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1.6k · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
If I talk with the tongues of men and even of angels, but if I do not love people, then I am only like the sound of a big horn or a loud bell.

If I speak words from God, if I can understand all secrets, and know everything, if I can move mountains by believing, but if I do not love people, I am nothing, even though I can do all of these things.

If I give away all I have, and if I give my body to be burned, but if I do not love people, I get nothing out of it.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. Love is not proud and does not boast.

Love does not do things that are not nice. Love does not just think of itself.

Love does not get angry. Love holds no wrong feelings in the heart.

Love is not glad when people do wrong things. But it is always glad when they do right.

Love forgives everything. Love is always trusting, and always hoping, and never gives up.

Love never ends. The gift of speaking words from God will end. The gift of speaking in different tongues or languages will stop. The gift of knowing many things will end.

Now we know only a little, and we can speak only a little of God's words.
But when everything becomes perfect, that part will come to an end.

When I was a child, I talked like a child. I understood like a child. I thought like a child. But when I became a man, I stopped doing things like a child.

Now it is like looking in a looking-glass which does not make things clear.

We cannot see and understand things plainly. But when things become perfect, then we shall fully know and understand everything, just as God knows.

These three things will remain for ever. They are faith, hope, and love. And love is the greatest of them.
1.6k · Apr 2015
DC raw love Apr 2015
How can one know me
If they have never been in my head

How can one tell me what to do
If they do not know where I have been

How can one speak for me
If they do not know what I am thinking

How can one talk about me
If they do not no who I am

You do not know me
So who are you to judge me
DC raw love Jan 2015
Dear Everyone,

Most should know me past from my writings, most know that I was an addict, in prison, lonely at times, heart aches, I've been trough a lot including death of loves ones.

But do you pay attention to my writings about goals, dreams, to inspire, teach, motivate. I just don't talk about it, I follow through, which I hope everyone learns to do one day. If your doing it know, my hats off to you.

I have been having trouble getting a job because I am a convicted felon. That only inspired me to talk with God which had changed my way of thinking. I had a dream 2 weeks ago to open up my knowledge from the past. I was very successful in the energy field, to help fight global warming while reducing energy cost. I've been working 24/7 since that conversation.

My company is now  real but the opening is postponed because of new ideas. I have been approached by many investors, so me and my team has decided to go public with our stocks. I want to open four offices, Alexandria, Lafayette, Baton Rouge at one time.  And by year two New Orleans where I  I will have my Corporate office.

I don't tell you this to boast, but to inspire, especially our youth. I always tell them to dream big and you will never fail. Most don't understand, how sad.  Is that the parents these day don't teach this, just simple say my child if you dream it may come true one day. Tell them to simply dream about a new bike and provide it for them, don't have them earn it. These dreams will always grow year after year. Every day we get older and your children will leave from under your wing. Prepare for this world in the simplest ways and they will be prepared to step out in life.

Remember DREAM BIG and you will never fail.



My hats off to my Marketing guru & genius , "Gailforcewinds".

this is very real

I really miss being on this site. ****, I've posted over 700 writings in 2 months and read 1000's/
Energy Specialty Solutions Inc.
Consulting Firm

Founder, CEO, President

Note: Web site launch date. ask Gailforcewinds, that's her department.
She does such a great job.
1.5k · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014

raw love
global impact ministries
1.5k · Jan 2015
levels of about life
DC raw love Jan 2015
Do you ever think of the levels of life
What does this means, it means to adjust you life.

Adjust to your passions
Adjust to your goals

Control your body
Your mind and your soal

Adjust to the life of another
It could be someone just like your mother

Don't ever put your self on a pedestal
And think that your better

This will get you no where
Because no one cares

Adjust your life and show that you care
With these thoughts you can go anywhere
1.5k · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
I took my love and took it down
Climbed a mountain and then turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

I've been afraid of changing
Cause I've built my life around one
Time makes me bolder
As I am getting older

Will this landslide bring me down
1.5k · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
As she whispers
Razor into my ears

It cuts straight to my heart
As she manipulates me

She say's she loves me
As she stabs my heart

Then she twists it in
As she steals my heart

She guides me with a leash
She says you better listen

She plays these games
That crush my heart

Why does she do this
Do this to me

Why do I live
This life of misery
It does happen
1.5k · Nov 2015
Sex Slaves
DC raw love Nov 2015
She was a girl,
with no place to go.....

