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Apr 2019 · 380
DC raw love Apr 2019
Thinking back in time,
full of truth and full of lies.

Some come with happiness
and some come in decline.

There comes a time in life,
where we cannot hide.

The feelings of love,
trying to hold them inside.

With a *** full of emotions,
we never know what shines.

Some time feeling out of time
While feeling out of line

I feel the wind pass by
It could all be over in the twinkle of an eye

I might get besides myself and over this ride.

All sorts of emotions to hide,
I'm gonna lose my mind in time.

The truth is in the light
Who was wrong or right

Afraid to look behind you
I don't care who you talking to

Apologize for the wrong you done
The war and battle I won

Like I am the chosen one
I did it for Fame and fun
Dec 2017 · 473
Can it be the same
DC raw love Dec 2017
Truth be told,
yet it is never said...

Back off to prison,
so what was next to be said...

I had left my girl,
she said write me when u can....

Her feelings of love,
drifted off to other men...

Not even being gone,
for 3 months...

Her faithfulness,
could never hold true...

Men who wanted her,
she was willing to see...

She said it was the struggle,
Her reason for being with others..

I did get out that prison cell,
I know stay humble only wishing well..

I still see that girl,
but things are not the same...

Whatever direction I take,
can we put our life together....

Can things ever be the same,
or should I put an end to this game...
Aug 2017 · 603
DC raw love Aug 2017
As the falling star,
lies beneath my feet...

Has a life of love,
finally defeated me...

Crushed beyond words,
that would only be absurd...

Is when love can go right,
So why must it be a fight...

With love in the air,
and *** without a fight....

She was gone the next day,
yet I saw her that night...

Love is still in bloom,
after a year of fights...

Fights that were meaninglessness,
Without a showdown of doudt...

Will she return,
is what I yern...

For a life of love,
that keeps me above...
Jul 2017 · 501
Lost souls
DC raw love Jul 2017
As the spiders and lizards crawl tonight
Above my headache and heartache
Who is wrong or right black cats also bite
And snakes compromised swallow ofdeath strike
I feel alone and a spirit close holding a loudpipe
Window pains and windpipe and turning point site
Without a fight i am happy oppressing cryptic tonight
Why must I Sit down In shame feeling denied
Waiting for rain and storms maybe sun shining bright
A new gunshot herd and death pole
Hear the airplane wings flight sound delight
Left-hand or right hand pilot hope the have sprite
One day too much is happening out of data gigabytes
You will miss me when i am gone promises I might
I may just lose you on another website's
I will rise in this life to brand new heights
Premeditated the hoodwink eye and earning strips
Sitting on the porch with ideas to write
I can be afraid of my talent to shine bright ad a light
I am no worries about race wars black or white
Already all seven continents have told to unite
You lost in the forest take a hike
Jul 2017 · 574
DC raw love Jul 2017
As the spiders,
crawl above my head...

To all the flies,
around my head...

Lets not forget the roaches,
that crawl beneath my feet..

As the lizards awaite,
their mighty feast...

There are also,
stinging bees an
bed bugs that bite...

These are things,
that irratate me...

Stink bugs, critters
and slimy worms....

Caterpillars morph
and so they change...

A baby cries,
as another one dies...

The world around us,
can be ugly and cold...

How beautiful it can be,
with riches and gold..

If i can only find,
where i lost my soul...

I need to learn,
to lose my pride...

I'm no longer bold,
as I grow old..

Never throw in your hand..
And always make a stand..
Jul 2017 · 458
Why Must I
DC raw love Jul 2017
Why must I learn,
only to learn and learn again...

Why must I sit in the rain,
to only feel the droplets of pain...

Why must I hurt,
if I could of only have learned first....

Why must I cry,
to feel and wonder why...

Why must I dream,
to be happy yet still lost...

Why must I run,
when life feels so fun....

Why must I first trip,
to feel I can catch that grip...

Why must I feel lost,
to turn to God and his cross...

Why must I sin,
only to begin again...

Why must I love,
to fulfill the heart...
Jul 2017 · 614
Your Life
DC raw love Jul 2017
From the top of a cliff,
can I buy some time....

As I stare at the world,
I no longer have to climb...

I have reached the peak,
is this my summit....

Will I now have happiness,
as now I plummet....

Into the depths,
of this planet earth...

I now feel,
I must run to the sea...

As I flow with the currents
to the ocean...

To the abyss I must go,
so I will take it slow...

