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Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Are We There Yet?
Kenneth Farward Jul 2015
I am making my trip and in the backseat of mine...
There's this kid,
This child.
This infant thought coddling along this journey with me in a baby seat would be all we ever wanted to be.

Safely I arrive with that child in mind...
Full of questions with with answers that take time from the hands of life in his story.
He sees the door all too sure that we arrived at the same place in time the destinations signs said the navigation should find.

Still in the backseat of mine...
This child,
This kid walks.
NO! Crawls.
Right and left.
Forth and back

Asking the question why?
A query so simple if he only new the answer would take some time .
Kenneth Farward Oct 2014
As time slowly fades away the young boys fascination with the bird grows into infatuation. Chasing after the bird around the train car, the boy and the bird become the main event of a misfortunate situation. The man gazes in slight confusion.

Run from
high pursuit.
I try to fly.
I do I hit the roof. With no real escape I search for temporary salvations. Once at peace I am disturbed again. When
Will this torture end? How many men can say
They have caught a bird with their
Bare hands?
A moment
to myself
trapped in a
train. And he will
not quit. All the joy
on his face.


Here to
there, and
Back again.
Why try
Escape me. There is no place to go. No open window for you to run through. You persist to resist your end. Come
to me my friend let your destiny take its course
all forces are against you and still you try.
Why do you?
Why would
you fight.
Just give up.
Is it really worth
it to try and try?
If so, why

On a small
Train car. I
Watch cro-
ssing my
fingers hoping this boy would quit. Enthusiastically running from here to there. I hope he is aware
there is no way he  will catch a bird in here.
He must know. Even still he tries his
hardest to
catch some-
thing so free
he stops at no-
thing. He must
have never learned
to give up.
Kenneth Farward Jul 2014
As the conductor makes his first announcement to apologize for the recent suspension of movement of the train, each of the soul begins to act out in its own way. The first soul frantically searched each and every seam of the train car hoping to find a small vent of fresh air to escape from. A quest that we all hope would soon come to an end. The second soul rejoiced in the tiny space given, glad that he would not have to leave and continue the purpose of his presence on the train. A celebration that soul had desired and requested since the day had begun.  And the third soul who was stuck in a situation that made it best for him to go nowhere; he would fail if he showed up late and he would face failure if he went back home.
The conductor makes a second announcement to state the reason for the brief interruption is due to a pile of leaves on the line. Accepting this as the reason these three souls are stuck in the same train car, they begin to observe.

“There are leaves on the line.”
To travel by train, I could do without.
What a silly thought and now I am trapped.
My efforts are desperate to get out.

“There are leaves on the line.”
My entire world is turned upside down.
I remember when leaves were gracefully raised by trees.
What will my mother say? “You’re a clown!”

“There are leaves on the line.”
Exhausted I have become from flopping and flapping.
I give up. This is where I die. I give up.
Wait, look at that boy, and why is it dancing?

“There are leaves on the line.”
It moves about as free as the wind
A gust or breeze through the trees
It jumps, it shouts, and it spins.

This is really happening!
I knew it was true! I told you it was true!
I got power and perfection just by practicing.
“There are leaves on the line.”

I have the power of earth!
I can move leaves with ease,
I am a super hero of course.
“There are leaves on the line.”

Candy is my only source of energy,
my arch nemesis is the dentist.
“There are leaves on the line.”

One of his evil spies
came to make havoc.
I will see to his demise.
“There are leaves on the line.”

I should tell my wife,
I am married to misfortune.
“There are leaves on the line.”
I should learn to plan on strife,
and intend to live with caution.

One more book to publish,
this was my last chance
“There are leaves on the line.”
For what reason am I being punished?
Is it I who forgot to rain dance?

How happy is this child?
Moving about like some animal.
“There are leaves on the line.”
Lost in civilization and found in the wild.
A bird? How irrational?

Poor thing must be terrified.
I wish I was trapped.
“There are leaves on the line.”
My reasons for failure would be justified,
and here I am caught on a track.
Kenneth Farward Jul 2014
The doors to the train car close and the train continues on its regular schedule.  The three souls settle in their own private areas of the train car. All of a sudden the train comes to a stop.

Trapped in just one try,
notice my emotion swings.
spread and flap about,
I try to escape.
of good hope concede.
My right to be.
Referee free
me let me be free.

No movement, no slidding, or skidding.
Not nearly. Why? One query,
I made it happen. I just concentrate.
I have one great superpower,
So nice and sweet
all of the candy I can
here and now where I am,
that is my plan

I would have no fortune if it weren’t for misfortune.
of bad luck haunts my every movement.
to ruin every plan I make. Crinkle,
my every dream. I am upset.
Out to achieve in a tie and shirt,
and I ache to reach only one desire.
One point and goal entirely
I give up now, I tire.
Kenneth Farward Jul 2014
A train car arrives on the platform. Within this train there are four other. Each soul makes their way onto this particular train car. The first soul enters the train unknowingly. The second soul unwillingly enters the train, and the third soul happily enters the train.

This is a fun way
To go and to see the world,
I mean, I hope so.

If I Concentrate,
I’ll make anything happen.
I’m super powered.

Know I can do it,
as I sit my nerves settle.
What is this weather?
Kenneth Farward Jul 2014
Have you figured out who these souls belong to? It is fine if you haven’t, who they are and what they are is not the supreme significance of my story. These three souls I found waiting patiently at one train station.  

People crowd the edge.
Lingering, I find a dry space of my own.
Allow me to stand here.
Try not to hurt me.
Feet sweep past my head.
Open my wings to avoid near death.
Run and try not to get wet, I
Must see the world.

Please no!
Let me go home.
A wish just one wish.
To stop this nonsense.
Free me from this torture.
Only three things I fear:
Raging dogs, the dark, and the dentist.
Mommy please don’t make me go.

