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438 · Mar 2015
Believe What You Will
DC raw love Mar 2015
Without God

The word


Is only a mere word
DC raw love Nov 2014
Things we do, we never know.
We talk to complain and all about you.
You think its a game
You don't know what to do
After awhile, it's all up to you
I thought it was a way to get affection from you
You told me you didn't love me
So I said I'd get you
So I took my own life
Not knowing what to do
Always remember your life's up to you
437 · Jul 2015
DC raw love Jul 2015
To live
To die

To be free
To fly

To dream
To cry

To lies

Bewildered thoughts
Secluded mind

Wanting happiness
Not to be sad inside

Heaven to hell
Hell to heaven

Finding Faith

A time machine
We create

Wanting love
Never hate
Is our life
For us to take

Create a path
From life's mistakes

It's your life
It goes quite fast

Simple things
Forget surreal

Material things
Are no big deal

Love in life
True to one

Melting together
Is heaven after

Find that one
Never let go

We have one life
That we must make
436 · Dec 2014
My City New Orleans
DC raw love Dec 2014
As I walk my city streets at night
Back in New Orleans

Since Katrina has passed

A new life to begin
With a touching heart

With the PROJECT’S now gone
Now turned into CONDO’S

For the white rich to live
Who feel no sorrow

The blacks have been beaten
From the life that they know

Only to find happiness
With a new place to go

As I wonder my city streets
Bourbon and Orleans
Is the place for me

A place that never stops
The parties of parties

It’s my home town
The place I want to be
435 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
fighting for life
with pain and misery
he tells me he beats me
so one day i can be free
he says it because he cares
but yet he hits me
he hits me back because he can
he lies and laughs and has no friends
he say he kicks me
out of love
he then calls me *****
and to hit him back
he then tries to throw me
but he's just to fat
he leaves me black and blue
then tells me, he loves me
is it because of his anger
or because of his hate
did anyone try to tell him
to live another way
435 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
I notice in life that we sometimes forget to dream. I mean dream about what you want out of life.

Are most people afraid of falling short,
being overwhelmed or they just don't try.

My definanition of dreaming is not about money, it's about life.

What makes you feel the feelings you never had before.

It's sometimes natural to feel that somethings can't be reached.

But if you don't try it will never happen.

I love the saying "Chase Your Dream", it is so true.

I've already accomplished a lot of my dreams that brought me happiness. But there were no feeling involved.

Life is to short not to dream.

Always love your dream and it will come true. With dreams comes passion.

This is something that is lifelong fullfilling.

These can be simple things, such as:
Your own home...
A fancy car...
Yet that's surreal.....

Real dreams,
Your god given talent....
An artist
Your own business
To help our youth

Never give up, never lose sight of your dream. As long as you set your mind straight you can accomplish just about anything you want.
434 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
if you are a dreamer

you have much more then others

non dreamers
non believers

so when you dream



you will never fail
434 · Mar 2015
Invisible Sun
DC raw love Mar 2015
I don't want to spend the rest of my life
Looking down the barrel of an Armalite

I don't want to spend the rest of my days
Keeping out of trouble like the soldiers say

I don't want to spend my time in hell
Looking at the walls of a prison cell

I don't ever want to play the part
Of a statistic on a government chart

It's dark all day and it glows all night
Factory smoke and acetylene light

I face the day with me head caved in
Looking like something that the cat brought in

And they're only going to change this place
By killing everybody in the human race

They would **** me for a cigarette
But I don't even wanna die just yet

There has to be an invisible sun
It gives its heat to everyone

There has to be an invisible sun
That gives us hope when the whole day's done
433 · Feb 2015
Dan 3/22/1968 - 8/24/1995
DC raw love Feb 2015
he fronted his happiness
as he hurt inside

he hid his tears
with a smile

when was in pain
he would laugh

he hid under his pillow
for days on end

he would sneak, early in the morning,
to eat, fearful of others
yet he lived alone

he shot his father
20 years ago
and his father forgave him

loved ones would tell him
your very much loved

this man was my best friend
he was a true genius

honestly, he was not far
behind Gates and Jobs

he tried killing himself
multable times

he started to see a shrink
and the day came

he was sitting, waiting, ontime
an hour had past

so he decided to go for a walk
an deliberately walk in front of a
fully loaded dump truck

to end his paim
that he could not overcome
he was my very good friend
433 · Mar 2015
A perk in life
DC raw love Mar 2015
Butterfly's, that make me high.
Tingles I get, when you say hi..
Emotions of love, make me sigh...
Uncontrollable feelings, upon the sky's....  
I life without you, could lead me to die.....
I thought of you, and I forget what hurts......
I life with you, shall be my perk.......
433 · Apr 2015
DC raw love Apr 2015
Reckless moments in my life
Come from not thinking and spite
432 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
The road traveled to you is a hard one
Covered in shattered glass from your past
I have already been cut and bleed for you
For I am only a shadow that follows
DC raw love Dec 2014
Who is God ?
Who is this man called Jesus Christ ?
What is an Angel ?
What is worship ?
Where are they ?
When will I know ?
How will they tell me ?
Who am I ?
Why ?

