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4.9k · Oct 2010
southern summer nights
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Southern summer nights
too hot
swimming in a sea of humid
drowning in a pool of sweat
and sweet tea.
Sweet tea like syrup
dark hazel
filled with ice
cubed and perfect
from an imperfect freezer tray.
Frizzy hair
glistening skin
from a dull sun
tempered by an Atlantic breeze.
The moon shines full
lighting the scent of the summer night.
Honey suckle, hydrangeas, cotton textured
dandelions like parachutes against the
black night sky
is a southern summer night.
3.9k · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Twice amongst the meadows watching
from behind a Cyprus tree
he stares at thee with anxious waiting
glances nervous as he yearns for thee.

Twice amongst the meadows walking
plucking  blossoms as they bloom
release from capsules such a fragrance
that make the glorious angels swoon.

He tasted bitter poppy petals
chewed to paste they cling and swell
to the innards of his teeth
each tiny bud they do expel.

grass and sun combine to create
an early summers reckoning
that bring about the union of
springs infant buds to bring to she.

From behind his hiding place
he comes to thee with frail mutterings
coyly he presents an antidote
to cure your failing frame.

As that maiden swoons from fever
pale as winter's deadly moon
fight she does for every swallow
that comes from each shallow breath.

Indeed her lover knows her sickness
and with ointment doth he bring
but to late he comes to aid her
for he is a timid thing.

In his arms she breaths her last
and with her dying plea
she implored as to why
he withheld his love from she.
3.5k · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
What is it that you're thinking
tell me what you
while you watch me
doubled over.
As you watch me doubled over
and spit
and breakfasts meal.
Does it disgust you when I choke
and cough
half digested
----not even fully digested----
nutrition from my
acid scarred throat?
Or do you just stand there
feeling nothing.
its public but I would love input and ideas for improvement.
2.2k · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
When it come
it crashes
it cripples me
and I become weak.
I cannot step through the veil of disgust
nor can I scream
to shatter the illusion
cast so deeply from years of your
So I grow
and despair
and hope
that no one knows of my
2.1k · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Coasted river
Curse’d thing
Lying still on jagged edge
Watch for harpies howl instead.
2.0k · Jan 2011
Jackals cackle
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
Jackals cackle
beating paws sound like drums
against an earth cracked from famine.
They pant dry
clouds of dust are heaved
the grained dirt grind between ravenous teeth.

Infants crying
Mothers hearts are breaking
hurting, aching.
Their lips-like earth-are cracked
thier yearning
wanting water cool for the taking.

Mothers foster bitterness
A father's pride is broken
laying, falling
between those dry cracks
down to magma burning.
Vapors rise, the heat is burning
earth and evermore the jackals

are cackling.
1.9k · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Anger bubbles
like a stream
it hisses
whispers planted like an infectious sore
within the depths of your
1.7k · Mar 2011
So Heavy
Kimberly C Brown Mar 2011
I'm so heavy.
In my body and soul sits
an entity housed hostel.
****** trappings  and clotted beats pulse
past, and hang in ragged disarray.
This entity sits humble, patiently waiting beat down
any hint of emotional compromise harbored in the heart
and made logical in the mind.
1.6k · Jul 2011
Humidity is an aphrodisiac
Kimberly C Brown Jul 2011
This heat is sweltering
we wait
breathing out evaporated air
dried upon exit
from our humid wrapped lungs.
Our sweat co-mingles
forming a pool
I raise to 90 degrees
look to you
watching--as a predator would
your chest raise and collapse.
I watch you the wave motions of your swallow
the slight twitch of your right eye
a bead of sweat loose its foothold
and roll down your temple.
I move to sit atop you
feeling your pelvis against my inner thigh
feel as skin slides against skin
easily done---you see my lips widen
revealing a smile,
and I revel in the response
I feel.
1.5k · Oct 2010
grandmothers deathbed
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
My body is vertical
parallel to my mattress.
My ears pick up the mites
eating away at my dead skin
the dust mites prowl the forests
of my eyebrows.

My body is emaciated
the head to heavy to hold up
my collar bones are fragile
the aching is dull and resounding
vibrating between shoulder to shoulder.

My stomach is a sloshing sack
spilling acid in waves through my
burning away flesh.