Can I find freedom,
in the bottom of this hole...

From the top to the bottom.....
in the middle between...

What have I learned...
What have I seen...

Is to understand forgiveness,
and to never be mean..

The moral of the storey,
is one to be told...

We all climb to the top,
to only fall in a hole...

Truth be told....
Truth beware...

It's your life,
you can go anywhere...
Jul 2017 · 628
Money and Time
DC raw love Jul 2017
As my mind,
fades away from the day...

And the night sets in,
diffetent things will soon begin...

A splash of water,
to clean the skin....

A bite to eat,
before i begin my feat...

I'll comb my hair,
so girls beware...

I'll hop in my car,
no need to go far....

A ******* around the block,
that's right were I'll stop...

My favorite stipper,
Cinnamon beware....

A gorgeous black girl,
man i swear...

The color of her skin,
gives her her name...

A body so fine,
she needs to be all mine...

With a sent of Jasmine,
is what keeps me swearing...

I love her so,
will she be mine...

The one thing i know,
it will take money and time...
DC raw love Jul 2017
I know a day
Mother may i yes you may
Wait in January and May
Changing time delay
Financial gain repay
Washing with GAIN spray
Water beaches waves
Money grow on tree branch break
Taking a break from life decay
Maybe just stolen fish on bait
Men mastery *******
Mason and teplars template
Money laundering contemplate
Some words can relate
Relationships replace
Playing chess checkmate
Success i will regenerate
All along make a clean slate
The year 1776 to1778
My path clear and straight
I will eat because u already ate
Knowingly frustrating designate
This design is precious simulate
Simulating grids no hesitate
Motherboard and pannel fate
tHe 13th and 9HT gate
Souls and destined key to soulmates
The road 66 or 69 navigate
Mr and Mrs contract negotiate
Go with your gut or go with faith
Coins and diamonds a future await
Jul 2017 · 476
Stars in a Jar
DC raw love Jul 2017
Shooting stars,
I catch in a jar..

To save my wishes
for the times i miss...

One wish i will save,
for that very big day...

For a life with no sorrow,
to bring me to tomarrow...

Twiddle Dee...
Twiddle Dum..
What is to come...

For that last wish,
what shall i wish...

Could it be,
love and joy....

Could it be,
*** really hard...

Could it just be a kiss,
from the girl i miss...
DC raw love Jul 2017
As the pain of the knife i felt stabbing me in the back
The black whole and black universal abyss pirate treasure map cracked
Open seasame on seasomy street elmo and big bird snack
The plate and tunnel vision tube with birning pictures attack...
The records of archives and tape recorder ******
Maxing out credit cards until andromada Pandora bOX crack
Thankfully the painting on the picture in the kitchen MATCh MAX
Max a million in mortal and immortals WW{3} combat
The water is broken and the paint on the Mona Lisa cheek smack
Still with a poker face straight face held in perfection barracks
One military commander and commandress controlling a corporation sleeping sack
In church with briefcase packed
My relm is never out of wack
Black cat crosses ducks quack
Ducking and dodging paper stacked
Jun 2017 · 281
DC raw love Jun 2017
As the blue eyed sparrow,
hides from the hawk...

Words of procrastination,
fill my heart....

Already beaten and bruised,
is what holds all the clues...

Of love always gone bad,
that always leaves me sad...

In the beginning,
the heart opens wide...

Keep ur feelings in check,
and always stay wise...

These charging emotions,
that control your heart...

Are wonderful feelings,
when love first starts,

But it's 50 / 50
that they'll depart...
DC raw love May 2017
There always making...
There always taking...

From a flower so sweet,
it will control your means...

The poppie plant,
the joy of life.....

Opiates consume,
and take another life...

What ever the dose,
yet ****** come first...

The pharmaceutical companies,
make it worse...

Now a legal drug,
with no proabition....

Will take many lives,
without a decision....

Either way in life,
weather its right or wrong...

Drugs will take your life,
regardless how strong u are...
May 2017 · 337
Childhood Games
DC raw love May 2017
As i drop to my knees...

I look to the heavens...
While i count to 7...

A game as a child...
That felt so wild...

A first ***** squeeze,
A blush and red cheeks...

We come out of the closet,
with all eyes amongst us..

The next 2 go in,
and then come out...

Did one get lucky,
and out pops a child...

Not ever being told,
keep your **** on hold...

Like truth or dare,
yet never swear....

