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Oct 2016 · 572
Hot Sauce
DC raw love Oct 2016
A tree has fallen,
in this world of bliss....

The black cat crawling,
among life's tricks...

A poisoned mind,
from what the media spits....

Two jet airliners,
crash brick by brick...

Jets then fly,
and people will die....

Like the burnt at the steak
Witches burnt offering breaks

Proactive earthquake
Tremors trembling late

Cleopatra's Alexander the great
Cut the road and then brakes

Dead cold hearted ache
Sleep with one eye open awake

Apocalypse last days great
Ultimately intimidating fate

I watch the story unfolds at 8:88
AM OR PM with a crate

Meanwhile I'll wait
Like mobster I'm MADE

U seen happy face
Voodoo Mardi Gras mask grace
Sep 2016 · 309
DC raw love Sep 2016
As the drama thickens,
people like to listen..

A plot has been drawn,
which each assume their own...

A storeies has been told,
that will soon grow old.....

People love the drama,
and love to see hurt....

They should worry about,
their own lives....

Because jeliousy and envy,
is their only reason for hurt.
Sep 2016 · 269
Book of the Heart
DC raw love Sep 2016
If your heart was an open book,
how would it read...

Would it talk about,
the times you were deceived...


Would it talk about,
the times of loved you received...

Would it be about,
pain and hurt....


Would it be about,
love of life for what it's worth...

This book of the heart.....

Is it filled with,
tears of fear....


Love and joy...

This book of the heart....

Is it stained with blood,


Covered in gold...

One thing true,
about this book of the heart....

You are the narrator,
of your book of the heart....
Sep 2016 · 582
Signs of Life
DC raw love Sep 2016
Sitting in a moon lit night,
were the stars are so bright....

Tucked away from the city lights,
give a whole other meaning....

Gives a wonderful array,
of stars in the night....

If you've never laid on your back,
and watched darkness so busy....

Thing so unbelievable,
you feel it's a dream....

You see signs of life.....
Satalites in the sky....
UFO's were nothing grows old.....

The Milky Way...
Orion's belt

Dreamers and believers...
The young and the old...

Will always look to the sky's,
for signs of life....
Sep 2016 · 560
Life and Meaning
DC raw love Sep 2016
Crimson sky's,
and moonless night...

Dreary days,
leave me in a daze...

Thoughtless moments,
I can never find....

Grander illusions,
fill my mind...

Like a penny on the floor,
most pick it up....

Wishing for something,
when they find it heads up.....

Yet a strager being hurt,
most will walk by....

Life and meaning,
what does it mean....

Like a turning river,
it has its reason...

Sometimes things,
are not meant to be changed..

But if thought out correctly,
change is healthy...
Sep 2016 · 465
Love Storey
DC raw love Sep 2016
A storey of love....

She's black.....
I am white....

She's beautiful....
I'm old and very wise....

From the beginning,
We knew it was right....

She had a man,
yet we had a plan...

Take it day by day,
is all we could say....

Yet our love would grow deep...
As we fulfilled each others needs...

The time did come,
when she would move in...

It was an awesome time,
that I'll never forget....

The haters they came
and wedged us away....

We are still close,
and that's all I can say..
Sep 2016 · 349
DC raw love Sep 2016
Spring time flowers....
With roadside bombs...

Rays of sunshine....
As bullets fly....

Beautiful sunsets..
As bombs fill the sky....

Fighting for religion,
Is why people die....

Their promised 40 virgins,
which is their compromise....

The innocent burned in cages,
and drowned in the sea...

Some are beheaded,
some cut in half...

Children crying,
seeing death not toys...

Things inhumane,
why must this be....

With every second of the clock,
someone drops...

Wars in this world,
so crazy, so old...

It dates back in time,
from the beginning of mankind....
Sep 2016 · 277
Red Moon
DC raw love Sep 2016
Son's of God's...
Loaded guns....

Unstable minds....
Nothing kind...

Freaks of nature....
Bad behavior....

Earth quakes and tidal waves...
Change the play...

Death and destruction.....
Many graves....

Liberal news....
Washes the mind...

Lies and deception...
From hollow minds...

War and bloodshed....
All for religion....

For a piece of land...
The holy ground....

To the devil....
Who sits and watches..

Laughing at life....
As death tolls tally....

Will it stop....
Will it end...

When the moon turns red....
You'll know it's the end...
Sep 2016 · 284
DC raw love Sep 2016
As the hours,
turn to days....

And the days
turn to weeks....

