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drag me by my finger tips
scrape across the floor
dislocating, tearing, stretching,
disinigrating oh so slow.

mutilated piece by piece
you destroy my innocence
lost in this trembling sensation
my body does it quake.

grief occupies
my only space
disgrace is all
that fills me up.

deathly silence
stretches high
clinging tightly
in these lingering thoughts.

lead me on another path
distract so it cannot continue
now i is you
my souls true obsession.
My heart fell.
Shattering into oblivion.
All over the floor of my soul.
No longer could I feel
as the pieces began to fade.
But you scooped them up
out of nowhere.
Finding them hidden
you blew them in the air.
The warmth of your words
as you spoke to me
joined the pieces together,
stitched safely.
Next to my limp body
you patiently waited,
sat by my side.
You placed my blackened heart
onto my chest,
pushed it back-
into the **** it fell out of,
forcing it to start.
it starts to beat again
as the stitches slowly heal
and my heart turns purplely red.
I was empty inside
but now you've come and filled-
me to the brim with warmth.
Your love brought me back
from the hell I was in
now nothing else matters
but you-
and you alone.
kiss away the ache i feel
make it seem unreal
take me from this place i hate
i will follow you my bate
stabbed through the heart
making it so it won't start
people along the way
twisted it to make me pay
kiss away the ache i feel
make it seem less real
wanting to touch your face
to be together in some place
keep me safe here
reflect the good in my mirror
together we do fall
on the pins and needles of it all
kiss away the ache i feel
make it seem not so real
always stay with me
for never your side will i flee
rejected by all
divided we fall
my love for you
remember it's true
kiss away the ache i feel
make it seem real
but I'm hurting
while we're flirting
the cravings are back
and me do they attack
hold me up in one arm
while the other keeps me from all harm
kiss away the ache i feel
please make it seem unreal.
How could they think
That this would stop me-
Cutting and ink
And the same thing mostly
The heartbreak and sorrow
That you feel right now
Even tomorrow
Won't hit me somehow.
These emotional scars
Held to my heart
Are the bars
That keep others out.
a rip, a tear, almost there,
kept in silence, kept in fear,
alone, forgotten,
forsaken, distraught,
step down from the stair,
and realize i am here,
see me for who i am,
stop thinking i'm one of them,
i don't judge, i don't care,
know that i'll always be there,
there to love you,
through and through,
here for you, to care,
promises i make i will not spare,
mutilated by the music,
you have a recourse so use it,
keep me with you for good,
i want this to be understood,
my love for you will not change,
never altering, always the same.
Sometimes when your so down you cant see the one person trying to help you out....
There is no light, in my world,
The world deep inside,
Inside my soul like poison,
That haunts me day and night.

I cannot face the world,
When all I see is red,
I use my umbrella to stay alone,
Because I'm abandoned and afraid.

I'm trapped in this world of darkness,
The world full of pain,
No distinguisher to put out the flame,
That burns me up inside.

My furry strangles me helpless,
As I lie here to cry,
But it's been so long, I just can't,
They only pour-out on the inside.

Execute this pain that petrifies my soul,
Dull the suffering, so it seems less real,
I feel dizzy, alone and scared,
Dissolve this pain that sickens me.

It intimidates me, calling my name,
Luring me into its grasp,
The urge is to powerful,
But I must be strong.

I'm a weeping willow,
Without a single cry,
I can only cry on the inside,
Like Always.
The beauty of a unicorn,

Solitary riding through the night,

Blinding all around it,

With reality changing spite.

Gracefully it exits,

And all around are sad,

But it's lone rider,

Will never be glad.

To others it's existence,

Is quite questionable,

Wondering about it,

Not caring who it did disable.

Remembering the elegance,

Perfection did it hold;

Every other won't compare,

No matter how bold.

The rider had some others,

But it never works out,

For even though their his brothers,

Out the differences do shout.

Desire for its return,

But it cannot be,

For no one can match,

Or be good enough for me.

Life takes and gives,

But in the case, won't give back,

I wish it never left,

For my heart it did attack.

I am the lone rider,

And Daniel was my horse,

This is my constant reminder,

Of how it feels to remorse.
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