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Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Everyone's writing poem on wall,
for me it ws just a free from boredom call.
I wanted 2 write about somethg new,
But all I hav is d memories of u.

listening 2 Rihana's unfaithful,
thinking of u being regretful,
half burnt cigrette in my hand,
regretful vid ur absence in dis heart.

Missing every thing about u,
missing every day without u,
Dis stupid n awful heart of mine,
doesnt even knw how 2 liv n shine.

d way u kissed my neck 2 lips,
I was quenching ma lust vid ur mesmerizing kiss,
when u wispered dose three words,
Ur lov beside me, i can fight against d world.

What was ' I ' in ur happy life,
just a letter 2 fill between L n F,
u threw me out ven I needed u d most,
in ma own world I was lonely n lost.

To hav u back, I prayed 2 gods,
I wished upon stars,
I made hundred paper cranes,
But u never return bck 2 dis lanes.
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
I was a jolly girl of spring,
Happiness is what I always bring,
My sadness surrounds only me,
It was a trouble so no one sees....

One night when I was sitting alone,
A tiny droplet of tear sadly blown,
I asked it's name n the owner,
Tear was frightened n sat in the corner...

I took it up and kissed those tears,
They smiled at me And forgot those fears,
I told them don't be afraid of me,
I will be your owner and u stay vid me...

Now they often come to meet,
Secretly come without any deed,
I can't get rid of it from ma eyes,
I can't forget them even if I tries...
Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Really wished to talk a lil more,
But do not want to make u bore,
Talking with you I feel so hot,
Thinking again about ur good bye shot...

You are my love and ma future mate,
U r the cool wind in summer shades,
U r the **** who stole ma heart,
Don't know y we r distance apart...

It's hard to live away frm you,
It's harder to sleep away from you,
I'm incomplete without ur presence,
No one is here for ma defense...

This cold winter is freezing me,
Longing for u is increasing in me,

Hope this April will bring u in ma arms,
Hope you will impress me with ur astonishing charms,
Waiting for our next meeting to come,
A little bit of noise and a lil bit of hummms.....

   be continued........
Written by a girl friend to her boyfriend...vid there love in the top....

— The End —