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 May 2013 kimberli
Madisen Kuhn
i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but when i think of him
and his incandescent smile,
my heart swells and beats in time
with the cadence of his alluring words

his mind is like no other,
filled with such deep
and captivating thoughts
that flutter from place to place
like a moth, and like a moth
i am drawn to his brilliance

i long to hold his face in my hands
and trace his lips with my fingertips
and when i close my eyes
all i see is the way he looks at me,
as if i’m the one who paints
the summer evening sky

i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but i think i could spend
the rest of my life searching
and never find anything
nearly as beautiful as
the way he loves me
I'll write a poem on your skin
With my lips, our love tattooed on every inch
At the back of your ear, your delicate nape
Your perfect spine and cheeks like wine

I'll breathe the words in your mouth
Let your soul read and keep my oath
Trace it in your waist and engrave the lines
Down to the lovely hidden shrine

Your eyes on my eyes, my warm hands on your hips
I can hear our poem inside your chest
The rhythm of our hearts will turn it into a song
And with your gentle kiss

*I'll write again.
 May 2013 kimberli
J Drake
Pay attention.

Pay attention to this moment;
To the sounds, to the lights,
To the colors in the the sky.

Pay attention to your thoughts;
To the world inside you,
And the way it guides you.

Pay attention to your feelings;
To the joy and the tears,
To the hopes and the fears.

Pay attention to your heart;
To the way that it beats,
To the rhythm it keeps.

Pay attention to your life...

The future already happened,
You're just learning the story.

Accept it. Let it run through you.

Let Love overfill your heart,
Let Light overglow your soul,
Let Hope overrule your fear,
Let New overtake the old.

This is your life;
You're doing your best.
Decide that today
Will outshine the rest.

I do not know you.
But I love you.
And if you really pay attention,
You'll feel it, too.
 May 2013 kimberli
Lily Jean
267 people are born every minute,
all over the world,
into pre made lives,
designed especially for them.

every minute,
108 people,
are tucked preciously,
into satin lined caskets,
to begin their journey to another life.

when you're five, you think you're going to live forever.
by your sixteenth birthday,
you're ready to die.

life isn't easy,
life isn't fair,
and at the end of the day nobody really cares,
who has the longest hair,
or who has the tiniest waist or,
who owns the prettiest eyes.

see this is life,
and it's not very nice.

we're all born.
but why?
there's only one reason,
and that is,
born to die.
 May 2013 kimberli
Lily Jean
 May 2013 kimberli
Lily Jean
when i was five,
my grandparents,
owned a flower farm.

i know everything there is to know about flowers,
about how to strip every single leaf off without damaging the stem,
to how preciously you have to pack orchids so there heads don't fall off
and how long a daffodil can survive without water.

what i don't know is how to make someone fall in love with you,
and how to stop yourself from going crazy,
and how long a human can last, depressed.

last sunday when we met.

you stole my heart without realising, i think.
but in the end, you knew,
and you took advantage of this,
by ripping it to shreds.

i hope your futures good,
and you have not one, but many kids,
to anyone you please,

the sad thing is,
i know im my heart,
no one will ever be as good for you,
as me.
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