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Kim McCarthy Nov 2019
'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance'

I read this sticker on a car that cut me off today and it made me wonder if the driver even read her message on display
Its message combines ignorance with what one can pay for college
Yet it seemed her expensive education left out a little bit of knowledge

HER ignorance was blinding, it was all that I could see... Beaming from the drivers seat of this shiny SUV

Everything inside of me wanted to follow this woman home,  say to her face to face what I'm writing in this poem

I'd let her how her sticker makes her look like such a fool, And I'd say it proudly on behalf of  us who couldn't afford to go to school

How her ignorance of driving laws and her ignorance toward me  made this message sickening enough to brew an anger inside of me
Her actions makes her bumper sticker offensive, can't you see
Ignorance will always outshine a shiny college degree
Kim McCarthy Nov 2019
courage it takes to stand on the ledge, head hanging over tempting the edge, the fall into abyss to go with the flow, to know you're atop means seeing below

fear not the darkness nor light from above, live in a moment when push comes to shove, life at the bottom takes ***** if you got em, leave all at the peak if it's Glory you seek

high in the sky is merely a lie, takes heart and sole to thrive in a hole , strength from within toughens the skin, here is where the weak won't survive
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
My brain is yelling run it's way to smart to ignore the incredible battle it's bound to endure
And whether it sits right or not I truly know I've  mentally packed & I'm emotionally ready to go...
All roads heading out don't look very promising though
My hearts created this barrier that continues to grow. It not as wise as my head, it has a whole different view
So while my brain protects me my heart is left protecting you

I'm the ref in the middle judging a fight without any rules
And without any say over who should win or who will ultimately lose
To protect myself and my sanity, this means walking away
Disappointing my heart and leaving me hurt either way
Raised to know blood is just that, and nothing else means more
But did that mean even me? I'm really not that sure
For family I'd ****, instinct wouldn't let me think twice
Would do whatever I had to, even pay the ultimate price
Shes my sister no matter what, mental illness or not. My brain has no control over how my heart was taught.
The only difference this time, what makes this so hard to see
Is how to protect her without killing me
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
You're so easily demoralized... and you're scared away too fast
Seem quick to lose faith in our team... like you question if we'll last

You choose to just withdraw & crawl into your little hole
Your presence feels so lonely... without  complete heart & soul
Your Bringing Down Morale From This Depressing Pit From Hell

If you're not standing strong & firm... If your not ready for the fight
If you've come unprepared... If all yo' **** ain't tight
If you crack under pressure... If you're lured easily away
If you feel defeated and you have nothing positive to say
Your Bringing Down Morale From Your Negativity Filled Corrall

Each moment you spend with your head hanging low is a moment passed on by
The only time you should see the ground is from high up in the sky
With the wind beneath your wings there is nothing holding you back
From looking for your course that'll lead your life right back on track

So when life gets hard or times get tough, when you want to run away
Open up your wings and fly...  and it will soon all be okay
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
How this life will turn out...
Where ones destiny shall lead!?!
Which roads will end in failure.... And which lead toward the highway to succeed?
Happiness is the promise on this path to success but Beware, nothings ever been casted into stone
It's for this very reason that one can die poor yet truly fulfilled & one can die rich but empty and alone
....Or when one defined as strong let's fear knock them into a hole
How easy that position of power gets taken and replaced with a weaker role
On the other end there are stories of triumph, when those considered  weak begin to flourish & thrive
Proving that there is no exact formula, no guaranteed winner in the fight to survive

Its those hidden dangers in life that make it a mystery....
That we are still unable to answer
....... despite looking in history

Those things that lack rhyme or reason, without rational justified order....
For example whatever determines who gets abandoned as a child or who's born with a mental disorder?
Or who gets the disease of addiction passed down in their genes
Is it the luck of the draw? That's just how it seems
Even with such a profound effect on somebodies life, ones left with very little control
To have a predetermined outcome on a decision that threatens such a devastating toll

Once a person is inflicted, it invades the health of the entire bloodline... This pollution starts to build, slowing the current down a little more each time
Causing overflow that trickles down into the the puddle that starts below
... The stagnant water at the end of the gene pool becomes breeding ground for more weakness to grow!!
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Its actually here
wipe the sleep from my eyes
Time to get outta bed
start this busy day of demise
Got lots to do
and so much to say
And its got to be done
by the end of the day

Im skipping the shower
ill just brush my hair
Im not sure that it matters
just as long as im there
Where am I goin?
Im not sure that I know
And time is to short
to just go with the flow

No need for goodbyes
its ending for all
That rules out the visit
or the dreadful phone call
With all that outta the way
it leaves my day open wide
But time ticks away
as I stop to decide

Reality hits me
so I jump to my feet
What the hell am I doin?
I got a bucket list to complete
I jump in my car
and get on my way
To fit all I can
into this day

Hours fly by
im having a blast
My soul is so free
ive left all pain in the past
I do this & that
I go here & there
I complete every mission
and I conquor all fear

Happy & fulfilled
alone in my car
Ive got people to meet
and the drives not that far
So I stop & pull over
Ive got a second to spare
Thats one thing you realize
when the end is near
If i had to do it over
is there any regret
What memories should come with me
and which should I forget

With all my thoughts sorted
no more time to spear
Im free as a bird
without a worry or care
Im excited to meet
all the people I love
For our journey to start
to our new home above
We all hold hands together
at the end of the night
This takes away all fear
as we walk into the light
I wrote this poem from a group challenge on Poets Corner. They provide the title and you take it from there
Kim McCarthy Apr 2019
Been trying to write
words to convey
My thoughts on this holiday
called Valentines Day
Been reading all your work
in hopes they'd inspire
Been thinking bout love
and the one I admire
Nothing is working
haven't written a line
Has nothin to do lonliness
my love life is fine

So why all the trouble?
Why is it so hard?
Hallmark created this day
just to sell me a card
But thats the least of my issue
theres so much more
Its not like the $3.95
will make me poor
What bothers me most
is that it sets a tone
And has its greatest affect
on those all alone

It makes so many sad
and I think that its stupid
It was created for money
flowers, candy & cupid
Im not off to the store
theres nothing to buy
Theres no convincing me otherwise
dont bother to try
The way that I see it
ive made perfectly clear
Id rather you love me
everyday of the year
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