A childish game,
that can drive u insane...

One potato...
Two potato...
Three potato...

We begin this game,
by running afar..

If your it,
a game of hit and miss...

Like Marco Polo in a pool,
no cheating is the rule..

As we close our eyes,
and drift to sleep...

Childhood games,
is what i miss..
May 2017 · 327
Childhood Games
DC raw love May 2017
As i drop to my knees...

I look to the heavens...
While i count to 7...

A game as a child...
That felt so wild...

A first ***** squeeze,
A blush and red cheeks...

We come out of the closet,
with all eyes amongst us..

The next 2 go in,
and then come out...

Did one get lucky,
and out pops a child...

Not ever being told,
keep your **** on hold...

Like truth or dare,
yet never swear....

A childish game,
that can drive u insane...

One potato...
Two potato...
Three potato...

We begin this game,
by running afar..

If your it,
a game of hit and miss...

Like Marco Polo in a pool,
no cheating is the rule..

As we close our eyes,
and drift to sleep...

Childhood games,
is what i miss..
May 2017 · 258
How Close is God
DC raw love May 2017
As the rising stars,
somehow kiss the moon...

A beautiful flower,
will begin to bloom...

With love in the air,
and hurt everywhere...

A butterfly cries,
as our feelings die...

With the silhouette of the sun,
amongst the bouncing clouds...

I close my eyes,
from this world of despise...

Like a loaded gun,
or a soft breeze...

The difference is,
its not you or its not me...

It's this time on earth,
calculated by the rings in a tree..

Truth be told,
is what i hold...

Is it was has been given,
does this come from religion..

As the death tally tolls,
which eats at my soul...

Like a city that thrives,
to the one's that cry...

Try and hold the tear,
they say our God is near...
May 2017 · 1000
The Next Day
DC raw love May 2017
Like a fallen star,
our life has come far...

Like a rainbow in the night,
somethings are out of sight....

As water will always fall,
we should always stand tall..

As the heat is on me,
I will always find my plea...

As i look for my dream,
I only want to scream....

So as i flee in the night,
the next day i will make right..
May 2017 · 453
DC raw love May 2017
I'm just a puppet,
in your show...

Pull my strings,
and lets go...

I can say,
the things u wanta hear...

I can say,
hey lets play...

I can be your smile,
I can be ur laugh...

But we will always know,
that im the one in control..

I set the tone,
and u set the mood...

Is it the things we do...
Or is it because i love u...

Termoil and comotion,
what's the right potion...

Love or hate,
what makes it great...
May 2017 · 398
DC raw love May 2017
As the sun shines,
I still sit in the rain...

Beaten and bruise,
by something in this world..

i now hold dead flowers,
feeling so torn...

My eyes closed,
are once again opening...

To the only life i know,
alone with no hurt...

I once knew love,
which turned to hurt...

I now look far away,
over the hill into the rain...

Where this life i live,
will lose this pain...
Apr 2017 · 933
DC raw love Apr 2017
From my sleep,
I finally wake...

A night of dreams,
of a life so great...

The time did come,
and things got hard....

Hard times in life,
now emotionally scared..

The pain does come,
and it shall pass...

In the life we have,
that goes so fast..

Dream of love,
lose the hurt....

And always remember,
put god first...
Apr 2017 · 335
DC raw love Apr 2017
Delussional eyes...
Priceless times..

Mind arise...
Sunset surprise...

Darkened night...
Fear and freight...

The mind shifts...
To a different script..

Love turns to anger...
Care to spite...
The truth turns to lies..
What a ****** up life...

The girl i know....
For a year of my life...

Has now turned crazy...
So i must hide the knives..
Mar 2017 · 418
Get what you want
DC raw love Mar 2017
Thoughts are like the wind,
they constantly change....

Emotions are crazier,
then a roller coaster...

The meek,
the mild,
are the ones to keep...

To feel,
to hurt,
to the pain we keep...

From times of joy,
with times of passion...

What is the reason,
when life crashes...

To the sick..
To the hurting
To losing a dream...

Don't give up on life,
don't put up a front....

Keep life in check,
and get what you want...
Mar 2017 · 466
The best you can
DC raw love Mar 2017
As the world consumes me,
is there a way out...

Not by death,
but by happiness...

Struggles from day to day,
for the most of us...

Bills behind...
Relationships going bad...
Haters in the streets...
Fake friends..

We all have our own stories,
truth be told...