Burning away my flesh
and will,
darkening my years of life
lived full, happy and long.
1.4k · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Criss cross applesauce
we sit without a care
your fingers smell of cookies
though your hands have played in dirt
i think of you this day
as it pours His chilling rain
and wonder when the sun will show
so we can meet again
1.4k · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
A need to touch and
be touched
1.2k · Jun 2011
Fickle heart
Kimberly C Brown Jun 2011
Now that I have you
I find I can't stand you
I wish you'd just go away
for my eyes go a flutter
when he walks on over
pulling me along the way.
1.1k · Dec 2010
chilling wind
Kimberly C Brown Dec 2010
A cold chilling wind blows
          it seeps
deep into my bones.

A ripple of numbness
       takes hold.
My knees bu
GRAVITY takes-----------hold.

This chilling wind blows
         vanquishes souls.
Spreads      like       poison.
Latching (on) not letting go.

Where have your fires gone?
In what place are they stored
numbness is
1.1k · Jan 2011
Mongolia blossoms
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
Relentlessly upon the waxy leaves
of summer time Mongolia trees
white blossoms fell
carried from a soft wind
to the grass fragrance laden
still from your last whisper.
The rain beats down on the velvet petals
soft as a down comforter
sensual as your own hands
setting my skin ablaze.
1.0k · Oct 2010
mutal mutation
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
You've changed.
but---I don't know
what has changed.
Do I see it in your eyes,
or has the light in them
Perhaps it is your smile--
The corners don't lift
wont lift
as high.
I cannot place what has changed
what metamorphosis has
mutated you into the creature
you are today.
Have my eyes filmed over
is your light less bright
or my soul less accepting?
Again I find my mind
or unable to admit
my own faults projected
on you.
973 · Sep 2010
these beads
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
These beads are warm against my palm.
Forming a chain they hang
refracting light
from my window glass.

Warmth permeates
the hard plastic exterior
trapping orbs of sunshine

Like miniature suns
the chain transforms
becoming ethereal
in its beauty.

They smooth the the wrinkles
of my fingerprints
and leave behind
the smell of light.
973 · Jan 2011
Peace within me
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
And all the sounds of the earth rang in my ears
from that explosion of sound
my mind opened to your subconscious.
Within you I swam far and wide
burrowed deep into your universe
and slept soundly for the first time in
From those brief moments that spanned an entire
I felt that only peace within me.
962 · Sep 2010
Slippery slope
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Light headed, wandering  unknown
through a world that has grown
molded around new hearts
and intuitions.

Floating above an era towards something more
spirits soar, becoming lost in a

In a world so perverse, becoming crystallized forever
Within its own coffin of abstract love these machines
march synchronized. Following a manual preset
to live out tired lives.

Each detail, each texture lit upon a soft petal
is ignored. The eyes of children are no longer innocent.

Who knows more of the world than anyone will know?

Yet determined of self-destruction we **** our pathos
We dissolve into a world unbeknown to its fate.

Then let us perish together at once

And feed upon the greed and hatred of those once noble men.
Let us suckle at the breast of ignorance and fan the flames of madness.

In that must we find solace
And within our own fortress seek our own version of purity.

Submit to the will of what we cannot control
And in the end smile because we are finally

941 · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Breath in this air
Crisp in my lungs
Sweet on my tongue
Cool on my lips

Smelling of rose water and lilac so strong
Kissing my cheeks
Blowing my hair

Carrying my dreams on its everlasting current
Whispering sweet lovelies
To those who accept it
927 · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
My fingernails scream
Bursting with contrast against my fingers
Against my skin
Is that why you don’t love me,
Because my fingernails scream?

My hair is not the same
It curls in ecstasy around my fingers
Hiding my screaming fingernails
Like a lovers embrace.
But do you not love me, because my hair is not the same?

My eyes will never be as light, or bright
Or lovely as yours tonight,
But dark as the contrasting night
Against all things that harbour light.
Is that why you don’t love me, because my eyes are not as bright?

Take me as you see me,
A shade of depth against the deep,
Or something that you cannot see,
Or fully comprehend.
Don’t tell me you don’t love me, because you do not comprehend.
925 · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Whimsical girl
Stupid girl
The world is not yours like an oyster’s pearl
Theatrical girl
Imbecile girl
You think you speak to the masses?
Impudent girl
Intolerable girl
No one is listening
Poor girl
Disillusioned girl
The world will never change.
892 · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
You look at me
with those eyes
your soul
answers that experience can only answer.

Your hands search me
your hair hangs low, curling
and inviting. These times are
I love them, sinking
gluttonously too deep
to a place we both enjoy.

