I recorded this on my iPhone. This songs about destroying unicorns. Thanks for listening B)
I'm calling you out
Of my mind
Manifest yourself
Come on, blow up in my face
To the:
With the short fuse
I'll be your Molotov cocktail
You be my fiery muse
I keep seeing your face
In sepia torn scenery
In the art of my dreams
trying to photoshop reality
To the:
Dream Girl
With her totem locked
I'll join you in a free fall
As I violently shake back awake
So it goes...
You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination
I felt your grace
In telepathic foreplay
My little mind-fu©k
life's stranger than fantasy
To the:
Crowned in roses
I'll savor you as a Goddess
When you open your sweet blossom
So it goes...
You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination
Fire of my *****
Rising up my spine
We could be enlightenment-to-be
Like Nirvana
Come on blow my mind