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Stuck in a trance
Unable to see
Waltzing with the angel
Mixing in her darkness.

Questioning your every remark
As well as insanity
Run into the valley
Let the shadow of death consume me.

Delicious misery
Has consent to do no good
Dependent on them
Any who come along.

Spawn of the devil
Argument with innocence
Bitter sweet intensions
In this game called love.
Never ending darkness
As we fade away
Watching out for nothing
Are they wishing we could stay?

No one I would rather be with
As I forever fall
Misery and ecstasy
Knowing nothing at all.

Confusion and clarity
Drawing you closer
Hoping you will give in
to my biggest temptation.
Capture your love
By stealing your heart
Blame me for nothing
Out of your way I dart.

A promise of patience
Comes from my lips
But you want more
Into old love you dip.

They say if I love you
I'll let you go
And if you come back
True love will show.

But neither one of us
Is ready for that commitment
To have our love
Be here concreted.

I cannot let you go
Hold you to my hearts doors
Keep you warm inside
My souls core.
Your face, those eyes
Boring into me
Piercing my heart
Increasing its beat.

Enchanted by you
The detail of your mystique
As you unthread your fingers
And out of my hands you seep.

Intensify my love
Draw you back in
Follow the beat
That leads you within.

Live up each day
For tomorrow we may be gone
But it would be worth it
For you are the one.
Tormented souls
Longing for answers
Search to hold
What they think are cures.

Countless times
At my beck and call
You'd come running
When I'd fall.

Gratify my lust
Wash away my desire
Give me what I long
You who I admire.

She came to my rescue
But couldn't see my defeat
And she is longing
Another's standards to meet.
Brush away her bangs
As your hand falls down her face
Trace her jawline, slip a finger across
The lips you've longed to taste.

Her eyes flutter
Caught up in thought
Astonished to discover
You've felt this all along.

No words yet spoken
Just the crave of affection
Curiosity precedes her
As all reason is thrown away.
When the tears of the sky, come out to play,
I am not willing, here I will stay,
Alone in the darkness, I am the bate,
But where are the monsters? they're showing up late.
The light of the moon, shines down on me,
As I reach up high, I'm almost free,
The bruises don't mask the true issue,
And when they see my skids, they know they are new.
It's then that I realize there are people here,
Thier eyes stare full of terror and fear,
Seeing the needles hang out of myarms,
But I can't be embarrassed, sending these alarms.
I don't know what I'm doing,
It's all become a blurr, constantly moving,
The focus is none, as i fade out,
Wanting the original high, when the cartoons pop out.
Now I see whats truly haunting me,
When I where these sleaves, the only one fooled is me,
So now before the end,
I ask you, Are you a true friend?
This poem was published when I was in High School, about 2005
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