But then...

we come again
to your greedy eyes
probing deep within my
tender soul
wanting answers
to questions
no girl my age should know.
868 · Jan 2011
String on A Balloon
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
what exactly is this that I'm feeling
a dull ache in my chest
piling slowly
compacting  tightly.
It hurts
and yet at times I forget
the ache masks itself as something else.
My collar bones feel brittle
as if with a simple whisper
they will crumble like crushed biscuits
in the palm of your hands.
I need healing
healing only you can offer
or else I fear nothing will stop me
from leaving
following the current like a string on a balloon
864 · Feb 2011
Play for me, one last time
Kimberly C Brown Feb 2011
When I hear the ****** and crash
of that storm channeled through
I fall into remembrance
remembrance of
wooden floors
wooden instruments
and human hands.
I recall the whirling winds of song
empowered ever more through the
wood and metal of
the cello.
I recall the sound of your wavering voice
as we paced through storm and wind
---the timid creatures we had been---

I now close my eyes
I escape to that place where
you made wood weep
and metal echo into my skin deep.  

Another violin plays now for me
this wood though does not weep
this bow draws no quiver
and only an empty echo bounces
from the chambers of my mourning
863 · Oct 2010
Not defeated
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
I have walked across the meadows
And smelt the flowers, fresh and new.
I have skirted the edge, gazed upon the rocky *****
Seen the steep mountaintops.
I have experienced the terrain
And wiped the beaded sweat
From my furrowed brow.
I have slipped and fallen
Not wanting to rise, too try again.
I have time and again rubbed raw
My palms and feet to reach the summit,
And yet the wind knocks me down
And the stubborn mountain will not fall
It will not yield; so cold it is, so distant.
Anguish follows, then hurt, and pain.
And soon my pity is swept away on those winds I thought to be my foe.
I look upon the mountaintop
And realize I could not climb
And will not climb
This mound of earth.
I will turn my back to it
And let my anger simmer
Ill let it boil and spill over unto the ground
Leaving burn marks as a “beware of danger” sign.
Now all yearn to reach the top
Is buried under an avalanche of soil.
I turn my back away from it
And look towards that meadow.
It is not as green, or lush, or sweet
As I remember it to be.
846 · Sep 2010
This old attic
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Creak is the sound of steps pressed against old floorboards.
So comforting are the memories of another time
When into the attic I explore.
Dust is layered upon the floor
On boxes
On cans
On tins that hold old sewing things.
Christmas long gone resides in the corner
Halloween by the door waiting for fall
Old dresses lay pressed and folded between delicate paper
That I dare not touch lest they crumble.
From tins come trinkets
In boxes old toys
Through sun shined windows I see clothed mannequins.
This attic so old so layered with dust
I leave unaffected barely a footprint or touch.
828 · Feb 2011
Blind eyes
Kimberly C Brown Feb 2011
Tears of the sun fall
dropping scalding suffering in its wake
like ****** from airplanes
its scorches land and living beings.

Crying aloud screams echo
falling like shattered trees on ears dead
slain by men, children
I cant...

These sounds I hear
I'm going blind from screams
that fill empty space and hearts
a woeful symphony
a dreadful degree of cacophonies
conducted by inhumanity.

This is what they do
a statement repeated time again
this is what we do
turning a blind eye
is killing too.
inspired by the movie tears of the sun
823 · Feb 2011
Jealous life
Kimberly C Brown Feb 2011
I met someone today
and thought to myself
---I like you----
I let the thought marinate
swimming lull-fully in my head
before it was flushed out
by life's constant going ons.
819 · Jan 2011
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
Let these tears fall
and drop
sending ripples vibrating
outward on the surface of
soft skin.
Feel my tongue against
that hollow
of your collar
a small pool
soon forms and my tenderness gathers.
I lap at that resivour
when you hold me close
to regain lost compassion
that the world has so brutally taken.
805 · Sep 2010
Bow & String
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
This cello cries out
With ecstasy the bow is drawn carefully atop the strings
Each cry is beautiful with its shrills
Sway as a bough amidst the torrents of desperate
Melodies. Each utterance is a cry of anguish
Utter grief is poured forth from polished wood
Resounding echoes through the crumbling hall.
Grief is clutching at the mortar between the bricks
Melodies of pain engulf each tumbled debris that falls
turning to dust.
Play that wooden instrument that from its shrillest cries dives
Into bellows of rage that resonates to the core of the soul.
Each molecule is rattled each person left not unaffected with this grief
Transcended from humanly hands into a preternatural world of Gothic angels and demons
Summon all with that instrument
Let them fall to their knees in awe of this,
To this sound which has been given its soul from the source of us all.
805 · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
My feet are numb

they are cold.

