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A tear of blood runs down her face

That only you can see

For no one wants to take her place

Not knowing who they'd be.

Time is not an issue

For all the clocks have stopped

It's as if she couldn't miss you

If the comforting stopped.

Although you are a stranger

You're destined to be her only friend

Now go to be with her

You'll be happy in the end.
The words I hear about you,

Cut me like my knife,

'Cuz when I think about you,

Crimson tears begin to cry.

No one really realizes,

What you were to me,

And now I keep on trying,

To just let go.

But moving on is hard,

And when people bring you up,

They don't see the pain in my eyes,

My wounds that haven't healed.

Why does this still hurt me?

I should be over this,

But I can't seem to pull away,

From my old life,

My old friends.

It truly hurts,

I'll tell you,

To feel the way I feel.

To have this pain,

Now on my heart,

Permanently tattooed.
the craving runs deep,
clawing into her,
asking her to sink,
into what she once was.
sliding into a paradox,
no longer caring at all-
torn into nothing,
soon will be my porcelin doll.
beauty unmasked,
soon i won't see,
for the end of herself,
is all that will be.
i watch her destruction,
the death of who she was,
turn to be forgotten,
as if forever lost.
the makeup's on,
it's now erased,
no one can see my face,
the bruises now,
only i can see,
when you try to strike at me.
no one will know,
it stays inside,
until i see you,
and we collide.
the pain you cause-
i hide away,
for i alone,
am meant to pay.
the more i scream,
the more you hit,
my pain propels you,
when you try again,
i have to stop,
i cannot fight,
it will end faster,
and then i can hide.
no one will understand,
until he goes too far,
and bruises lead to scars,
and one day, when he's done,
movement to me,
will not come.
this is my syringe,
hold it for me as i cringe,
a lifeless death soon will come to pass,
as i'm wishing my hearts last.
i'm dying slowly now,
but no one does it wow,
for i've never really been alive,
not since suicide first was tried.
it doesn't matter anymore,
i've finally robbed my life poor,
why does this fill me with glee?
as for my life i do not plea.
i wish for this to be the last time,
that i will ever write this rhyme,
to be finished and forgotten,
not giving a **** about my sin.
to be withe the one that i have always loved,
to hold him until he can no longer be hugged-
the room does spin and i hear her cry,
my best friend that is watching as i die.
she came to save me from myself,
she was to late, an inconvience only for herself,
i knew she'd be coming so i hit it strong,
knowing the purist wouldn't take too long-
to hit my heart to stop it's beat,
to finally feel cold from head to feet.
i left her one last kiss,
on a note that read simply this;
do not resuscitate is all i wish,
don't feel guilty for i did this,
i'll always love you but he means more,
you want me to be happy-this is that score.
the one thing i've wanted, now i do have,
if you feel guilty, my soul it will stab.
all of my poetry take and publish,
if they don't want it, seal with a kiss-
and lock it away, 'til you meat someone like me,
who won't let thoughts of suicide let them be.
The image of you
Floods my mind
All else I think of
Is the escape I must find.

I wish for you to hold me
Whisper to me that it's alright
Helping these temptations fade
Keep them away as you hold me tight.

Wash away the hurt from before
Cover up the pain with words you say
And even if only for a day
Capture this feeling and lure me away.

Everyday is a bad day now
No matter what happens
I can't shake this depression
In no way this feel bends.

I wish you were by my side
Even when I want to be gone
My love for you holds me hear
And keeps me almost strong.
thread through your fingertips
enclose your hand in mine
walk with me to the light
as innocence is defined.
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