But when the girl u luv,
hurts with pain...
We do the best we can...

When one doesnt accept the truth...
We do the best we can....

When lies are told about you,..
We do the best we can...

Some feel spite and anger,
is the answer...

Some hold resentment,
for things done wrong...

How can we be free...
Just do the best you can...

Find God.
understand the meaning of love...

The best you can.
Mar 2017 · 490
Starting Line
DC raw love Mar 2017
A plundering sky,
with weeping eyes...

Cries tear of blood,
that floods our lives...

Like a bus on the tracks,
then a train crash...

Many lives taken,
From something mistaken...

Weather fault of one,
or fault of two...

Misused words,
will only **** you...

As a plain flies high,
and a submarine down low...

Life can be hard,
and won't let go...

Make your decision,
take your path...

If you don't think now,
Life will pass fast...

Is this true,
what's your thought...

Because in your mind,
is where it starts...
Mar 2017 · 563
DC raw love Mar 2017
Two by two,
they'll come for you...

From the start,
play it smart...

Like a beach at night,
with only peace...

Soft breeze,
palm trees,
washing waves...

No longer a slave,
to all of life's ways...
Mar 2017 · 410
No Mans Land
DC raw love Mar 2017
As the cars lights,
shine into my eyes...

I think of my life,
that I must try to hide..

Of a girl's thoughts,
full of hate and control...

My mind keeps moving,
to find my joy...

A desirable direction,
for love and contentment..

Once was found,
now seems like a dream...

And now I'm lost,
and filled with misery...

So what is the key...
So what is the pain...

Does even God know...
The master plan...

Is it a time for forgivness,
In this cold world so sad...

I'll just take a drink..

In this no mans land...
Mar 2017 · 503
Kill pain
DC raw love Mar 2017
The killing in the vein the killing insane and ungreatful plain sight the wheels it sight ... I. Fashion with ice u say Out oF SpIte... I said alright within and withdrew the knife... I withdrawn the might and the making kite... it's all up in the air and we shall rewrite... right ya wrong and wrong ya right... then the biG man standing in the RiGht...since the premonition and permission decide... case the ciphers and cyclones gripe...the old man chair found a pipe...vanishing and expanding and exhausting all measures...and #thejscenemovement

Keeping up with the JoNes...
Keeping up with oneness
Keep the lust of ironic
Hook on phone Phoenix
Mar 2017 · 469
One's Time
DC raw love Mar 2017
Windblown trees,
without their leaves...

Like a skelaton,
dangling in the wind...

One will see life,
as one will see death...

As the sun hits the air,
leaves appear out of nowhere...

Yet the bones,
will only turn to dust...

A tree of life,
yet death hangs close...
Mar 2017 · 454
DC raw love Mar 2017
From the times you dance...
To the times you prance..

For the attraction you want...
To your ego which is a stance.....

From the beauty you hold...
To the life you mold..

To keep my attention...
You stray for resentment...

To make sure I love...
For the puzzles you solve...

Which is not my intention...
To make you feel unloved...

I am your man...
And you are my lady...

The things we can conquer,
and never be shady...

With one thing in mind...
To keep you mine..
Mar 2017 · 390
DC raw love Mar 2017
So lets say i was heaven sent
Plus potion. And experience

Plus a luck and loading instrument
The circumference circumvents

Like lost treasure monuments
Just because Bevan wrote a sentence

But since I spent the last night dense
In a dent and door dipped In fence

The a is compressed and condensed
Considered the presents in PAst tense

I am so unique and mistique icons
And Zero one deep triple THReat bigon

The titans and the mOGULs atom ions
The confusion television light neon

I complain he'll jacket burnt on
Gabriel Raphael Micheal with corn

I adorn and amend  the truth pon
Like chess the rook took knight con

Now celebrate the acorn and the nut chasing a horn and who be born

Then the antitrust antichriST worn
The widdow. Wife mislife scorn

Go complain about a woman 's scorn
Deserving the world sounds and alarm

Let's not bother an earth worm
The Bermuda triangle bahevean arm...
**^ #thejscenemovement

Mar 2017 · 297
DC raw love Mar 2017
Beneath the tree's.....
The falling stars...

We look for a life,
of who we are....

Without a trace,
of what's to be...

Could it be a life,
of you and me...

As the wind blows,
into the sun..

We look for all the  reasons,
to stay or run...

Bound by light,
we live in the night...