Walking the streets,
because that's all she knows....

She sells her body,
to anyone for money.....

Twenty for a *******,
fifty for a lay.....

Enough to get her dope,
So she won't be sick for the day....

With a pump by her side,
she gives him her money.

But it's not enough,
so he beats her everyday....

Yet, does she feel secure,
or just scared everyday....

Day to day she ***** away,
a *** slave in America....

As her life knows,
no other way....
1.5k · Dec 2014
Sewing your Ties
DC raw love Dec 2014
I'll sew my seed
for GOD is in me

bless the recievers
as God has blessed me

GOD will watch over us
as i watch over others

in their time of need
and in their times of sorrow

forgiveness they want
forgiveness they have

and GOD wants no one
no one sad

so give up your ties
have them come from your heart

bless the recievers
bless the givers

for i have compassion
for the true meaning of love
raw love
1.5k · Mar 2015
Dignity and Pride
DC raw love Mar 2015
Two words
Two different meanings
But they are often used wrongly

Dignity and Pride
If you truly do not understand them
They only can get you in trouble

Ways of earning true respect

It's not about the way you dress
It's not about what you have

That's called surreal
Big on the outside, phony on the inside

Gaining respect is about what you do for others
If you can build something, a family, a business, a community
And show everyone respect on the way

Respect is returned and you will be known
You will be a dignified individual
and people will be proud to know you

That is my definition
Dignity and Pride
Have confidence in one's self
1.5k · Dec 2014
the 4 horseman
DC raw love Dec 2014
Is it the mind or body

Is it the mind or body

Is it real or an illusion
Is it population control
or is it part of Government economics

What started this
Was it God or Satin

Was it made in a lab
Or an experiment gone bad

Is it the first of the four horseman
Revelations: 6

The white horse, pestilence
The red horse, victory, war
The pale horse, famine
The black horse, death

Is this something that's real
Think about what's going on in this world

Ebola, ISIS, North Korea,
And now Russia on the verge of collapsing

Think about it
1.4k · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
a hug, a kiss
signs of affection

a tear, a smile
things that are small

a walk with hands
held so lightly

a laugh, a touch
without ever thinking

the things that you do
i notice them always

your hair, your smell
makes me crazy

our calls, we talk
brings me excitement

the love we share
will always be there

the time will come
when we'll be together

i want you to know
i'll always love you
1.4k · Oct 2015
DC raw love Oct 2015
Cinderella, Cinderella, take my hand,
take me to never never land....

A place so beautiful,
where love can be found....

Cinderella, Cinderella, take my hand,
lets run off together in this unsought land.....

Is love our reason.....
Is love our fate....

Cinderella, Cinderella, take my hand,
your so beautiful with a life to give.....

If I had one slipper,
could you love me.....

Cinderella, Cinderella, take my hand,
lets run off together before our time ends.....

Is this a dream,
that will tell my tale.....
1.4k · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
I took my love and took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

I've been afraid of changing
I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older

I'm getting older too
Fleetwood Mac
1.4k · Dec 2014
Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
DC raw love Dec 2014
“Snow White” was her name
And dope was her game

