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ken ken Jun 2013
it seems like there's nothing to write about
when you're not in love
or hurt

I mean that's all you hear in songs isn't it?
love lost and love found
heartbreak and rejection

but what about everything else

the sun looks beautiul on spring mornings at 7 am
I like my sleep,
but at 7 am in early June,
the sun is just so beautiful
sometimes I just have to wake up and stare.

why aren't there any songs about the sun?
ken ken Jun 2013
I want to write you

there are are so many ways to describe you

who are you?
could you be just like me?

we may become the greatest of friends.
we may become lovers.

Lysander and Helena
not exactly a Romeo and Juliet

I could write you.
just the way I imagine you'd be.
I can only dream.
ken ken Jun 2013
you say my name
and it souds so right.
it rolls off your tounge

like you were always meant to say it.

If I were a musician
I would write an entire album of you
and everything I feel when you are near.
ken ken Jun 2013
this is really sad for me

I just smile and hide
when inside
I'm all bruised and beaten and red
because of you
because of me
because of you and you and you
and me and me and me

the shame that runs
with the blood in my veins
to hinder a heart,
to hinder a pain

chosen to hide by me
to avoid divide with She
how weak I seem

o woe is me*

o're the sides of an ivory fountain
crimson water spills
creeping up to my feet
it sinks into the soles of my shoes
and alas,
I give in,
my white laces stained pink.
I sign my heart over to you
with trembling hands,

invisible ink.
I wrote this when I was obsessed with the song "no one's gonna love you" by band of horses

— The End —