The love we once held,
is hard to keep...

It will always be there,
just stored away....

She did what she did,
just for her kids....

Now we're trapped in time,
which holds the answers...

Feeling empty inside,
from the real love we shared...

Nobody knows why two,
fall in love....

Only the two in love,
know they followed their heart...

She is black and beautiful,
let's not forget smart....

He is white older and caring,
and they fell in love from the start...

The two are linked in,
which no one can understand....

She says it's fate....
He says serpindipity...

Whatever the reason,
the two fell in love...

There's plenty of haters,
that pushed them apart...

The ones that know them,
can see their love...

I'll always be there for her,
because it's her time....

I'll hold on to these times,
and one day she'll be mine...
Sep 2016 · 589
DC raw love Sep 2016
From a crippled thought,
that resides in our mind...

Stone encriptions,
from far away times.....

The sinking sun,
the rising moon...

The pressures on earth,
of love and gloom....

A world with no war....
Would mean a world with no religion...

So, if there is a god,
then peace should be easy...

From the minerals they seek....
To the poison they spread.....

It's blood for gold,
that's harvested on earth...

For control of the almighty dollar,
they seek to keep one in grief....

There is a world order,
that dates back in time....

If you would learn the blood line,
you would be surprised.....

The banks will be controled,
possibly by one....

Now marshall law,
can play it's part....

It may come into play,
and one day be law..
Sep 2016 · 429
DC raw love Sep 2016
To a life,
that's hard to control....

To the children,
we support and mold....

To the peace,
we try to find....

To the hardship,
and all the good times....

As we try,
to figure out our life....

There's things we thought,
we would never try....

From falling in love,
when you know it's not right...

Are things we can't control
because it comes from the heart...

Is it fate...
Is it serpindipity....

These things in life,
are hard to fake....

We live our life,
for love and faith....

To the things we never thought,
could happen in a million years....

Now I'm trapped,
with a love I can't fake...
Aug 2016 · 518
No Girls Land
DC raw love Aug 2016
It's a showdown,
in a no girl's land...

Come on devil,
I got a gun,
let's have some fun...

There's never a plan,
in no girl's land....

Also I am the drifting
Shifting astonishing

Sound clerafying
Inside dull dying

Drive is inclining
Street corner climbing

I am rythym still smiling
Front row front porch reclining

Future promising
Rose and candles piling

Harsh pile in
Pack the club stylin

I'm Royal and wildin
WiLDing out now and theN

Now and later and stay again
Aug 2016 · 347
Has our time come..
DC raw love Aug 2016
The inner light....
The darkened soul....

Crafty things,
peace behold....

Hard times come,
and hard times go....

Loving feelings,
we try to control....

The shifting moons,
with the UFO's....

Falling trees,
are the people that die...

Collision course,
learn to fly....

Tanks are moving,
guns in the sky...

Drones are watching,
eyes in the sky....

Wars of religion,
are why they die.....

The day will come,
from a dark red sun....

It's the end of the world,
has our time come...
Aug 2016 · 518
Life's Ups and Downs
DC raw love Aug 2016
To the heart,
that sometimes aches so.....

To the girl,
that caused the heart ache....

To the hurt,
that we learn to deal with...

I thank her,
for the love she gave me....

To the disappointment,
from things we couldn't work out...

To the people who stare,
who did not understand us...

To the haters,
who achieved their goal....

To the stake,
that was driven between us...

I thank them,
for ******* up my life....

To the girl,
who I will always remember...

To the good times,
which we had were many....

To the times,
she went out of her way for me...

To the times,
I could be there for her...

Are the times,
that will be hard to forget...
Aug 2016 · 300
DC raw love Aug 2016
Love is always a gamble...
There's a lot of feelings at stake...

We play our cards,
hoping the outcome will be right...

It might be my best hand,
but I'm scared and might fold..

Wanting to win her love,
you take a gamble....

The eyes that are on you,
hope things aren't right...

Is this your last chance,
or do u play to the end...

So I write about my though life
Give the strike and pad gripe

So right is right a rewrite
So wrong that wrong is Right

But Armageddon will fight
And ignite the Force flight

The tank and rank politely
Hold the trigger tightly

Raining hard Thunder lightly
Then the Illuminati mighty

All powerful bush Al gore Kennedy
And natzii hover and **** telelepethy

I cause he'll diminishing
Deman and Angel thing

A d
Aug 2016 · 486
Until we die
DC raw love Aug 2016
Falsify your beliefs,
with a lacking heart..

