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464 · Mar 2017
The best you can
DC raw love Mar 2017
As the world consumes me,
is there a way out...

Not by death,
but by happiness...

Struggles from day to day,
for the most of us...

Bills behind...
Relationships going bad...
Haters in the streets...
Fake friends..

We all have our own stories,
truth be told...

But when the girl u luv,
hurts with pain...
We do the best we can...

When one doesnt accept the truth...
We do the best we can....

When lies are told about you,..
We do the best we can...

Some feel spite and anger,
is the answer...

Some hold resentment,
for things done wrong...

How can we be free...
Just do the best you can...

Find God.
understand the meaning of love...

The best you can.
461 · Nov 2014
standing out
DC raw love Nov 2014
If you stand alone
You'll stand out

If you stand out
You, stand alone
460 · Jun 2015
One's Purpose
DC raw love Jun 2015
To start from scratch, one must begin.
The beginning now becomes the start.

The start is the beginning of one's own wealth.
The wealth you start, one must reinvest in themself.

The circle of life has started or has re-begun
Through this circle you shall accomplish things

With accomplishment brings balance one's life
Find the true meaning of prosperity

Prosperity in life consist of 3 equal things in life
God, Family Life and hard work,
they must stay balanced.

Things will then begin to come easy to you
You will find true happiness and wealth

You will find your purpose in life!!!

‪#‎unity‬ ‪#‎peace‬ ‪#‎love‬
460 · Dec 2014
it pays to give
DC raw love Dec 2014
The two biggest things
That will change your life is
Attitude and love

With attitude and love
Comes confidence

With confidence
Comes satisfaction

A life that we all live for
Now keep god in your heart
And you will be unstoppable

As I have given to God
He has doubled back to me

As I slowed down with him
He did the same to me

Now that I'm back with him
He is back with me

These are not just words
This is how my life went

He has now brought me
Back my wealth
I will never lose it again

What I thought was strange
Is that the more I give away now
The more I get back
459 · Feb 2015
Personal Jesus
DC raw love Feb 2015
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Someone who's there

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone

Flesh and bone
By the telephone

Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer

Take second best
Put me to the test

Things on your chest
You need to confess

I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone

Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver

I'll make you a believer
I will deliver

You know I'm a forgiver
Your own personal Jesus

Reach out and touch faith
459 · Jan 2017
Make Up Sex
DC raw love Jan 2017
As she lies next to me,
holding resentment and spite...

The girl i love,
loves to fight....

Words thrown like daggers,
as she flashes at night....

Hurt is giving,
which is never right...

As she cries from anger,
when i dont care to fight...

We then make love,
which fufills the night...
459 · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
as i try to find the bottom
of this hole i have found

this hole in life
this hole of pain

coming about
leading me down

seeing many faces
in times of weakness

finding dead bodies
with thoughtless control

with only thoughts of hazard
with current driven emotions

with light above
and darkness below

this endless abyss
has no end
459 · Feb 2015
Better Man
DC raw love Feb 2015
My better half was created from the broken glass
Each piece of broken glass tells a different story
But they come from the same pain of glass
So many pieces, so much pain & hurt
Splintered glass from my past
Thinking back in my life
What could be different
What can i change
To be that one
Better Man
DC raw love Jan 2015
What can I write for her ?

let me think ?
i got it !
no not in the mood to go there.

hmmm maybe this ?
no don't want to go there

ok, i'll try this .
no, no, no, way to depressing.

aww, this will get her back.
**** that, what a joke.

i got it, i really i do.
**** HER
she ain't worth the effort.
458 · Apr 2015
Drop It!
DC raw love Apr 2015
If we could only see things through and forget
We seem to keep these ill feelings of only regret

Hurt and pain that we bring upon ourself
Self created things we keep upon our shelf

Hurt and pain can only come from the past
We carry these heavy burdens that seem to last

Secluding the mind only leads to depression
Figuring things out can lead to confession

Weather right or wrong or who did what
Life is to short to cry and fuss

Pull it together is what one must do
This life long adventure for me and you
458 · Mar 2015
break out
DC raw love Mar 2015
the skies have risen
and life starts to move

same thing
day in and day out

like ants in a ant farm
the streets are filled

the sounds of nothing
are now filled with sounds

everybody in a hustle mode
most morals are forgotten

from point a to point be
without a hello or a good bye

with only one mission
to get that paycheck
your fix

it can be such a revolving mess
trapped in a life you do not like

is it the job
is it the place
is it just your thing

you hear people talk about ******'s
but you are close to one in the same

running and hustling
here to there

life is to short
not to break out
457 · Apr 2015
My Best Friend
DC raw love Apr 2015
All my life I have been living on my own
Living well and yes having a few problems