I am not a very religious person
but these are my answers.

Who is God, God is love.
Who is Jesus Christ, he is understanding and reasoning.
What is as angel, they are helpers from god without feelings.
What is worship, worship is being thankful always.
Were are they, they are in your heart and spirit.
When will I know, is when you smile everyday without worry.
How will they tell me, is when you cry tears of joy.
Who am I, you are flesh controlled by mind or spirit.
Why, because it's love with reasoning and understanding.
raw love
431 · Mar 2015
Being Real
DC raw love Mar 2015
if I share a my thoughts
would you read them to the end

if you like me will you be my friend
if I say hey, would you chat back

you don't know me
so can you cut me some slack

i hold no punches, i keep it real
i sometimes talk ****, that's who I am

i once had emotion, but they ran away
i once knew happy, but forgot the meaning

i sometimes cry when I laugh
i only frown when I'm sad

i am wise to life, because life was hard
I know hurt, from being alone

i learned about love
from being crushed

i know drugs and how they ****
they were part of my life, I now let them be

no one can tell me
how tough life can be

i've seen people die
right before my eyes

i've been to prison
where you fight for your life

now that you know me
will you still be my friend

i am one who stands up
for my friends
I take no ****!
431 · Feb 2015
will I stay or say goodbye
DC raw love Feb 2015
I have
one pocket full of dreams
one pocket full of darkness

I have
one ear that hears truth
one ear that hears lies

I have
memories of years
memories of tears

I have
one eye that trust you
one eye that doesn't

I have
one arm that will hold you
one arm that will let you go

I have
thoughts of love
thoughts of hurt

I have
feelings of joy
feeling of pain

i have
part me that wants to stay
part of me that wants to leave

what do I do
what do I try

will I stay
or say goodbye
430 · Jan 2015
passing love
DC raw love Jan 2015
when i sit here and think about our life
the times we had were so much fun

the times we laughed
the times we cried

things always change as we get older

the lines in our face
our gray colored hair

but the love you bring me
will always be there

this life we have
with our children that grow

will take our place in life
to carry our name

a reflection of us
with our loving ways
430 · Nov 2014
Satin's Truth or Dare
DC raw love Nov 2014
as you grow, i'm always there
it always starts, truth or dare
you may not think, i start from there

as you grow, you do what's taught
you never think, were it starts

as you grow, you break away
never thinking, whats the right way

you begin to want, material things
never knowing, how to do the right thing

i'm your power, you love it so
i'll get you things, you'll never know

i've always wished, i could take your heart
i thank you know, for giving me a start

as you grow, you know know different
as i've become, your only freind

i'm always there, when your asleep
i'm in your mind, so be descrete

as we play, mind astray
you forget the things, you could of had

you may not think, but i'm always there
you never learn, you make me happy
do it over, i'll make you happy

now you love me, pain beware
now your mine, i'm always there

you should of thought
truth or dare
430 · Mar 2015
the broken hearted
DC raw love Mar 2015
Take my hand and come with me
I will take you to a place you will never see

I will take your heart at the start
I will show you love you never thought

You will laugh
You will have fun
You will fall in love

I will make you feel secure
You will forget about other men

We will be passionate
We will be together

And then it happens
You tell me you love me

I then become confused
I start to distant myself
I become cold, not knowing why

What is it that scares me from love
Of course I love women
And there were many

A path of broken hearts
That comes from the broken hearted
429 · Jan 2015
my sacrafice
DC raw love Jan 2015
Hello my friend we meet again
It's been awhile where should we begin
Feels like forever

With in my heart are memories
Our perfect love that you gave me
Oh I remember

When your with me, I am free
I'm careless, I believe

Above all others we fly
This brings tears to my eyes

We've seen our shares of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around

In an instant

It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and within your mind

Lets find peace there
My sacrifice
429 · Dec 2014
escaping ways
DC raw love Dec 2014
when life escapes you, it's hard to look back
the life you had, is now your past

those times are now meaningless
those feelings of pain, will go away

it was your own decision
to leave the life you had

to be a dreamer, is one thing we all have
so live your life of escaping ways

to find a life, to live your way
429 · Apr 2015
Word's of Wisdom #8
DC raw love Apr 2015

Friends are not forever.
Whoever said that lied.