Dream about love,
then stab the heart...

From a candle for light,
and oxygen it absorbs...

The night becomes cold,
as my mind begins to mold...

My thoughts of passion,
have now been sold...

Bought by the rich man,
who's lonely and cold...

He looks for the life,
of things he was told...

Was it a cold day in hell,
or the truth not told..

With the stars above,
that hold there glow...

There a shooting star,
and I wish for love...

Now just a whimpering thought,
from times gone by....

Life goes on,
until we die..
Aug 2016 · 688
Is there a super hero
DC raw love Aug 2016
From the green goblin,
to superman....

To the *** on the street,
to the handy man...

With lives to be saved,
from hurt and pain...

Who can tell the ***,
he's not insane...

Is there a would be doctor,
that can cure hurt and pain...

With superman to the rescue,
he is slightly distracted....

There's a naked girl in the window,
planning her grave full of hurt and pain...

Superman is now Clark Kent,
with a storey to be made..

With death in the air,
and to the people who stare...

There's the handyman,
with a wrench in hand..

He has love in his heart,
but doesn't know where to start.

With the green goblyin on his way,
enjoying the freight..

Watching the crazy people,
full of delight...

Who can save this world,
from hurt and pain...

Is there a super hero,
that can make this claim..
Aug 2016 · 749
Andromeda orionde
DC raw love Aug 2016
So I wonder who killed JFK
Was it a man named hunger play
Movie predator and the pray
Simple action and meditate

Total hopeful and kinda delayed
And every murderer repaided
Believe Carma Cola faded
The first place designated

Time is at hand the last days
World War 3 in Trinity ways
Isreal in the east State stays
Stay and drop bombs and Jay's

Jordan the Illuminati create
Jordan and Nile river  cream mate..11.11
Ethiopian Princess great Great
Great grandpa SEeD DNA

Additional rest to retaliate
While u lie and legislate
Regulate revolver reinteirigate
Now game over checkmate

From Pluto to Mercury
And the planets inbetween
Through in some moons
And we'll make the trip clean

Going control to starship one
Your journey has just begun
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Blastoff your off to the stars

Is it a journey to find life
Or is it a journey to find a place to hide
With the heat of the sun upon my feet
I try to keep my starship neat

Now to the outer skirts of the milkyway
I think I see life or could it be a knife
This journey is killing me what a fight
Is the end or did I find life
Aug 2016 · 482
My shit is tighg
DC raw love Aug 2016
My **** is tight
My great white hype
X men gene grey light
50shade 555 grey
Apocalypse delay
Russia wars decays
Let take all day
Take three ways
Triple six man of cay
Stick figure draw play
But explain the ray
The rate and Illuminati rates
Blood sacrifice pray
Hollywood royalty pay
California flames of hell say
Scramble imagine always
I'm feeling myself I'm okay
Shallow smiles hurray
I'm a.Ali with bee spray
Aug 2016 · 208
DC raw love Aug 2016
As I feed the fire
of the undesirables...

I find myself,
drenched in water....

With only a life preserver,
to grasp on to...

I find the water beneath me,
to be laced with time...

The time I find stagnate,
that holds no truth..

As the air I breathe,
has me looking for the next...

I find it only to be,
a figment of my imagination..

I must first hold my breath,
to appreciate the air I breathe..

The body is a natural machine,
that changes in time...

Time which we cannot hold on to....
Yet time is the only thing we have...
Aug 2016 · 260
DC raw love Aug 2016
Twisted motions..
Lost emotions....

Fragile thoughts...
With a soft touch..

A light breeze,
feeling lost....

With a bread crumb trail...
My life is now become frail...

Two by two,
they'll come for you..

A place...
A time....

A lost moment,
that will never be found...

The hands on the clock,
no longer tell time...

They point to a place,
we try to find....

As you stare in the air,
we should always beware...

That the breath you take...
Just like the first..

Will be the same as the last...
Aug 2016 · 539
Is life real
DC raw love Aug 2016
Like a stone...
I feel alone...

Hoping for motion...
A glimpse of change...

A back wet ally....
Where the black cat strays....

Only a half moon....
As the night turns to day...

In the sun's rays,
I now begin to pray....

For a life,
that I cannot find....

Caught in a illusion,
where colors constantly change...

I dream about love,
but some call it ***...

As my life has become splintered....
I try not to hurt...

Hurt comes in only one form,
which eats at the heart...

I wait for it to pass.....
Only to know it's coming back...

With passion comes pain...
With hope comes let downs...

