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Khadi Alza Jan 13
I guess we're like paper.
The handmade ones I mean.

Before that, we had a sheen,
We were a large empty sheet.

But sometimes we've broken down
Into useless little pieces that would make one frown,
And can't find a way
To fix ourselves in less than a day.

But you can't just tape paper
When it's ripped by life's alligator.

You have to make something new
With that familiar thing, you once knew,
And mix it up with unfamiliar things,
So you can give that paper some zing.

Now it's something new.
No longer the thing you once knew.

A thing with a past,
That if stood alone, would not last.
Khadi Alza Jan 7
Two friends sat together,
In a field full of feathers.
One as sweet as a berry,
The other ever so cheery.

The two were very close,
And both thought that mice were gross
Having seen one on their toast.

They were like peas in a pod,
Some thought they were odd.
But they didn't care.
They'll just give them a stare.

But one day,
That all changed.

The two never joke.
Actually, they never spoke.
Not even a glance.
They're not gonna take that chance.

But the field is still there,
Now it lay bare.
The white feathers gone,
Leaving a thin yellow lawn.
Khadi Alza Dec 2024
I laughed as you asked me if I and that guy are together.
I had to wipe the tears from my face when I said, "No, we're not together.
Never, ever in a million years.
We're only friends, not lovers."

You said we're a perfect pair,
Well, put that thought back into your hair,
'Cause the both of us are just friends.
We're not gonna follow the trends,
And suddenly be each other's 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞-𝐭𝐑𝐚𝐧-𝐟𝐫𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬.

I know I sometimes call him cute
When I see his hair ******* and dressed in a suit,
But I mean it platonically,
Not romantically.
Plus, he likes another girl,
And I another guy.
That's why you'll never catch us together,
'Cause we don't like each other.
Well, not in 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 way.

You still think we'll end up together,
Like those romance novels you read since forever.
But I can assure you,
Those dreams will never come true.
We're just friends.
Why ever would we be lovers?
they really think we're a match, but we're just FRIENDS
  Dec 2024 Khadi Alza
Abbott J Hardison
So, this isn't really a poem,
More of just a post.
I'm looking for 300 poets,
New or old,
To write a line.
For a 300 poet poem.
I have one so far,
I'm in need of 299 more.
I don't know if people read my edits to these, but I just wanted to you you all know, you're in such harmony with fellow poets, you're rhyming. :)
Also, feel free to submit more than one line!
I think it'd be a cool thing to try out. Let me know if you guys are interested.
If you would like to participate, write up a line for the poem and private message it to me. Make sure to include your name or pen name in the email that way I can credit you. I will arrange the lines in a way that makes sense to read.
Thanks guys.
Name of the poem is pending if you guys have ideas let me know, please forward this to anyone who you'd think would be interested, I want to make this a real thing.
Khadi Alza Dec 2024
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now I am in my bed.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,
But my world spins, and now I’m in a hall of red.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now flowers filled with stories start to spread.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,
All of this might just be in my head.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,
My body feels as numb as lead.

Tick-tock, tick-tock,
The year felt so fast, yet so slow, you said.

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