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Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Oh dear Lord... I owe you my gratitude for so much in life really, but mostly my attitude
Why I was chosen, I'm not really sure.  I'm aware of it though, I can see more
More of what exactly? I'm still figuring it out. It's special  though, I know without doubt
I've started to piece this puzzle together, I'm not completely confused
You've given me enough information to ensure this giftt won't be misused
It's made me aware right from the start
It's been with me since birth, placed into my heart
It's enabled feelings like empathy for those who walk through life blind
Forgiving their ignorance and still treating them kind
The passion I have.... to spread truth to the weak
To help guide others towards the happiness  we equally seek
A resilience made strong to continue the cause
I see the beauty in your plan, despite all it's flaws
It's your belief in  mankind , despite how hard ones trying
That I continue my search for the truth,  despite all the lying
I'm thankful for the patience I have with those who take longer to see
And I'm honored that you entrusted me with such a great responsibility
This helps excuse the damage each causes with selfishness and hate
I believe in your vision , I know it's worth the wait
Encouraged by you .picked as one of the few,  that you've gifted with a clue

I've got the role of a soldier.... so wars where  I'll be
Fighting the only war my God could every watch... At least happily
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
Do you know what you sound like? Do you listen when you speak? It may work well on others, like the dumb and the weak
But beware of the rest, the intelligent and strong, we have no time for games and we won't play along
This is a poetic attack, this is a verbal smack...
To be considered as fair warning. Not everyone is so feeble, not everyone shall be ignoring

The lies may be sold to the hungry, the poor or the cold Those desperate enough to believe whatever their told
The timid ones maybe, or the insecure group, may be looking for someone to lead their troop
With them you may just have a shot, to get away with the bullst without getting caught

But cross over the line, into territory unknown, where you're expected to carry the weight on your own
And your tricks and your threats will only provoke, the anger of those who think you're a joke
We take it personal because it's insulting to think, you thought of us for even a moment, as the weakest link

It's a sad world we live in when one has to explain... Why people are unable to f
k with their brain

— The End —