The ring leader of seven
Which none will go to heaven

A magic mirror she kept
With an apple beside her bed

A mirror for snorting
An apple for pleasure

The ring she led
Of people so sad

“Doc” the pill mill doctor
With “Grumpy” who’s sad

“Happy” full of ecstasy
With “Sleepy” so high

“Bashful” wanting forgiveness
With “Sneezey” wanting to die

With “*****” so happy
Because he’s high all the time

As the fronts not paid
“Snow White” was mad

Bit into the apple of pleasure
Over dosed instead
Say no to DRUGS!!!!!!!!
Raw Love
1.4k · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
like a empty sea shell
she was  so beautiful

looking down on herself
not understanding her ways

always putting herself down
then crying trying to understand why
and then not knows why she cries

while three always discuss
directing her final decisions

split personalities
fight daily
love daily
hurt daily

she can never figure things out
yet hold a relationship

but how gorgeous she is

how unhappy she is
how vibrant she is
how lonely she is

one wants to fight
one wants to stay
one wants to leave

never knowing
what she will do next

she hides from everyone
yet she is never alone
It is now acknowledged that these dissociated states are not fully mature personalities, but rather they represent a disjointed sense of identity. With the amnesia typically associated with dissociative identity disorder, different identity states remember different aspects of autobiographical information. There is usually a "host" personality within the individual, who identifies with the person's real name. Ironically, the host personality is usually unaware of the presence of other personalities.
1.3k · May 2016
3 Words "I Love You"
DC raw love May 2016
As the morning sun,
kisses the dew....

I wonder if I'll hear the words,
I love you....

These three words,
we cannot take lightly.....

Yet some people will use them,
that does not understand the true meaning....

These words are sometimes used,
to get what you want.....

These words are sometimes used,
to put up a front.....

These words are sometimes used,
by the insecure one....

These words are sometimes used,
by the passionate one....

I Love You.......
3 words...

Better shown then said.....
Feelings that hold us....
Yet can mess with your head....

Words so true,
that can quickly turn blue....

Words so true,
that we cannot control....

Words so true,
that starts with two....

Plain and simple.....
Real love knows no hurt....

Real love,
comes from god above....

Real love is given,
and expects no return...

Real love is patient....
Real love is kind...
Real love is not self seeking....
Real love does not boost....
Real love endures all.....
1.3k · Nov 2014
Good Morning my Freinds
DC raw love Nov 2014
Good morning my friends
my fellow writer
there come a need
when we need to holler
we share our feelings
we share out thoughts
good morning world
thats just the start
1.3k · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
as i sit here and plot yout every move
i love you and you don't have a clue

i watch you daily
i love your smile

i love these feelings you bring me inside

i can only look, because i'm shy
you don't look back, which angers my eyes

i dream about you, as i look in your window
you go to the store and i open the door

when you go to lunch, i'm always watching
when you kiss another, i get mad as hell

you don't even know me, so why do i feel this way
your something i want, that i can't have

if i can't have you, no one else will
1.3k · Dec 2014
Childhood Poems
DC raw love Dec 2014
3, 6, 9

Three, six, nine
The goose drank wine
The monkey chewed tobacco
On the street car line
The line broke
The monkey got choked and
They all went to heaven
In a little row boat

On top of spaghetti

On top of spaghetti
All cover with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed
It rolled off of the table
And On to the floor
Then my poor meatball
Rolled out of the door
It rolled to the garden
And under a bush
We then had
A meatball bush

Birdie, Birdie**

Birdie, Birdie
In the sky
Why up do that
In my eye
Aren’t you glad
That cow’s can’t fly
Fun for kids
1.3k · Jun 2015
Deceiving Eyes
DC raw love Jun 2015
Deceiving eyes can tell a tale
About life that can be so frail

These eyes they can see in you,
to hide your lie's, through their eyes

Yet these **** eyes can catch your life
of one who is deep, one to be sold

The lies that can tell, to make things right
Can makes life thin, to keep things right

You say you’ll tell no one
But only one person knows

The things that ya’ll know
Is something ya’ll hold

Your deceiving eyes tell so many tales
of a mysterious life, of curious ways
1.3k · Mar 2015
not a pretender
DC raw love Mar 2015
What if
you cared
Would you
Keep me
In the dark

