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Kezia Ann Joseph Aug 2016
No matter, whether you are mine or not.
I fight for you even in my dreams.

No matter, whether you are rich or poor.
I can share with you whatever I have.

No matter, whether you are strong or weak.
You can count on me.

No matter, whether you win or lose the game.
My applauds are there for you.

No matter, whether you stumble or walk steadily.
You can hold on me.

No matter, whether you are sadden.
My presence cheers you up.

No matter, whether you are hot tempered.
You dissolve in my smile.

No matter, whether you are famished.
I am there to concoct bellytimber.

No matter, whether you lack sleep.
Listen to lullabies hummed for you.

No matter, whether you are desperate.
My foot prints can rejenuvate your mind.

No matter, whether you are out of bounds.
You are still in my thoughts.

No matter, whether you don't turn up.
I know this is love.........
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
Shattering dreams,twisting rails.
Where am I now?
I don't know.
         All that I can hear is
         work till your last breath.
         All that I can feel is
         a kiss on my forehead.

Thorny paths, unseen fear
Where can I stay?
I don't know.
          All that I can see is
          a rainbow after a drizzle.
          All that I can smell is
          fragrance of new soil.

Flickering lamps, thunderstorms
Where can I feel secure?
I don't know.
          All that I hold is
          piles of memories.
          All that I step on is
          trials & trials on.
Interrogations, negotiations
What should I say?
I don't know.
           All that I can say is
           its gonna be alright.
           All that I can hope is
           a better future.

Closing doors, muttering words
Where should I knock?
I don't know.
           All that I can foresee is
           an opened way.
           All that I can trust is
           my Christ alone.
In Christ alone, my hope is found............
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
I stood in the darkness,
with a heart full of hopelessness.
I didn't see anything,
I looked up for something.

I saw golden glitters in sky.
It seemed to feel shy,
spread the light by its spark
& paved way for my thoughts in dark.

I shivered in the coldness of fate
& awaited my last date.
I searched for my dear one,
understood that there is no one.

I looked upon the cross at Calvary,
& saw wide opened hands to deliver from slavery.
It was n't tears that fell down,
but perspiration for a new dawn.
God is an awesome mender.
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
When I look at your picture on our wall
Tears of love fill my eyes up to its brim.
Drags my empty mind to the sobering day.
On which I missed a portion of my heart.

Crowds kept coming & going.
Some wept their heart out.
I could hear curses upon fate,
for leaving  us alone.
Spiritual hymns dissolved in air of despair.
The sight of pale face made everyone frozen.

I stared at my mother's corpse,
as if I was seeing her for the first time.
I leaned on to my dad's shoulder
& held my sister in my arm.
I tried to fill the gap consciously,
but chords of insecurity wound around.

Funeral services began
Prayers and comforting songs filled the atmosphere.
At last the time  came,
which a child can ever ponder.
It could not be put to an end,
without a last kiss.

My feet stumbled as I crossed her legs.
On which  I stood to learn to walk.
I loved the way she used to pat my head,
when I lay on her lap.
I wish to be back in her womb,
because it was the most comfortable place
I ever had been.

I wanted to chuckle after biting her fingers,
when she fed me delicious meals.
I yearned to hear her heartbeat
& feel the warmth of cuddling.
I was dumbstruck when I saw her lips shut.
Her voice whispered in my ear.

I felt a soft caress on my nose,
as she used to pamper by touching her nose on mine .
My heart pounded with desire to see her eyes open
& to have a gaze at me.
I looked around for naughty things,
to make her eyebrows raise.

I touched on her forehead.
My lips trembled with immense love.
I bent down my head.
It was like waves kissing the shore.
I sensed a smile rippling on her face,
as she always did when I kissed her.
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
All the way along
you will be there on my  side.
Through good & bad, day & night
till my last time.

You breathe in me with thy spirit.
Purify my heart & soul.
I look to  you with all my faith
because you love me more than anyone.

I may lost the vision of my life
but your heavenly voice directs in uncertainity.
Though I'm in a violent ocean,
I have my anchor fixed in you.

I was a sinner before my first cry.
You cleansed me with your holy blood.
I deserved nothing less than death.
With everlasting grace you picked me up from hell.

I felt all alone in daily life.
I locked my dreams in a room.
I lost its key in my life's journey.
But God opened the door for me.

I floated like a deadfish along with flowing river.
Alas, I got struck on a mighty rock & shed blood.
With pain & pleasure, my sail renewed.
I swimmed against the river.

I sat as a dew drop on leaflet.
Winter breeze slided me to the tip.
I  turned around & looked for options.
I fell down, not on rocks or thorns,but into safe hands.
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
My sweet heart, you don't know
how much I care for you.
Love is invisible,
but it can touch the soul.

You always love the one who leaves you
& leave the one who loves you.
For years & years
I have been walking beside you.

Fate was cruel.
It mispelled our relationship.
The time we spent together was
like pearls in the deepest ocean.

We couldn't be moved
by drizzling rain nor
by the scorching  sun.
Our bond was deep rooted.

Still how could you ignore me,
when I showed that you were wrong.
I don't want you to get lost in worldly pleasure.
That's why I gave you ''the living word".

It soothes  your soul,
refreshes your mind,
brightens your face.
That's what a faithful friend needs.
living word -the Holy Bible
Kezia Ann Joseph Nov 2014
What is there in this world?
There is nothing to be proud
The creator made everything thoughtfully.
But his creations live carelessly.

Nurture each and everything,
then nature will give you something.
Even the stone is precious,
though it's not considered as a species.

Here life is a play,
everyone has to perform through out the day.
Nobody can question the narrator,
as he is also the creator.

Open your heart when he knocks,
without looking at the clock.
He gave his begotten son,
to cleanse our deadly sin.

Search for the worthy treasure,
but not for the worldly pleasure.
Give your things generously,
then we will be blessed abundantly.

Behold his words,
he will raise us as his stewards.
He may drive us through various strands,
but we'll be safe in his mighty hands.
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