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kenye Jul 2013
The wind always find a way to put me in my place
     Though, I don't know where it's going
     I don't think it knows where it's going.

It's just running on empty through my hair gracefully
     In an attempt to breathe life back into me.
     Via my crown connection to the cosmos

Hey Wind,
     Can you bring me the world?
     How about dropping prosperity in my lap?
     Like some self-entitled ******* child of privilege

Hey Wind,
     What if I save the girl?
     She'll probably end up saving me from myself anyway
     Divine intervention from the mind of my inmost cave

Hey Wind,
     I've got good intentions
     I'm just throwing it out there
     I'll use my senses in discretion

Like pouring a heart out
Into some empty pages
and labeling it as art.

Our own life interpretation
Reality in the hands of those who wish to create
Relative to how you wish to change

Become what you think

Just remember
Intention is everything
The wind always finds a way to put everything in place.
Venting my notebook.
kenye Jul 2013
I'm not here to capitalize on you
     I'm just here to exploit your emotions

I'll be your new anti-depressant  
     Your defense mechanism
     Your Oral fixation

Your morals are safe with me
     I promise

Take this down and try calling in the morning
     You're not numb anymore
     I'm your electric addiction
     Your unorganized prescription

Little Miss OCD Queen supreme 
     I'll give you something to run with
     When you're feeling uninspired

Sweet ambrosia,
Straight from my loaded God complex
      That oxytocin's a helluva drug

Come on,
Invite me in

Breathe in and out the light,
before darkness falls
let me transmute your pain to medicine.
I know the title's a bit risqué but thats what arts about, its supposed to be ambiguous, but most importantly subjective. Take it however you want. This is one I've been working into a song as well. I just thought I'd share what I had. Again, several references in here to songs and books. They're like Easter eggs find em.
kenye Jul 2013
Meet me under the Full Moon 
It's B.Y.O.S. tonight
Bring your own sacrifice

Little death wishes for prosperity
Moments in illuminated lunacy
Destroying fine art with our minds

The new vibration

Lightning striking my soul twice
I caught the spark in your eye
All week I've felt you crawling up my spine 
Exploding from chakra to chakra
Until we're both screaming out
of the communication vortex
Trying to transcend hands at throats

in unison

She says she likes it much better this way
It brings a full circle to her "o" face

Now every time I see her face
I see images of war
Post traumatic flashes of 
Me and the girl next door 
Slow dancing to the beat
Of the disasters she saw in her dreams
Setting each other on fire
Seizures of self-fulfilling prophecies
Manifesting the coincidences of serendipities

Wishes on repeat
skipping the akashic records
The right place the right time at 11:11

Meet me under the full moon tonight
I'll make your aura hurt like heaven
We'll wash our hands clean together
A day late I know. I wrote most of this under the moonlight last night. I sampled a few of my previous works in this, among other references. see if you can find em ;)
kenye Jul 2013
I'm not here to f-ck you Molly
     But maybe I can still make you feel beautiful
          Even if you're dead.

You were an "A" girl
     in the red-light district

This side of town
     Your Daddy was a politician

And his best friend
     Was your last appointment

They found your bones under the floorboards,
They wanted to put you in a display case,
What's your unfinished business

You're still showcasing your soul
As an apparition of this apartment

They're here

Isn't it time to move on?
Don't you have light to travel through,
  to get to another physical vehicle?

What keeps you illuminating this place?
I'm not here to ***** you out
Maybe I'm just trying to understand,

What really happens when we die,
Are they trafficking ghosts here for profit
Have you soul'd out,
I wrote this when I went on a haunted bar tour in Milwaukee. It used to be an old speakeasy that doubled as a brothel back during prohibition. The bar is said to be built on an old graveyard they dug up in a very poltergeist-esque fashion. I was inspired to write this after we were taken to one of the former A-girl's apartments. She allegedly went missing back in the 20's and they found some bones under the floorboards on the roof back in the early 90's. I don't know what it is about Milwaukee, but it seems to be a hotbed for weird and paranormal stuff.  I've always had a weird fascination for it's history. It's a very interesting town.
kenye Jul 2013
I'm calling you out
Of my mind
Manifest yourself
Come on, blow up in my face

To the:
With the short fuse
I'll be your Molotov cocktail
You be my fiery muse

I keep seeing your face
In sepia torn scenery
In the art of my dreams
trying to photoshop reality

To the:
Dream Girl
With her totem locked
I'll join you in a free fall
As I violently shake back awake

So it goes...

You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination

I felt your grace
In telepathic foreplay
My little mind-fu©k
life's stranger than fantasy

To the:
Crowned in roses
I'll savor you as a Goddess
When you open your sweet blossom

So it goes...

You're dancing my imagination
Heart-beating my soul
Tango of illumination

Fire of my *****
Rising up my spine
We could be enlightenment-to-be
Like Nirvana
      Come on blow my mind
kenHeike ©

Looking for feedback on this one. I wrote this for a girl I had a crush on but has since started a relationship with some other dude(****** I know). I reference her favorite movie/book in here. I was gonna trash it but I started to work in different archetypes. I don't know if I should record or not though. Thoughts?
kenye Jul 2013
Are you Ok?
Don't you wanna feel more than
just OK?

You haven't left your bed in days
Don't let the darkness dominate

Just put your favorite record on
and dance out the rest of the war
of your mind

Exploit those thoughts
Before they become demons

Don't tell me I don't have an obligation to care for you
I've always been here for you
Even when you were across Lake Michigan

You're more beautiful than you give yourself credit for
Your grace penetrates the Earth
Transcending Rose-beds

There is light
in everything

I wish I could go into dreams and save you
Before reality slips away
On the shores of our subconscious
I can be your totem
*You be my anchor
Meet me at Shoe Factory Road
and let's finally save each other
kenye Jul 2013
Slipping Off

The naked truth

Somewhere in
My Mind

One Night
On Ceremony


Missing Metaphor

Mind if I muse you?
And ravish your filthy immortal soul
I'll make you out to be a saint
I'll make you feel like a Goddess

Don't you wanna
Slip Off
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