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Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Age ain't nothing but a number ain't that how the saying goes?
To call oneself a grown folk has nothing to do with how one grows
You could have a million birthdays & still not earn the label
Way to many think this true... but I'll prove it's just a fable

Grown folk mind their manners keep hurtful opinions to themself
They don't believe in putting others down ... to earn a trophy on their shelf
Grown folks can't be pressured... can care less if all can see
They live by their own morals don't need others to agree

Grown folk don't need the approval of others ... to know just who they are
They keep their distance from those who do... & just watch from afar
Grown folk take pride in who they are... they don't associate with those who don't They stand up for what they believe in... Even when everyone else won't

Grown folk know that all action will speak louder than any word
And the way one chooses to represent themselves Is really all that will be heard Grown folk take responsibility for all they say & do
The sooner you learn these rules...
The sooner you'll be grown folk too!!
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Click that star up in the corner
Follow where I lead
I'm not asking for the praise
I just want to plant my seed

This has opened up new doors
It's helped create a better way
To infiltrate your minds
With all I have to say

I'll use it as a tool
To reach more people with my word
But without your willingness to listen
My message won't be heard

So what I'm asking is quite simple
If you can relate to what I write
I need you to pass it on
To others in this fight

I write mostly in the moment
When the feelings are surreal
To ensure that time doesn't water down
The emotion that I feel

But my visions are much bigger
The ultimate goal that I pursue
Is to document my thoughts
To pass along to you

I grew tired of sitting around complaining
I want to regain control of my fate
I write to encourage others to do the same
With the intention to educate

This can be done very easily...
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
If I were ruler of all nations... As one of Gods creations
There would be policies created from this societies frustrations
I wouldn't waste your time... In fact doing so would be a crime
It wouldn't be about politics with all it's dirt & grime

It would be about the people
It would ensure our rights are equal
Spread to all from high above, preached atop the highest steeple
And I wouldn't be afraid to say...
That expiring some freedoms may be the only way
And that would mean taking certain peoples "rights" away

Some freedoms are given away too easily
They should require much harder accessibility
Which will aid in the filtration of humanity

One right I would retrieve because it's abuse is so hard to believe
I'd make it official that not all persons would have the right to conceive
Not unless certain criteria are met, I'd have certain rules that would be set
I'd put a hold on this right until one disproves their ignorant
And since ignorance is bred I wouldn't allow our future to continue to be mislead Stuck in communities that will never get ahead

If I were faced with this position, I have no doubt in my disposition
Life skills would be taught in school, a required graduation precondition
I'd advocate the importance of community Gone would be the privilege of immunity And with it would go all feelings of disunity

To ensure all are exposed to equal possibility
Early education would include lessons on life & moral responsibility
To ensure guidance to all despite personal accessibility
I'd replace things like algebra and womans lit with classes on life knowledge
It's more important that the youth learn financal stability and manners, those who want to learn the square root of X can take that major in college
Priority should be that each leaves high school with the tools to survive
Each would leave with equal opportunity to prosper and to thrive

Oh if I ruled the world!!
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
We've stood togther at the crossroads
I've always been ready at the fork in the road
With my boots strapped tight and a map in hand
Trying to help lessen the weight of the load

We are never there alone though
So my offered guidance you refuse
You hand half the load to stubbornness
And one of you two choose

My choice is to follow along cautiously
Or head down a different road alone
Leaving you and your friend stubbornness
To venture off with all I own

Before I know whats happening
I'm following in the rear
Lead down the path you've taken
On a dark road to despair

It's the same story everytime
You eventually regret the choice
It's always here, in the middle of no where
You start to hear my voice

Miles back, in the light of day
I stood to block the way
But it wasn't my decision then
So you chose to ignore what I had to say

Here in the darkness, surronded by danger
Huddled next to me, your friend stubborness becomes a stranger
Suddenly you depend on me
I'm looked at as the game changer

Thats when the tables turn
Now I'm handed all the gear
The strength you both had earlier
Has crumbled into fear

I get us to the otherside
We are grateful to be alive
For a short time I'm the hero
I'm the reason we survived

But like a circle goes around
The cycle starts anew
At the beginning of another crossroad
I'm left following stubborness and you
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
It's coming again.... I hate this day
One year older as you slip further away
March 9th is the day... Oh, what a beautiful time
To fight through the pain I must write it in rhyme

Shane Michael arrived ... :-) <3

  With him came feelings so new Since I loved many before Thought I knew love through & through
So imagine my shock as I realize this day A new component to love felt in a different way
Bittersweet it became... & it was clear all along Born into such chaos... the timing was wrong
And no matter the love and support people gave It was his mother we were all unable to save
Too young to be a mother we still had a lot growing up to do
Unable to care for herself... how could she care for you?
Addiction took over As she shot drugs into her arm
So I became the one who protected from all hurt & all harm

The bond that we had Was so very tight
One lovingly formed as I held him each night

Then they took him away ...I had no control
And a piece of my heart crawled into a hole
Since then each year ... March 9th will forever be the day
That reminds me of love, long lost .....that drugs took away
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Ever think in the dark , Put your mind on replay
Just sit back, close your eyes And simply review the day
When the day is gone completely Once all is covered by the night
Emotions settle down , So we can clearly see the light
And whats shined down upon me What I see so clearly, so defined
Would scare the s••t out of anyone And has truly blown my mind
The way our society functions How we must fight to survive
And the lack of morality That seems to keep most alive
Money and Power The top prize in the game
Both seem like a fortune Yet both carry such shame
So how can one win? Can one even play?
Is this what it takes... To get ahead one day?
The answer is easy once the truth becomes clear
Observe and you'll see Cuz the proof is all there
Although Money makes life easier happiness can't be bought
Just watch the evening news Thats where this lessons often taught
And Power seems so wonderful, But it's price is often high
With a leadership so corrupt ,To join one must comply
Exchange dollars for kindness Pay others with it
Then equally accept as payment and see what you get
Give power only to the deserving, As a priceless offer of respect
Rather than selling it to the highest bidder who often treat it with neglect
Reviewing today in the dark It's ended up this way... Thats just what I think After 'That Kind Of Day'
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
I can honestly say,  I don't know where I would be, had I never discovered poetry
One thing is for sure, I wouldn't be me Which got me to think who else I could be... If I were given other ways to express creatively

Maybe a dancer...  A constant beat already flows though my head.  On the inside I Pop & Lock away, Yet when presented to the outside, it comes off so clumsily instead
And with such lack of coordination, I'll never get the chance To deliver true emotion in the form of any dance

And what if I could sing in tune, I could express this all through song. I've got rhythm in my heart, now if only my voice would play along

If I didn't lack the melody needed, I'd be on the radio with an album almost completed

Or maybe on world tour, letting it all out on stage. The silence of my poetry could finally be released from it's cage
But again I just can't carry a note, so just like my dancing, there ain't much to promote

Don't get me wrong though, I'm okay either way. I got poetry to relay anything I want to say  And this  form of expression will last until my dying day
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