With broken dreams,
and mislead lies...

The passion in life,
can sometimes die...
Mar 2017 · 698
DC raw love Mar 2017
How can one describe ones life....
Is it the good or the evil...
What makes it right...

The times we fall....
The times we crawl...
But yet we still stand tall...

To the battles we faught,
weather win or lose...

The blood does dry,
yet tears still fall from the sky...

The healing process,
so thin, so frail...

Like a golden egg shell,
lined with diamonds...
So handle with care..

As one heart beats slow,
one will beat fast...

One from love,
one from death...

Like a fogged in road,
With no place to go...

My mind goes blank,
from the things I let go...
Mar 2017 · 333
A Blank
DC raw love Mar 2017
How can one describe ones life....
Is it the good or the evil...
What makes it right...

The times we fall....
The times we crawl...
But yet we still stand tall...

To the battles we faught,
weather win or lose...

The blood does dry,
yet tears still fall from the sky...

The healing process,
so thin, so frail...

Like a golden egg shell,
lined with diamonds...
So handle with care..

As one heart beats slow,
one will beat fast...

One from love,
one from death...

Like a fogged in road,
With no place to go...

My mind goes blank,
from the things I let go...
Mar 2017 · 481
Her move, My move
DC raw love Mar 2017
Word play,

Between the lines or
Between the sheets...

Her move my move,
The strategy begins...

My fault...
Her falt...

What's the difference....

She throws a dagger...
I throw a dagger....

Black and white
so what's the fight...

A heart that holds us...
A mind that molds us...

World's apart,
so how did it start...

Crippled by a cruch...
A life of fuss...

What can hold it...
What can mold it..

The question,
is only in the moment..

Only the moment,
is the eye of the beholder
without a shoulder....

To cry when tagged,
under the buds or rolled over...

Decimals demencile demanding,
in the roller coaster...
Mar 2017 · 565
DC raw love Mar 2017
My face into the wind,
With only a blind eye to see...

My senses are sharp,
yet I can no longer feel...

Numbness surrounds me,
so why do I still feel pain...

As my heart is cut deep,
so why don't I bleed...

My life is dullisional,
which helps me breath...
Feb 2017 · 289
DC raw love Feb 2017
Sometimes when I wake,
why does life feel so fake...

Why is the girl I love,
as mean as a snake....

Where are those words of kindness...
Which have been replaced with hate..

Why has making love,
been replaced with a kick to the head...

Why has laying in bed together laughing,
to her she procrastinate

Go ask Jake the snake
For Pete sake

For a keepsake
Steal from Peter and Paul and Jake

Jake the snake fish rate
Tate on tape and faith

Now men ******* over me *******
Even club tax and DJ

I am a single princess at stake
Seeing through ******* slate

Now we in a bullcrap state
The toll bridge is golden gate
Feb 2017 · 285
Must I Run
DC raw love Feb 2017
How one's mind,
can torture oneself...

As the mind races,
with obscured thoughts...

The enemy has now been planted,
and the thoughts are ramped...

Now the feelings begin,
of hatred within....

It's always the other,
so why must i run for cover...
Feb 2017 · 829
The Life of Evil
DC raw love Feb 2017
In the lingering fog,
the devil draws near...

With the sounds of the night,
we learn our fears...

From the moment I feel,
the cut of a knife...

As my blood is then spilled,
a coldness comes into my life...

My time draws near,
I can now see the light...

What was once my life,
has been taking by the knife..

As I grasp my last breath,
before I can die....

The life of evil,
has taken my life...
Feb 2017 · 788
The Snakes Charm
DC raw love Feb 2017
For reasons of the unknown,
what is it about the snakes charm...

Could it be the hypmatising eyes,
that makes one feel paralized...

Could it be the hissing sounds,
that sometimes numbs the mind....

Could it be the site of it's fangs,
that keeps you near...

Could it be the bite of might,
which now the venom flows...

Your time could be near,
as you get feelings of fear...

The snake has now charmed you,
so what do u do...

Let the feelings hurt you,
because your time is due...
Feb 2017 · 1.7k
Conquer and Divide
DC raw love Feb 2017
As the winter moutian winds,
crest into the sky....

There are many people,
with tears in there eyes...

Tears of joy....
Tears of hurt...

Like a howling moon,
much is at stake...

As the stars divide,
Like feelings we hide...

The truth can be told,
to cleanse ones soal...