If I was a tree,
I could only fall....

Like a dog without a bark....
I could only moan...

So what can I do....
What can I say....

To feel that love,
I felt that very first day...
Aug 2016 · 454
DC raw love Aug 2016
Like a brilliant blue star....
Like a pearl in a blue sea...

Things of nature....
Things that are free....

From beauty and love....
From baby girl and me....

I life of happiness,
is what it will be....

To her baby's and love,
To what will be....

My girl is Jazzy
and that will always be...
Aug 2016 · 218
I hurt my girl
DC raw love Aug 2016
I know a lot about life...
I know what I want...

There things i need to learn...
About how to love right.  

I met a girl,
that took my heart...

And now that I ****** up,
I don't know where to start...

My feelings for her,
I hold very dear...

She is my life
and I want her near...

What can I do,
what can I say....

To get my baby girl,
to come my way...

I'll treat her like a princess or
a very rare jewel...

She's the only girl I want,
to let me in her life...
Aug 2016 · 326
Thought of ones Mind
DC raw love Aug 2016
As darkness sometimes consumes me,
I find it hard for my mind to think...

With little thought control,
my mind stays on the brink...

Like walking on razors,
with only acid to drink....

My mind stays parched,
as my feet always bleed....

With visions of demons,
dancing in my head...

I can feel the earth collapsing,
from the Illuminati

And also the space ship fleets
Never ending galaxy

Galaxy's phones and TV
IPhone I Cloud I float and see

Seeing is believing that the WWThree
Plus colaps of stock markets digit3

He sees he is I am that I am
U REcover read each cover and sheet

Sheets of snow sheets and Cover code
I break grounds and stereo mode

I famously Informed Information speech
Jul 2016 · 179
DC raw love Jul 2016
As darkness sometimes consumes me,
I find it hard for my mind to think...

With little thought control
Jul 2016 · 267
DC raw love Jul 2016
If I was to have a dream,
I would dream only of you....

If I was to have only one wish,
my wish would to be with you....

If I was to write a book,
it would only be about you....

If I was to paint a picture,
I would paint a life with you..
Jul 2016 · 501
For Real
DC raw love Jul 2016
Her beauty is so everlasting....
Her words are so real.....

The way she treats me,
cannot be described....

Our hearts are so linked in....
Were we know what our words always mean....

With bundles of joy,
that make our life....

This girl I know,
will one day....

Be my wife....
Jul 2016 · 333
DC raw love Jul 2016
When I see those tears in your eyes,
I often wonder what your trying to hide...

My love for you goes so deep,
nothing you say can make me leave.  

Our hurt from our past,
we must let go....

It can drive one crazy day by day,
and understand it's not your mistake....

Life is hard enough on your own,
let  one in that loving heart...

Things will change they always do....
Always remember I love you...
Jun 2016 · 561
The Moment
DC raw love Jun 2016
I sometimes feel so lost,
only to realize I have no place to go...

Can the past present itself,
in the future....

Or could the future,
be a glimpse of out past...

What is the moment.....
Is it a snapshot of time...

Something that's always there....
Yet always goes away....

You can never catch
or hold on to it....
Its gone once you do it....

How do we enjoy the moment,
once the moment is gone...

The moment changes,
with every tick of the clock....

Yet what does a clock,
have to do with time...

It's the sun and the moon,
that tells us what to do.....
Jun 2016 · 730
Value of Life
DC raw love Jun 2016
If I had the time,
I would make a perfect life....

How do we define time....

Is it the tick of the clock
or is it moment to moment....

When the heart is aching,
time seems to slow down.....

When your happy and laughing,
time seems to go very fast....

How does one define perfect....

You could have mad money,
and still be sad....

Yet it's the humble one,
that always stays glad....


As one they are the value of life....
Perception, reception, direction....

Set your path....
May 2016 · 321
I Don't Mind
DC raw love May 2016
I don't mind a life,
that will be kind...

I don't mind a life,
of trying to do right...

I do not mind a life,
full of love....

I do not mind a life,
that wants to help others...

I do not mind a life,
of joy and happiness....

I do not mind a life,
that has no pride....

I do not mind a life,
of forgiveness and hope....

Yet I can't picture a life,
without god....
May 2016 · 337
Love and Death
DC raw love May 2016
When I think about love,
I do not want to think about death....

Yet I just saw tears in one's eyes,
that was involved in one's life....

A girl only 30,
giving her new man a ride....

Caught a bullet in the chest,
that was not meant for her....