My thin fingers burn

from harsh wind

from no cover.

My teeth clatter


quick and repetitive

against each other


that makes them shatter


by years of sleepless nights spend


Standing aloof

apart    from      everyone    and    everything    

796 · Oct 2010
Solar winds
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
These solar winds blast through me
gamma rays break through my flesh
leaving me atomized
separated into ions.
My soul remains behind
as yet to reconnect with that one light
as I explore this universe
forever destroying and remaking itself.
I witness stars come into existence
while galaxies crash into themselves
leaving cold space behind
and a hole that almost ***** me in

I wonder then where would I be?
793 · Oct 2010
left behind
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
When first we shed our innocence-exposed to sin
now that we were
I looked out toward that barren world
shedding my first tears from grief.
An angel with an inflamed sword
stood between my beloved and I.
When I cried-he answered not
then my soul had filled with dreaded
Oh he was watching us-
looking down from up above
his heart torn out just as ours were.
Things would never be the same
our sylvan paradise we saw destroyed
then razed.
Those tempting boughs went up in righteous flame.
Soon there was nothing to feed our eyes
we realized we were left denied.
Behind was left that damning snake
who hissed and shivered as its laughter quaked.
775 · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Summer falls whilst winter flows
upon the blossoms of forget.
Mementos of a time long gone
wisp through flashes of thought
before sinking on the edge of the equinoctial rim.
Skeletons cackle with the thought of hell
nestled in the depths of their empty eyes,
then washed away
we lift our necks to
breath in the thick condensation of death.
We forget, then forgive
We harbor and let it fester
let if fester...
let it feed and grow and love you with a corrupted pleasure.


Have my soul, steal my heart and let it go

We must sink alone
tangled in the lines of algae and slime.
You alone and I alone, and when one dies two others go.
Build up thy sin, squeeze lust through a pure soul.
Detach yourself
from everything
unlatch my hatred.
772 · Jan 2011
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
I'm sure I can't explain it
almost unintelligible, when
steps echo--I hear them constant
your laughter--infant green caressed
by spring.
Scents from your skin--I--
become unreliably--intoxicated--
This delicious shiver--shutter--spasmodic movement
like hot metal dripping--heavy and demanding
making clear its presence--but--
not so much enveloping--not the slightest
none the less empowering--and--
still rather lightly--kissing?
Dripping as they do
relentlessly like Japanese torture
drops of liquid fire scorch--fall
ing  incessantly--!--
like rain on hot pavement--you--
your eyes burn into this fevered skin.
I truly can't explain this!
772 · Oct 2010
cobbled street
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
I walk the blackened cobbled street
The click and clack of uncertain feet
Stroll under yellowed lights over head
Singling me in a spotlight.

Ancient boughs strain under weight
Of springtime blooms in middle-may
The scent wafts down on every leaf
They color the ground with white and green.

White and green against grim tones
A contrast laid to set rebellion
A beauty, bowing down with beast
To waltz around life’s center stage.
769 · Oct 2010
Tribute to the Saints
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Let the holy blood flow from outstretched palm
See the wounds of Christ displayed as an open book
Preach the words of His holy name through righteous pain.
Holy are those blessed with such a curse
Pray on numbed knees and reach into your habit to retrieve
Worn rosary beads.
They click against each other while held up to the forehead
Each bead being caressed with love between the index and thumb.
On that floor cold from the December air
Before the roaring fire of faith
The blood of the stigmata drips
And floods
Encasing the cross of Christ hanging before your chest.
Let the heart beat
Let the heart beat that wants to be the fool for God.
In your coarse habit kneel let the garment underneath
Quell any desire, defeat Lucifer by denying yourself.
Confess sins brought about through remorse of being
The king of youth.
Peace and love
Pace e bene!
Let not the trails of this world tarnish the silver that is
The inner radiance
Let his golden heart melt
And jump whole heart into his pool of love.
The blood runs down wrists and forms the drops
That falls from the elbow
Though weakened you are the strongest
Knight of Christ.
This is a tribute to my catholic faith, and saint francis of Asissi
Kimberly C Brown Apr 2011
“Do not worry my love. You’re with me now.”*
I smoothed down her tussled curls
and carried her towards my bed.
Sweat smeared the insides of my elbow
coming from the fold of her bent knees.
Again she screamed
and struggled against me
but I held her fast.