Perfect and right on time. To be
Late to me is arriving five minutes early.
Application filled out correctly,
Tie perfectly in place,
Feelings of confidence.
On my way to success, I
Really hope to
Make my wife proud.
Kenneth Farward Jun 2014
We all search for happiness, and there is an abundance of it in this world. Nevertheless, you must admit that we all search for too long. I try to expose the tiny pieces of happiness in everyday life. Who I am does not matter. What is important is that I do not discriminate, whether it is tall or short, disabled or superhuman, humane or animal. Happiness is an evanescent feeling deserved of all souls even if it is for just a couple of seconds.
We can all share in success and happiness; this is something most people forget they are capable of. I had forgotten as well, until I was reminded by three kind hearted souls on a wet, cold, and rainy morning in London England

I can walk.
I linger in the trees.
If you are what you eat,
I could be a nut or a seed.
I get up every morning only to sing.
Who am I?

I like to hold hands.
I like to yell as loud as I can.
My sweet tooth gets the best of me.
I find it hard to sit still.
“No” is my favorite word.
Who am I?

I know wisdom comes with time.
I dream less than others.
I have achieved most of the goals in my life.
I aim to please my loved ones.
I do not fear dying of old age.
Who am I?
Jun 2014 · 454
Picture Perfect
Kenneth Farward Jun 2014
A quick glance and that’s all it took.
Came so close to walking away,
No come back take a second look.
The beauty enhanced the light of day,
It had to be the most perfect picture.

In a frame so cunningly unique,
A frame so elegant and stylish,
Other photos could not compete.
And I could not stop smiling,
This has to be the most perfect picture.

A great green and grassy background,
A mix of different flowers and trees,
All made the art work so profound.
With each passing second I felt more at ease.
Could this be the most perfect picture?

In the fore ground all alone she stood,
I was fascinated she had my attention.
Just looking made me feel good.
Made me forget all of my tension,
This could be the most perfect picture.

Hands folded with a smile so bright,
And eyes as deep as the ocean floor,
Making me feel everything’s alright,
If this is a dream, than I want more.
This might be the most perfect picture.

Comforting, caring, and nothing less,
Truthful and brave she is a queen.
The longer I stare the more I’m impressed.
This can’t be real, this must be a dream.
Character and style, what a great mixture,
Yes she is the most perfect picture.
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
How To Dabble With Ink
Kenneth Farward Dec 2013
At a young age I grasped a pen.
Held it tight in my fist to make circles on a page
As if I was enraged,
But at that age it was all in good fun.
Soon enough someone,
I can’t remember who,
taught me how to hold one.
Pencils became cool.
I could make mistakes in school,
Then erase my error forever forgetting
That I may have been a fool
when spelling my own name with a lowercase K…

A school boy error.
But that’s just what I was.
A school boy.

I remember being introduced to crayons.
I thought to myself,
Every color I could not even imagine.
Colors I could not pronounce,
Colors of pride,
Colors of passion,
And when I was asked to use these colors,
at first being young,
I chose to abuse these colors.

I’d put red where it didn't belong,
And orange where you would think it was wrong.
Use pink for people and purple for pants,
Brown for the ground,

And one time,

Just this one time,
I made the grass blue,
And the clouds green.
That made me laugh,                                        
Because this world was that page,
And that page was mine.
I crossed and I scribbled all over the lines.
And when I was finish I’d go running to tell what I’d done.
My father would look and say
“That’s beautiful son.”
And then my exhibit of art
Would hang neatly from the refrigerator door.
But that
     does not
I grew older.
And as time passed,
the lines grew to be guidelines and laws.

Rules began to apply, I did abide.
My right to be free was strictly denied.
Each stroke of a color, each stroke of a pen!
When would my hand dance freely again?

I learned of letters from A to Z,
In love with language I won spelling bees,
Put consonants with vowels to make words,
Learned adjectives, verbs, nouns, and adverbs.

I was a proud little nerd,
And I still felt this deep discontentment.

An egg hatched and I was not yet a bird.
Where was the wind beneath my wings,
to give me  a feeling fly enough to make me sing?

I began to fall.
Fall fast into the depth of misunderstanding.
If knowledge is power,
Why were my heart and soul disbanding?

In frustration I sat in contemplation,
Pondering thoughts and memories,
of when I was most happy.
Looking through old picture books I found a folded piece of paper with the only solution to my problem.

The page had my name at the bottom.
Lines danced and trapeze from one side of the page to the other.
No sense,
No order,
Just ink.

I understood with a smile,
I hung that picture on my bedroom wall,
I opened a book and held a pen.
On lined paper I put line after line with occasional rhyme.
I used letters to laminate life.
I used words to take flight.
I used sentences to draw dreams.
I used what I knew and what I had seen.

Words are wisdom, what wisdom gains value when not shared with what we know as the world.
So when playing with ink, understand to be free,
understand your responsibility to others when they see what you have created in secrecy, and let there be no limit to what you think is outside that box.
That is how you dabble with ink.
Dec 2013 · 1.9k
The Optimist
Kenneth Farward Dec 2013
How does the competent optimist endure the positives opposite?
The prerogative to remain positive is the only option for an optimist.
Every day is a happy belated celebration of its creation.
Exposing pearly white incisors to express a bipolar condition.
A giant grin with lips spread open.
A face with a giggle in the face of sin to face demons.
The monster with in becomes, a polite ******* delight, a young baby boy eating joy, the excitement emitting the submission to a feeling of complete air under the soles of feet.
The feat of sky walking never lukewarm, a feeling newborn.
Yesterday was the best day ever you could have sworn.
However, today will be so much better the endeavor to find pleasure in everything and whatever.

— The End —