When you stop helping friends and start helping yourself you become the enemy. A true friend will help you become successful.

The wrong friend will give you the pistol and watch you sink yourself.
Wake up friends and understand you are not the only one with problems.

You cant help somebody when you need help yourself.
Before you get mad at a friend for not helping you.

Ask yourself what can you do to help yourself.
We all have dreams and ambitions so what makes yours more important.

Stop expecting people to put their life on hold to get yours straight.
Get your own house clean before you try to clean another...

Have a Blessed Day..
428 · Dec 2014
Down In A Hole
DC raw love Dec 2014
Bury me softly in this womb
I kept this part of me from you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers
In a tomb... in bloom

Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart I decorate it like a grave
Well you don't understand who they
Thought I was supposed to be
Look at me now I'm a man
Who won't let himself be

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
I'd like to fly,
But my wings have been so denied

Down in a hole and they've put all
The stones in their place
I've eaten the sun so my tongue
Has been burned of the taste
I have been guilty
Of kicking myself in the teeth
I will speak no more
Of my feelings beneath

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
I'd like to fly but my
Wings have been so denied

Bury me softly in this womb
Oh I want to be inside of you
I give this part of me for you
Oh I want to be inside of you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers
Oh I want to be inside of you
In a tomb... in bloom
Oh I want to be inside...

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, outta control
I'd like to fly but my
Wings have been so denied
Words of Layne Staley, fighting his addiction
DC raw love Jun 2015
If you say it will be a great day, it will be a great day....
If you say it will be a bad day, it will be a bad day....
If you say you will be rich, then you will be rich....
If you say you are poor, then you will be poor....
If you say you are happy, you will be happy.....
If you say you are sad, you will be sad.....
If you are a humble person, doors will open.....
If you are a selfish person, doors will close.....
If you are stressed, try to shake it off......
Yes it is hard, (take B-12 daily)
I can beat these thoughts to death,
so i will keep it short........
Life is much shorter then most think....
What is important is to be grateful everyday...
Be thankful for life every day when you wake...
If you can't understand this,
the your stuck in a hole, the rut of life.
All I can suggest to one is to read
1 Corinthians: 13 "LOVE"
427 · Jan 2015
conjure of sacrifice
DC raw love Jan 2015
It is time, Lord
From the dry dust
Out of these chains
From the Devil's house

It is time, Lord
To take me
From the dry dust
Break me
From these chains
Bring me
From the Devil's house

Take me out of darkness
Walk me out of blindness
Lift me out of sadness
Save me from my ******-ness

Please, Lord
It is time, Lord
426 · Feb 2015
Will I ever love again
DC raw love Feb 2015
Will this pain ever go away
Will I ever love again
Is that even possible

When does the hurt stop
Is there a time limit
does it have to fade away

Why do I always
picture her with someone else
is the image burned in my mind

Why can't I eat
Why do I cry

Will it ever stop
Will it ever get better

Will I ever love again
I'm good
Heart Broken many, many years ago
Only Once
I think it's because I have never found anyone like her
426 · Sep 2015
Rollercoaster of Life
DC raw love Sep 2015
The secrets that one keeps...
The lies that one will tell....

The fears that controls one....
The tears that hold one...

How one's life is controlled,
from one's past....

How one's life,
goes so fast....

From love to heartache......
From joy to pain.....

From living a lie.....
To living in sin...

From sad to happy.....
From tears to cheers...

A life long adventurer,
for many years....

From the things we've done,
to the things we will do....

This roller coaster ride,
for me and you.....
426 · Mar 2015
Crazy Glue
DC raw love Mar 2015
A broken heart can only be fixed with crazy glue
425 · Jan 2015
walmart red tag special
DC raw love Jan 2015
two for the price of one
center isle, center store
top shelf

just reach up
both hands
it's heavy
grab it tight
it will never run out
always in stock
it's gone fast

find it
need help
there's plenty help
find it
it's right next to sin

you finally found it
wasn't that hard
now take that love
it's free
424 · Nov 2015
Where's the Answer
DC raw love Nov 2015
Everything is hazy,
living in these times....

Everything is crazy,
feeling almost blind...

Where are the answers,
to bring this life alive...

They all tell me,
that I must live this life....

Find those feelings,
to bring your life alive...

Looking for the answers,
that tells you who you are...

The things you say....
The things you do...

Defines who you are....