I have always lived, knowing who God was
But never making him part of my life

As I have grown older
I have finally decided to start hanging out with him
He guides in a way that I have never expected

It is so cool, he is nothing like people portray him to be
He actually a really cool dude and we talk often

He differently knows how to have a good time
Some people want to meet my new friend, some don't

He tell's me Dave no big deal, I still got their back
He is such a good and loving man and ask nothing from me
Except to show real love and to help others

He has guided me in a way that you cannot believe
I still do a lot of the not so good things that I do
and he always forgives me

He is now my best friend and he has surrounded me with so many good people and has opened up many doors for me

Doors to success, wealth and gave me meaning
456 · Jan 2015
a killing love
DC raw love Jan 2015
stagering in your darkened rain of pain
slicken and soiled from your stains

with the skulls of your past lying in dirt
with these feelings of lonlyness, pain and hurt

as i look into your empty eyes
which show nothing but immortality of hate

stricken by the path of bones from your past
with empty  hearts scattered in  your trail of blood

i can only see that your only about pain and misery
which your feelings inside only comfort you with hurt

the only time you smile is from the death of a loved one
the times you cry is when no one loves you

why do you do the things that you do
why do you tell me that  *i love you
456 · Apr 2015
in the sun
DC raw love Apr 2015
in the land of milk and honey
getting things with illegal money

bling. bling
they get their things

Shining with gold
With no life to hold

Trying to look large
Like the one in charge

So they steal their stuff
And chase the dope

They do their dope
It's gives them hope

They don't know ****
Just a life with crypt

Pow, Pow goes the gun
Another one dies in the sun
456 · Jun 2015
I remember, I wondered
DC raw love Jun 2015
I remember when I first saw you....
I wondered if I could love you....

I remember when we first talked....
I wondered if you liked me...

I remember when we first dated....
I wondered if you would kiss me...

I remember when we first kissed...
I wondered if you could love me...

I remember when you told me you loved me...
I wondered if you would marry me.....

I remember when I asked you to marry me...
I wondered how I could show you my love....

I remember when we consummated our marriage...
I wondered about raising our children together...

I remember when we had our first child...
I wondered how much more I loved you.....

I will always remember our life as we grow old,
and never wonder about our love......
455 · Mar 2015
Hell Bent
DC raw love Mar 2015
My mind is strong, still sometimes weak
Emotionally stable, yet my heart still aches

As I try to find my equilibrium
My head again is now ******* on straight

I have been ******* in love so many times
But I don't want to leave this world all alone

I don't want to ride on this wave forever
And watch these storms evaporate

With their Medusa smiles with their Judas lips
So just crucify me, as you see fit

Love bites, so I repent
And I will always be

Hell Bent
455 · Dec 2014
Falling In Love
DC raw love Dec 2014
a night of passion,
from a girl I fell in love with

from the second I saw her,
a chased her for days

i finally met her,
i wined her and dined her

we made passionate love,
for hours upon hours

yet now she is gone,
and i can’t find her

i don’t know where to go,
as sickness sets in

so I go back to sleep,
to find her in my dreams

she was only a dream,
i have come to learn

so my days are spent sleeping,
to find that one dream
455 · Sep 2016
DC raw love Sep 2016
To a life,
that's hard to control....

To the children,
we support and mold....

To the peace,
we try to find....

To the hardship,
and all the good times....

As we try,
to figure out our life....

There's things we thought,
we would never try....

From falling in love,
when you know it's not right...

Are things we can't control
because it comes from the heart...

Is it fate...
Is it serpindipity....

These things in life,
are hard to fake....

We live our life,
for love and faith....

To the things we never thought,
could happen in a million years....

Now I'm trapped,
with a love I can't fake...
454 · Mar 2017
DC raw love Mar 2017
From the times you dance...
To the times you prance..

For the attraction you want...
To your ego which is a stance.....

From the beauty you hold...
To the life you mold..

To keep my attention...
You stray for resentment...

To make sure I love...
For the puzzles you solve...