Her ***** must of been a punk,
to put her in that position....

Life at times is so hurtful,
it ***** with our head....

Two things that are real is,
Love and Death
May 2016 · 1.3k
3 Words "I Love You"
DC raw love May 2016
As the morning sun,
kisses the dew....

I wonder if I'll hear the words,
I love you....

These three words,
we cannot take lightly.....

Yet some people will use them,
that does not understand the true meaning....

These words are sometimes used,
to get what you want.....

These words are sometimes used,
to put up a front.....

These words are sometimes used,
by the insecure one....

These words are sometimes used,
by the passionate one....

I Love You.......
3 words...

Better shown then said.....
Feelings that hold us....
Yet can mess with your head....

Words so true,
that can quickly turn blue....

Words so true,
that we cannot control....

Words so true,
that starts with two....

Plain and simple.....
Real love knows no hurt....

Real love,
comes from god above....

Real love is given,
and expects no return...

Real love is patient....
Real love is kind...
Real love is not self seeking....
Real love does not boost....
Real love endures all.....
May 2016 · 689
One More
DC raw love May 2016
So the thoughts of one which can change us apart from Particles preposition apart preposition Conjunction function plus and accept dysfunction ..
May 2016 · 501
DC raw love May 2016
Deep into the thoughts of one's mind....
We look for a life that will be kind...

As the days change,
so does our thoughts....

A key to life is,
can one control ones mind....

How the mind changes,
from simple things,
to confusion....

Confusion can hold the mind,
and **** with the ability to think...

do you accept it
or change it.

What is life's real passion....
Just to be comfortable....

For some it's great....
For others it's giving up...

Controlling the mind...
Street smarts....

Strive for what you want out of life....
Choose your friends carefully....

And always keep god first....
May 2016 · 269
Mind to Heart
DC raw love May 2016
What are you willing to do,
to hear the words I love you....

What are you willing to feel,
to feel the feelings of love....

Thoughts of love from the mind,
gradually become controlled by the heart...
May 2016 · 324
To Whom It May Concern:
DC raw love May 2016
In life the expected,
and unexpected will always be...

The challenges in life,
is what sets us free....

Hurdles are hard,
which holds the mind....

Love and fate,
we can never fake.....

Friendship in life,
we should hold very dear....

There should only by tears of joy,
and never tears of pain....

I hold on only to the good,
and never the bad....

My thought are always with,
the one I can't have....
May 2016 · 241
DC raw love May 2016
~When tears fall~
~Are they tears of goodbye~
May 2016 · 289
DC raw love May 2016
The distance between two,
where vibes and feelings flow....

Like a scratched LP,
something that will ways be....

Sometimes distance brings two together....
Yet there will sometimes be stormy weather....

As we watch the hands on the clock,
wondering will it stop....

Feelings and flow,
we can never let go....

To drive is to strive,
for what you want....

To control your emotions,
is something very hard.....

It doesn't come from the mind....
It comes from the heart....

Were  the heart feels love,
and the mind thinks doubt...

When your eyes go closed,
where does your mind go...

That will close the distance,
between the space......
May 2016 · 482
Life's Curves
DC raw love May 2016
How can one be content,
if they know no different....

How can life change,
if your not willing to change....

How can one be real,
if they don't know how to feel...

Life throws many curves at one.....
The thing is can you adapt....

To hope is to believe....
To fear is to fail....

To love,
To hate,
To life and faith...

To God above,
to the ones we love...

**** will always happen...
The thing is......

How will you handle it.......
Apr 2016 · 260
Love and Doubt
DC raw love Apr 2016
How does one project their life....
Is it to be the one to always do right...

From our times of our sins...
To the times of forgiveness...

From our faith in God...
To learning about love...

This journey in life,
is to believe in your dream....

To the visions of what you want,
to get the things one needs.....

Weather it's a car,
a wife, a vacation from life.....

The same holds true for the poor,
that could be next to you....

The dream they hold,
will problem be simple....

Like a warm place to stay,
to pay the bills,
to something good to eat....

Visions and dreams...
Living you life....

The difference is,
One holds feels of love...
The other holds feelings of doubt...
Apr 2016 · 361
Love Song
DC raw love Apr 2016
When you listen to a love song,
what does it make you wants do...

It brings that smile to your face,
and you reminisce on love...

The love song ends,
and that love feeling fades away...

Reality sets in,
and the grind of life sets in....

The past of love,
the one we remember,
and the ones we forget....