No one seems real,
and plays those ****** up games...

People live in drama,
which makes life a shame...

Watch what the words you say,
the meaning will hold true...

Live your life in freedom...
Let nothing hold you down..

Dream for what you want...
Dreams do come true...

You may stumble,
but hold your head up high...

Never having all the answers,
but you sometimes you must learn....

Life will find you,
and will tell you who you are.
424 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
A single tear drop
In your eye

Never thinking or
Wondering why

Is it trust
Is it a must

Never knowing
That it was trust

You let me know
In different ways

You give me signs
To make me trust

The more we trust
The more we cry

Tears of happiness
In our eyes
424 · Feb 2015
your children
DC raw love Feb 2015
guide your children
because the answer lies in you

what is their life for
it's to have meaning
it's to have love
it's to be cared for
it's to be taught

it needs to be guided
it needs affection

is see their soul
their heart's to play

we all live under the rain
they need to be cherished

like gold and fine jewels
i feel it in my heart
i see it in my years

i felt it in my tears
for many years
when i was very young

my heart is with all

i sometimes feel angry
i sometimes feel helpless
i sometimes feel violent

because it saddens me
of what i see in this society
423 · Feb 2015
i try to find love
DC raw love Feb 2015
I  have'd love them, then left them
i don't mean to hurt them
but it's either me or them

have i been poisoned
from my past
and now leave a path

somewhere in the back of my mind
i realize that i cannot trust myself

i try to love and try to hide my past
i have loved so many

i hurt inside from being separated
from my own feelings

can i ever find someone
other then thinking of myself

it's a long, long, fight
i do say so myself

because i have known myself
longer than i have known them

both day and night
423 · Mar 2015
What is Love
DC raw love Mar 2015
The feelings of love are so wonderful
But when the newness fades away, does the romancing stop

Do the word "I love you" still have their true meaning
Do the looks of passion change to looks of disparity
Do the words "let's do something together' mean go on you own

Things do seem to be comfortable, but if you do not show real love
Sometimes things happen, sometimes

Interest in another for something different, from the lack of feelings
Your lives become separated and you individualize, yet still together
Time passes, your just another face in the room, a hello and a good bye

Just some thoughts, I let so many go and one that was very special
I do ponder at times about past loves, would I do anything different

Probably not then, but maybe now?
423 · Mar 2015
Sea of Love
DC raw love Mar 2015
Just a bit of pain at  sea
Just another pin *****

You say there is a new love is on the horizon

The pain is now gone
Seven miles have past

You say she will have turquoise eye's

You shift sails to a new destination
You know were you can find gold

And you now only see an open ocean

You now sail into the wind
You are cold and hungry

Trying to find anything

The sails have now rotten to nothing
You have given up hope

You are now lost in the
Sea of Love
423 · Mar 2015
About You
DC raw love Mar 2015
As I lay in bed
All I can hear is
Every breath I take
Every click of the clock
Every time my heart beats

Every single thought is about you

As I sleep, as I dream
it is always about  you

As I wake as i feel
Every waking moment
is all about you

how much i love you
422 · Jan 2016
Fading Love
DC raw love Jan 2016
It so hard to breath,
when I say I want to leave....

My heart hurts so,
when I see your tears......

A life without you,
brings up my inner fears.....

Even though it's time to go,
lets make it slow.....

We've tried so many times,
which causes us to lose our minds......

If faithfulness would last,
we would never have to talk trash.....

When I look at you,
I can only see through you.....

With only a glimpse of our past,
is why I tried to make it last.....

But your actions today,
give me no reason to stay.....

Your love I hold dear,
which will only fade away.....

This is to you and to me,
to find love another way.....
422 · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015

422 · Mar 2015
your darkest hour
DC raw love Mar 2015
just another lesson to learn
another bridge to fall
in your darkest hour

feeling of disbelief
make you want to holler
in your darkest hour

no way to climb it
no way to hide it
in your darkest hour

fight it head on or cry about it
but it won't go away
your darkest hour
421 · Jun 2015
DC raw love Jun 2015
every situation
has good and bad

lifestyles and fashion
looking for fame

sunshine and rain
beauty then pain

grief and sorrow
reasons for blame

jealousy and envy
start the games

resentment and anger
cause the hurt

words from the mouth
should never speak doubt

forgiveness in life
is hard for most

where love and compassion
is all of God's work
421 · Oct 2016
Heart and Soul
DC raw love Oct 2016
Thickened stars,
to moonless nights...

To the creator,
that we sometimes fight....

Like black and white,
to love and freight....

With feelings of love...
To feelings of hate....

