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 Jan 2013 Kendra Gibson
I didn't know the moon could cry
But I saw it with my own eyes
It looked like rain the day you died
As tears fell from the skies

Some people said it was only rain
But I knew the moon was sad
It rose each night to stare at you
'Til the jealous stars got mad

These days it doesn't shine as bright
As it did for you back then
Sometimes it won't come out at night
Its sorrow keeps it in

The sun shines a little longer now
To cover for the moon
Some people say it's longer days
But it's because you left too soon

I saw the moon the other night
Just before the rain
But we know it wasn't rain at all
It's tears from all its pain
Come with me, I said, and no one knew
where, or how my pain throbbed,
no carnations or barcaroles for me,
only a wound that love had opened.

I said it again: Come with me, as if I were dying,
and no one saw the moon that bled in my mouth
or the blood that rose into the silence.
O Love, now we can forget the star that has such thorns!

That is why when I heard your voice repeat
Come with me, it was as if you had let loose
the grief, the love, the fury of a cork-trapped wine

the geysers flooding from deep in its vault:
in my mouth I felt the taste of fire again,
of blood and carnations, of rock and scald.
I have gone out, a cold candle.
Dancing, darting, flickering radiance,
flighty shadows fade back into the night,
but their memory is still on these walls
if you reach out and
touch them.  

I have felt the inhale before the exhale, but
neither as strongly as the pause in between.
Filled with more potential than any dream you’ve ever had,
yet somehow ending the same. Always.

I have surrendered to your breath;
darkness falls.
The Bell rings.
Forms rush past.
                                                     ­            Stand still.
 Jan 2013 Kendra Gibson
There's that saying,
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words can never hurt me."

It's true.

Cause words, words don't just wound.
A single word can bring utter devastation or long-awaited salvation.
No. Words never hurt. They transform.
They create, they grow.
We are all, after all, just big fleshy piles of words.
We're defined and redefined and undefined until we can't defy what we are.
We are words, searching for words, living on words,
waiting for words, to bring us to words.
Words can be violently beautiful and poignantly painful, and powerful, and poetic,
and pure.

Sticks and stones are toys.
Words are tools,
and tombs;
They get tied together 'til tongues get twisted and truth is torn,
but they can be pulled apart 'til they perfectly portray a point...
And my point is this,
that life is nothing more than words,
*just words well-worn.
 Jan 2013 Kendra Gibson
i dream of the end of the world
the only place i find solitude
time for myself is when
i am getting a tattoo
and bleeding myself dry
with ink in my veins
my life is cracking at the edges
and crumpling at the core
and i am not so sure who i am
while sit in solitude in my basement
and drink myself sober
while i put out a cigarette on my arm
because the smoke in my lungs
isnt killing me fast enough
while my friends do nothing
but make sure i go comfortably
to an early grave
while i remember the backrub you gave me
and how you laid in his arms
while i eat a bag of beef jerky
even though im a vegetarian
and the taste of blood in my mouth
makes me sick to my stomach
yet i keep eating because
something had to die
while i try to write this suicide note
with all the eloquence of a poem
and cry for help in the smallest voice
all the while knowing that
i will just ***** our in the end
and end up with one more scar
of many that are there or not
but they all ghost on my soul
i dream of the end of the world
i've been a vegetarian for a year and a half now and went out tonight and bought and ate a bag of beef jerky because i believe that doing something this hateful is the only thing preventing me from killing myself in its own ****** up way. i need help. but i cannot ask. i am not a super hero, just a dead man walking.
We sit here and drink our honesty
Taking it in, sip by sip
Let it burn in our bellies, seek embrace from our *****

I watch your motions
The world flood your eyes
Your thoughts flow freely off your tongue

Constructing thoughts of my own

Constructing my thoughts on you

If tomorrow came to soon
And swept us from our feet

Unable to land, unable to keep

I would try and hold you tight, keep you in my grasp

We may not be perfect, but we hold a strong clasp

Now tomorrow is never for certain, the future is never forever

But if it were up to me

You would be the one I hold at night
I would choose you to commence a fight

Because I feel something within you that I once lacked in myself

A light, your light
A light so bright that it shines with the greatest of ease
And illuminates the quarries from within me that once lay barren

I love you my dear
I love you my sweet
Fill my universe with your light
Make it complete
The weight of the world
     is love.
Under the burden
     of solitude,
under the burden
     of dissatisfaction

     the weight,
the weight we carry
     is love.

Who can deny?
     In dreams
it touches
     the body,
in thought
a miracle,
     in imagination
     till born
in human--
looks out of the heart
     burning with purity--
for the burden of life
     is love,

but we carry the weight
and so must rest
in the arms of love
     at last,
must rest in the arms
     of love.

No rest
     without love,
no sleep
     without dreams
of love--
     be mad or chill
obsessed with angels
     or machines,
the final wish
     is love
--cannot be bitter,
     cannot deny,
cannot withhold
     if denied:

the weight is too heavy

     --must give
for no return
     as thought
is given
     in solitude
in all the excellence
     of its excess.

The warm bodies
     shine together
in the darkness,
     the hand moves
to the center
     of the flesh,
the skin trembles
     in happiness
and the soul comes
     joyful to the eye--

yes, yes,
     that's what
I wanted,
     I always wanted,
I always wanted,
     to return
to the body
     where I was born.

                         San Jose, 1954
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