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Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
They live in huge houses, drive fancy cars
Most know poverty only secondhand
So how can they fix a problem... They don't really understand

Given the role of a leader
However, I'm convinced they are confused
We live in worlds too far apart...
How can they lead with similar views

Their children go to private schools
Only the finest and elite
Their children will never need public education
So they allow funding to deplete
Their children will succeed
I believe it's part of their plan
To ensure that high society
Will forever lead the average man

The evidence is no secret
They don't seem to care if we agree
They know they hold this power
So it doesn't matter if we see

Our taxes keep going up
Unemployment is at an all time high
Life keeps getting harder for those just scrapping by
The people making these decisions
Of course they find it easy enough to do
They're not deciding for themselves
They decide for me and you

The truth of the matter is...
This country is ruled by hypocrisy
They disguise this, however, very cleverly
Today it's what we know as Democracy

"A political government run by 'The People' through 'Selected' officials"... Democracy defined
Compare it to the way it was truly designed

Sure we get to 'select the official'
But the one thing they seem to neglect
They pick the people
Many, that corruptive politics help select
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Welcome to AMERICA
The sweet land of DREAMS...
The only comparison I see...
In either, nothing ever is as it seems

It's the "Freedoms and Liberties"
That attracts people from all different places
"Equal Opportunity" is what our country sells
And for all creeds and races

A Melting ***, Yes
With this I absolutely agree
But I certainly wouldn't call it
"The Land Of The Free"
You've got to be kidding me

There may be no shackles
No slavery here
But we're all puppets to government
And the laws they declare

Illusions of Liberty, Justice for all
Distract it's evil soaked core
It's slowly destroying our existence
Until nothing left is pure

And as much as I hate it
It really doesn't matter that I see
It remains out of my control
They've still made a puppet out of me

Pulling the strings on my arms
I'm forced to obey
And this will probably continue
Despite anything I say

But since I HAVE to say it anyway
I've altered this strategy a bit
I'll direct my attention toward "The People"
And encourage them to fight it
We may be too weak all alone
But if we all stood up as one
We could start the war to fight against
What this nation has become
If we all stood together
To declare that we'll fight if we must
To expose the truth and corruption
In this sweet land of the unjust

Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Read verse from the big book
join groups who all seek
Gather together
at least once a week

Feel free to kneel
light candles or pray
Whatever it takes
to feel good at the end of the day

But the message seems tainted
confused over the years
Highly doubt gods plan
included wars saturated with tear

It was left open to each
to interrupt themselves
How to use the information
retained from Gods shelves.

But do I feel guilty for not joining in?
Do I agree not attending church each Sundays a sin?
No I do not, No not at all.
I'll still approach heavens gates
head held high... standing tall.

In my opinion those who should worry
Behind me in line
Are those who thought sinning, then confession
Would be just fine

No hail marys for me
I'm in no choir that sings
My resume in gods hands
Will be filled with different things

He will read of my friendship
My contribution to all
How I pick up my friends
Each time that they fall

Highlighted will be my conscience
My love for all kind.
The generosity and love
That fills my heart & my mind

I felt compelled to write this
For all living in fear
Those full of guilt
Fearful the end is near

Keep living true to yourself treat others with care
And I'll see you in heaven With nothing to fear
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
We are handed a ballot
our choices all there
It's our freedom they say ...
to take it from here
Raised to believe we live so free
But seeing right through it ...
I don't agree

What angers me most
what bothers me so
Is how they stand there and lie
like we're too dumb to know
Expected to skip off & vote
to be thankful for the choice
It's a "gift" from our country
to have such a voice

Who are they fooling
They can't be serious, right?
They take all our money
send our love ones to fight
They trick us with lies...
a game of who lies the best
Leave us with little
To fight for the rest

Each promises the world
To fight for us all
But time after time each drops the ball
They all desperately try to recruit for their team
Ask that we hear what their saying ...
to envision their dream

They ask that you rally...
put signs in your yard
They swear they are different
ask that we let down our guard
They want our help...
ask we donate money to the cause
Forced to pretend their not lying
Andto overlook all the flaws

Once their elected
they forget the ******* they fed
Now were stuck with these liars
And all that they said
And what do they care they are still rich as can be
We are back where we started
You know... Living so "FREE"
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
It's been said so well before so I'll quote a few
Artist who have written songs... because they've lived through it too!
This is an original piece but inspired by many
Our thoughts similar... yet, mine won't earn a penny
I'm okay with it though that's not why any of us do it
It's meant to inspire the people ...To help them get through it

What were the Beatles trying to teach in the song "let it be"
The strength & power of forgiveness with the hopes we all see
And of course theres "Imagine"... written by John Lennon to say
That changing our view ...could forge a new way

When Eminem rapped "sing for the moment"
What was going through his head
That no ones destined to be poor believe in other options instead

"Keep your head up" is the message Tupac tried to spread
To live life to the fullest ... only stopping when your dead

And the reason biggie wrote "juicy" was to help people see
That hard work & a dream .... can set anybody free

Salt-n-Pepa's "None of your buisness" made woman stand tall ...
At a time when men had the ability to make them feel small

A similar goal was the reason for Lauryn Hills "Doo ***, that thing"
Girl power & self respect is the message they bring

In the song "Can't hold us down" ...Lil Kim & Christina regulate
The lesson is equality.... And they hope to educate

Kanye West inspired us all... When he spit it "Through the wire"
He grew strenghth from an accident that would have turned most into a crier

And in "If I ruled the world"... Nas asks we "imagine that"
Decribing how the world can be... In a different place than it's at

If you put a beat to my messages you'd see my goals are the same
The only difference between us Is the money and fame
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Raised in a big city.... diversity is all that I know
Yet surrounded by many towns where this isn't always so
I've seen racism, yes this can't be denied
Must start by making it clear
I've never played for that side
Before I give further opinion it's important that you see
That ignorance like that doesn't live inside of me

Next, it feels important to note ....all the wrong that has been done
And to acknowledge that many others .....have it worse than some
I know that being white in America makes me unable to say
That I've endured anything close to what other races face everyday
Now with that being said I'm writing this to say
I've experienced racism in a whole different way
To some my physical appearance leaves doubt in their mind
And I've had to prove many times that I'm truly color blind

I have white skin, blond hair & my eyes are blue
But my relatives descend from Poland, Ireland & from the Philippines too
My family lived in the projects where we struggled & money was tight
And just like my neighbors of all different races
I got the same ****** public school education, depite being white
I guess what I'm saying, what I want people to see
Is what happened in the past had nothing to do with me
That we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover
That goes for all different races
That each is different on the inside despite similar faces
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Some call it karma
Others see it as fate
The truth of the matter?
It's still up for debate
Our only option I'd say
We must examine all fact
Then decide for ourselves ...each ones impact

On one hand theres KARMA
some say it's a *****
Usually the opinion of the immoral ...those living selfishly rich

With FATE they believe each is destined at start
That everyones born into a roll
With no say in their part

Lets pretend for a moment that this theory is so
The impact id say... we already know
This leaves no purpose to give with no reward for sharing
It' s followers create a world that can exist without caring

Then theirs others, like myself, with a whole different view
We believe in doing unto others... as you'd have done to you
The rules by which we live enforces giving to get
And the feeling of helping is something we can never forget
Our destiny is determined by the path that we choose
A world without conscience is one destined to lose
And each time its paid foward the reward is so great...
Thats my argument at least on this long lasting debate
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