The presence of love,
the true friends we have,
and the fam you hold....

The future of love,
something we dream about,
and you can always give....

No matter the song....
No matter the love....

It all comes from,
God above.....
Apr 2016 · 705
The Drama Tune
DC raw love Apr 2016
The drama in life,
comes in many different fashions...

The tune that your playing,
will be the song you will reap....

The dance moves you make,
will be the drama at stake....

If it's a love song,
the dance will always change...

If it's the blues you seek,
you will find yourself weak,

Now if you like to rock,
and listen to hip/hop....

Then your life will be real,
but keep off your heals...

Drama plays a roll,
in everyone's life...

So hold down that song,
and you can never go wrong....
Mar 2016 · 678
White in the Hood
DC raw love Mar 2016
How can I begin this true and yet very odd story... Do I begin it when I was a child, my adolescent years, teenager or get straight to the last two years.... Yet they would all tie this story together.... At present I'm sitting on my poarch, straight up in the hood "lower 3rd, Alexandria Louisiana... Back to more shortly... Back... Did I tell you that I am a 55 year old successful business man from Ft Myers, Florida... Oh by the way I was a functioning ****** addict for the majority of my life, sold mega dope... And I love black women... Let me tell you, if you haven't delt with southern hood black girl attitude, you ain't seen attitude....

How life goes on and how things change..... I met a girl that was something different, could it change my life or will it be a fight.... Friday night in the hood is a different life... From dinner at the country club.... To staying clear of a fight..... Living in the hood still feels right...

As times have changed, black girls these days hold their ***** tight.... It will always cost you change, so what else is new in life.... It can come very cheap or very costly depending on the game....
Mar 2016 · 284
Morning Thoughts
DC raw love Mar 2016
As I lay here and wonder on my back..... I try and keep my thoughts on fact...

The day I'll have, the night that will be,  is useally controlled only be me.... 

Some people will try to change your path.. It will only come from reasons of wrath....

So what one says and what one does.... Is not in our control, so don't feel foe...
Mar 2016 · 332
DC raw love Mar 2016
In the house of the Lord,
I pray to seek.....

To learn about love,
and how to help the weak.....

Some say I'm anointed,
for the mind a have.....

I have direction from God,
to get what I have....

It's not always about money....
It's the respect I have....

Not just for myself,
but for the ones in my path....

This poem I write,
I dont know why.....

I'm sitting in church,
absorbing the word.....
Mar 2016 · 324
Trying To Play Me
DC raw love Mar 2016
As you think your playing me....
I'm the one playing you....

To a fiddle tune,
that will mesmarize you.....

You make a move to benifit you....
I'll have you reach for a star and you wont have a clue...

It is a game,
so what's your next move...

You think you have options,
but it's always my move....

If it's something you want....
I'll throw you some change...

If it's feelings you seek,
I'm not that meek....

They'll give you a smile,
a kiss and a hug....

It takes more then that,
to get to my heart....

I'll play the game.....
I'll play the part...

I was the one in control,
right from the start....
Feb 2016 · 315
Fear of a winter night...
DC raw love Feb 2016
As the winter winds blow in the night.... I hear howling sounds with thoughts of freight.... With thoughts of pain and feelings of hurt.... I try to run but my legs won't work... Will my time come from a sharpened knife.... Could this be the end of my life..... Is it fear of the night that i hold.... Did it come from a dream that feels so cold.... These thoughts I feel keep me trapped.... Someone please wake me with a slap....
Jan 2016 · 533
As the city wakes
DC raw love Jan 2016
The darkened roads of the night,
Will soon see the morning light....

As I drive down the hwy of I-10
I see my old city as this trip will end..

It brings up thoughts of the past,
that quickly change to the future...

I am now in the city of New Orleans,
as I will soon begin to wake....

What's on the streets is the homeless, drunk and me....

I park in the french quartes and make sure not to get towed...

I wall to the river and what do i see....
Two young girls kissing on a bench...
A homeless man making no sense...
And a man on a bike without a life...

I then myself gaze upon the river,
As the sun comes up, so do my thoughts...

Watching the tugs push barges,
and the ship's filled with life...

It's a lonley romance the city life..
Yet filled with adventure for live of the night...

Sitting in the exact same place on the railroad tracks as a child...

It was 3 am in the morning, I was smoking *** and watching a recking ball, tear down Jax Brewrey for a mall.

Thought of the past how quick they come and go... How we lose them and choose them is not for me to decide...

Back to the streets as the city come alive... The city will now begin to strive...
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