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Kim McCarthy May 2013
And no, this isn't the start of a joke
Just pondering aloud in front of you
My fellow deep thinking folk

I know what I would think
He's not asking because hes hungry
I'm probably buying him a drink

I'm sure by now I'm looking to see
If I have anything to give him
Because thats what he' going to ask me

Or maybe I do have a light
If thats what he needs and I have it
Of course I'll do whats right

Proving I'm not the judgmental kind
Without hesitation I'd dig out a dollar
And push all other prejudice behind

And although some come easy others may not
You may learn what is right
Despite everything you thought

That we may learn from this man of doom
When you realize he only has to ***
And your blocking the restroom
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
It was a place of release
In the back of a closet
A place I would go
To make a mental deposit
The only thing I ever wanted
And the one thing I never got
Was eventually replaced
With this little spot

With an older sister and younger brother
I never got the bedroom
My role was the roommate
It's called middle child syndrome
But that couldn't hold me down
I was resourceful even way back then
So I created an area under my clothes
This became my poets den
Oh, the things you do at the age of ten

I placed pillows on the floor
Hung a flashlight from above
It wasn't much but it was mine
And oh was I in love
With no one there to bother me
I was free to write
The chance to finally express myself
Without holding back or being polite

Suddenly I had notebooks filled
Letting so much go
Ironically in this small place
I found the room to grow
I can only imagine what everyone thought
Each time I crawled into this little spot

My parents knew I needed it
My own place to be alone
To find myself in this world
To discover answers to everything unknown
Who knew that in a dark hole
One could grow a creative soul

Eventually I grew too tall
To escape to the inside
But I'll never forget those days
Or the spot where I could hide
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
Stress will always be there
It's a common fact of life
Only focus on the important few
Like The Job, The Kids, The Wife

Avoid all insanity & madness
Ensure that it's made clear
You'll have no part of the drama
We find mixed in here and there

Although one can't avoid it all
One also doesn't have to get involved
Just remove yourself from the situation
And don't return until it's solved

You can not lie to yourself
Just like you can't make others see
As long as you know who you are
Who gives a (bleep) if all agree

Remember your freedom of choice
And that it's ultimately up to you
Some things may be worth the effort
If not, move onto something new

Weigh out the pros and cons
At times the cons just weigh alot
Allow yourself to walk away
Without guilt or second thought
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
Being alone is not lonely
It's time spent in Solitary
Confined not trapped you see
It's one of my favorite places to be

Being alone isn't as bad as it's described
If someones told you this they've lied
We all take it in stride
I am in the middle, Me Myself on either side

Since all three equally relate
Together they create
All lack of reason for debate
Which then really makes this time so great

Although only quietness surround
When no one else is around
Suddenly silence has a sound
It's here, great things can be found

At some point everyday
I just have to walk away
Theres nothing anyone can say
It's just what I need to do if I want to be okay
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
A million ways to use it, Never felt I had any choice
Sustained now for so long, It's become my inner voice
Just pops into my head, And it won't go ignored
It's a part of me now, So I grab a pen and record

This ink blots the paper, Leaveing behind emotional stain
The message received from my heart and my brain
A build up on the soul, To cleanse I just release
Things get better once it's out, Causes inner wars to cease

An overflow becomes avoided, No need to clean a mess
No matter the issues size, Poetry finds ways to express
It keeps me moving forward, No matter where it leads
Poetic potential is so great, I know I will succeed
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Words spoken aloud doesn't constitute voice
Can't force that it's heard, to listens a choice
Whether screamed or whispered no volumes needed to hear
Simply amplifying each word won't obligate one to care

Voices carry a message words alone are too weak
Theres talking out loud then theres chosing to speak
Having something to offer must be desired
For one to deserve the attention required

Is it done to inspire or to satisfy pride
To speak or to listen all arefree to decide
Having freedom is great theres no better way
But it should only be practiced by those with somthing to say

Voices are vehicles with missions at hand
To expand some knowledge over the promise land
Driving this vehicle comes at a cost
To continue the journey no matter whats lost

Our greatest defense, never let down your gaurd
Sorting message & noise can prove to be hard
A message is only such as long as it remains the same
The rules still apply no matter the game
Since noise has its rights theres no option without it
So take all you hear with a reason to doubt it
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Our lives are our franchise
The comparisons so
Success is important to both
They'll need it to grow
Each is CEO of their own
Which means success is on you
To establish the guidelines
And assemble a crew

The mission at hand
Keeping your cooperation outta the hole
This can be done by employing
Only those who play a positive role
We're brought into this world
With really no say
With that in mind now think about
All the companies BORN just today

Everyday new competition is created
Some are bound to lose
All of this is decided solely
On which method each will choose
Some give everything they have
Require very little in return
Just watch their franchise fail
They often show no real concern

If you don't protect your assets
Then thats the choice you make
But when you empire collapses
Just know it's no mistake
With no room for weakness
Requires strong self esteem and self love
What these companies consider profit
I've clearly listed right above

Since it's a dog eat dog world
There are challenges we'll face
Is keeping up with the rest
In this competitive race
Keep your  wheels in motion
Avoid the  cons and the fake
Who have nothing much to give
Yet alway seem to leave wth more than they can take
So consider your worth
As your company grows
And share success with real friends only
While ignoring any foes
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