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kenye Aug 2013
I recorded this on my iPhone. This songs about destroying unicorns. Thanks for listening B)
I'm calling you out
Of my mind
Manifest yourself
Come on, blow up in my face

To the:
With the short fuse
I'll be your Molotov cocktail
You be my fiery muse

I keep seeing your face
In sepia torn scenery
In the art of my dreams
trying to photoshop reality

To the:
Dream Girl
With her totem locked
I'll join you in a free fall
As I violently shake back awake

So it goes...

You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination

I felt your grace
In telepathic foreplay
My little mind-fu©k
life's stranger than fantasy

To the:
Crowned in roses
I'll savor you as a Goddess
When you open your sweet blossom

So it goes...

You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination

Fire of my *****
Rising up my spine
We could be enlightenment-to-be
Like Nirvana
      Come on blow my mind
kenye Aug 2013
She laid there in her galaxy cloak
transcending light and time
***** secrets
whispered in his ear
"I just want to supernova"
So he holds back
until she moans out
a celestial symphony
Her o face vibrato
wire tapping hidden energy
Conducting all the right spots
Orchestrating chemistry
like lusting galaxies
Descending the electric bodies
Straight from the Goddess' machinery
Where souls go to
come back around together
Until we're all light again
kenye Aug 2013
The power of belief
is placebo effect
kenye Aug 2013
     I feel more punk rock
     when I'm without you

Like I want to destroy something beautiful
     or break the first rule of Fight Club
     to summon you back to me

But temptation's a *****
     like destiny

The only things that are true in life
     is that it's stranger than fiction
     like synchronicity
     or our souls' electricity

     Give me a task
     to earn the privilege
     to transcend the right time
     and the right space
               of your day.
come on, let's burn down metaphors together.
kenye Aug 2013
She's a wildflower
     A daisy in the chaos of the ironic forest preserve

Where they tear down trees
     For new parking lots

Looking pretty among the mayhem
     Her mind

I'm thinking there's self-destruction about her
     Or she used to
Something I can muse too

Did I say too much?
     I'm just as broken
     tearing me inside out exploited
But she'd rather favor vivisections
     To rid her of her soul's infection

Her body
Her weapon
Her choice

Up and down
Her arms

Raised up
like she's giving up
     Or she wants me to take her shirt off
     Both are the same

She bows down to me
     reaches for my belt
     and asks me to save her

"Darling, it's your story.
Only you can save yourself.
All I can so is support you in the fight.
and remind you,
it's not done."
kenye Aug 2013
I am not above this law
     we are one
But You have to admit,
Sometimes you have be a vigilante
     for what you believe in

'Cause at the end of the day
who are you fighting for

us or them?

or "I"
kenye Aug 2013
I caught her
telepathically feeling me up

From across these parking lots
where I always find myself
stalling even when I'm not parked

Her eyes were like darts
to my sacral chakra
She must have felt the spark
igniting my erogenous area

Now her soul's on fire

Just how she imagined it
To be devoured eternally
To have the life ****** out of her
To feel the little death
Rebirth her senses

It was all in her head
just how I imagined it.
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