To the wars in this world,
to death and faith...

Is there a god,
or is he a fake....

Does satin exist,
or is it only a myth...

With time and matter,
to the clock on the wall....

When is time right,
or does it exist at all...

Like feelings and emotions,
to the loss of control...

Is love the option,
to the heart and soul....
421 · Jan 2015
your things
DC raw love Jan 2015
Everyone has

Pet peeves

We all have our ways
420 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014






419 · Dec 2014
The Hood Sad but True
DC raw love Dec 2014
as the autumn sun
fades into the night

with a mild breeze
blowing through oak tree leaves

as little black children
run the streets with no shoes

crying for a home
they cannot find

sick from withdrawals
there mother is out
selling her body

to meet the dope man
around the block

while a man gets shot
within her sight

without a blink of her eye
it’s just another day

another day in the hood
raw love
419 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
So you think you have power and
an overwhelming force

Does that make you better
better then me

You may have money
But what is your life

Is it your controlling features
That make up your life

You make yourself rich
From taking from the poor

Does it make you happy
Ever time you score

Life will catch up
From your controlling ways

You will end up poor
In a life of hate
419 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
I took a walk around the world
To ease my troubled mind

I left my body lying somewhere
In the sands of time

But I watched the world float
To the dark side of the moon

I feel there is nothing I can do

After all I knew it had to be
Something to do with you

I really don’t mind what happens now and then
As long as you’ll be my friend at the end

If I’m alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand

I’ll keep you by my side
With my superhuman might

You called me strong,
You called me weak

But still your secrets I will keep
You took for granted all the times

I never let you down
You stumbled in and bumped your head

If not for me then you'd be dead
I picked you up and put you back on solid ground
Three Door Down
419 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
The covenant of our father's
The antiquities from our past
The scrolls with words of wisdom
The lighting in our past

Buried in ancient times
Myths from the past
Artifacts under water
History is our past

Demeaned never to be found
In a world that is still unknown
With their own dreams and delusions
They destroy them in these days

What was once made for a reason
Was meant to stay sacred
What is now stored and old
Will send them to their grave
ISIS is destroying antiquities from ancient times and selling them on the black market, these items can never be replaced.
418 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
The feelings in life,
are never constant.

The meaning is there,
but always different.

The things we hear.
The things we say.

Sometimes we listen.
Sometimes we care.

Do we talk with meaning?
Do we talk with care?

Most people think.
Life is unfair.

There are constant things.
I feel in the air.

Were, will they take me.
Is why I care.

Think with your Mind.
But use your Heart.

Keep in mind.
We all have feelings.

One thing we have.
That will never change.

The LOVE you have.
Is always the same.
raw love
417 · Jan 2015
slow suicide
DC raw love Jan 2015
Young man, its time to wake up.
Your love affair with death has got to go.

From many long years, you have to rake up.
The Leaves from the past.

Slow suicide is no way to go.

Blue, colored gray days
Dizzy weakend by the haze
Infection is not a phase

The cracks and lines from where you failed.
They make an easy man to read.

For all those times you bleed.
For a little peace from God you plea and beg

Your not a fake now, so wake up.
Now is your time not to go.
417 · Jan 2015
challange, read below
DC raw love Jan 2015
I've read 1000 upon 1000 of poems
Where I see not many write about God

I challenge you all, to write about God.

In your own words and you can scream it out loud

In the beginning

It started with Adam and Eve.
There was then Noah, follewed by Moses.

They have,
Songs of Solomon
Is poetry about life

Along with the rest of the old testament

Major and Minor Prophet's
Along with the history of God

Now to the new testament
Where we have the following

Letters to the church
Along with the gospals
Where Jesus speaks to you
And you see how he lived
With his words of silence

Now we have Revalations
What a strange place
So many creatures
That will **** the human race

Me, I'm by far not Godly
I curse and I sin
I desire flesh of women
But I try to live his ways

I know many things
About our God
I do read the bible
And sometimes out loud

Yes, I have been reborn
Still figuring it out

But I'm one of God's creatures
And that's without a doubt
If someone can help I do not know how to get it to a site were these challenges go to
417 · Mar 2017
Get what you want
DC raw love Mar 2017
Thoughts are like the wind,
they constantly change....

Emotions are crazier,
then a roller coaster...

The meek,
the mild,
are the ones to keep...

To feel,
to hurt,
to the pain we keep...

From times of joy,
with times of passion...

What is the reason,
when life crashes...

To the sick..
To the hurting
To losing a dream...

Don't give up on life,
don't put up a front....

Keep life in check,
and get what you want...
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