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Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Been trying to write
words to convey
My thoughts on this holiday
called Valentines Day
Been reading all your work
in hopes they'd inspire
Been thinking bout love
and the one I admire
Nothing is working
haven't written a line
Has nothin to do lonliness
my love life is fine

So why all the trouble?
Why is it so hard?
Hallmark created this day
just to sell me a card
But thats the least of my issue
theres so much more
Its not like the $3.95
will make me poor
What bothers me most
is that it sets a tone
And has its greatest affect
on those all alone

It makes so many sad
and I think that its stupid
It was created for money
flowers, candy & cupid
Im not off to the store
theres nothing to buy
Theres no convincing me otherwise
dont bother to try
The way that I see it
ive made perfectly clear
Id rather you love me
everyday of the year
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
What does one have to do
To make you all see
That I deserve more credit
Than you people give to me
Someones always concerned
God forbid my mood should alter
Don't began to doubt me
Unless my skills start to falter

True I'm mostly chill, but when I'm not
it doesn't mean somethings wrong
I'm sorry that my tone
Isn't always a happy song
It happens so little
Maybe a few times a year
That I may have a breakdown
And you may see a tear

I'm not offended you worry
I get it stems outta love
I know you have my back
When push comes to shove
I'm not asking that you change that
But somethings just not right
How quickly you forget my triumphs
No matter how hard I fight

Im so sick of hearing
"are you sure that your fine?"
"Your just not yourself today" or a similar line
Maybe I'm tired
Maybe I'm ill
You know life isn't always
A journey uphill
Still you continue to question
With those sympathetic eyes
Like I'm holding back something
And I'm just telling lies

Maybe it's all the dysfunction
That surrounds us each day
That makes it hard to believe
That I'm truly okay
I'm just asking you see it
From my point of view
I take pride in the fact
That I'm one of the few
Who works ******* themselves
To keep burden off you

As people I love
It's so important to me
That we air out our grievances
always  & openly
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Can I have your attention,Excuse me please
I ve got a question to ask & need to see who agrees
May I borrow a second?...A piece of your time
To lend me an ear while I bust out a rhyme
While I have your attention its best that we start.....
Forget the introduction.... lets just skip that part
Ever notice how many meet in a day.....
that absolutely blow your mind, make you shake your head & walk away...........
They're the people you see... they're all over the place....
The slower kind of the human race
Let me give some examples.... I have quite a few
They fall into this catagory with the stupid **** that they do

You're driving your car through the center of town... one steps out onto the crosswalk...eyes pointed down
No checkin both both ways before crossing the street.....
Seem to forget cars still hurt despite white lines under their feet .....
Somehow these idiots manage to survive
My guess is pure luck has kept em alive

You constantly see them on the evening news when horrible things happens & they interview fools
Grown *** adults who live without care.....
they say things like " I never thought it could happen around here"
This is usually followed with a "we dont even lock our front door"........
Their town is too pretty & crime only happens to the poor?

Come on, your kidding me right?
Don't they watch themselves on the news at night......
How could one think with all that happens today that living so blindly is truly okay?
Maybe they don't listen to themselves speak.
Maybe being too sheltered has made them weak?

We're different for sure...our worlds too far apart
They wouldnt last a day around here....
They lack the streetsmart

I think I've made my point can anybody else agree?
was it decriptive enough, were you able to see?
Have you seen these people?
Do I need to say more........
they're the ones that I can honestly say that I FEEL BAD FOR!!
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Barely controlled
words spewing so fast
Thoughts said out loud
leaving cuts that'll last
Run if you want
hide if you can
But warning beware
its caught all who have ran

Grab all of your things
lets go for a ride
Or come as you are
thats for each to decide
Gallons of ink
overflowing for hours
Drenching all unprotected
like word thunder showers

Past the point of return
in the path of it all
Useless to run
Just as effective to crawl
Again feel free
to give it a shot
Its going to spread
like it or not

Build ways around it
or stay far & clear
Another possibility perhaps
Is just ignore its there
Ignore all the warning
stand firm & defined
But stick around later
See whats left behind

At the end of it all
as it starts to recede
Take it all in
before you proceed
Look past fear
for promise of thrill
If you go with the flow
of my lyrical spill
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
I got this beat in my head
....I follow it's flow
It leads to a place
where I'm free when I go
Picture it's rhythm
as it enters your mind
This feeling I get
is one of a kind
It came to me young
had to embrace it just then
Couldn't risk losing it
& never feeling it again
It's carried me through pain
made sunny days brighter
It's given me strength
and has created a fighter
These words are my bullets
this pen is my gun
My only defense
since life has begun
We are all just soldiers
& all we can do is pray
That were provided with tools
to help guide our way
This is my path
so I've chosen to follow
To guide me toward freedom
And a brighter tomorrow
These words forever skip
and dance in my soul
But to spread our music to others
Is a true poets goal
Kim McCarthy Jul 2013
Mary, the grief is inconsolable
It still all seems so surreal
There hasn't been the time or chance
To sort through all I feel
It's a mix of love and pain
It's the bond we've shared so deeply
It's accepting that your gone
And it's feeling all of this completely
I'm mourning at this moment
A friendship of 26 years
Only a few days have passed
I can find relief only in the form of tears

Yet I know that better days will come
The strength of hurt will lessen soon
This will scar my heart forever
But soon I'll sing a different tune
This hurt will always be here
But I don't have to live in pain
I'm going to pack up all we've shared
And move it all onto memory lane
Here we can be neighbors
Theres no chance that it can end
You'll forever live beside me
As a sister and bestfriend

I'm going to drop this in your casket
So you can read it when your free
Just know that the 32 years that you lived
Has had a lifelong lasting impact on me
Although your person may be gone
Your soul will never leave
Our souls will forever be connected
And that's what I honestly believe

This will be my strength to overpower
To help this all digest
It's only the physical part of you
That must be laid to rest
The only difference is
Our conversations now end with an Amen
Theres no need for a goodbye
Because I know we'll meet again
Kim McCarthy May 2013
Merely a color delusion. Usually with shady conclusion.
Each lighter war starts and ends with tons of confusion.
The accusations start flying. One casts the blame, the others left denying.
However I pass most of this guilt onto BIC, who does most of the supplying.

It's merely harmless bicker. Each is only defending their  own flicker.
Lay them all on the table so we can end this all much quicker.

A flammable rainbow  is layed out. This will help eliminate doubt.
And isn't that really what most lighter wars are about.
Here the truth is exposed. Leaving all unopposed.
Once we sort through the evidence the case can be closed.
What makes this game so fun. Maybe you came with one.
But when you empty out your pockets you now have none.

Or maybe today was your lucky day. Things seemed to be going your way.
No need to worry, that is just how you play.

They all look the same. They all carry flame.
Your only intention was to borrow it yet somehow yours it became.

But your not a lighter thief. You'd prefer the label fire cheif.
Most are unaware they stole it and hand it back in disbelief.
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