“I can’t let you go my love. You are my chosen one.”
My eyes widened with the realization
that I have finally gotten what I need
and more
was still to come.
She became still as if in shock.
Her lips pressed together in a hard line
and like child she went into herself
thinking that she would block the coming
from her mind.
But there was no place for her to go,
for not even in the recesses of her mind
would I let her go.
She would feel everything
that I gave to her,
and in the end she would
thank me.

I am death,

and it was her time to leave this earth,
this was my way.

I laid her down
and her whimpering became less.
Her eyes were moist
and glistening with unshed tears.
“How beautiful you look.”
I whispered in her ears.
My lips closed around her lobe
down on the cold skin.
Could she feel my growing heat against her?
Each wrist I bound
each ankle I tied,
I will not let you get away my love.
“I want to share myself with you.”
I kissed her chin
I kissed her eyes
and warmed my hands against her *******.
She whined
I soothed her.
“Don’t cry my love. Don’t shed unnecessary tears.”
I looked her over slowly
lingering on her *******
touching her heat,
which I could feel pulsing beneath me palm.
She wants me.
I knew she would.

Staring into her eyes
I could see the fear that
I wanted,
could she see the lust
*reflected in mine?
766 · Jun 2011
All else
Kimberly C Brown Jun 2011
Why not
Why not lay here
let the room spin above us
the ceiling fan holds still.
Let's watch as everything else spins away
****** through a hole
that leaves all else dark.
760 · Jul 2011
What am I to do?
Kimberly C Brown Jul 2011
When we were new
I made plans
grand plans
for you
for us.
So young with
caramel fingers and toes
plump and soft as pillows
I held you close
and sang to you those
songs I loved the most.
And now your older
stronger, wiser
off to lands beyond our mountains.
Now I'm old
those plans full grown
and flowered rich
with promises fulfilled
that life that I-with love- created
that was you
was snuffed out suddenly
what am I to do?
760 · Oct 2010
simple times
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
I remember grape vines
Round sweet purple bulbs
With droplets of clear water
They slide concave
Into my lips
And sun flavored.
On the cool grass I lay
The moist soil
Seeping through,
Wetting my skin
Feels good.
Kimberly C Brown Apr 2011
I sat idly waiting,
watching her through her bedroom window.
She indeed was the one,*
and how happy she would be when I told her
she would be my first.
Coming down the steps
walking out the door
I watched her still,
anxious for the moment to come
when I would hold her in my arms.
It was snowing out;
the contrast of her dark skin
the white snow,
a mere smudge she would have seemed
if not for the golden glow that surrounded her,
it made me to recall
a single chrysanthemum struggling in a field of snow.
I closed my eyes
imagining the taste of her,
wondering if she would have the scent of a flower,
if she would smell of fear
when I took her,
sliding myself into her gently
-never brusquely-
but in a way that would supersede even her
*if only for a moment.
The title is sufficient warning for some....
739 · Sep 2010
Man in a bar
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
He stands behind the bar.
His demeanor is calm,
not caring
about anything but
the meticulous arrangement of liquor bottles.
With a white ragged cloth in his right hand
he grips the glass necks
his three first fingers and thumb.
He people watches.
slowly he paces back and forth
behind his protective


seeing the world behind his sleep laden eye lashes.
He sways to the music of
golf commentators and steam cleaning dishwashers.
Tired, broken, slightly drunk from sips of ***
he sneaks
when no one is looking,
he lets each palm lay flat
against the cold plastic granite counter top.
To his right two women
in their fifties
are lulling about grandchildren,
while the
of a laptop causes a stressful twitch in his left eye.
New customer.
"Hi, how you doing?"
She walks away, slightly bothered
he pays more loving attention to
hot glass out of the steam washer
than her need for a twelve dollar glass of
bitter clear looking liquor.
More people.
four this time.
"Hi there, how are ya?"
The woman asks in a loud voice.
Shes happy, excited waiting for
a husband back from a business trip.
She orders a glass of champagne
while the man shes with wants Budweiser.
"We only have light. Is that okay?"
The man looks ******,
as if he himself should take on
responsibility of a society growing more fond

of an inebriated state of mind.

As the woman continuous to talk
he places the wine glass before her,
all the while thinking
with a bitter delight
that her husband,
who has frequent trips
sees a different girl every night.
He knows this,
all the staff at the airport
that have an occasional drink know this.
But his wife,
his obnoxiously cheerful wife,
sits in blissful ignorance.