These feet have been ridden,
for the life they hold....

With misfeelings of love....
To holding the hurt...

Is life's meaning,
to conquer and divide.
Feb 2017 · 471
Loves Challenges
DC raw love Feb 2017
How can one who loved u so,
is now the one who hates u so...

From passionate feelings,
to spiteful words...

From happy thoughts,
to only anger...

To plotting ones move,
to only to hurt you...

The life of love,
Is to give and to take...

But when the feelings die,
much is at stake...

One will try harder to hate,
then to let things go....

This in life,
is what makes life old..

To be single and breathe,
what shall it be...

Or to love someone,
as we grow old...
Jan 2017 · 579
A Poem
DC raw love Jan 2017
If i could write a poem,
how would it read...

Would it be about love,
or would it be about hurt...

Would it be about pastures of green
or would it be about fulfilling ur dreams..

Will i write between the lines,
oh how we walk that narrow line...

Can i write about the moon and stars,
or can i write about life afar....

The thing about a poem is,
you can never go wrong...
Jan 2017 · 405
Play the Part
DC raw love Jan 2017
To find a way,
mind astray....

Like a dark gray cloud,
drifting in the night....

We try to figure out,
whats wrong and whats right...

With stress and burdens,
that hold us tight...

We try to find freedom,
but it seems to be a fight...

So calm ur mind down,
and lose that frown....

Put up that fight,
to make it right...

Take the love in ur heart,
is the first place to start...

A smile on the face,
with happy thoughts...

Now slow ur life down,
and play the part...
Jan 2017 · 723
DC raw love Jan 2017
Life's limitation,
are only held by one's self...

Hopeless thoughts,
is where it starts.....

Life's emotions,
starts the notion...

Of a life,
we can't have...

Stress and burdens,
responsability and hurting....

Fear of not having,
is a wrong thought...

Drive and devotion,
is the right potion...

So hold your light,
into the night...

With love in your heart,
and control of your mind....

Work out life's problems,
and life will be fine...
Jan 2017 · 464
Make Up Sex
DC raw love Jan 2017
As she lies next to me,
holding resentment and spite...

The girl i love,
loves to fight....

Words thrown like daggers,
as she flashes at night....

Hurt is giving,
which is never right...

As she cries from anger,
when i dont care to fight...

We then make love,
which fufills the night...
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
DC raw love Dec 2016
Secrets as a chlid,
are done for fun...

Yet secrets in life,
can lead one to a gun...

Secrets that one hides,
can only lead to dispise...

Secrets we hold,
as we grow old...

Secrets we feel,
cant always be healed...

Secrets between two,
of love so true...

Secrets about ***,
is always the best...

Secrets that hurt,
come from the dirt...

Yet secrets of two,
are held by me and you...
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
New era too tall
DC raw love Nov 2016
From the flutter,
of the butterfly's wings...

To the pain,
of the bee's sting....

Things we see....
Things we feel...

The things in life,
are very real...

From the atomic bomb...
To the earth that trembles....

Can end the lives of many,
with new life to plentish....

Nevertheless I am love also a rush
My cheeks flushed and eyes ******

Meet a keepsake on hush
When I big bad wolf Billy goat gruff

Hide ya goat and hide sheep laid-off
The time at hand as sky cabinet on off

Power invested Light switched on an off
Witches Twitches super stitches goof off

Class clown and toughest in the crowd
Rastafarian smoke loud but proud

Follow the crowd a d mean while
Laugh out loud and count cash pile
Nov 2016 · 825
A bright day
DC raw love Nov 2016
What's the difference,
between sunshine and rain...

Is it feelings of joy,
or is it feelings of pain...

Like the clouds in the sky,
or the coral in the sea....

Can I find that life,
with you and me....

Is it trials and tribulations,
or is the verdict already taken...

Can god show forgiveness,
or has satan only been faking...
Oct 2016 · 423
Heart and Soul
DC raw love Oct 2016
Thickened stars,
to moonless nights...

To the creator,
that we sometimes fight....

Like black and white,
to love and freight....

With feelings of love...
To feelings of hate....

To the wars in this world,
to death and faith...

Is there a god,
or is he a fake....

Does satin exist,
or is it only a myth...

With time and matter,
to the clock on the wall....

When is time right,
or does it exist at all...

Like feelings and emotions,
to the loss of control...

Is love the option,
to the heart and soul....
Oct 2016 · 664
DC raw love Oct 2016
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