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 Nov 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
 Nov 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
at the darkest part of her mind
found a boy dressed in white
with nine
white roses in his hand
for those were her favorite
but then she remembered,
that it was nearly impossible
for a sanity to live with insanity
and she was insanity

sat on her chair, faced the screen
laughs, smiles, they all existed for a while
until he kissed her soft clean skin
and it began burning into ashes
as the skin rotten

hollered for help
with the loudest
and no one heard her
and everyone chose to ignore her
pain loved her
it never left like the boy did
and for every love pain gave her
it ached and broke every bones and skulls she was made of

and she ended it here
just like she promised she would
 Aug 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
you only loved me
when the moon was high
         (and you were, too)
and the stars in your eyes
shone so bright
but not because of me
 Aug 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
it was almost as though ten thousand moons
shone through your irises
but I still felt like I was fumbling my way
through an endless tunnel
desolate and alone
in complete darkness
with no guidance
even though you claimed to be by my side

a hand to hold
a shoulder to cry on
                    the usual clichés
                    few are able to find
 Aug 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
You always use the back button
on your phone,
never the home button.
You’re scared of exiting something completely.
You’re scared of leaving things behind.
You’re scared that home will take you far away.
But home was never meant to be something
to run away from.
It isn’t the park down the street
where you played as a kid,
or the hardwood floor you collapse onto
when hours past midnight become
too much to handle.
It’s not the splintered wood and bent nails
that keep the four walls around you standing.
Home doesn’t have an address.
Home never had an address.
Home was always right here with you.
It’s always right here with you.
So when things become too much
and you feel too weak to push forward,
you will learn to push the home button,
and you will find me.
I will be home for you.
I will always be home for you.
I slammed my leg in the car door yesterday
and it has left me with a decent sized ****
all pretty and painted purple and blue
and for some reason I cannot stop touching it
the pain gives me a rush, or something
reminds me that I can feel things and get hurt
without having to do it to myself
(I haven't cut myself in eighteen days)
The moon waxes,
the waves crash,
days end and nights fall.
And so the world goes on
and turning

Lovers lie peaceful,
tangled in sheets;
like the quick hearts' of birds
theirs' beatbeatbeat

And gardeners they tend
to their blossoming rows,
in hope that their fields
Reap more than they Sow

let their bounty fill hearts,
let those leaves foster love,
let those flowers bring peace
as on the wings of a dove.

And as a final touch,
keep safe the passing of the Days;
allow our mysterious Earth to
go on with its many ways.

And so the World goes on....
 Aug 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
 Aug 2013 Kelsey Pontiff
all that's left of you and I
is the worn out sweater that you left behind
and when I miss you
I throw it over my fragile bones
pretend its you

wrap it round and round and round my body
                          it's huge on me, you know
                          I haven't been eating so much since you've been gone
lonliness           (or maybe insanity)
has driven me to the point
of missing someone
I never even knew

— The End —