What does it take to open someones eye's
What actually makes someone change
Does it have to be from seeing hurt in another
Does it come from health issues in yourself
Does it come from a lack of money
Does it come from a death
Do you eye's not need opening
Is there no reason for change
Is your life a routine
Comfortable in life
Have everything you want
Why can't it can't change from the heart
Just look around, see what's going on in this world
You say you will not make a difference
Same old cliche, heard it a thousand times
Make a difference
Me, I am in a new place, clean for only 9 months, yet, in my community I have already met with the mayor, director of community services, the Chief of police and some volunteer services. Everybody is coming together and listening to each other. I have everything I need, money, my own business, house cars, so I always ask myself why and all I can think of is because it's needed. I do not want my community to be another Ferguson.