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Kenneth Fox Sep 2011
go ahead,
the seams are starting to rip.

aren't you going to take another bite of this stone?
start devouring away before it heals to the bone.

I felt peace,
I felt the pain,
so keep your persistence.

I've got nowhere to run or shelter.

not like I didn't ask for you,
but you know this feels like burning,
like someone took my heart and left it over the flame.

that someone is you.

you portrayer of heartache and love.

the entity that promises the scorn of a thousand looking people.

and they're all shaking their heads,
pounding their fists in the air,
chanting for the teeth to tear at the threads.

burn him at the stake for he withholds forbidden love in his chest.

and you happily put your lips to kiss the veins.

I held myself in place,
clenching my teeth as my life drained into your mouth.

then you left me empty and breathing.

I closed my eyes to let the bliss flow through arteries tracing to lifeless organs,
and in that moment of peace I finally realized how many times over I'd give myself to you
Kenneth Fox Sep 2011
Today wasn’t the day to carry
My head’s weighed down heavy
Pulsing in a burden calling distress
I have mistrust, lust in a love that never was
No, it isn’t what I needed or what I need
Love is a lie my parents couldn’t try to hide
Or any others or even on the greener side
I know I got me, alone I can suffice
Now I’m wandering away, walking
In the blacked out day I’ll be calling out, “don’t you wait”
We’ll never know love if we don’t learn how not to take
And have much more left to give, never hate
I thought I might have been ****** to a hole
A self dug darkness
But I found a way out and
I discovered me, myself, the one I need
Today was yesterday and tomorrow every day
And I’ve got to learn nothing stays the same
Not the heavy
Not the weighed
Nor the burden of a horrible day
Kenneth Fox Feb 2014
Mystery wrote, I don't want to find you here
Where you are
Incomplete and barren
Cold and lonely
Self loathing and despicable
I want to find you
In your oneness
Auspicious and loving
With your eyes bright and questioning
Grabbing at adventure
As if it were the light at the end of a dark day
Kenneth Fox May 2012
There is this feeling I can't seem to shake
It looms over me this pale luminous cloud
A shadow, not of my own, lurking oh, so proud
Hugs my shoulders with an unnerving weight
This feeling comes over me when you're awake
When you are near and when you are far,
I notice how I can only hear the sharp
pitch of your nagging words
and the pout of your lips, a piercing harp
That strings and stitches its will upon my life
And tries to puppet its pitches to bound me tight
Static and stagnant when plucked,
An evil soul gripped by a tattered heart,
too many times down in luck,
someone made their mark with your heart, left you ******.
Left you looming, wandering, excusing your every wit
and hit and sour, sad, selfish self and made you quit
at being a person with love and self respect
Instead you take everyone and anyone on when you're around
when you are here pouring your ugly in everyone's ear
but unlike the rain you do not cleanse nor make way
for light and brighter day
you keep the clouds and grey, no shine, no play
I want to run away.
When you're around.
When you are down.
When you make a frown.
When you're upside down.
When you take a place and make a fake.
I just need to run away.
Kenneth Fox Aug 2011
to the dirt we will return
after the ship of life has sailed away from the sights of our vision
after the afternoon bell has struck its final ring
and rusted its hands onto the earth
we shall become a night everlasting, and fade
with the unknown knowledge of what is beyond the horizon
and cling to comfort like we're being pulled away from loving arms
dissolve to water, we shall
and to air we will be breathed into
lungs of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon.
little atoms of matter and degrees of mass
to the cycle we will return
after the warmth is taken from our core
and the piper awaits us at the door
we need not build ourselves a wooden container
the world is our coffin
Kenneth Fox May 2015
You stay hidden beneath your clouds
Never to free yourself from the chains on your eyes
Never to see beyond the destruction
You could step forward and be who you dreamt
Instead you took a bow and plummeted into deep space
Still waiting on someone to save you
Darling, no ones coming now
Kenneth Fox Mar 2015
Stop, silence, let me self destruct quietly and in peace
I'm listening to the voices from beyond the clouds
They've got a thing or two to teach about life and the now
I've been struggling trying to find my way, a purpose
Sometimes their words seem worthless and poisoned
But I love it
You'll never know
Feeling like tonight won't be anything
That's close to the light
I'm standing in the shadows
Waiting for a sound to bring me out
But I'm cowarding like I can't dress myself
You're no pawn to face the queen
You're just a knight that might take the king
Kenneth Fox Jan 2012
believe in a world free of money
then we can envision ourselves with freedom
and unity
we've given up the gold and silver standard
allowing the bankers to make wealth from thin air
so the mind controlled drones work without a care
continuing to build a society's infrastructure cracking,
and breaking under a weak foundation
they dehumanize through disassociation
and patch it up with television and food free of nutrition
so can we imagine like John Lennon?
wake up and question this money and it's evil that's spread into the world
wake up and start taking action
because our world is young and dying
we are young and dying
still enslaved to the paper money
still controlled by stupid government policies
still imagining and still dreaming
still afraid and still confusing
won't we ever open up our eyes?
to die happily old and asking not for youth
but for the next lives to start
and leave behind a loving world for the future hearts

— The End —