel on the back of your neck
could be a family member keeping you in check
wishing you the very best this special day
when Santa rides his magical sleigh
making sure you’re not on the naughty list
because they know that you’re the very best

if you listen carefully whilst you sing
you might hear someone joining in
singing that Christmas melody
that you always sing with your family
As the snow swirls to the ground
You can feel their presence all around
It whirls in flurries holding you tight
Making sure that you are safe this Christmas night

As the morning, does arise
And you are met by that wonderful surprise
Shuffling though the presents under the tree
Each person wondering ‘which ones for me?
There might be an extra treat
That your loved ones left at your feet
That one present that nobody bought
That brings smiles and a happy thought

Christmas is a time for happiness and love
Even with those who reside up above
It’s a day no one is left out
That is the truth, there is no doubt
For yes, it’s that time of year
Time to spread love, happiness and cheer
kattrinsart Oct 2017
I wonder and wonder who I am
and who I'm supposed to be.
What job am I built for?
What label will fit me?

Was I made to work hard
and share my opinions out loud,
or was I meant to stay quiet
and blend into a crowd?

The truth is no one knows
and no one ever will.
The truth is no one should label you
cause dreams labels ****.
kattrinsart Feb 2015
Just a smile,
Is all I need for a while.
When will you give me a chance
For a second glance?

I may not be perfect
And you might know it
But I am always here
If you need someone near.

Old friends can float away
But I will always be here to stay .
I want you to know
That I am your shadow.

— The End —