They're still talking,
still trying to make conversation
while a baby mewls in the background,
and the golf spectators cheer at a whole in one.
He's tired.
let off momentarily by the bar manager
he sneaks another small glass of
mixes it with Dr. Pepper before walking into the back.
His breathing is methodical,
he waits for a sound,
at all to signify his existence,
his meaning of living
before he takes another sip of his drink.
The *** goes down hard,
***** threatens
his pride
but he manages to keep it down.
He winches
at the rust filled tone in his managers voice.
More people have pulled into the bar.
Its busy he needs help.
He lets out a curse
it bursts forth then
hovering before is red eyes
before pushing away from the desk.
The metal legs scrap against the stone floor.
Another sound that makes his mind
believe that ***** is the only
to some type of comfort.
His rubber soled shoes squish as he walks.
He sighs.
Sounds of golf cheering and baseball playing
distracts him
momentarily from his misery.

A jolt of pain doubles him over.

"Has my temple split?" he thinks.
He gingerly flutters his first three fingers
against the vein pounding incessantly.

A young woman walks up the the bar.

She belongs on a beach, he thinks.
Her hair hangs between her shoulder blades.
Her eyes are are light,
her skin glows
between her light turquoise mesh shirt
and bleach white shorts.
She orders a cold coffee,
he pushes the can over slowly
her shell earrings clink against her jaw bone.
She gets up,
he watches,
and walks from the bar.
An arm wraps around her waist
outside the threshold of the bar
and kisses her softly on her forehead.
Her father perhaps.
She doesn't look back.

He did not stick at all in her mind.

He instantly erases her face
and resumes to dancing his fingertips
against his excited vein.
The clocks reads 8:25.
Two more hours.
719 · Apr 2011
To whom this may concern
Kimberly C Brown Apr 2011
Don't bother
I'm ok.
Its a slippery ***** you tread on
was your advice
or warning,
I cant decide.

Sit and drink a cup of tea with me
and I will tell you all there is to know
--if you so wish to know.

I grew up happy
sometimes, in pieces
I believe is the better term.
Between love and hurt
smiles, and endless tension.

I left and knew a freedom
I had not known before,
and reacquainted myself
with a mothers tender love.

I met with friends,
with petty enemies
but none so great
as you were (both) to me

and as I walk along that treaded path
I backtrack
to that time before,
when we shared love, and hate
and bitter memories.

Should I hate you now
or love you all the fiercer,
it was you who taught me
to love intensely
and hate all the more incredibly.

You see--
I chuckle when I think
of this paradox we are in
like sugar I cant get enough
though its slowly killing me.

So you see (again)
I'm ok,
or perhaps...
in pieces is the right
word to say.
719 · Jan 2011
Stay awhile, with me
Kimberly C Brown Jan 2011
Why don't you stay
with me.
Your company excites me.
That voice of yours sends
sonic wisps
through air,
and time, like gamma rays
you penetrate me.
Piercing my heart your love
like a cancer mutating my cells,
my thoughts
are invaded, your prodding relentless.
So I ask you...
Why don't you stay
with me.
717 · Sep 2010
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
Death has never yet looked beautiful
As it does now
When looking upon the wintered cornfields
Or the lake blowing over frozen life
Petrified till spring’s thaw.
Death itself blows
Riding the biting winds to chill
The bones of the young and old
On the brink of eternal sleep.
Indeed death is welcome
Plucking each brittle leaf from its tree
Or inhaled, settled with the damp in the lungs of a child.
Death is wondrous, once said to be the only supernatural thing
We will ever know.
Quoted and sung, loved and nourished.
Death has never yet looked so beautiful
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
The wailing winds
whip about
lashing at the wheat
bending-cowering down.
Against the night
the stars shine-
holes in the floor of heaven.
714 · Oct 2010
Kimberly C Brown Oct 2010
Fly down
splash through my rainbow
drip colours in my eyes
I am no longer blind.
Wooden flowers bloom from concrete grounds
vines peel spiders from bananas trees.
Through the windows of a
green eyed child
mother earth embraces her
-that gaian child.
Pixies fly on webbed wings
tinkering bells sound like mewling babes.
From below he watches a sky
turn dark.
He can not help but smile.

Rest to sleep my lovely one
smile that smile that reaches your eyes.
703 · Mar 2011
Kimberly C Brown Mar 2011
Inside there is a sickness
digging firm within me
I feel the illness spreading
rooted, growing,flourishing
and from my soul it blossoms
into a tree deformed
its bark peeling with dissension
its fruit already rotted.
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