Break out
your skeletons
your hurt
from your past

what if
i said
your not
like the others

in times
of the
so untold
it's now
just another story

clear those
voices inside
your head
i am not the enemy

but i
am the one
who is
not a
1.3k · Dec 2014
2:00 am Dec 25, 2015
DC raw love Dec 2014
i woke to the sounds of my 25 year old nephew
playing a video game with his roomy loud as ****

everyone could hear them even his kid

he told his son Santa is coming so go to sleep
yet he continued his game loud as ****

not bothering me i went to the computer
turned it on and could not log in

eating Santa 's cookies and drinking his milk
his kid came to me crying, what about Santa

i said i have it covered i just text Santa
i got him a ****** so he will defiantly come

only three, not understanding he ran to his bed
and quit his crying with joy in his eyes

i now unpack his gifts and putting them
under the tree

he will now find his dreams
under that tree
1.3k · Dec 2014
I Don't Love You
DC raw love Dec 2014
She looked bewildered and baffled
When I told her, I don't love you

Do you understand
Do you see the picture
Do I need to spell it

Watch my lips
She had some nerve telling me what to do. I hate attitude!
1.2k · Feb 2015
world of persecution
DC raw love Feb 2015
why do I never get a answer
when I'm knocking at the door

i have a 1000 million questions
about hate, killings and war

where can I find all the answers
to make my thoughts complete

in a world of persecution
does anyone hold the key

I am just looking for a miracle in my life
can you see what this does to me

turning gray in the morning
with tears in my eyes

of a world that I will never know
in a world where I will grow old
1.2k · Mar 2015
Have You Ever
DC raw love Mar 2015
We sometimes look at someone who needs salvation
We sometimes look at someone who needs hope
We sometimes look at someone who needs a shoulder
We sometimes look at someone who needs help
We sometimes look at someone who needs a push
We sometimes look at someone who brings up the past
We sometimes look at someone who is lonely
We sometimes look at someone who cries
We sometimes look at someone who wants to die
We sometimes look at someone who needs love

Me, at one time in my life I needed everyone of them
1.2k · Dec 2014
The Happy Challenge
DC raw love Dec 2014
I don't care what anyone thinks
but i don't want to offend
so i'll leave it at:

My Family
Beautiful Women
Love Making
Different Positions
Hidden Vacations
Expensive Restaurants
My Cars
My Boats
Scuba Diving
My House
New Orleans Saints
My Toys
My Game Room
Poker with Freinds
Old School Music
Strip Clubs
Drug Free

Actually i'm always happy and don't know the word complain
1.2k · Nov 2014
Stairway To Heaven
DC raw love Nov 2014
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.

And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
1.2k · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015




1.2k · Apr 2015
Love again
DC raw love Apr 2015
If I only could
If I only would
If I only should

Love again

Could I
Would I
Should I

Love again
1.2k · Dec 2016
DC raw love Dec 2016
Secrets as a chlid,
are done for fun...

Yet secrets in life,
can lead one to a gun...

Secrets that one hides,
can only lead to dispise...

Secrets we hold,
as we grow old...

Secrets we feel,
cant always be healed...

Secrets between two,
of love so true...

Secrets about ***,
is always the best...

Secrets that hurt,
come from the dirt...

Yet secrets of two,
are held by me and you...
1.2k · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
When were mislead
from our conscience

Who's to blame
Our heart or mind

Is our decisions made
from our past or what's to be

contemplations, rationalizations
Good vs bad the pro's and con's

So many way's to decide

Do you pray
Do you cry
Do you ask someone

All I can say is its your decision
If your not sure, it's easy

Just put it in God's hands
1.2k · Feb 2015
A runaway fire
DC raw love Feb 2015
Our runaway thoughts of dreams
leads us to believe

Our hopes of make believe
Our runaway fainting thoughts of life
leads us to search and denial

With a fight chance in life
Our runaway thoughts of deliverance
Only leads us to

A runaway fire
1.2k · Dec 2014
Real Emotions
DC raw love Dec 2014
How can we describe real emotions
I would guess it would be different for everyone
Poets as our selves may do it through our writings