Which is not my intention...
To make you feel unloved...

I am your man...
And you are my lady...

The things we can conquer,
and never be shady...

With one thing in mind...
To keep you mine..
DC raw love Jan 2015
ini mini miny moe
this girl ****** me she's got to go

one potato, two potato
three potato, four
someone told me that girl was a *****

ika, ika, iki
my grandma told your grandma
that the girl has aids

hot potato, hot potato
what do i do

3, 6, 9
i'll go drink wine

i'll go lay my body
on the street car line

and hope i go to heaven
in a little row boat
453 · Mar 2015
silhouette of a dream
DC raw love Mar 2015
Living in a silhouette of a dream
I can only follow the image in darkness
That lies before me

As I wake to start a new day
My head is scrambled from the night
Only to follow the lies in my dreams
453 · Mar 2015
gluten for punishment
DC raw love Mar 2015
When I think about love and passion
I always find myself hurting and crashing

Full of bumps, bruises and nothing but the blues
Makes me think of my life as the same old news

Deciphering between being the victim
or committing the crime leaves me blind

With nothing else to do but think of myself
I have a quick discussion about the circumstances

I have only been through way to many times
And has drawn the same conclusion every time

I am a gluten for punishment, and enjoy it
452 · Jul 2017
Why Must I
DC raw love Jul 2017
Why must I learn,
only to learn and learn again...

Why must I sit in the rain,
to only feel the droplets of pain...

Why must I hurt,
if I could of only have learned first....

Why must I cry,
to feel and wonder why...

Why must I dream,
to be happy yet still lost...

Why must I run,
when life feels so fun....

Why must I first trip,
to feel I can catch that grip...

Why must I feel lost,
to turn to God and his cross...

Why must I sin,
only to begin again...

Why must I love,
to fulfill the heart...
452 · Feb 2015
crosses on the spoon
DC raw love Feb 2015
Memories  on the wall
falling of the wagon of ****

the faster i run
the faster it comes

scary is on the wall
i don't want to take that fall

i need to find a place to
pass it over

no other place
makes me feel so jaded

crosses on the surface
on my spoons

black is all i feel
is that what it means to be free

degradation is what i bring to myself
to feel that unwanted love flow

i am only beside myself
trading feeling with myself

flowing in though my veins
makes me real

can i ever be free

from those crosses
on the surface of my spoon
452 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
I have crimson eye's in moonless skies
I bleed from my conscience and steal from the dead

I play with fear and runs with hate
I never think it's over, it's never to late

I creeps through the night and hide during the day
I play these games of fright and hate

I make people cry and wishes them for dead
I'll give up a life because I'm already dead

I'll travel the world just to find you
I'll teach you sin just to know you

Your life will go nowhere
Your feelings will be dead

You'll love my ways they always do
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways

You never think that you learn my ways
But you came to me, not i to you
451 · Mar 2015
The Jail House Poet
DC raw love Mar 2015
The jail house poets life is a busy one
Creativity comes from everything
The sounds, the people, the surroundings, his life

His pens and paper for which he needs
Is gathered endlessly through hidden deals
They have to be hidden from the guards and search teams
Deals are illegal in jail and straight to "the box" you go
* the box a 8' x 10' ft concrete room, let out only 30 min twice weekly, you stay there for 1 month*

His days consist of deals for the ones who hear about him
In jail the call him AKA The Professor, AKA Dr Phil, AKA The Psychiatrist
He reads books, his favorite, the dictionary and the novels, the Executioner

He writes endlessly and treasures his writing with fear of losing them Strange to some, always asking, why all the writing bro, they then read
He now has another client, the lines build and the writings are produced

Writing 5 poems a day, everyday, some days more for is clientele.
He had no worries for his following was was large and was always paid
I was lock up for illegal investments which they could not prove. I had to wait it out until the depositions were done, and guess what, out of the 5 people deppoed no one showed, But it took awhile. I started writing July 2014 and I don't have a clue to what I am doing. This is me on HP
451 · May 2017
DC raw love May 2017
I'm just a puppet,
in your show...

Pull my strings,
and lets go...

I can say,
the things u wanta hear...

I can say,
hey lets play...

I can be your smile,
I can be ur laugh...

But we will always know,
that im the one in control..

I set the tone,
and u set the mood...

Is it the things we do...
Or is it because i love u...

