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Somewhere along the way we lost something

Maybe it was those lonely nights when everything was on our minds and we chose to sit in silence instead

Or maybe it was when the jokes started to have a tinge of hatred and truth to them and the slightest bit of venom would seep through our voices

Or could it be that we both became blinded by love, because when you're 15 what's more important than that?

And maybe it was just that we were so similar that we couldn't parallel each other forever, we were bound to intersect, collide

But I'd like to think it was our time. Nothing is infinite. And our friendship grew old and faded like the fall leaves as it turned to winter

Hopefully wherever we choose to bury it, flowers will grow
Do not tell me you love me
If you love me you would pay for dinner sometimes
If you love me you would kiss away the pain
If you love me you would appreciate what I do
If you love me you would not treat me like this
So do not tell me you love me. Words are not enough. Show me your love because I've heard it a thousand times and the wind still blows through the trees and the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west and I still feel like nothing to you.

— The End —