Could poetry be hiding our emotions from other
Expressing or emotions to one’s we don’t know
or is it
Our emotions sometimes flow through words

We some feel emotions from heart ache
A death of a loved one
Is that sadness or brief emotions

When and where do we finally find real emotions’
Yes I have had many heart aches and loved ones die
But those emotions fade away

Real Emotions
Can we describe, no
We can only live them

I feel emotions come from real happiness and joy
A real love of life with a great family
They may even come through God

Anger, hate, depression, anxiety, resentment
Is not emotions they are feelings

Feelings you think about
Emotions you don’t

If I am wrong please comment
1.2k · Mar 2015
the hurt in me
DC raw love Mar 2015
She would judged me, by my footprints I left in the mud
She would only look at me, through a pain of glass
She would never touche me, she thinks i'm cold
She would never listen to me, only to others
She would only talk to me, with her tears
She may have loved me, if she knew me
She never knew, the hurt in me
1.1k · Nov 2016
New era too tall
DC raw love Nov 2016
From the flutter,
of the butterfly's wings...

To the pain,
of the bee's sting....

Things we see....
Things we feel...

The things in life,
are very real...

From the atomic bomb...
To the earth that trembles....

Can end the lives of many,
with new life to plentish....

Nevertheless I am love also a rush
My cheeks flushed and eyes ******

Meet a keepsake on hush
When I big bad wolf Billy goat gruff

Hide ya goat and hide sheep laid-off
The time at hand as sky cabinet on off

Power invested Light switched on an off
Witches Twitches super stitches goof off

Class clown and toughest in the crowd
Rastafarian smoke loud but proud

Follow the crowd a d mean while
Laugh out loud and count cash pile
1.1k · Nov 2014
Four Letter Women
DC raw love Nov 2014
four letter women
how you make my life today

four letter women
how you take my hard earned pay

four letter women
how you make me feel today

four letter women
why can't i let you go

four letter women
why do i think of you so

for letter women
how you take my breath away

four letter women
how i need you in bed

for letter women
you drive me INSANE
1.1k · Dec 2014
Love or Sex
DC raw love Dec 2014
With the touch of her flesh

The sweat on the small of her back

The sent of her body

The looks she gives me

The ways she sighs

Within her eyes

With passions of Love
or is it
Passions of ***
1.1k · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
How does one know their destiny

Is it something we think or Dream
Is it a goal or a challenge

Or does our destiny change everyday

We always sometimes say,

This is my destiny,
to be poor
to be rich
to be famous
to be loved


We all reach our destiny

The inevitable or necessary fate
to which a particular person or thing is destined

A predetermined course of events
considered as something beyond human power or control

The power of thought to predetermine events

Your destiny is now

The past is gone
and the future is not here

Your destiny will change always
1.1k · Jan 2015
better off dead
DC raw love Jan 2015
chasing foolish lies
please someone save me

faceless passive time
yet i fight this battle alone

no one to cry to
no place to call home

my gift is selfish pride
privacy is my rage

yet i find repeating lies in my head
can i ever be my own person

or would i be better off dead
1.1k · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
as i sit here and write
a lot about life
about dreams

we still make things up
to follow our dreams

dreams from the day
dreams from the night
dreams from illusions
is what makes me write

i sometimes think to hard
but dreaming afar

pen to paper
it then just flows

with feelings of passion
along with madness
along with emotions

with writings afar
1.1k · Dec 2014
My Garbage
DC raw love Dec 2014
i'll take you for a ride
in my garbage truck

i'll take you to the dump
because i an't clean

i'll show you my past
from my garbage truck

you see out there
in that pretty dump
thats all of my past

do you like
my garbage truck
1.0k · Nov 2014
she drives me crazy
DC raw love Nov 2014
She describes her feelings
With her eyes
She describes her emotions
With her body
She brings me fear
With her ears
Her lips are sentual
That makes me think
Her smell drives me crazy
I lose it all
My passion then arises
And I want her so
This feeling of passion
I can't let it go
1.0k · May 2015
DC raw love May 2015
As I travel down this gravel road of life, a gem will one day be found.
1.0k · Apr 2015
Whats Trending
DC raw love Apr 2015
Isn't it funny how things trend

The latest, men's jeans is on a comeback
I didn't know they left

Indiana Jones,
what's up with that,
is it a name for people to do crazy ****

Amazing birds,
I have been amazed with birds all my life,
I wish I could fly and **** on people.