Termoil and comotion,
what's the right potion...

Love or hate,
what makes it great...
450 · Feb 2015
my agenda
DC raw love Feb 2015
If you don't know ask
No question is a dumb question

The words Yes & No
Are complete sentences
no need to explain

your thoughts are your own
your life is always second

be your own person
who cares what other people think

if you do nothing wrong
**** them

stay real
never put up a front
never lie

live to help someone
show that you care

if you need help
i can find it for you, seriously

i always open my mouth
step in if something is wrong

i talk a lot
I carry a wise mind

i am somewhat demanding
i don't mean to be overpowering, but I sometimes do

i don't *******
i keep it real

I diffidently know what i'm doing
I don't play games

And I am no better the the next person
I just follow a different agenda

love another
449 · Mar 2015
Cruel Punishment
DC raw love Mar 2015
He finds himself on his 6th birthday
Shaken in a darkened corner
Hoping for a small sign of anything
A sound of a key jiggling the hasp lock
Wondering if this is his punishment or hell
Looking for a passage to another life
Darkness seems to reign over his life
He constantly cry's out "why" to no one
Which echos in his head endlessly
He try's to gather his fears to deal with them
His fears become his never ending thoughts
Could his fears be his fear
Stuck in this dark corner
Which holds him like a magnet
Learning his worst fear
Dark Corners and locked doors
Which was his daily punishment as a child

Older in life I sometimes find him crying in a corner
With the door closed and the light off
Only to know of his fear
Which still traps him to this day
He is now 45

He was punished for not blowing out all the candles
These things happen to many
I could tell you stories that
you would not believe
me, all I got was a leather belt
or willow tree branch
448 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
Talk about it
Let the lights flash
Deep within
Thoughts process
You think
You may do
Uncertainties stop you
But emotions drive you
Take your time
You may fall
But always

Believe in Yourself
and have
Stay Real
447 · Apr 2015
Cycle of life
DC raw love Apr 2015
To live
is your life

To grow
is your fight

To feel
is to know

To want
is your need

To love
is to hurt

To cry
is to bleed

To die
is the end
DC raw love Feb 2015
I got a little women
who looks so fine

I got a little women
who stays drunk all the time

I got a little woman
who steals all the time

I got a little who
who I ball all the time

I got a little women
who won't be true

She's my little street corner girl
447 · Dec 2014
racing mind
DC raw love Dec 2014
Do you ever close your eyes
and your mind starts to race

You try to make it stop
But it's no where in sight

So we try change thoughts
But it stuck in one gear

That train of thought
Of something you fear

We clinch our eyes
To make it stop

We have no luck
It's stuck in our thoughts

We try to sleep
But it's just to deep

We think about love
But have no luck

This racing mind
It drives me crazy

Until the problem solved
It stays in my head
447 · Jun 2015
Falling in Love
DC raw love Jun 2015
Just when one goes through so many hearts...
Just when one feels that they can never love again...
Just when one builds their wall that is to be periment....
Just when one feels they can never feel that first love feeling....

It then happens!!!

I would never think and I never had a clue....

I guess in life anything is possible.

I always figured I had a better chance of winning the lotto....
There are always mutuals things that two like about each other....
Then finding a girl that cares for you, yet likes some opposite things....

When you find this person, never let them go.......
Ge to really understand that person.....
Tell them your real feelings......
Break out your skeletons...
Hold back nothing........
Play no games.....
Show love.....
Be real....

You know......
When it is right......
Any two can fall in love.....
If it is meant to be, it will happen......
446 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
I look to the sky's
for a brook by the river

With tangerine figures
And marshmallow sky

With a monkey on horseback
And a tree upside down

No one here knows me
I have roots that frown

With little green people
Holding there figures

As people call them
One of a kind

With a pool of chocolate
With people drinking it with straws

With a light on a mountain
Shining from a bright gold lantern

Everyone reaching for
Nothing at all

As I look in the mirror
To see an elation

My minds playing tricks
With kids in the sky

Everyone tells me
That there's a song on the hill top
Singing somethings out there

Wait I need Tom Leary's
Help once more
LSD trip
445 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
As i try to grow my state of mind
I feel like a endless tasteless vine

As i try to bare sweet tasting fruits
My heart is soured by the roots

As my soil has been cultivated
realizing that i have been regenerated

As i try to produce sweet loving fruits
It has all been spoiled from my roots
443 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014




