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Kezia Ann Joseph Nov 2014
Scorching rays of the sun made me tired.
Kindless words of men me worried.
Everything seems to hurt.
Nothing was close to heart.

Character I played was a tragedy.
Spectators found it as a comedy.
Fact was something hidden.
Matter was simply forbidden.

I heard a sweet sound,
but it was my heart's bound.
Longing for a miracle,
which is not mere an oracle.
Kezia Ann Joseph Oct 2014
I wish if I was a breeze,
I could have made you feel my presence.

I wish if I was a bird,
I could have flown and sat next to you.

I wish if I was a dew drop,
I could have fallen on you with love.

I wish if I was a rainbow,
I could have brought colours to your life.

I wish if I was your favourite book,
I could have always been in your eyesight.

I wish if I was your lovely pen,
I could have been in your hands.

I wish if I was your pillow,
I could have lulled you whole night.

I wish if I was a wave,
I could have tingled your feet.

I wish if I was in your heart,
I could have felt more secure.
Kezia Ann Joseph Oct 2014
Smile even when you don't have......
reason to do so.

Smile even when you are sad
because you never know who is falling in love.

Smile even when you want to cry
because it may be inspiring for others.

Smile even when someone leaves you
because someone more loving is waiting for you.

Smile even when you are alone
because something holds you special.

Smile even when water is upto your neck
because still you can breathe.

Smile even when you are downtrodden
because God is powerful to lift you high.

Smile even when your days are counted
because still you can change the world.

Smile even when the river flows against you
because you are gifted with fins of words.

Smile even when you are going to end
because you did what you can do.

Smile even when some one blames you for everything
because they are accepting you in their mind.

Smile even some one gossips about you
because you know about you more than anyone.

Smile even when you are helpless
because God is teaching you important lessons of life.

Smile even when you are away from your loved ones
because they always want you to do so.
Kezia Ann Joseph Oct 2014
It happened on one fine morning, as sun peeped into my hostel room
I pulled my sheet over my head and prayed to lengthen night hours
But alarm rang mercilessly ting -tong,ting-tong
Scratching my eyes, stretching my arms as wide as could,
I yawned and woke up to start an eventful day.
I felt enervated and  body ache added to my stagnation.
I did my daily morning routines half heartedly,
as cosiness of bed was seducing me back to it.
I donned in my uniform, ran to the mirror.
I sensed an itching on my back, I touched it with my fingers.
Under- estimating it as a mosquito bite, I turned attention to my hair.
Suddenly I noticed a dew drop on my chest
Curiously I looked up to find any leaking in concrete ceiling
It protruded up here and there, without any order.
I felt like playing "connect -the -dots" during my school days.
I consulted doctor, he diagnosed it as chickenpox
and gave me sick leave along with prescription.
Those who were already immune to this, gave me tips to care.
Rest moved away from me with "respect" and wished  "get well soon"
My father came to pick me from hospital.
I packed my things and got into the car.
On the way he brought me a basket of fruits
and fed my stomach full with advice.
My homecoming was welcomed by my pet dog's bark.
It got annoyed as I didn't pamper her as usual.
I opened windows of my sojourn kingdom.
It endowed me with a feeling of extending my  horizon .
I saw dew drops on leaves, hanging down to fall,
dancing in breeze and sparkling in morning sun light.
I wrote this poem, while i was suffering from chickenpox.....
Kezia Ann Joseph Oct 2014
I just want to scream
was it a dream?
Made me feel something,
when I was nothing.
Added colour to my world
and filled my heart with his word.
Lifted me up when I was down,
like a sunrise in the dawn.
Held my hand & made me walk,
assured that  I'm not just a stalk.
Followed me in the hot desert
and served me cold dessert.
Shared my pain ,
without any gain.
Gave me a shoulder to cry,
when everyone wanted to fry.
Taught me to love from my heart
and never let anyone to hurt,
Brought smile on my lips,
with lots and lots of funny tips.
Hey, I just wanna scream ,
It was a dream ....
I just penned down my dream.

— The End —