Carne De MiCarne,
A fancy word for Barbecue
I like the back yard barbecue,
I can pronounce that.

Women tax,
is that like black tax,
they should be charged
with all the money I spent on females

the famous controversy
the blue and white dress
or is it black and gold
what the **** do I care
i don't wear dresses

why do when I follow the directions
it never comes out the same as the picture
I eat enough as it is already

TV Shows
The food network, just make me hungry
How it 's made, why do I care
CNN news, they can beat a dead horse to death
The UFO channel, haven't seen a flying object yet,
except when a girl may through something at me

Gadget's & TV infomercials
They drive me up the wall and they never work
that's why they give you a bonus
5 for 1 price

Don't want to drag this out so here is the last one

What's up with black girl names
shaqunda, liqunta, shaletta, and so on

Just last week I found out that a young black poet
named Sha'Condria "iCon" Sibley had wrote a poem about this.
It went viral, the Dailey show talked about it,
The Washington Post wrote about it
between twitter, youtube and instagram
she got over a million hits

Check it out on youtube it's called
Little black girls with long names

My hat is off to her and I respect her
for taking Poetry to the next level for us

Thanks for all the chatting and writings,
you guys and gals are great here on HP
1.0k · Nov 2014
Fantast World
DC raw love Nov 2014
Both the rich man and the poor man
Live in this fantasy world

The rich man wants more
While the poor man wants hope

More for anything
Nothing for hope

The rich man knows evil
While poor man knows hope

The rich man cries
While the poor man smiles

His confusing ways
With his tarnished eyes

All the poor man wants
Is to have hope from within

To hope for another
To fulfill his simple ways
1.0k · Mar 2015
Baggage Claim
DC raw love Mar 2015
There are many different size suitcases
Where a little to a lot is carried

Somethings new and pretty
Somethings old and depressing

Yet all from the past

We sometimes try to lose our baggage
We sometimes try to find our baggage

I just recently found my luggage
and what I found in side was


I have learned now
That if my baggage is lost

It's better off lost
1.0k · Dec 2014
Flute of Serenity
DC raw love Dec 2014
the flute of serenity
such a beautiful sound
when your alone a sound of sounds

with a soft harmony
so relaxing
so peaceful

made from nothing
filled with air

a song of feelings
that will take you anywhere

you think about life
you want to be there

this everlasting soud
of hope and care
raw love
1.0k · Feb 2015
Global Warming
DC raw love Feb 2015
in the midnight sun
in the ice and the snow
in the pole's that know one knows

time is defeating this whitening glow
depleting land with rising waters
of homes of life that we don't know

stricken sky's the hold the ray's
fossil fuels that burn them away

rising temperatures and colder days
lead the way of a life with haze

understand that this is true
not many know, but I really do

not in this life time many people say
so why should they care, so why be aware

this feeling of not caring, is a crock of ****
but what about your kids and their kids as well

the time is coming so best beware
do your part to fight Global Warming
1.0k · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
who does one really put their trust in
if anyone at all

what makes us trust someone
do you feel you can trust someone

most of us can't even trust ourselves
yet think about putting trust in another


reliance on the integrity,

confident expectation of something, hope
a person on whom or thing on which one relies

the obligation or responsibility imposed
on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed
a position of trust

charge, custody, or care
to leave valuables in someone's trust

my trust comes from one


my trust in him
gives me trust
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