443 · Feb 2015
synchronicity or deja vu
DC raw love Feb 2015
if it happens together
if it happened before

what is the difference
are the feelings the same

both were not knowing
but felt like something

i know this happen before
could this be going on now

was it you
was it them

what is it
that leave us bewildered

not knowing
or wanting to know

of what

if we never knew
why should we know

it 's a never ending thought
that will always pop up
442 · Mar 2015
Under Pressure
DC raw love Mar 2015
Pressure in your life
Where does it come from

Does it come with your job
Is it supporting your family

Does it come from love
Does it come from hate

Is it your anxiety
That uneasy feeling

Can you turn a blind eye to it
Can you feel it coming in the air

Do you feel like you drowning
And no one will lend you a hand

Are you pressured to do something
Are you pressured to finish something

Is it self inflicted pressure
From pier pressure
Is it just life's pressure's
442 · Dec 2014
Hotel California
DC raw love Dec 2014
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Any time of year
You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,
Please bring me my wine
He said, We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say
What a nice surprise
Bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
she said, We are all just prisoners here, of our own device
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't **** the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave! "
The Eagles
442 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
Two things you must
Balance out in life

Attitude and a good sense of feelings
442 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
nothing left within, I've been mined
to hell and back again

i've been digging down inside
i will start again

but the truth is so unkind
what do you know, how low the sky

you might think you know me
i know **** well you don't

iou might think you own me
i know **** well you don't

buried my heart, cannot go this alone
and I might think you love me

but I know **** well you don't
bring all your lies leave them deep in the dirt

pull down my eyes
lay me deep in the earth

441 · Dec 2014
Prison Pen
DC raw love Dec 2014




440 · Nov 2014
the circus life
DC raw love Nov 2014
A place to visit
This 3 ring circus

A circus of fools
Entertainment no tools

A place to stay
But to many fools

We begin to hate
All the right rules

It's never ending
This place of fools

We hate to love
And no one cares

The day I'm going
My love will be there
440 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
A death
Someone hurting
A love gone bad

Things that make us feel
Things that make us sad

He'll be with me forever
She is so sick
He said he loved me

The feelings you hate

It's part of life
We sometimes learn

What makes them better
Will they go away

Only time will tell
So give it hell

Beat your fears
Never let go

You'll find your meaning
It's within your soal

Always remember we all grow old
439 · Apr 2015
Timothy Leary
DC raw love Apr 2015
A tisket, a tasket
a green and yellow basket

filled with things for a mind of bliss
just reach in and start your trip

a sugar cube just  so sweet
laced with Mr Leary's magic feat

It will take you on a trip that is so cool
**** will happen that will make you a fool

You will laugh so hard you'll bend your knees
You'll see every color to the fullest extrem

**** will happen beyond you dreams
things will melt and things will grow

It is a trip like you will never know
439 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
I only react softly in anger
I only persecute the persecutor
I only lie to the lier
I only hurt the hurter
I only hate the hater
I only cause pain to the deserving
I only love the one's who love
439 · May 2015
To the Ladies
DC raw love May 2015
There would never be a King, if there was not a Queen.

DC raw love Mar 2015
She was so beautiful and what a body
Something brought us together

The night of excitement
Before our first date

How we laughed while drinking
How she looked at me

Oh how good it felt
Maybe a match made in heaven

Finally a girl not like the others
Two good to be true

As the night was coming to the end
Passionately kissing she wanted to come in

She went to the restroom
And I could see her ******* in the mirror
What a body she had

Everyone know's what happen next
We woke and she kissed me bye
With a I'll call you later

She did call later that day
Her words, I already had a thought

A sweet first hello and straight to the point
Can you please pay my power bill

Without hesitation, of course I will
But always remember
I played you, you don't play me
*True story, except I was not excited about the date,
it's the same old song and dance,
she was very hot,
but hotties are a dime a dozen*
438 · Jan 2015
sex trade
DC raw love Jan 2015
She cries everyday before work.
Selling her body for money and only fifteen.

Left on her own since ten.
Never knowing love of a family.

She lays faceless, getting ******* by dirt.
No life for a child, that's all she is.

This sounds so sad yet very true.
It will be a life we never knew.

These days are getting worse.
With men ******* eight year old girls

*** slaves, *** trading in our homeland.
Put an end to this *** trend.
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